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New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 10-Jul-2024 18:38:24
#1 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!

Over on DoomWorld, someone has decided to give AB3D2 TKG the Project Osiris treatment. Moreover, Arcturus, the Project Osiris developer has also joined the effort!


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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 11-Jul-2024 8:13:56
#2 ]
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From: UK


I don't think the art direction, story or level design is strong enough in its original form for this sort of project! Maybe they should wait 5 years and then do an GZDoom version of your Redux Version!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 11-Jul-2024 9:32:58
#3 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


Different people have different views on these things. I'm just happy it's getting some love after all these years.

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 11-Jul-2024 11:10:53
#4 ]
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Fair enough. I saw a few people playing the original version at Kickstart 02 and telling me it was better because it was running faster than your mod. I didn't agree and it is not something I'd personally want to play without better Aliens-type themes added!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 11-Jul-2024 13:25:59
#5 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


Speed is an important factor. I wanted a stronger link between the environment and storyline for the mod. There's a trade off there.

Last edited by Karlos on 11-Jul-2024 at 01:26 PM.

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 12-Jul-2024 6:11:20
#6 ]
Joined: 14-Mar-2005
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From: Germany


Does gzdoom run on an amiga system like 68k, OS4 or MorphOS?

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 13-Jul-2024 9:23:52
#7 ]
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GZDoom is a 3D-accelerated Doom source port based on ZDoom.

Amiga has ZDoom ports.

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 14-Jul-2024 4:01:53
#8 ]
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From: Germany

I loved the gZDoom port for AB3D ....
And would love an good port for AB3D2 too ....
But i think an Doom based port would lack to many things the original Amiga version have ...
(real 3D Models as most important point here)
An port based on the Quake engine looks more suitable to get all original elements and more.


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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 14-Jul-2024 11:35:18
#9 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


Quake is good for AB3D 1 or 2, there are issues caused by the sheer size of single zone areas in some maps. On the other hand, the GZDoom engine is more than capable of handling these and other elements, including ROR geometry, polygon models, etc. Remember, GZDoom is not Chocolate Doom.

If you follow the thread, you'll see they are already at the point of creating voxel alternatives for many of the bitmapped elements.

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 14-Jul-2024 16:19:14
#10 ]
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From: Germany


Yes - i have seen the Voxel examples ... but i cant image to use this on more complex 3D models like the enemy robots or other real 3D enemys with an more difficult geometry as the very simple Triclaw .... (and the 2D robots look .... only bad ....)
I still prefer an port to an quake engine as here 3D models and other more modern features of the AB3D2 engine are no problems that maybe cant good replicated in an Doom based engine (but i am not an expert for Doom engine differences so can only speculate ...).
But we will see ....

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 14-Jul-2024 17:09:02
#11 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


Again, gzdoom fully supports 3D models for any game that wants to use them. Attempts to implement AB3D in Quake have been made in the past and it just doesn't cope with the scale. Quake engine is not optimised for large, open spaces. It's designed for rooms and corridors, where geometry is quickly culled.

The Doom engine just isn't fazed by having huge open spaces. GZ Doom adds the ability for room over room geometry too, so the key features needed for AB3D maps are covered.

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 14-Jul-2024 18:16:24
#12 ]
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From: Germany


you know - there are more advanced quake engine variants available (like more advanced Doom engine variants) ..... it musst not be the "original" quake engine who run quake on Amiga ...

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Long Live T H E [|D|A|R|K^><^E|M|P|I|R|E|]

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 14-Jul-2024 18:31:30
#13 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


Sure, but again, Quake is designed for a different type of map structure. One that is primarily true 3D, 6DOF with fast visibility culling. Improvements are almost always to the rendering path, not the simultaneously visible map area. These maps are arbitrarily complex in the 3D sense but you only ever seen a small volume of them at once.

If you want to see the problem, noclip out of a large map and try to view a decent sized portion of the BSP at once. The hit is generally large.

Games like Doom and AB3D are designed with a completely different map style, one that is simpler (obviously, 2.5D) but isn't bothered much by the size of any given visible area, which can be huge by comparison to quake. There are outdoor areas in Doom and AB3D that extend beyond the far clipping plane of your typical quake bsp renderer, no matter how nicely rendered the in-fustrum part is.

Last edited by Karlos on 15-Jul-2024 at 12:24 PM.
Last edited by Karlos on 15-Jul-2024 at 07:39 AM.

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 14-Jul-2024 18:35:49
#14 ]
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Wait… what?


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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 15-Jul-2024 7:40:03
#15 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


I know, right?

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 15-Jul-2024 20:12:59
#16 ]
Joined: 25-Jan-2010
Posts: 71
From: Bicester, England


all the levels for AB3D1 are available on aminet in the Quake format (but require work) thanks to the tools from John Grivin, which I am sure could be adapted by someone with enough enthusiasm to do the same for AB3D2.

the tools recreate the level geometry in full 3D and identifies doors which can be loaded into a Quake editor like Quark or similar and then hand fettled.

Last edited by Abu_the_monkey on 15-Jul-2024 at 08:14 PM.

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Re: New Alien Breed 3D 2 GZDoom Total Conversion
Posted on 16-Jul-2024 17:14:07
#17 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!

The guys have started giving the blue armoured alien dude (which I always thought was a pure robot, lol) the Cheello treatment. Considering the guy hasn't done any voxel editing, I have to say it looks quite good.

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