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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 20-Mar-2006 23:15:55
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Team Member  |
Joined: 2-Mar-2005 Posts: 2752
From: Poland | | |
| @Jeffshepherd
Why dont you show us what you can do then? |
This argument is SO SILLY. We're The Customers. You know, people with cash who would like to spend it for goods. If you're not going served by not motivated McDonald employee will you:
a) ignore them and go to another fast food provider b) push the kid away, put a cook hat and do your own burger
If someone says "You did nothing" and your reply is "you didn't, too!" keep in mind I didn't announced "two production runs in 2005".Last edited by opi on 20-Mar-2006 at 11:20 PM.
_________________ OpenWindows Initiative. Port PS3 hardware to bananas. For free. Join today and receive expired $50 cupon from AI! |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 20-Mar-2006 23:20:12
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| @hotrod
If you tried to create something, other than complains, you might have behaved in a different way. |
If they are my customers, I try to get thier ideas into consideration. _________________ OpenWindows Initiative. Port PS3 hardware to bananas. For free. Join today and receive expired $50 cupon from AI! |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 20-Mar-2006 23:23:13
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 1-Dec-2005 Posts: 2328
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| @hotrod
Didn't you say the samething about AOS 4? |
Yes, most likely. I like talking about Amiga in general, OS4 is just one of these topics.  Quote:
It won't appear, won't make it, vapour troll troll troll? Or was it someone else? |
Are you talking to me I would certainly be the most happiest guy on earth if I could manage to put my hands on OS4..and..some hardware. |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 20-Mar-2006 23:27:41
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 20-Mar-2006 23:41:20
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Joined: 19-Jun-2005 Posts: 1714
From: Melbourne, Australia | | |
| @Troika
Does that mean antipodeans should be sad?
Good things will come to he who waits |
And if they fail to come, you at least had more months of happy anticipation. |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 20-Mar-2006 23:53:03
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Joined: 17-Jan-2005 Posts: 333
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| @opi
a) ignore them and go to another fast food provider b) push the kid away, put a cook hat and do your own burger
Generally I wait patiently, as do many other people. Perhaps we should join a 'slag Mcdonalds off' forum or maybe, just maybe we could try nicely asking the people who make these products what is happening and see what they say and if after a while we dont see anyting happening we could go elsewhere. |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 20-Mar-2006 23:55:40
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| @hatschi
Do any better than what? Creating a website? I haven't seen anything apart from that. |
Does that mean if you cant see something it doesnt exist? |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 20-Mar-2006 23:58:04
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Joined: 2-Mar-2005 Posts: 2752
From: Poland | | |
| @Jeffshepherd
Generally I wait patiently, as do many other people. |
But there's a line, where you would leave, no?
Perhaps we should join a 'slag Mcdonalds off' |
No, on the healthy market you just move with your cash to someone else.
just maybe we could try nicely asking the people |
Amigans have asked nicely not once and not twice. They did it N-times. _________________ OpenWindows Initiative. Port PS3 hardware to bananas. For free. Join today and receive expired $50 cupon from AI! |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 0:00:48
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Super Member  |
Joined: 19-Jun-2005 Posts: 1714
From: Melbourne, Australia | | |
| @hotrod
Give them a break. They try to cheer people up and what do they get back? |
That's supposed to "cheer people up"? A completely content-less message, which now will have to serve as this fortnight's communication from Troika?
The most that someone might honestly read into this message is that Troika expects *something* positive to happen within the next 9-10 weeks (because after that, spring/autumn is over). Other than that, it's all projection.
"New hardware is coming!" --- uh, no, they didn't say that the good things have anything to do with hardware
"Troika is going to make the world a better place!" --- uh, no again. There is no mention of any involvement by Troika in those "good times"
"The OS4 situation is going to be resolved" --- uh, no.
Don't you guys think there is a REASON why someone would post contentless waffle, when they should be posting answers to relevant and oft-asked questions (like "Do you guys actually have an OS4 license" and "How come Hyperion hasn't yet seen so much as a prototype"), provide tangible updates on project status ("Design passes ERC in Eagle, we are looking for a PCB manufacturer" or "First prototype built; Boots into UBoot, but can't access hard drive" or "Linux is running, we are benchmarking now" or "First 50 production units have arrived, we are testing them"), or, God forbid, put a names and faces to their project.
It's not their fault that the situation is like it is. |
So how IS the situation with respect to Troika? Do you have any idea? OK, let me rephrase that --- do you have any idea which could reasonably, without projection, be derived from Troika's present and past statements? What is the furthest point along the development path for a PPC motherboard which you KNOW Troika to have reached?
So what if they didn't exist, didn't put any comments here, would that be better? |
If, as it currently looks, the Amy05 turns into another SharkPPC (i.e. a lot of stupid announcements, but nothing else), then you bet not being here, not posting pointless semi-announcements would be better. Have a look through some of the recent discussions. Many times, people who were considering real, if painful solutions to the complete lack of OS4 hardware were told that new hardware was coming, from two separate sources even, and that thus in fact no such total lack existed. |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 0:06:26
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Joined: 17-Jan-2005 Posts: 333
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| @opi
But there's a line, where you would leave, no? |
Yes, and I would do it without any whinging at Troika etc.
No, on the healthy market you just move with your cash to someone else. |
From experience one fast food provider is as good as or as bad as any other. |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 0:28:19
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003 Posts: 340
From: Cambridge, UK | | |
| Too many miserable people here.
AFAIK Troika are putting their own money into this venture to try and create hardware for us.
All we do is whinge when it gets delayed because the task isn't simple, and then they've got to somehow locate Amiga Inc, and get an OS licencing scheme from them, and get boards made and pay for the components and test them and all that.
In the end we get a slow PowerPC based SOC on a motherboard at hopefully an affordable price in a reasonable case. They'll sell around a hundred unless they can OEM their hardware solution.
So what if they're a few months late. Who hasn't been late in this market? Give them time, they might reveal something or they might decide that a bunch of ingrates like us doesn't deserve their time and effort. Who else is going to make AmigaOS 4 compatible hardware in the next couple of years anyway? Eyetech probably aren't going to bother any more.
My ex-girlfriend's £30 Freeview box has a 255MHz PowerPC processor in it, with graphics and audio. Maybe someone should port AmigaOS4 to that :p |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 0:32:40
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 1:03:28
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 19-Aug-2003 Posts: 2896
From: Up Rough Demo Squad | | |
| oh my oh my ... this place is getting really sad with a small bunch of very pessimistic and vocal data boys...
troika just wanted to hint that the wait might be over soon, and everybody goes mad... i am taking a break from this place for a little while...
_________________ AOS4 Betatester, Peg2, G4@1ghz, Radeon 9250 256mb, 1gb RAM. |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 1:12:38
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| @spotUP

oboy always calm you down, the drink for relaxing people....
Last edited by d0c on 21-Mar-2006 at 01:14 AM.
_________________ I was a ZX Spectrum owner.... |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 1:14:46
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005 Posts: 836
From: Murcia (Spain) | | |
| @spotUP
Simply i, as well as many others, are tired from people that try to put hope without proof. As Hatschi said, they only simply made a web page without nothing to show to us. Why should i be happy without being showed even a photo of a early proto or such? only words.
_________________ Amiga 1200 desktop. Apollo 030/50 Mhz 8mb ram + ClassicWB + Wb 3.1 Amiga 500 + ACA500plus 8mb + 30gb CF Raspberry Pi 3b+ and Amibian 1.4 Mac Mini G4 1GB Ram with the butterfly!! |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 1:15:53
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| @d0c
Come on guys! Troika have posted a few times on this thread already - don't frighten them off! |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 1:22:20
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| @_ThEcRoW
Troika is getting blindly defended so much now, it is just pathetic. They claim to be making a product with zero proof, post on forums silly little hints and people go out of the way to defend them.
Is there any decent Amiga companies left?
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 1:34:08
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Joined: 1-Aug-2003 Posts: 589
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| Quote:
Rob wrote:
How many people do you know who have a fag on a motorbike. |
Happens every year at the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras...
...Oh, waitaminute, that's "Dykes on Bikes" :)
PS - Just jokes, nothing serious by it. :)_________________ logicalheart wrote: You know that pretty sound you play when the computer starts? You need another one to play when the computer is actually ready to use. Maybe add more for malfunctions and then we'll have music all day. |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 1:35:56
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 3413
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| @OldTimeUser
Accordingly to you, why shouldn't? They are dealing with teh devil himself... so they never were, they never will...  _________________ Indigo 3D Lounge, my second home. The Illusion of Choice | Am*ga |
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Re: Good times around the corner. Posted on 21-Mar-2006 1:54:57
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| @OldTimeUser
What are you talking about? most of the posts are from different people saying "put up or shut up"
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