@billtYou don't need to convert code to C for this changes.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 06-Apr-2009 at 09:16 PM.
_________________http://lifeofliveforit.blogspot.no/Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS
@AllJust noticed the source code is more complete and now available at Github
_________________Philippe 'Elwood' FerrucciSam460 1.10 GhzAmigaOS 4 betatesterAmiga Translator Organisation
@ThreadI even managed to make it work with AmigaOS 4.1 for playing modules.You'll need http://os4depot.net/share/audio/misc/nallepuh.lhaand http://aminet.net/mus/edit/Symphonie.zipOnly use Symphonie Player Pro (do not touch other exe since they could lead to a crash).To prevent any hickups while playing, do Menu/System/Set System Buffer and input 2.Here is a grab of a 32 voices module being played on a Sam440ep@733Mhz (Symphonie was CPU intensive and on AmigaOS 4.1 PEtunia is being used) :http://www.amiga-ng.org/resources/Shymphonie.jpg
Last edited by K-L on 11-Apr-2017 at 07:06 PM.
_________________PowerMac G5 2,7Ghz - 2GB - Radeon 9650 - MorphOS 3.14AmigaONE X1000, 2GB, Sapphire Radeon HD 7700FPGA Replay + DB 68060 at 85Mhz
@K-LThat's a good start. If only we had the play source. The source does have switches for hardware and Toccata support so that can be used to compile an NG version using AHI.