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The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 22-Apr-2008 20:03:14
#1 ]
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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 22-Apr-2008 20:22:10
#2 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 1-Nov-2003
Posts: 574
From: UK


At least the show hasnt been canned completely - the new season starts in June...

Lets hope we get some answers to all the puzzles...

Its scheduled to end in May 2010.

Oh wait I got a bit Lost there, I am thinking of another show...

(Though thinking about it there are similarities, Hyperion are on the island and the freighter crew are sent in by Amiga Inc! But who are the good guys really?!!!)

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 22-Apr-2008 21:47:45
#3 ]
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Joined: 20-Nov-2002
Posts: 3589
From: Dallas, Texas


I give it to Xmas, then I'm out.


2017 Camaro 2SS

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 22-Apr-2008 21:50:52
#4 ]
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Joined: 2-Dec-2003
Posts: 699
From: Sandy, Utah. USA


I wonder if this is a delay tactic by AmigaInc.,
or if they doubt the merit of their own accusations against Hyperion,
or if they just wanted to sue first, and come up with a reason afterwards?
Or maybe a bit of all those?

Sam460 : X1000 : X5000

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 22-Apr-2008 21:58:08
#5 ]
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From: Rocket City, USA



logicalheart wrote:

I wonder if this is a delay tactic by AmigaInc.,
or if they doubt the merit of their own accusations against Hyperion,
or if they just wanted to sue first, and come up with a reason afterwards?
Or maybe a bit of all those?

Hyperion has been delaying the suit since it started, they pulled the delay on this and it is their lawyer who is going to be "unavailable" for next 35 days. Hyperions objection to the amended complaint was another delaying tactic, plus of course we have the two additional suits they have filed to further muddy the waters.

We played the first thing that came to our heads, it just happened to be the best song in the world.

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 22-Apr-2008 22:03:49
#6 ]
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Joined: 31-Jul-2007
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From: Alpha Centauri

Amiga has 6 of the buggers, why do they all need leave?

C= Amiga addict
Couldn't care less what other people think, seeing that there's concrete evidence they don't.

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 22-Apr-2008 22:12:25
#7 ]
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Joined: 30-Sep-2005
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From: Quattro Stelle


The best thing to do is to ignore them.

As long as I have the Minimig (fully compatible) and maybe the Natami then I am quite happy.

Let's be honest, there is no way Amiga will ever be back to its former glory. Its management team has always been a thorn in Amiga's side...quite a big bunch of incompetent and greedy people, so day after day I am getting more and more convinced that Amiga is a lost cause.

Let's concentrate on stuff that is tangible. I am enjoying my Amigas, Minimig and hopefully a Natami, in the meantime a fast pc with great games (Crysis!)


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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 22-Apr-2008 23:29:23
#8 ]
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Joined: 31-Jul-2007
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From: Alpha Centauri


Hehe yeah, but they are ahead in the 20/21th century missmanagment awads! My neck hairs have been working out lately playing doom3, well atleast a bit, i got quite sic of it when i found myself walking in circles in the delta labs.

C= Amiga addict
Couldn't care less what other people think, seeing that there's concrete evidence they don't.

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 0:17:39
#9 ]
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From: Unknown


Amiga has 6 of the buggers, why do they all need leave?

Kinsel is Hyperion's lawyer, he is the one wanting leave.



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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 5:11:34
#10 ]
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From: Cologne * Germany



damocles wrote:


Amiga has 6 of the buggers, why do they all need leave?

Kinsel is Hyperion's lawyer, he is the one wanting leave.

Hmmmmm - what I read in the court document is:
"This matter is before court for a ruling on plaintiff's motion to leave to file an amanded complaint."

In the header of this page you can read:

"AMIGA,INC., a Delaware corporation,
HYPERION VOF, a Belgium corporation,

So it should be clear that AInc's lawyers are the ones wanting the leave...


If someone enjoys marching to military music, then I already despise him.
He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 7:18:09
#11 ]
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Rudei wrote:

I give it to Xmas, then I'm out.


Well, look at the bright side. Maybe Solid State Drives will be perfected by then so we can have something decent by when and if Amiga ever comes out with new hardware. I was reading on another forum that their 5400 RPM laptop was faster than their SSD (Solid State Drive) because it took two days to write to it.

What could be the possibilities for this lawyer tactic? Are they in secret negotiations to settle the lawsuit? Are they short of cash for the lawsuit? Are they making the lawsuit more expensive for the other side? Are they trying to find another lawyer to take the case? Or did one side run out of ideas and need time to re-think the lawsuit?

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 7:46:07
#12 ]
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 2843
From: Essex, UK


I give it to Xmas, then I'm out.

I was one of the keenest Amigans around, an OS4 beta tester and constantly campaigned for everything Amiga doing shows all over the country (Birmingham, Essex, Bath, Newcastle and Alt Woa etc.) I still help to run SEAL but am now very happy with my iMac and all things Apple which is why SEAL carries on with Mac OS (South Essex Apple Link), although we do still have some Amiga only members you can count them on one hand!

It is time to move on for me, I can't be waiting forever to use again what was once my favourite computer, Mac OSX is without doubt far better than Amiga OS ever was, which is a hard thing to admit.

SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card.

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 8:18:41
#13 ]
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Joined: 1-Nov-2003
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From: UK


There is also mention that the defense has a "Notice of Unavailability" and "in light of" which they dont have to answer until June...

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 9:02:55
#14 ]
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From: me To: you



Dandy wrote:


damocles wrote:

Kinsel is Hyperion's lawyer, he is the one wanting leave.

Hmmmmm - what I read in the court document is:
"This matter is before court for a ruling on plaintiff's motion to leave to file an amanded complaint."

In the header of this page you can read:

"AMIGA,INC., a Delaware corporation,
HYPERION VOF, a Belgium corporation,

So it should be clear that AInc's lawyers are the ones wanting the leave...

i suggest you re-read it as you are wrong. Amiga won the motion (as you stated its for leave to file an amanded complaint) and at the end state that defendants lawyer is unavailable.

you can even see this in #102 where he states it himself!

if you miss a simple thing like this, what else do you misunderstand?


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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 9:15:43
#15 ]
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Joined: 30-Sep-2005
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From: Quattro Stelle


I just urge anyone who is unhappy with this situation to just move on and keep an eye on the Amiga front...

Don't miss out on great games like WOW, D3, Q4, Crysis, HL2. Get yourself a pc with a decent graphics card and have fun, otherwise you'll just get as bitter and bitter, just like me!

I am having fun with my basic A1200, A600 and Minimig but I am also blasting away baddies on a quad cpu with a Crossfire graphics cards set up...awesome!

I can't believe Amiga/Hyperion are doing this to us and to the Amiga name.


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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 12:37:40
#16 ]
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Joined: 20-Dec-2003
Posts: 215
From: Sunshine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


So it should be clear that AInc's lawyers are the ones wanting the leave...

i suggest you re-read it as you are wrong. Amiga won the motion (as you stated its for leave to file an amanded complaint) and at the end state that defendants lawyer is unavailable.

MC>The defendant is Hyperion.

MC>Amiga is the plaintiff.

you can even see this in #102 where he states it himself!

if you miss a simple thing like this, what else do you misunderstand?[/quote]

MC> Quite true...

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 12:50:32
#17 ]
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Joined: 20-Dec-2003
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From: Sunshine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Amiga will simply redraft a new complaint... which will summarise facts as they have been proven to the court... and thus will avoid the tendency to re-argue points that are no longer relevant.

This should prove popular with anyone who is following the case as it ought to be easier to read.

Given the obvious delaying tactics used by Hyperion the case might finish by the end of the year.

2 years for a case like this is about normal. Remember that this OS4 fiasco has been on the boil since about 2000... that's 8 years!!!! 2 years isn't so bad!

At the end of this OS4 can be distributed with new hardware again... at the moment it can't.

...that's why they're in court!!!

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 13:06:45
#18 ]
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Joined: 1-Oct-2004
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From: France


IANANE (I Am Not A Native English but I guess all your understanding problems come from the fact that many of you are forgetting that in english "leave" not only means "to quit" but also "to seek permission for" and that is exactly what Ainc is try doing : they are seeking permission to amend their initial complaints. And this was just granted by the court with this very document.

Oh and being "unavailable" does not mean that you are "leaving" the suit, Hyperion's lawyer just informed the court that he will be busy on other things and asked the court to not enforce anwser delay that he will not be able to meet because of this unavailability (that was also granted)

AOS 4.1 : I dream it, Hyperion did it !
Now dreaming AOS 4.2...
Thank you to all devs involved for this great job !

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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 13:16:30
#19 ]
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni



by sicky on 23-Apr-2008 8:46:07


I give it to Xmas, then I'm out.

I was one of the keenest Amigans around, an OS4 beta tester and constantly campaigned for everything Amiga doing shows all over the country (Birmingham, Essex, Bath, Newcastle and Alt Woa etc.) I still help to run SEAL but am now very happy with my iMac and all things Apple which is why SEAL carries on with Mac OS (South Essex Apple Link), although we do still have some Amiga only members you can count them on one hand!

It is time to move on for me, I can't be waiting forever to use again what was once my favourite computer, Mac OSX is without doubt far better than Amiga OS ever was, which is a hard thing to admit.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Echoes !! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: The lawsuit... a never ending story.
Posted on 23-Apr-2008 13:40:36
#20 ]
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Joined: 27-Dec-2003
Posts: 5116
From: New Zealand



Tigger wrote:
Hyperion has been delaying the suit since it started, they pulled the delay on this and it is their lawyer who is going to be "unavailable" for next 35 days. Hyperions objection to the amended complaint was another delaying tactic, plus of course we have the two additional suits they have filed to further muddy the waters.

So when A Inc object to Hyperion's documents, it's a good counter action; but, when Hyperion objects, they're just stalling. When A Inc. adds another lawsuit it's a masterful tactic, but when Hyperion does, they're just "muddying the waters."

Suggesting that Mr Kinsel's unavailability not genuine is overly presumptuous. He may have genuine reasons why he can't be there that are unrelated to the case.

We all know that this is going to take years unless they come to their senses and settle out of court.


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