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AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 10:13:46
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Jan-2005
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From: Unknown

It was probably a long time coming, but it seems that some of the people involved with AROS are now working on a new "Amiga inspired" OS called Anubis:

While it's not going to use any(?) AROS code, so it's not an AROS fork - it does have some/many AROS people involved. And it's hard to see someone working on *two* OSes at once (at least for very long). Seems like it could spell the death of AROS development (?), which was already quite slow...

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 10:40:59
#2 ]
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Well, but the new OS for which systems it is? because they continue with their politic only for x86 when in this sytems there are best alternatives to Windos, they can work in the PPC systems for MAC, Efika, Sam, and AmigaOne, I shall be disposed to pay money for one version of AROS or Anubis or Isis that it works fine in my Efika.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 11:04:09
#3 ]
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There is mention of using a stripped-down Linux kernel, so presumably a PPC port would be possible. And if they are designing a modern OS, then porting to different architectures (e.g. 64-bit if it isn't already) would be very easy.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 11:06:55
#4 ]
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From: Daoulas, Bretagne, France

Anubis being implemented on the Linux kernel (read only kernel here, that means no unix-like disk structure but an Amiga-like one... and all that is built on top of the kernel will be with Amiga in mind), it will work everywhere the Linux kernel works. So I wouldn't worry for Efika, SAM and others.

Btw nothing prevents Anubis developers to use AROS code, except the license. But not all the AROS code is APL, and the (main) part which is has been done by a hundred of people or so, so it's still possible to ask them individually if they would agree to let their code go to LGPL. In fact several of them already had a positive answer to this question.

EDIT: and in fact parts of Anubis could be APL-based without a problem, even if it's a temporary solution.

Last edited by Ball000 on 09-Nov-2008 at 11:11 AM.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 11:33:46
#5 ]
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Anubis being implemented on the Linux kernel (read only kernel here, that means no unix-like disk structure but an Amiga-like one... and all that is built on top of the kernel will be with Amiga in mind)

Hmm, there is DragonFly BSD by Matthew Dillon, having few amiga inspired things. But i maybe linux kernel is better solution drivers etc.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 11:53:07
#6 ]
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Right now its a waste of time IMHO.
Scrap the idea unless you plan to be bigger than RedHat & 100% sure you can win.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 11:55:39
#7 ]
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From: Perugia, ITALY


So another split in a just splitted os?
WOW... how intelligent...

Last edited by Tuxedo on 09-Nov-2008 at 11:55 AM.

Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 12:05:15
#8 ]
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That's right. AROS is still in early stages (still alpha) and they split it up. I don't see a reason. Or if they understood that AROS has no future.


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 12:07:21
#9 ]
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Well, I don't know what they are building.....
But I imagine they will be building something, that while functional as a stand alone OS, will allow the AROS libs and API to be utilised somehow. I doubt they will throw away all the hard work they've been doing on AROS. If I'm right, Anubis would essentially be a light OS to host AROS. An OS with memory protection and completely re-written Workbench clone. Probably something that will one day host AROS/Amiga libs in a sandbox. As they are stripping a linux kernal, it may still maintain essential linux functionality, to easily allow the porting of Linux apps.

Rogue mentioned that a future version of OS4 may run existing, non-memory protected apps, in a sort of sandbox. This is controvercial as it could result in a significant change to the API, or at least cut out some of the funny stuff people are doing. Anubis would be one step to accomplish such a thing with the AROS stack.

My hope would be that it is an Amiga like OS, that also hosts AROS apps, AND can to a large extent ease in the porting of Linux apps. They are stripping the Linux bloat and probably Amigafying how it works. AROS is unusable as an everyday OS, and doesn't look like that will change any day soon. Anubis may give the Open Source Amiga effort, a leg up in terms of usability and gives them a chance to even overtake OS4 in applications and functionality. Not to mention with a linux based kernal, and compatable drivers even deliver enhanced hardware compatability.

This is a great idea to bring AROS or the open source Amiga effort forward, if that is their intent. It's commonly hosted by Linux now, so what is the problem?

Last edited by BigBentheAussie on 09-Nov-2008 at 12:16 PM.
Last edited by BigBentheAussie on 09-Nov-2008 at 12:10 PM.

Leo Nigro, CTO Commodore USA, LLC
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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 12:11:38
#10 ]
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From: Unknown


We have completely split up. Classic AmigaOS, AmigaOS 4.1, MorphOS 2.1, AROS and now Anubis. Do we have enough time for all these? I think not. The days we had plenty of time are passed away. So we have to focus on one or at least two.

Last edited by Phantom on 09-Nov-2008 at 12:12 PM.


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 12:16:14
#11 ]
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From: UK

Right, I'm going to say it, Good! AROS is moving painfully slowly and then only towards something that was out of date when they started, never mind now. Just how many years has it's been now?

I don't think I'm alone when what I want is something at least as modern as OS4.1 or MorphOS 2.1 only on i386 hardware. So good luck boys.

Rage quited 29th May 2011

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 12:17:01
#12 ]
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From: Elche (Alicante), spain

Another linux distro; other windows manager on top of a linux kerner.Nothing new under the sun.


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 12:32:59
#13 ]
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Joined: 2-Mar-2005
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From: Poland


You're so right, man.

Bulding of top of kernel that delivers drivers and subsystems. It will never work in Amiga world! I have never seen something good wtih Linux kernel targeting Amiga land.

BTW: How much Amithlon copies sold?

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 12:48:05
#14 ]
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Well, but if the port to Sam still isn't finish, in x86 there are some things that not works very fine as the sound, why they to begin with new proyect when they haven't finish fully the current AROS, because yes, I tested it in x86, and VWware version and both version not works very fine, the sound, the hardware support, as you can use the files that you donwload from Aminet, if AROS not recognize one pendrive or one CD with multisesion, it is to begin the house for the tile roof.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 12:53:28
#15 ]
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From: Cambridge, UK

If a significant portion of the AROS developers have moved away, it does pretty much suggest that AROS will not progress far beyond what it is now.

However AROS is a dead end in many ways now we have OS 4.1. I did have hopes that in some theoretical future more powerful Minimig that it could have been used to create a firmware and system without requiring official ROMs.

Using the Linux kernel does bring a number of benefits - it's well tested, has modern kernel features, it has drivers for pretty much everything including graphics (nvidia and ati especially, but I don't know how much they're tied into Drivers are a big problem for AROS due to the limited resources.

I presume that the plan for an Amiga-like userspace would involve using an Amiga-like filesystem (down the line, I'm sure Linux filesystems will suffice initially) and filesystem structure, Zune/MUI toolkit, Workbench/Wanderer, etc. Possibly running on top of or one of the lightweight alternatives, or on the graphics hardware directly (although that is what happens with these days mostly anyway).

The new OS may also have support for AROS binaries as well, in a similar way that Mac OS X had support for OS 9 binaries.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 13:10:15
#16 ]
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We have completely split up. Classic AmigaOS, AmigaOS 4.1, MorphOS 2.1, AROS and now Anubis. Do we have enough time for all these? I think not. The days we had plenty of time are passed away. So we have to focus on one or at least two.

I am using MorphOS and real Amiga only but what about those who dont find it satisfying? That is right, we can not support every Amiga incarnation out there. Why should we? Lets support the system we like most was it Anubis or something else.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 13:29:48
#17 ]
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I'm using MorphOS too. But the annoying thing is when you go to a website to download some app for Amiga you see 4 different downloads. One for 68k, one for AmigaOS-PPC, one for MorphOS and one for AROS, for example. This reminds me like Windows: 95, 98, Me, XP, Vista all of these have different downloads.


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 13:54:45
#18 ]
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From: Freedom world



I'm using MorphOS too. But the annoying thing is when you go to a website to download some app for Amiga you see 4 different downloads. One for 68k, one for AmigaOS-PPC, one for MorphOS and one for AROS, for example. This reminds me like Windows: 95, 98, Me, XP, Vista all of these have different downloads.

I dont see problem. In good old years you have separate downloads for 68k, PUP and WUP builds and separate versions for CGX and AGA. Sometimes there were also separate versions for Kickstart 1.x and Kickstart 2.x, sometimes there were optimized versions for 680x0 instead of a plain 68000 version.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 14:14:08
#19 ]
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Yes but everything was for one and only Amiga related. Now everything it's different.


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 14:23:44
#20 ]
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From: Melbourne, Australia


BTW: How much Amithlon copies sold?

More than AmigaONEs.

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