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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2009 22:29:13
#101 ]
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But it is fair to compair Windows 2000 with Vista, and many people prefer the almost decade older OS.

Rage quited 29th May 2011

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2009 23:09:03
#102 ]
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But it is fair to compair Windows 2000 with Vista, and many people prefer the almost decade older OS.

Vista was released in 2007.
Windows 2000 was released in 2000.

That's 7 years.

Anyway, you don't have to compare Vista to anything else to see it really sucks and is bloated... And we're talking about AmigaOS/MorphOS, right ? Why bringing Windows on the table ?


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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 0:07:11
#103 ]
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No OS fighting please.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 15:01:22
#104 ]
Joined: 13-Feb-2009
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From: Padova, Italy

I am a Joe user and I don't care about trance or petunia, cgx or p96, mui or reaction, optimization or not.
Peopole using the 2 amigaoses in the same machine could tell us which is fast in everyday normal usage (watching videos,surfing internet,browsing images on hd,etc). We have always seen that MorphOS boots faster than OS4 so, for now, blue 1 red 0.
So teh world may know.

Last edited by maurensen on 14-Feb-2009 at 03:10 PM.

Excuse me in advance for my very poor english.
PowerBook G4 15" 1,67ghz running OSX (for now), MorphOS (when it's done!).

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 15:33:14
#105 ]
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MorphOS boots from power on faster, but OS4.1 warm reboots faster than MorphOS reboots.

I use both, I wouldn't say one was significantly faster than the other.

Rage quited 29th May 2011

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 15:43:40
#106 ]
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But warm reboot isn't reliable.

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 15:55:14
#107 ]
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Isn't it?

I've been using it perfectly well for the last 3/4 years now.

Rage quited 29th May 2011

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 16:01:19
#108 ]
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After a bad crash (which is generally the reason for a reboot), it can sometimes fail to boot properly if you use a warm reboot.

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 16:04:30
#109 ]
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Reminded me of when I was drinking a GT first time I went to Kenya. Some nitwit came over and explained to me that tonic doesn't work in Africa. I go like: Whatcha mean doesn't work? It makes my gin taste less evil, that seems to be more or less excactly what I've always used tonic for.

OF course I know quinine doesn't kill Plasmodium Falciparum anymore, but that's hardly the number one reason people purchase GT's in bars...

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 16:06:27
#110 ]
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It has never once failed to warm reboot, sometime it crashes so bad you have to turn the power off, but that is not the same as being unstable after a warm reboot.

Rage quited 29th May 2011

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 16:09:00
#111 ]
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From: Lille


MorphOS boots from power on faster, but OS4.1 warm reboots faster than MorphOS reboots.

I use both, I wouldn't say one was significantly faster than the other.

Thanks for your comment. The very first relevant one in this thread

Anyone else using both OSes on Peg2 willing to give us a feedback?

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 16:18:05
#112 ]
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And yet, it can happen.

For instance, i could reproduce it with a mplayer crash (i naively forgot that under os4, user was always required to guess the stack a random program uses). After such a crash, only reset button helped.

Last edited by Fab on 14-Feb-2009 at 04:21 PM.

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 16:18:19
#113 ]
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OF course I know quinine doesn't kill Plasmodium Falciparum anymore, but that's hardly the number one reason people purchase GT's in bars...

I think only few will understand your example.
Nice reference though.

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 16:28:44
#114 ]
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Persoannaly i think they're both about as good as each other, my early experience of MorphOS suggested it was a bit more buggy, but I traced that down to a dodgy hard drive. d'oh!

I've been meaning to write a more detail description of the likes and dislikes of each,

For OS4.1
Screen draging,
warm reboot,
The CLI starting in the active draw that's open
more traditional feel,

For MorphOS
able to power down from software
scroll bars in shell

That sort of thing, but I can't be bothered.

Rage quited 29th May 2011

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 17:39:08
#115 ]
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From: Padova, Italy

abalaban wrote:
@kiero & @jPV

I won't spend all day long talking with you if you don't want to understand what I'm saying. it was just to say that what you would be benchmarking is how well written and optimized is a 3rd party soft on one OS compared to another 3rd party soft on another OS.
Results won't indicate anything about the OS (and even if you are rigourous not even about the softs, because you changed almost all the conditions, OS *and* Soft).
Else it's easy to hedge results, I just have to very poorly code one soft that pretend to do one thing on MorphOS and compare that to a carefully written and optimized one under AOS4...

I admited such *tests* might indicate which OS provides better *user experience* to do such or such thing, but again that won't be *OS benchmarks*, that would be OS comparison (which might be interesting too I agree on that). Now if you don't want to hear me then no need to continue polluting this thread, I have said what I had to say, now everyone is free to make is own mind, I certainly don't want to impose mine.

What I find somewhat "problematic" with such answer is that it does look a lot like a preemptive strike. I mean, we could of course discuss a lot about the validity of this and that benchmark, after the benchmark has been done, and we could also discuss why the results have been like that and so on.
But dismissing the whole concept of benchmarks and comparison tests before?!? I just can't see why... I am one of those interested in as much datas there can be now that we can compare the OSes on the same HW. Of course we should take numbers with a punch of salt, but we need to see some numbers before...

It has always amused me to a point the fact that, as you can see also in this thread, MorphOS developers (kiero, itix, Fab) for first are curious about such comparisons. And that some AmigaOS users/supporters seem not to want to even get to see them. Why? It wouldn't be that strange if in some cases AmigaOS 4 looked better in some tests.

I hope someone will eventually run some comparisons (and yes, running the same sw, i.e. Quake3, on the same hw would tell a little bit about the possible user experience) and will publish the results somewhere.

Kind regards,

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 18:43:49
#116 ]
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Now the world may know ;) No more talking...

Up to 115+ posts now and still no quantifiable facts or metrics to be seen. Surprised?

ExecSG Team Lead

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 19:32:38
#117 ]
Joined: 13-Feb-2009
Posts: 18
From: Padova, Italy


Ok, let's say now we are 1.5-1.0 for MorphOS. The half point is because mos cold reboot at about the same speed of os4 warm reboot...
So we have the first bench after 6 pages of this 3d... not so bad
Now, another 6 pages of chit-chat and maybe we'll know f. ex. which quake version is faster

Excuse me in advance for my very poor english.
PowerBook G4 15" 1,67ghz running OSX (for now), MorphOS (when it's done!).

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 19:44:54
#118 ]
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How do you get it to show the framerate in quake?

Rage quited 29th May 2011

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 19:52:01
#119 ]
Joined: 13-Feb-2009
Posts: 18
From: Padova, Italy

Dunno, but I think there are more Quake addicted than me that can give you an answer.


Excuse me in advance for my very poor english.
PowerBook G4 15" 1,67ghz running OSX (for now), MorphOS (when it's done!).

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 14-Feb-2009 20:22:37
#120 ]
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Yeah. Like maybe google or something.

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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