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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 20:06:16
#61 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Dec-2004
Posts: 3398
From: Freedom world


Can I borrow your time machine?

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 20:27:17
#62 ]
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Joined: 4-Jan-2005
Posts: 416
From: New Zealand



itix wrote:

Can I borrow your time machine?

Next youll be wanting to borrow one of my 13 A500s 8 B2000s 3 A600s 9 CD32s 6 A1200s 1 A3000T 1 Draco 9 A4000s 1 A1 and 1 SAM

hmm did I miss any model


I have never owned or used anything but an Amiga for the last 20+ years so I don't need a time machine to enjoy THE OS

edit: damn, while viewing other threads in another sig I noticed CDTV, got 1 of those too, also now I think about it, I missed the first model... LOL 1 A1000 too... never wanted an A3000D if anyone is wondering

Last edited by Slayer on 12-Feb-2009 at 08:36 PM.
Last edited by Slayer on 12-Feb-2009 at 08:35 PM.

~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~
1x AmigaOne X5000 2.0GHz 2gM RadeonR9280X AOS4.x
3x AmigaOne X1000 1.8GHz 2gM RadeonHD7970 AOS4.x

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 20:37:04
#63 ]
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Joined: 22-Dec-2004
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From: Freedom world


I just thought you time travelled from year 1999 to check out what Amiga is 10 years later.

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 20:39:22
#64 ]
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Posts: 416
From: New Zealand



itix wrote:

I just thought you time travelled from year 1999 to check out what Amiga is 10 years later.

You chaps will never kill the Amiga

watch Braveheart LOL

~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~
1x AmigaOne X5000 2.0GHz 2gM RadeonR9280X AOS4.x
3x AmigaOne X1000 1.8GHz 2gM RadeonHD7970 AOS4.x

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 20:45:35
#65 ]
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Joined: 22-Dec-2004
Posts: 3398
From: Freedom world



edit: damn, while viewing other threads in another sig I noticed CDTV, got 1 of those too, also now I think about it, I missed the first model... LOL 1 A1000 too... never wanted an A3000D if anyone is wondering

Now get your Pegasos from AWN classifieds. It is the most expensive Amiga gear you can get.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 20:56:31
#66 ]
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Joined: 22-Dec-2004
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From: Freedom world


Why do you think I would want to kill Amiga. I have got two Amigas here, Amiga 500 with Kickstart 1.3 and Pegasos 2/G4.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 21:10:36
#67 ]
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From: New Zealand


I'm just referring to the 'purist' Amiga spirit

Personally I don't consider any of the Amiga-like OSs as Amiga but that's just me... It was fine to branch off and do you're own thing but you can't take Amiga with you and why the hell would you want too... that I will never understand...

People who couldn't wait went in another direction and that is fine, use the new OS of choice, but really leave the Amiga alone... heh

If any of you started off on an Amiga and you were once under the spell of what has and always will be the Amiga Spirit then why in gods name are you hassling the Amiga in any sense of the word... you abandoned it so just move on... there is no hard feelings

AmigaOS is left for us and us alone

~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~
1x AmigaOne X5000 2.0GHz 2gM RadeonR9280X AOS4.x
3x AmigaOne X1000 1.8GHz 2gM RadeonHD7970 AOS4.x

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 21:17:57
#68 ]
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Posts: 416
From: New Zealand


I'd probably buy another new SAM before I considered buying anything 'modern' second hand - I've already paid for OS4 on 3 different systems, not sure I'd want to pay again for PEG.

~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~
1x AmigaOne X5000 2.0GHz 2gM RadeonR9280X AOS4.x
3x AmigaOne X1000 1.8GHz 2gM RadeonHD7970 AOS4.x

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 22:08:06
#69 ]
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I'm just referring to the 'purist' Amiga spirit

If this spirit means you're stubborned, close minded, then I'm happy I'm not part of it.

No matter how good it can be...


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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 22:24:51
#70 ]
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Leo wrote:

I'm just referring to the 'purist' Amiga spirit

If this spirit means you're stubborned, close minded, then I'm happy I'm not part of it.

No matter how good it can be...

And you're happy to use everything you possibly can from any possible OS and everything else on this planet etc is exactly why people can't be happy anymore

and it is freaking good to be content and I'm certainly alot happier than you I can tell you now... LOL

You live in a world driven by the wrong goals and outlook and I'll live inspite of it, quietly on the side... peace and joy and AOS4 for me

~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~
1x AmigaOne X5000 2.0GHz 2gM RadeonR9280X AOS4.x
3x AmigaOne X1000 1.8GHz 2gM RadeonHD7970 AOS4.x

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 23:54:32
#71 ]
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Joined: 19-Jun-2005
Posts: 1714
From: Melbourne, Australia


You chaps will never kill the Amiga

watch Braveheart LOL

Uh, you *did* watch past the famous mooning scene, all the way to the end, right?

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 12-Feb-2009 23:58:16
#72 ]
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Joined: 21-Aug-2003
Posts: 1597
From: Unknown


You live in a world driven by the wrong goals and outlook and I'll live inspite of it, quietly on the side... peace and joy and AOS4 for me

Nice one... didn't know :)


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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2009 0:04:29
#73 ]
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From: New Zealand



umisef wrote:

You chaps will never kill the Amiga

watch Braveheart LOL

Uh, you *did* watch past the famous mooning scene, all the way to the end, right?

I shall explain for the group that always seem to miss a point. Sure in Braveheart he dies but he didn't give up his wish for freedom even under torture

The wish for freedom is compariable to the AmigaOS spirit

same drive just different car

~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~
1x AmigaOne X5000 2.0GHz 2gM RadeonR9280X AOS4.x
3x AmigaOne X1000 1.8GHz 2gM RadeonHD7970 AOS4.x

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2009 0:05:21
#74 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 16-Mar-2004
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG


You're a funny guy.

My programs:
MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2009 8:31:34
#75 ]
Joined: 26-Nov-2007
Posts: 12
From: Apathy


Bla, Bla, Bla.
Was all i heard, stop talking about amiga spirit, when there are only clones left!

Saying to me that any of these systems are amiga is insulting.
Amiga will never return before all user stand united as one community again.


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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2009 8:47:35
#76 ]
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Joined: 22-Apr-2005
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From: Lille


Back on topic please. We still are waiting for benchmarks.
So, for instance, how Mplayer compares on Peg2?

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2009 8:57:13
#77 ]
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From: France


(oddly) these are not the same sources that was used in both port, so using it to compare system speed would be like using Safari on MacOS and Konqueror on Linux on the same machine to see which one is quicker...

AOS 4.1 : I dream it, Hyperion did it !
Now dreaming AOS 4.2...
Thank you to all devs involved for this great job !

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2009 9:07:26
#78 ]
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"(oddly) these are not the same sources that was used in both port, so using it to compare system speed would be like using Safari on MacOS and Konqueror on Linux on the same machine to see which one is quicker..."

so? if they give same result why not copare them? you are comparing movie playback on both systems. it should be easy to pick some features movie player has to support and compare. same for other applications. i see no reason (and even a possibility, giving the fact that both OSs give different possibilities to programmer) to require from compared applications being compiled from same source.

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2009 9:16:13
#79 ]
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From: France


I forgot to end my sentence what I said is it's like using Safari under MacOS and Konqueror under Linux to see which is quicker *between MacOS and Linux*.

And what I was implying is that we all know that Fab has spend some time optimizing MPlayer under MorphOS with pretty good results.
Then maybe you'd better compare MOS Mplayer with AOS4 DvPlayer if you want to compare functionnality wise, but if you want to benchmark (and that they can ba valid) you should use same source (modulo OS specifics like for example OS4's Interfaces, or even using CGFX under MOS and Picasso under AOS4 if you like).

AOS 4.1 : I dream it, Hyperion did it !
Now dreaming AOS 4.2...
Thank you to all devs involved for this great job !

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Re: OS4 VS MorphOS on the same hardware
Posted on 13-Feb-2009 10:06:54
#80 ]
Joined: 15-Apr-2004
Posts: 84
From: Unknown


"And what I was implying is that we all know that Fab has spend some time optimizing MPlayer under MorphOS with pretty good results.
Then maybe you'd better compare MOS Mplayer with AOS4 DvPlayer if you want to compare functionnality wise"

Sure, why not. Select some popular movie formats (x264 at some dvd resolution, some mpeg-4 sample, some divx) and benchmark.

For games just pick for example Q3. It's probably most advanced game existing for AmigaOS4 (which includes benchmarking functionality). Maybe Q1/Q2 too (have any idea about other 3D software that can be used?)

"but if you want to benchmark (and that they can ba valid) you should use same source (modulo OS specifics like for example OS4's Interfaces, or even using CGFX under MOS and Picasso under AOS4 if you like)."

I see no easy and meaningfull way to test basic modules (and i don't know what you mean by testing OS4's Interfaces). You could write some gfx benchmark but it won't really mean much for the user. More meaningfull would be datatypes speed for example (they combine wider range of functionality). What matters is what user gets and this should be benchmarked (using similar software where possible).

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