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Re: down?
Posted on 16-Feb-2010 7:27:03
#401 ]
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Joined: 13-Nov-2003
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From: Melbourne



Dandy wrote:


number6 wrote:


@Linnar: Bill, is that you?

nope. This is Bill:

He's got a ways to go to catch Tomazkid in post count.


How does it come that his "num of complaints" is 0?
How does it come that he's "restricted for" 0 days, given how much he abused the "Amiga" name?

Oh that's funny. Done enough yourself in this thread yet?

It's not the question that's the problem, it's the problem that's the question.

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Re: down?
Posted on 16-Feb-2010 11:12:28
#402 ]
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Joined: 24-Mar-2003
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From: Cologne * Germany



SHADES wrote:

-> No it doesn't, but complaing till the company folds from lack of support isn't helping your cause in getting your money back or anything for the future mind you. Not rocket science here Dandy.

It helps my cause if frauds disappear from the scene...


SHADES wrote:

-> You should get over it because if you continue and grow in to an AMIGA hate group, there will be no more AMIGA

I'm not going to grow in to an AMIGA hate group.

I'm not hating Amiga (the machine), I hate the fraudulous behaviour the last incarnations of AInc (the company) demonstrtated.


SHADES wrote:

-> You don't know me very well bub. I doubt it.

To be honest, I don't know you at all.


SHADES wrote:

lol. I got my T-Shirt. Heck, I'd pay $2 just to stop you from crying :( lol

You seem to be a wealthy man, if you can pay 2$ to everybody that is crying...


SHADES wrote:

they struggle more than you

-> Fanboy ??? ohhhh noooo well then.... your obviously just a "hater"


If someone defends fraud and those who commit it, I suspect him being fanboy of fraud, or being a fraud himself.

And yes, I hate criminals.


SHADES wrote:

Dude, you're on the wrong site.

So you want me to convert "to the dark side", e.g. to become a criminal?


SHADES wrote:

-> Depends on how you look at it really. They also took my $50 coupon,

To me a fraud is a fraud is a fraud ...


SHADES wrote:

but hey, I see it as a bad management decision.

... no matter how YOU like to see it.


SHADES wrote:

Even McEwen said so and that he would never have done this.

McEwen once said we (the community) should put our money where our mouth is (coupon) and that we (the community) should judge him/AInc. by the results.
That's what I did.
Nothing more - and nothing less.


SHADES wrote:

Now I try to see it as a donation.

One can always put lipstick on the pig...


SHADES wrote:

I got OS4 developed in return, so did you.

But not by AInc.
You are comparing apples and oranges.


SHADES wrote:

-> Which is wy it will be lucky if we ever see much more development now,

Hmmmmmm - since the court case is closed I saw more development from Hyperion than I saw from AInc in a whole decade...


SHADES wrote:

you're all hell bent on little T-shirts,

[sarcasm on]

Yeah - its winter here and its lousy cold.
What would I do without my Amiga T-shirt...

[sarcasm off]


SHADES wrote:

(you're all hell bent on little ) coupons

I don't care for coupons - but I do care for deals and what I get from it.


SHADES wrote:

and not about getting the company to a stage where it may even be able to fulfill those promises at a later date,

That's not MY responsibility - THAT should have been McBills.
And - what "later date", b.t.w.?
Aren't 10 years enough?
(that's already roughly one seventh of my lifespan...)


SHADES wrote:

heck, you just wana complain till it all falls down , point and laugh saying, witch, told you so, look she burns just fine.

Look - she burns just fine! She burns just fine! She burns just fine! ...


SHADES wrote:

My personal opinon is ...



SHADES wrote:

-> Well then you do HATE AMIGA ...

I love my Amigas (the machines) and hate the fraud conducted by McBill/AInc!


SHADES wrote:

-> Customers of WHAT! you don't want AMIGA to survive,

I don't want a fraudulous AInc to survive and to continue scamming, that's right!


SHADES wrote:

your a customer of a burnt witch ...

Sorry to contradict - I never was a customer of them - just a victim of their scam.


SHADES wrote:

-> Well then your mind needs to learn how to stop HATING

Are we talking about business or religion here?


SHADES wrote:

and step up to the plate and support a company so that it can create real products developed by itself,

That may be your way of making business.
My way rather is the way of a customer - not of an investor.
I want to buy finished products from an established company - not to invest in vaporware.


SHADES wrote:

or hired to by others regardless of the mistakes it has made (even though it tried to make ammends on them) so you can buy something.

You seem to be confused...


SHADES wrote:

The way you're going is only going to make sure nothing comes out under an AMIGA name again.

The name sticking on the machine is completely irrelevant to me - I could not care less.

My A4k PPC is fitted in an BigTower from Micronik - it just has the "Micronik"-label on it (aside from the keyboard, which happens to be be an "Amiga" one).

My A1.2k is fitted in an Elbox midi metal tower and just has the "Elbox"-label on it.

My A500 is fitted in an reworked PC big tower and just has the label of the case manufacturer on it.


SHADES wrote:

omg. seriously.
-> OS4 is real, and was instigated to be created by...AMIGA...nooo!!

[sarcasm on]

Yeah - as everybody can read here:
Amiga Documents 2.0.9

Other than some bug fixes and minor improvements to DataTypes (an Amiga file processing mechanism) and drivers, Amiga OS 3.1, released in 1994 to run on Motorola 68K CPUs, was largely unchanged since the 1992 release of the previous 3.0 version. Amiga still had no support for current hardware, no Java, and no modern browser or multimedia capability. Mr. Bill McEwen knew this well and promptly declared the Amiga Classic (i.e. the 3.x operating system) to be "dead", introducing a new "Amiga" operating system that substantially was a licensed and repackaged Elate operating system by Tao Group Ltd (UK).

[/sarcasm off]


SHADES wrote:

-> 3.9 was real too. Did you buy that, I believe Haag&Partner developed at the ask of.....

... Petro Tyschtschenko back in 1998 (3.5) and 1999 (3.9).


SHADES wrote:

- I am not twisted bub, just because you can't see past your own actions is no cause to suggest I am. rofl

Obviously you ARE twisted, Bübchen. Best example for your twisted perception of what really happened:


SHADES wrote:

OS4 is a great development, SAM, and other H/W platforms that would have never of existed without AMIGA trying to get them developed.


SHADES wrote:

... to do what they could to get something together.

As history demonstrated, they did not get anything together.


SHADES wrote:

I don't see the time a wasted, delayed, yes.

And I see it wasted.
So what, Bübchen?


SHADES wrote:

Pitty it's sales get hurt by you "bashers/baggers" till the company dies and you all go, this product was made by scammers trying to get your money for nothing.

You should go and get your "facts" straight, first.
A good stating point would be here:
Amiga Documents 2.0.9


SHADES wrote:

-> It's not true. The company admitted publilicly it was at fault for a bad move and tried to rectify it

It IS true - that company stole 50¤ from me.
Admitting publically being at fault for a bad move did not get me my money back.

And no, they didn't try to rectify anything to me.


SHADES wrote:

as well as they could at the time.


SHADES wrote:

To me it's not as bad as you make out.

I'll send McBill a letter and tell him not to worry in case he runs out of money and cannot find someone to rip off - there's still "Shades" at


SHADES wrote:

Too bad you see it as enough to send the company to the gallows. .

How much crimes has a criminal to commit until he gets sentenced?


SHADES wrote:

I don't

Then we are in perfect disagreement...

Last edited by Dandy on 16-Feb-2010 at 11:23 AM.


If someone enjoys marching to military music, then I already despise him.
He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: down?
Posted on 16-Feb-2010 23:17:04
#403 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
Posts: 4886
From: MA, USA



Varthall wrote:

I'm lucky enough to be in the Seattle area these days, so I decided today to pay a visit to Amiga Inc's office in Snoqualmie. I have discovered that they don't have an office there anymore, and that another company has taken their ex-office:

I have seen no sign of Amiga anywhere, and being Sunday morning there was no-one there to ask any information, but at least I could take photos freely. At this point I really wonder if they have any office at all.

And PLS, the new tenant seems to be legit as a land surveyor:

State of Washington - Department of Transportation - Statewide On Call Roster(s) for A&E Service

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Re: down?
Posted on 16-Feb-2010 23:31:49
#404 ]
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From: MA, USA


Why would Procom be interested in buying parts of Amiga Inc?

The better question IMHO is how much did Ryszard Krauze get paid as a board member of Hakia and Amiga after he had Prokom spend all that money on that 2.3 percent ownership stake. And how much did that money help payroll and expense account cashflow for other management like Bill McEwen.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
Amikit user, tinkering with Icaros VM (AROS)
EFIKA owner
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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 6:03:14
#405 ]
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Joined: 13-Nov-2003
Posts: 867
From: Melbourne


No one is saying fraud is a good thing Dandy as was pointed out to you many, many times.

AMIGA themselves have stated publicly that they have made a mistake and have tried to at least fix it. A lot of people including myself DID get at least a T-Shirt. I know you did not and therefore you are jaded by this and therefore you hate the company and will continue to slander, put down, bag, bury their name which is not productive for you or anyone else that would like to have something from AMIGA in the future.

As for the personal attack and calling me a fraud etc I really don't care what you suspect of me!
I have said I don't approve of fraud, are you having trouble understanding me or do you have some sort of disorder where I need to spell it out for you further because I will say it again, in plain English, I do not support it so you can rest at ease and stop jumping to your "suspicions" does this help you now or are you in for a personal slanging match, cause it looks like that's what you're aiming for here bub.

You call me a fanboy and try to put me down and say I am all for fraud which i have also stated is not the case therefore, clearly, I don't think you have the capacity to understand what I am saying so any further comment to you is really the irrelevant thing here as you lack this capacity.

If you don't hate AMIGA then maybe you can accept the public announcement they made trying to fix the wrong they had done to the community and people they have taken money from. Maybe you should do some more research. I understand you're upset, you missed out. That's a shame but you're not going to make it any better by trying to stop the company from trading as there will be nothing to give you.
Mistakes are made Dandy, it's not just AMIGA INc that have made them.

I don't want AMIGA dead, you do. That's the difference. I am not saying fraud is right or nice but untill there is a company to write your wrong, you will never have that issue fixed.

It's fine for you to hate AMIGA for it, most of us do not hate AMIGA for it and hope for a better future. You, do not. That does not make me a fanboy, or a fraudulent person. If you have never done wrong by anyone in your life, I call you a liar. Unless you are Jesus, you too have committed fraud, stole, or hurt someone some time, no matter how small it is.

Perhaps you need to look at forgiveness instead or whatever you want to call it because AMIGA is not going to pay any debts, or make any money or make any new products if it can't trade. There's your answer, if you don't get that, man, I don't know what you can "get".

SHADES wrote:

omg. seriously.
-> OS4 is real, and was instigated to be created by...AMIGA...nooo!!

[sarcasm on]

Yeah - as everybody can read here:
Amiga Documents 2.0.9

Oh, on your whole who did what on the OS in your so quoted documents I read and you laughed at I found this....

AmigaOS 4 and Hyperion

Between October [131] and November [132] 2001, Belgian company Hyperion VOF (later transformed into Hyperion Entertainment CVBA), consisting of the two partners Mr. Ben Hermans and Mr. Evert Carton, entered into an agreement with Amiga Washington to port the "Classic" Amiga OS 3.x from the current 68K CPU (as in the original 1985 Amiga) to the increasingly popular PowerPC CPU, which was already used in some newer Amiga expansion boards and in computers by Apple. Mr. Ben Hermans and Mr. Evert Carton both had other full-time jobs (Mr. Ben Hermans as an attorney), and would subcontract the work to external programmers, most notably the Frieden brothers in Germany.

I believe that answers your silly laughter. Someone had to hire them to port the OS
I believe that was AMIGA Inc, as I stated. I never said they wrote it rofl
It was instigated to be further developed by them, how can you not read this? did I not say this already?

I never said I'd pay lot's of $ to stop people from crying I said I'd pay $2 to you to make you stop lol. This is painful lol
Your examples of poor people spending their last $2 on AMIGA ending up or being on welfare because of this situation was laughable.

What the??????

"Obviously you ARE twisted, Bübchen"

You need to resort to this to start a slanging match bub, which I am not willing to do.
This was your idea form your very first reply to me. Where is your proof on me causing you or anyone else here fraud?

I don't think I need to say anything more I have said that I do not agree with fraud, perhaps you are missing this text??? or read differently but, if you must know I am not perfect. Are you saying you are?

Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 06:38 AM.
Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 06:33 AM.
Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 06:33 AM.
Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 06:31 AM.
Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 06:29 AM.
Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 06:07 AM.
Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 06:06 AM.

It's not the question that's the problem, it's the problem that's the question.

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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 6:24:27
#406 ]
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fairlanefastback wrote:

Why would Procom be interested in buying parts of Amiga Inc?

The better question IMHO is how much did Ryszard Krauze get paid as a board member of Hakia and Amiga after he had Prokom spend all that money on that 2.3 percent ownership stake. And how much did that money help payroll and expense account cashflow for other management like Bill McEwen.

For me, it is obvious that the money was used for the operation of the company. Equally obvious is it that Penttis's friend was with and invested in the company and chose this particular method.
Otherwise, no major issues for me more than you can see how the operation paid for at the time.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 6:32:42
#407 ]
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What worries me,is if the site being sold,and used as a forum for spannish speaking girls,discussing makeup and stuff. It would be hillarious at first,but in the end,very sad for us.

Or even worse...A site selling sextoys to girls.......

Last edited by Caveman on 17-Feb-2010 at 06:34 AM.


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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 6:42:49
#408 ]
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From: Melbourne



Caveman wrote:
What worries me,is if the site being sold,and used as a forum for spannish speaking girls,discussing makeup and stuff. It would be hillarious at first,but in the end,very sad for us.

Or even worse...A site selling sextoys to girls.......

Agreed, that would make it more laughable than it already is as I see a joke company.
what hope do Hyperion have trading under that guise!

What worries me is that alll Hyperions hard work and effort, and the only real good out of this really badly run company is going to get burried by complete closure.
I for one would be happy to see Hyperion buy the name and keep going but complete closure?

I don't see how this makes AMIGA or anyone affiliated with it prosper!!

I just don't understand some people here.

It's not the question that's the problem, it's the problem that's the question.

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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 6:50:12
#409 ]
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From: De Keistad, Netherlands


Well the only good thing Amiga inc did was outsourcing the development of OS4 to Hyperion for all the rest Amiga inc was a joke and a scam.

And for trade, Amiga inc had nothing to trade that people actually need or wanted.
I'm glad we finally got rid of Amiga inc and it's Kent Arena and coupon scams, from my opinion they only abused the Amiga name.

Maybe Amiga inc had good intentions who knows, but one thing is for sure and that is a total lack of vision.

Amiga is additive coz it is fun to use

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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 6:51:46
#410 ]
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If Amiga as a computer platform has some respect left,it would be truly gone,if that ever happens.


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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 6:59:20
#411 ]
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What should we do then? Paint our computers pink,and start using lipstick? Not for me,no nooo


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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 7:35:56
#412 ]
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Mr-Z wrote:

Well the only good thing Amiga inc did was outsourcing the development of OS4 to Hyperion for all the rest Amiga inc was a joke and a scam.

And for trade, Amiga inc had nothing to trade that people actually need or wanted.
I'm glad we finally got rid of Amiga inc and it's Kent Arena and coupon scams, from my opinion they only abused the Amiga name.

Maybe Amiga inc had good intentions who knows, but one thing is for sure and that is a total lack of vision.

I kind of agree with all of that. I don't think it started off as a scam(intended to), or I, dare I say we? would never have got anything from it, including OS4.

It may have ended up as seeming as a scam because of the such crappy miss-managed decisions but we did get OS4 developed, so maybe not an entire scam or we would never have got anything.

I certainly do agree with it was the one good thing that did come from it, however, I hope that it does put out, produce more of that good thing in the future and no more bad things if it can ever get past all the bad stuff.

It certainly needs some better guidance or management change if there is anything left to guide. This may be it's complete death.

Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 07:39 AM.
Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 07:37 AM.

It's not the question that's the problem, it's the problem that's the question.

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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 8:13:40
#413 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden

And if i remember correctly it wasnt outsourced on amigas initative
but it was due to that hyperion asked amiga to do it.
correct me if i'm wrong.

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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 8:53:47
#414 ]
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Daemon wrote:
And if i remember correctly it wasnt outsourced on amigas initative
but it was due to that hyperion asked amiga to do it.
correct me if i'm wrong.

AMGA were looking at ways to bring out a new OS. They enlisted / agreed for Hyperion to do the job, and payed for it, to be done. If it wasn't to be Hyperion, they would have gone elsewhere. They also looked at Haag&Partner but I believe they weren't very happy with OS9 job, or the terms at the time. There was talk of QNX and Linux and other things as well.

Hyperion did not offer to do it for free.

This is the fact.

There was a court case over it with time frames not being met and not enough money etc...

Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 08:58 AM.
Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 08:57 AM.
Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 08:56 AM.
Last edited by SHADES on 17-Feb-2010 at 08:55 AM.

It's not the question that's the problem, it's the problem that's the question.

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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 9:17:17
#415 ]
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Or even worse...A site selling sextoys to girls.......

I...I would welcome that!

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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 9:21:37
#416 ]
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I know you would


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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 9:32:05
#417 ]
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I don't see how this makes AMIGA or anyone affiliated with it prosper!!

Hyperion need the '' domain. All further negative impacts from Amiga Inc's demise can be mitigated. An Amiga IP holder without AmigaOS or AmigaOne brand names (Hyperion already own them) isn't worth a lot! Only the website has any value!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 9:38:27
#418 ]
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From: Fredericia, Denmark


Hyperion need the '' domain.

What should they use it for? They don't communicate with the community (atm.) and they can't manage to make a simple webpage for a-eon........

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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 10:09:50
#419 ]
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There was talk of QNX and Linux and other things as well.

That was in the Gateway/Jim Collas days, before they got cold feet and licensed the IP to A Inc. I remember the Collas/QNX days as being the last time I was truly excited about Amiga.

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Re: down?
Posted on 17-Feb-2010 10:29:45
#420 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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I must correct you here: Amiga never paid Hyperion anything to support development of AmigaOS 4.

Not a penny of the voucher schemes was ever paid out to Hyperion or the AmigaOS developers.

Various entities paid a minor and insufficient amount to gain access to AmigaOS 4.0. These did NOT include any incarnation of Amiga Inc (Itec, Tachyon LLC).

The original 2001 agreement was not signed by Bill McEwen but by Fleecy Moss.

All of this is public record from the court documents.


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