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Re: down?
Posted on 18-Feb-2010 18:40:26
#481 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
Posts: 4886
From: MA, USA



linnar wrote:

I guess they used the money to pay arrears of divers. I really have no idea but as an entrepreneur himself is not in my world no choice but to use the money well.
If you must speculate, it may be that the money had not with Amiga Inc to do, there may be a transaction between two actors in the market which is attributed to something else but that they used the Amiga Inc. as a "goalkeeper" for money. If so, did not Amiga Inc. some money and then it's employees completely innocent.
Such transactions are not popular in my country's authorities, and barely legal.

Is this answer you expected?
What do you think about this transaction?

It does not seem that you have anything to point to to say that they spent the money well then. Its not that I "must speculate". You are speculating yourself. Its all speculation for all of us since none of us were there. The question then becomes what is more reasonable to speculate. Given the money invested the product output was almost nothing, and yet staff like the board of directors was seemingly paid for quite some time. Something there smells fishy to me.

As for my personal *guess*? I suspect they were a money laundering operation is my personal guess, but its merely a guess. If they were legit, which is entirely possible, then I have to conclude they were severely inept. The fact that McEwen never got fired, that they played games with Kent, WA, that Amiga Dev India did not seem to truly exist has only made me more skeptical of them.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
Amikit user, tinkering with Icaros VM (AROS)
EFIKA owner
Amiga 1200

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Re: down?
Posted on 18-Feb-2010 18:49:11
#482 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
Posts: 4886
From: MA, USA



Leo wrote:

It's time for a fresh start: fresh brand, no stupid legacy/history, fresh OS, fresh applications!

Well this site is dedicated to Amiga OS and its off-shoots. If you make a complete break with a new OS there is no guarantee this site would cover such. Furthermore this thread is in the "Amiga General Chat" section.

I'm wondering: who cares about the trademark ? It's so weak/old... The only thing it would be useful for is nostalgia:

Some don't, we have an AROS/MOS forum that is concerned about a continuity from Amiga to one degree or another, but where the trademark is not the focus at all. But some people like it, some even think its important. If you think its worthless why bash it on "AMIGAworld" of all places? You can support AROS and/or MOS and leave the trademark behind. Or support a new OS we might never cover here. Regardless you don't need to keep up this campaign to dishearten and/or annoy your fellow members.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
Amikit user, tinkering with Icaros VM (AROS)
EFIKA owner
Amiga 1200

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Re: down?
Posted on 18-Feb-2010 19:33:35
#483 ]
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Joined: 26-Dec-2005
Posts: 923
From: Unknown



fairlanefastback wrote:


linnar wrote:

I guess they used the money to pay arrears of divers. I really have no idea but as an entrepreneur himself is not in my world no choice but to use the money well.
If you must speculate, it may be that the money had not with Amiga Inc to do, there may be a transaction between two actors in the market which is attributed to something else but that they used the Amiga Inc. as a "goalkeeper" for money. If so, did not Amiga Inc. some money and then it's employees completely innocent.
Such transactions are not popular in my country's authorities, and barely legal.

Is this answer you expected?
What do you think about this transaction?

It does not seem that you have anything to point to to say that they spent the money well then. Its not that I "must speculate". You are speculating yourself. Its all speculation for all of us since none of us were there. The question then becomes what is more reasonable to speculate. Given the money invested the product output was almost nothing, and yet staff like the board of directors was seemingly paid for quite some time. Something there smells fishy to me.

As for my personal *guess*? I suspect they were a money laundering operation is my personal guess, but its merely a guess. If they were legit, which is entirely possible, then I have to conclude they were severely inept. The fact that McEwen never got fired, that they played games with Kent, WA, that Amiga Dev India did not seem to truly exist has only made me more skeptical of them.

In order to surprise a bit: I agree with you on most things you write. It was not difficult because it is the same breed, I say, but in a cautious manner. However, it can actually be easier than we can handle that speculation. But if it is the laundering of money so it can then be used to Amiga Inc to bring money for any private person without paying taxes on it. I wrote earlier that Amiga Inc has two components that are independent of each other (almost). Strange monetary transactions made by a half while visions of a future Amiga hardware with operating systems, etc. are made by the other side. On the one hand do not care about the other because they live in a symbiosis.
Now when one side's strongman died, I think that strange ties cease.

From the ashes we can get something better.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 18-Feb-2010 20:15:45
#484 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2005
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From: Unknown

@linnar Quote:
From the ashes we can get something better.


Author of the PortablE programming language.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...

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Re: down?
Posted on 19-Feb-2010 2:40:20
#485 ]
Joined: 14-Feb-2010
Posts: 98
From: Texas

Sorry in advance for the long post.



ruben wrote:
Unfortunately that's the biggest problem, and there's no easy way out of it. Complete Java and Flash support would be the best bet to get a bunch of new apps immediately available. With an up to date browser you also get web apps.

Java-yes, Flash-yes, and web browser-yes! Any current projects for these?


1) A MiniMig fully bundled with ADFs of old A500 games and with save game SD functionality enabled

2) Sam 440 Flex with a fast enough CPU to give backwards compatibility with OCS games & a chance to sample the new OS!

3) Yes, why not an Amiga in a joystick with bundled games!

4) A mug and T-Shirt

4) A retro coupon deal scheme or sponsorship deal for a local stadium!!??

5) AmigaKit (according to their website) still has A1200's for sale.


Market opportunity:

I'm a PSP owner and not satisfied with it. It's underpowered, the controls are cumbersome and I can't do anything with it that Sony doesn't allow me too. The DS is even more limited, since it's a toy for children.

Create a handheld with superior hardware, state of the art gaming controls, powered by a fast, effective OS like AmigaOS, make it an open platform (i.e., basically free to develop for) with great development tools. You could also comission remakes of well known Amiga games exclusively available for that. You mentioned Shadow of the Beast. That would be a good candidate.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thought of this. AOS is the perfect lightweight OS for this type of project. The screens are small enough that most of the old games could be played on them without too much pixelization.

The company that's probably making the most money out of all of this is Cloanto with their Amiga Forever application.

Maybe Amiga could be used for Data Processing purposes since there is now a modern ODBC driver.

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Re: down?
Posted on 19-Feb-2010 4:48:48
#486 ]
Joined: 2-Feb-2005
Posts: 35
From: SF,CA

To sum it up,
1. So... Are they gone for good?
2. Does anyone know for sure?
3. Does anyone care? (I know I don't but it feels like they ruined the Amiga name and it's just sad...)

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Re: down?
Posted on 19-Feb-2010 6:24:22
#487 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 26-Dec-2005
Posts: 923
From: Unknown


To sum it up,
1. So ... Are they gone for good?

- Nopp


2. Does anyone know for sure?

- Yes


3. Does anyone care?

- Yes


(I know I do but it feels like they ruined the Amiga name and it's just sad ...)

- No, no!
- There is no more than a few hundred people who read all the silly chatter on the forums that it temporarily can be "destroyed" in order. The "silly" talk seems to come from a small group of people. Discussion true, even if it is negative for Amiga Inc, do not think I'm stupid talk. Discussion of such is not bad for Amiga Inc, it can only do good to all.

Last edited by linnar on 19-Feb-2010 at 06:24 AM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 23-Feb-2010 12:57:25
#488 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 24-Mar-2003
Posts: 3049
From: Cologne * Germany



longbow75 wrote:

To sum it up,
1. So... Are they gone for good?

At least the evidence for it is accumulating...


longbow75 wrote:

2. Does anyone know for sure?

I don't know for sure.


longbow75 wrote:

3. Does anyone care? (I know I don't but it feels like they ruined the Amiga name and it's just sad...)

I don't.
For the rest i agree with you...


If someone enjoys marching to military music, then I already despise him.
He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: down?
Posted on 23-Feb-2010 13:34:49
#489 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2005
Posts: 2108
From: Cheshire, England

Just look at web site, websiteoutlook that can give you an estimated worth of the domain and it says is worth $7212

the funny thing is is worth more! $11322

Last edited by amigang on 23-Feb-2010 at 01:36 PM.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: down?
Posted on 23-Feb-2010 16:20:00
#490 ]
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Joined: 16-Apr-2009
Posts: 1782
From: UK

Hi Im a psp owner as well and I agree with you. Which is way I have been waiting for this NOT LONG TO GO NOW

A1200 ACA1232 128MB Indivison MkIICr
Elbox empty Power Tower
RPi3 Emulating C64 ZX Atari PS BBC
Wii with Amiga emulation
Vampire v4 SA

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Re: down?
Posted on 23-Feb-2010 16:37:05
#491 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2005
Posts: 6679
From: Unknown

@ruben Quote:
I'm a PSP owner and not satisfied with it. It's underpowered, the controls are cumbersome and I can't do anything with it that Sony doesn't allow me too. The DS is even more limited, since it's a toy for children.

I recommend looking at the Pandora (which is fully open-source & ARM powered). It's over a year late in being produced, but finally looks like the first ones should be shipped in the next few weeks (say a month to be on the safe side - although the running joke has been "2 more months"). By all accounts the hardware is very well designed (and powerful), the Linux-based OS is being improved all the time, there are lots of people writing or going to write (mostly free) games for it (inc a port of Quake 3), plus lots of emulators being worked on (e.g. PS1 emulator & UAE).

Last edited by ChrisH on 23-Feb-2010 at 04:40 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 23-Feb-2010 at 04:40 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...

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Re: down?
Posted on 23-Feb-2010 18:11:05
#492 ]
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amigang wrote:
Just look at web site, websiteoutlook that can give you an estimated worth of the domain and it says is worth $7212

the funny thing is is worth more! $11322

Who thinks surfers are most interesting? Estimated Worth $4066.1 USD
Daily Pageview 1191 Estimated Worth $7212.4 USD
Daily Pageview 2478

Last edited by linnar on 23-Feb-2010 at 06:11 PM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 23-Feb-2010 18:15:17
#493 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Quote: Estimated Worth $7212.4 USD
Daily Pageview 2478

Heh. 2478 page views of a dead website?


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: down?
Posted on 23-Feb-2010 18:19:37
#494 ]
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Joined: 14-Feb-2006
Posts: 1134
From: Kingston upon Hull, UK


Out of curiosity I -again- purchased status information from the Delaware Division of Corporations (Just the $10 version).

As of 3th February 2010, they are still "AR - Delinquent - Tax Due".

This represents a corporation that has not filed the required annual report and there are delinquent taxes due.
Things are still not looking good for Amiga Inc in any way shape or form.

Sorry Linnar, but I think you're on your own in terms of your belief that they are pulling things out of the fire and resolving old debts.

Troll - n., A disenfranchised former potential customer who remains interested enough to stay informed and express critical opinions.
opp., the vast majority who voted silently with their feet.

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Re: down?
Posted on 23-Feb-2010 18:21:20
#495 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 364
From: Portugal


I know of the Pandora, and I'm looking forward to it, but because of my Amiga-ism, I would prefer an Amiga thing . Still, Amiga could bring:
- Known brand name
- Better design (the Pandora doesn't look very good)
- Better OS
- Exclusive Amiga game remakes.

Stuff like the Pandora and the GP2X show there's a market for this. And it would be an easier ride than the desktop world.

Last edited by ruben on 23-Feb-2010 at 06:35 PM.

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Re: down?
Posted on 24-Feb-2010 21:56:19
#496 ]
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Joined: 14-Jul-2009
Posts: 1059
From: Unknown



ruben wrote:

I know of the Pandora, and I'm looking forward to it, but because of my Amiga-ism, I would prefer an Amiga thing . Still, Amiga could bring:
- Known brand name

Is infamy fame? Seriously the Amiga name even make Amiga Fanboiz nervous nowadays

- Better design (the Pandora doesn't look very good)

Better than what? Amiga hasn't designed anything ever, except an evil snow man

- Better OS

Arguably, we like it, would anyone outside the community agree? What does it bring to the table that would attract people that aren't Amiga fans already?

- Exclusive Amiga game remakes.

Like what? My iPhone has more Amiga remakes than any other platform I know of... Amiga Inc has no programmers left to make games and even in the old days it wasn't Commodore making the games.

Stuff like the Pandora and the GP2X show there's a market for this. And it would be an easier ride than the desktop world.

Android is the 500 Kg Gorilla as tablets invade the public consciousness.

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Re: down?
Posted on 24-Feb-2010 23:32:43
#497 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 364
From: Portugal


When I say Amiga, I mean the brand name under capable people, not Kent-Arena-Coupon-Scam-Soap-Opera-Amiga-Inc.

iPhone is missing the console quality game controls I was talking about, i.e., real dual stick analog joysticks and shoulder buttons. Also, it would be possible to compete at price tag level: the iPhone is 3 times the cost of a Pandora.

Android is the 500 Kg Gorilla as tablets invade the public consciousness.

Not sure where this invasion will come from as I've yet to personally know anyone who bought one of these things, but hey - just the other day I saw a pig riding a bycicle, so I believe anything now...

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Re: down?
Posted on 25-Feb-2010 18:06:34
#498 ]
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Joined: 26-Dec-2005
Posts: 923
From: Unknown



fairlanefastback wrote:


linnar wrote:

I guess they used the money to pay arrears of divers. I really have no idea but as an entrepreneur himself is not in my world no choice but to use the money well.
If you must speculate, it may be that the money had not with Amiga Inc to do, there may be a transaction between two actors in the market which is attributed to something else but that they used the Amiga Inc. as a "goalkeeper" for money. If so, did not Amiga Inc. some money and then it's employees completely innocent.
Such transactions are not popular in my country's authorities, and barely legal.

Is this answer you expected?
What do you think about this transaction?

It does not seem that you have anything to point to to say that they spent the money well then. Its not that I "must speculate". You are speculating yourself. Its all speculation for all of us since none of us were there. The question then becomes what is more reasonable to speculate. Given the money invested the product output was almost nothing, and yet staff like the board of directors was seemingly paid for quite some time. Something there smells fishy to me.

As for my personal *guess*? I suspect they were a money laundering operation is my personal guess, but its merely a guess. If they were legit, which is entirely possible, then I have to conclude they were severely inept. The fact that McEwen never got fired, that they played games with Kent, WA, that Amiga Dev India did not seem to truly exist has only made me more skeptical of them.

It was a mistranslation from me!
"If you must speculate, /../"
Would be:
" If we must speculate, /../"

It is Felestad I saw for the first time now


Last edited by linnar on 25-Feb-2010 at 06:09 PM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 25-Feb-2010 18:17:06
#499 ]
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Joined: 26-Dec-2005
Posts: 923
From: Unknown



Boot_WB wrote:

Out of curiosity I -again- purchased status information from the Delaware Division of Corporations (Just the $10 version).

As of 3th February 2010, they are still "AR - Delinquent - Tax Due".

This represents a corporation that has not filed the required annual report and there are delinquent taxes due.
Things are still not looking good for Amiga Inc in any way shape or form.

Sorry Linnar, but I think you're on your own in terms of your belief that they are pulling things out of the fire and resolving old debts.

I do not know or are interested in Amiga Inc's business or any rumors, misinterpretations, etc..
I'm interested in what they have for products that come with.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: down?
Posted on 25-Feb-2010 20:28:02
#500 ]
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Joined: 1-Oct-2003
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From: France

I don't know if it has already been mentioned, but on they say:


This domain name has been suspended due to invalid Whois information.


I already got a similar issue with godaddy because they send you a message once a year that asks to refill some data (mainly who is the owner, where he lives and so on) "because the law asks us to verify this"...I got that message on one of my domains, have not filled the request and the site was shut down. For the other domains the traffic is very low, and they have not shut down the website....

It may be same thing for them...or a complete different one;)

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