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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 25-Apr-2010 10:26:31
#81 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 11-Jan-2007
Posts: 818
From: Northern Ireland


Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death

Back on topic...

No I haven't

AmigaOne X1000

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 25-Apr-2010 11:16:41
#82 ]
Super Member
Joined: 16-Dec-2003
Posts: 1050
From: Unknown


Note that Hyperion also invested heavily in AmigaDE and even developed a complete 3D API with software renderer for it without any return. i didnt know there was a 3d api to AA but in fact i have never tryet or seen any aa software. the amiga inc payment system is anoring and buggy. and the lake of suport for amiga os 4.x make be deside to not suport it before the trial was over and its portet to amiga os 4.x.
hyperion, is there any chane that aa2 will come to amiga 4.2 ?
has amiga inc disapired form the face of the earth or is it just the amiga communty there are ignoring

Hyperion also invested heavily in the Collas - Gateway revival and we all know what came of that.
nooo i dont know whot came out of that so if anyone have 2 sec. then please tell me

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 25-Apr-2010 12:20:00
#83 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 8042


maybe you should just open up google and do some searches? , i found everything you are asking about in less than 5 minutes, and yes it does seem like you have been living under a rock if you don't know the outcome from the collas-gateway incident (which was 10-13 years ago).

also may i suggest you look at for rferences on the stuff as well, they where operative since the mid 90's (or something like that).

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 26-Apr-2010 14:45:46
#84 ]
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Joined: 14-Jul-2009
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From: Unknown


Isn't this his company?

BitbyBit Software

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 26-Apr-2010 16:02:27
#85 ]
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Joined: 1-Jun-2003
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From: Vancouver Island, Canada



persia wrote:

Isn't this his company?

BitbyBit Software

Yes, and he was developing:
The Advanced Visual Developer project is intended to bring high level, professional visual development tools to the AmigaOS4(tm) platform.

Sounds brilliant, if you ask me.

If he ported it to AROS

Men who have girlies in their avatars are Girliemen!

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 6-Sep-2010 19:04:29
#86 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 20-Jun-2004
Posts: 147
From: From the BITbyBIT lab: USA


I have heard from many of you over the last several months asking
more or less this same question; "What is going on with Amiga Inc.
and am I still employed by them?" Up to this point my answer has
always remained a (hopefully) polite "Sorry, I can not comment."

While I will still refrain from any comment or even personal opinion,
good or bad, about Amiga Inc. as a company, here are the facts about
my status that I can now share:

1.) My employment contract with Amiga Inc, started on November 1st,
2007 and ended on November 1st, 2009. The contract further required
that I could not "compete" with Amiga Inc. for a period of six
months after the completion of my contract. That clause has now
expired as well on May 1st, 2010. While I still consider myself
under a general NDA not to discuss the previous or current state
of Amiga Inc. as a company, my direct employment and obligation
to them has now ended. I no longer work for Amiga Inc. in any way.
I am still in contact with them and may do some specific contract
work for them in the future if they ask, but I do not plan to reinstate
my current contract to become a full time employee again at this time.

2.) During this two and a half year period, development on AVD was
either directly or indirectly forbidden. For the two years of
direct employment I was not permitted (according to my contract)
to work for any other company, even my own. After the contract
was complete, there still existed a "Non-Competition Covenant"
for the six months after that. I have heard some opinions that
neither of these facts should have prevented me from continuing
my development of AVD. Those opinions are simply naive. There
have been several cases where the hard work of an individual has
been laid claim to by previous employers. There is no way I was
going to allow that to happen to AVD. So whether you agree with
my choice or not, that is now in the past.

3.) I am currently working as an independent contractor again under my
BITbyBIT Software Group company. I am doing power systems software
integrations for larger telecommunications and data center
companies looking to centralize their power monitoring and
management solutions. The same field I was previously working
for 10 years in before returning to Amiga development.

Now that I am no longer bound to a specific employment contract,
I am free to do development for any platform and in any area.
I am currently focused on rebuilding my financial status. In other
words working in areas that can pay my bills and hopefully rebuild
my savings so that I can afford to fund the development time to
work on projects like AVD.

I have had problems getting either of my two Amiga One machines
to boot up again and be stable, but I will set them up and try
again soon. My plan is to restart weekend development on AVD in
an effort to complete version 1.0. I am also interested in getting
new AmigaONE hardware.

I greatly appreciate everyone's continued patience through this
time. I can only say that I am reaffirming my promise and commitment
to complete and deliver AVD for OS4.

PS: I am also seriously considering a port of AVD across several other
platforms. This decision will be dictated first by it's technical
merits, and then by their potential to provide a financial return.

Best Regards,

Jamie Krueger
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC

Jamie Krueger
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC
PLEASE NOTE: I only speak for myself and my company,
and am not a spokesperson for Amiga Inc.

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 6-Sep-2010 19:20:22
#87 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 30-Apr-2003
Posts: 683
From: Barcelona, Spain


Welcome back Jamie! Great to have to here again and that you want to continue AVD development. Wish you the best with your projects and BITbyBIT business.

PowerBook 5.2 MorphOS 3.15
PowerBook 5.8 MorphOS 3.15
Amiga 1200 BPPC/BVision AOS4.1 FE

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 6-Sep-2010 19:34:58
#88 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Aug-2003
Posts: 5120
From: Right here...


I have had problems getting either of my two Amiga One machinesto boot up again and be stable

A known problem with A1s that have been in storage, the cell battery goes flat & the system won't boot or give an SLB error message. If you have a voltmeter, the battery should be 3.0V or more, anything less will cause problems with bootup.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 6-Sep-2010 19:35:53
#89 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 1185
From: Belgium


Thanks for your explanations.

Welcome back.

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 6-Sep-2010 20:33:56
#90 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 27-Jul-2003
Posts: 2007
From: Unknown


Sounds like you've been stuck on a roller coaster.

May good fortune return to you.

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 6-Sep-2010 23:22:12
#91 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 9-Mar-2003
Posts: 868
From: United Kingdom


Welcome back, and thank you for informing us of your current status.

Hyperion or A-eon should hire you immediately for contract work on AmigaOS 4.

You are the ideal person, with programming skill and knowledge to qualify in getting a bounty Amiga computer system !

Amiga need skilled programmers which we cannot afford to lose.

I hope any contract work still allows you time for your important Amiga project - AVD.

Last edited by asymetrix on 06-Sep-2010 at 11:22 PM.

Download 499.26 Mbps, 659.94 Mbps Upload :)

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 6-Sep-2010 23:38:41
#92 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 20-Jun-2004
Posts: 147
From: From the BITbyBIT lab: USA

@asymetrix and all

Thanks for the support and well wishes everyone,
I appreciate that a great deal.

Good news, I replaced the battery in my A1-XE and
it is booting again! [YEAH] Now I just need some
updates and the latest SDK.

Maybe Hyperion will even let me join the OS4 beta
program again. :)

Seriously, I would be delighted to work full time for any
Amiga development company out there that can afford
to pay steady. That is as long as it does not conflict or
interfere with the completion of AVD or FreeAVD, which
is my top Amiga-related priority.

Best Regards,

Jamie Krueger

Jamie Krueger
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC
PLEASE NOTE: I only speak for myself and my company,
and am not a spokesperson for Amiga Inc.

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 6-Sep-2010 23:49:23
#93 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 30-Jun-2003
Posts: 660
From: Zlatibor, Serbia

Strange thing in all this is that someone like you work 2 years and who know who else but there is no products from

F1 Srbija

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 6-Sep-2010 23:54:16
#94 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
Posts: 12964
From: Norway


The AmigaOne-X1000 beta test program is not closed yet.

ask AEON about it.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 06-Sep-2010 at 11:54 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 7-Sep-2010 0:16:39
#95 ]
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Joined: 2-Oct-2003
Posts: 1573
From: Atlanta


Welcome back and it's good to see you still have your enthusiasm.


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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 7-Sep-2010 4:06:14
#96 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 17-Jun-2006
Posts: 835
From: Ohrid, Macedonia

Just read about AVD, would make a good piece of software to be available when the X1000 gets on sale, especially if AVD could make good use of the Xena chip.

Back home...

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 7-Sep-2010 4:39:54
#97 ]
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Joined: 10-Apr-2009
Posts: 159
From: Dschörmännie

Comi is right: 2 yeas, and no product of Amiga, Inc. Currently there is not even a homepage. I don't know American laws, but here in the Old World a contract is binding for both sides: You have to to do your part, and they have to pay you. If they don't pay for your work and are not able to pay, the contract is worthless.
You've signed a contract not to compete with Amiga, Inc, even for a half year after the end of the contract. Amiga, Inc has lost most of it's rights on AmigaOS to Hyperion. I don't know what they are doing (it must be something top secret...), so you were not allowed to develop a new snowman-maker, but what has Amiga, Inc. to do with Amiga? They did not made a single piece of Amiga-software in the past 10 years! Amiga, Inc. is obviously complete out of business since January. How can you compete with a company making nothing? What is Bill McEvil currently doing? Truck driver again? So you are not allowed to drive trucks?

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 7-Sep-2010 6:17:24
#98 ]
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Joined: 8-Jun-2005
Posts: 887
From: Norway


Good you got your A1 working again. And welcome back.

I'm an antique. Don't light my fuse

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 7-Sep-2010 8:53:51
#99 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Jan-2005
Posts: 6679
From: Unknown

Welcome back!

Doesn't sound like you had a good experience with Amiga Inc, if you are having to rebuild your financial status :(

Author of the PortablE programming language.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...

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Re: Anyone heard from Jamie Krueger since death
Posted on 7-Sep-2010 10:30:31
#100 ]
Super Member
Joined: 22-Jan-2004
Posts: 1301
From: City of Lost Angels, California.


Hi Jamie,

Welcome back and glad to hear that your XE is running again.

Even though I registered or subscribed (whatever it was, can't remember) to the AVD project, I haven't been using the AVD template thingie, (for what it's worth I found it not amiga'ish enough and too unix'ish).

On the other hand I've been using the SDK Browser a lot as that tool really helps finding functions, structs and tags quickly, and is far more convenient than hunting these down manually.

I just took a quick look at your website again and the Debugger section made me think that if there's one area where OS4 dev tools could really use some help, that would be it. Gdb doesn't work too well, at least here it crashes easily, and it's harder to use than a GUI-based tool.
Well, for that matter, the whole SDK could use some help

BTW, if you download the latest SDK from the Hyperion site, get AmiUpdate ( as well because it now features an SDK update database too.

AlexC's free OS4 software collection

AmigaOne XE/X1000/X5000/UAE-PPC OS4 laptop/X-10 Home Automation

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