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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 0:40:05
#41 ]
Joined: 17-May-2006
Posts: 22
From: Unknown


The first step should be to rename it! When I saw Zune mentioned here on an Amiga forum I was very confused because I immediately thought that it was referring to Microsoft's media player (which I happen rather to love). So it seems to me that trying to call it Zune is just inviting legal action from Microsoft.

How about ARGUI. It can sound pirate-like or you could take it as a form of "our GUI."

Best Regards,

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 0:56:49
#42 ]
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From: Sweden


No point in changing the name. It is what they call it. I like it

Last edited by Kicko on 22-Aug-2010 at 12:58 AM.

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 6:44:24
#43 ]
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The first step should be to rename it! When I saw Zune mentioned here on an Amiga forum I was very confused because I immediately thought that it was referring to Microsoft's media player (which I happen rather to love). So it seems to me that trying to call it Zune is just inviting legal action from Microsoft. How about ARGUI. It can sound pirate-like or you could take it as a form of "our GUI."

Zune is not a new name, it's been apart of AROS for as long as I can remember. If M$ wants to offer cash for AROS to stop calling it Zune since AROS has been using it far longer then M$ has, I think most of the AROS Devs would agree to do so.


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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 7:23:07
#44 ]
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From: Italy

I've added some lines about what should be implemented in the first step of bounty, Fab please tell us if I've missed something please

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 8:22:49
#45 ]
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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 9:43:40
#46 ]
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From: Italy

Added a link with differences between mui.h from MUI3.x (latest updated version is into MCC opensources classes) and MUI4 (latest updated version is into MorphOS SDK)

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 10:05:17
#47 ]
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From: Poland, Lublin


my list of most important differences:

1. inserting object after some other object in group:
DoMethod(data->settings[SETTINGS_GROUP], MUIM_Family_Insert, data->settings[MODE_CYCLE], data->settings[MODE_TEXT] );

2. proper MUIA_ShowMe handling + redrawing

3. Implementing MUIM_Application_Save/Load for most of classes

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 10:39:59
#48 ]
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From: Russia


Imho, for first, incompotibles beetwen Zune and MUI4 on morphos and MUI3.9 on AOS4 should be fixed. For example, AROS have programm called LunaPaint. While it works fine on AROS, porting to Morphos or to AOS4 are pretty hard, because MUI code in LunaPaint are wrong and done in way like "let's do it works, do not matter how right is it".

So, imho, for first, we can get LunaPaint as example, and trying to fix these bugs first. Because making more code, over buggy one are wrong of course.

Related to rename the main bounty name, that is also not so bad idea, because some amigans , who lunatic/fanatic enough, still will spend their money, but yes, when some of us see Zune, then not everyone understand that is just crossplatform mui replacement. Maybe if we will can it like "Bounty for making crossplatform and opensource MUI4 realisation" will make more sense, and will looks for everyone much better (of course, later, in description, we can write that it will be based on Zune, because Zune its already open-source and cross platfrom MUI3.x replacement).

So, for me, steps looks like this:

Name: Bounty for making crossplatform and opensource MUI4 realisation

First step: Fixing bugs and misunderstoods beetween os4/mos (which Zune have already, and LunaPaint can be good pretindent on).

Second step: Porting Fab's OWB (that mean adding functions from mui4 which is only need for OWB).

Third step: add missing mui4 funcs to openzource mui4 (zune).

Feel free to discuss of course.

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 10:45:21
#49 ]
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From: Italy



1. inserting object after some other object in group:
DoMethod(data->settings[SETTINGS_GROUP], MUIM_Family_Insert, data->settings[MODE_CYCLE], data->settings[MODE_TEXT] );

This should be a related thing about Family class, so should be inserted into firt step of bounty;


2. proper MUIA_ShowMe handling + redrawing

3. Implementing MUIM_Application_Save/Load for most of classes

These are bugfix which should be inserted into firt step of bounty;


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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 10:51:46
#50 ]
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From: Poland, Lublin


no, it's group class but it takes attribs from family :)

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 11:23:19
#51 ]
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From: Taranto, Italy

just for my knowlege.. but except for OWB (that God has open sourced..) which other software will benefit from the bounty???
If the developers doesn't open their code.. what is the purpose of this bounty?
*ACTUALLY* do you see an OS4 developer that release its program for MOS? Do you see a MOS developer that release its program for OS4??

Just my 0 (zero) cents...


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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 11:23:48
#52 ]
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From: Italy



Name: Bounty for making crossplatform and opensource MUI4 realisation

Bounty for making crossplatform and opensource MUI4 API realisation, Zune based ?


First step: Fixing bugs and misunderstoods beetween os4/mos (which Zune have already, and LunaPaint can be good pretindent on).

LunaPaint was written basing it on Zune features/bugs, so it's not right program to focus.
We should take program heavily dependent from MUI4/MUI3.x undoc features, for example OWB and Ambient, but even closesource projects like SCANdal of our rzookol is a good example in which are used some MUI4 features, if him together with other people reports differences which has met and try his program on Zune he can help a lot even without to open his sources.

Last edited by ShInKurO on 22-Aug-2010 at 11:27 AM.

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 11:32:42
#53 ]
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From: Poland, Lublin


developers can compile programs for os4 with zune without opening code.
it's not the users fault that hyperion provides/promotes closed source/non portable/weaker UI.

Rection is a nice gui for System stuff (and i understand Hyperion) but nothing more if somebody wants his program ported to os3 or morphos.

Last edited by rzookol on 22-Aug-2010 at 11:34 AM.

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 11:33:08
#54 ]
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From: Italy



just for my knowlege.. but except for OWB (that God has open sourced..) which other software will benefit from the bounty???
If the developers doesn't open their code.. what is the purpose of this bounty?

All MUI devs which want dev a program for all Amiga flavours... because we don't see any advantage for nobody to write a program which runs only on one flavour...


*ACTUALLY* do you see an OS4 developer that release its program for MOS? Do you see a MOS developer that release its program for OS4??

Me, jahc, chris, rzookol , and many others?

Last edited by ShInKurO on 22-Aug-2010 at 11:59 AM.

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 12:00:34
#55 ]
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From: Taranto, Italy


you are too optimist..


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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 12:10:26
#56 ]
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It may be... ..BUT it's the only sane way to go forward. Everybody here has chosen "sides" allready if a developer wants to make a shareware program he's only gonna get 1/3 (or 1/4) by having it availble on one platform. Doesn't compute if you ask me.

Last edited by Manu on 22-Aug-2010 at 12:11 PM.

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 12:36:49
#57 ]
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>*ACTUALLY* do you see an OS4 developer that release its program for MOS?

there are some important forget.The Yam team simple Mail team.when all have MUI 4 features then YAM simple Mail can use MUI4 features as standard.

having zune on all systems is the door to furtherdevelop MUI.

But better ask which OS4 developer does not want to run the programs on other machines

Here i get only Friedens in mind..all other release there full souce of their work, so other can port it to other amiag systems if they wish.

Do >you see a MOS developer that release its program for OS4??

I see only that the MOS devs help to get a MOS program running on other systems.but because of miss MU4 features its more work, so nobody try that.

On all AOS systems there are only very very few developers which have very very few time to program.

you say only OWB, but a web browser with flash and Video is the only and important piece amiga have important more

And this is with the MOS OWB great done.

The OS4 OWB is only some lame minimal Port in compare to the MOS OWB Version.

Last edited by bernd_afa on 22-Aug-2010 at 12:38 PM.

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 13:07:47
#58 ]
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From: Italy

Added to the third step:

- Porting on OS3 and OS4: it should give to user a choice to be installed as "plugin support for MUI3.x" (like AfA_OS and its promoter) or substitute MUI at all;

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible (Bounty)
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 13:29:17
#59 ]
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Joined: 21-Aug-2003
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probably didn't understand but why is a port of MUI4 to OS4 and AROS not possible ?

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Re: Proposal to make Zune MUI4 compatible
Posted on 22-Aug-2010 13:30:37
#60 ]
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That is not only about OWB, but also about any MUI projects, which can works on all amiga and amiga like oses, if mui4 will be avail for everyone. Lets reaction be as official way (no problems here of course), but if we will have also mui, then it will be much better for every developer, and he will know, that is he will use MUI, then programm will works everythere. For now its only mui3.8 about which we can think like this , and good example of it : Jahs sabre-msn and wookie-chat.


probably didn't understand but why is a port of MUI4 to OS4 and AROS not possible ?

Who say that not possible ? Possible, and very possible. The problem is - time, and developers who will do such hard work. It can take years if some lazy ones will works on it. That is the main problem, and not limitations or anything like that of any os

Last edited by kas1e on 22-Aug-2010 at 01:31 PM.

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