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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 7:26:28
#21 ]
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From: Germany


AROS by hiring a few full time devs



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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 7:31:28
#22 ]
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From: Germany


A lot of people always claimed our Pegasos/SAM/AmigaOne/... IS NOT AMIGA. It will be funny when these people are all of a sudden happy with "this bog standard Intel PC IS AMIGA!" ...


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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 7:39:09
#23 ]
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IMHO an AMIGA is the legacy, what came later hardware wise is just "bog-standard" and maybe we should just call that NG-AMIGA or something.

AmigaOS or MorphOS on x86 would sell orders of magnitude more than the current,
hardware-intensive solutions. And they'd go faster.-- D.Haynie

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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 7:39:49
#24 ]
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From: Firenze (Italy)

This has been one of the big problems since Commodore's death in 1994...
Small or personal companies with their small and personal visions... and this has lead to divisions, confusion and so on...
Branding Windows clones as AMIGA will destroy what remains of the Amiga.

A1200/020+68882 - 6 MB RAM - AmigaOS 3.0

Home Recording Audio

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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 7:53:16
#25 ]
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From: Italy, Perugia


Don't worry, these liars speculators will be destroyed in a week or two, maybe and hopefully by a legal action ...

Selling a product rebranded as "Amiga" but in reality a useless Windows PC with AROS is clearly a dirty operation from a couple of liars (there are tons on Amiga world) his real scope is to eats for profits what remain of our community ...

Luckly their are not be able to do so as they are just .. liars


Sam440ep Flex 800 Mhz 1 GB Ram + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
AmigaOne XE G3 800 Mhz - 640 MB Ram - Radeon 9200 SE + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6

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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 8:14:38
#26 ]
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Just had a look at the "Commodore" website

"Introducing the Commodore Amigo" WTF?

I don't think this company will be around for too long.

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CD32/ Edu's CD32 <> A1200 Adapter, Vampire V2
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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 8:20:44
#27 ]
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From: Shores of Adriatic sea

I must say I'm disappointed by the reaction over here. I'm sick of some people spreading dissent in the amiga community because of their personal/subjective opinions what is and what isn't a Amiga. Tell you what, who cares? There's a new Amiga on the horizon and I for one look forward to seeing what they can do.

Don't like it, don't buy it... as simple as that.

The shadow is cast on who you used to be,
Let me set you free.
Come now, come take my hand, then you'll understand,
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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 8:31:43
#28 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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Our American lawyers will take action against this.

This is blatant violation of the rights Hyperion Entertainment secured in the settlement agreement with Amiga Inc., Itec and Amino.


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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 8:33:04
#29 ]
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From: Munich/Bavaria/Germany


I am usually one of the people here who are all for positivity, but on this one i call it quits.

I mean, just look at the "CommodoreUSA" website..

It's simply embarassing..

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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 8:35:50
#30 ]
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From: Italy, Perugia


No because Amiga is Amiga not PCs, they aren't try to rivitalize Amiga or somethings similar, they only try to speculate with our tiny community and the Amiga name, this is a shame !

Here we have tons of programmers that are worked amd working everyday on our OS, there are serious people/companies like ACube that are worked hard too, this to introduce real and developed Amiga system

Real Amiga = AmigaOS and derivates

Is like that If you are a Michael Jackson fun and i try to sell you a CD with my voice instead but with a Jackson cover


Sam440ep Flex 800 Mhz 1 GB Ram + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
AmigaOne XE G3 800 Mhz - 640 MB Ram - Radeon 9200 SE + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6

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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 8:41:31
#31 ]
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From: Shores of Adriatic sea


they aren't try to rivitalize Amiga or somethings similar, they only try to speculate with our tiny community and the Amiga name, this is a shame !

Newsflash! They are trying to make some money out of amiga name... Just like anybody else would try to do! The PowerPC route is a Dead end, as evident by the last 10 years of development. Thus, they cannot go that way. The only way to make money and broaden the market is to go x86. Unless Bill Gates buys Amiga and invests several billions into a completely new architecture just for fun.

The shadow is cast on who you used to be,
Let me set you free.
Come now, come take my hand, then you'll understand,
We'll go to that forbidden land.

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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 8:51:18
#32 ]
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Argosy wrote:

I must say I'm disappointed by the reaction over here. I'm sick of some people spreading dissent in the amiga community because of their personal/subjective opinions what is and what isn't a Amiga. Tell you what, who cares? There's a new Amiga on the horizon and I for one look forward to seeing what they can do.

Don't like it, don't buy it... as simple as that.

It is no wonder with the negative response. They have for years talked bad about everything that Bill McEven been through. Now we have a great thing going on but people find it difficult to slow down to change tracks. When we see concrete results of cooperation between the Commodore and Amiga, then I think we have a different level of criticism.

After reading the first post in this thread, I understand why I did not get answers on the Commodore Amiga in contact with Inc.

This could be great. Indirectly, they wrote to Amiga Inc are in the game and that it actually has products.

Would not surprise me if Aros changes name to 'Amiga Workbench' or similar and that the pre-developed components from Amiga Inc transposed in Aros. Or at Aros used in anticipation of the operating system from Amiga Inc.

This was fun! Now at last we may get a 'real' Commodore Amiga again.

Good luck!

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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 8:54:22
#33 ]
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Joined: 26-Dec-2005
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Argosy wrote:

they aren't try to rivitalize Amiga or somethings similar, they only try to speculate with our tiny community and the Amiga name, this is a shame !

Newsflash! They are trying to make some money out of amiga name... Just like anybody else would try to do! The PowerPC route is a Dead end, as evident by the last 10 years of development. Thus, they cannot go that way. The only way to make money and broaden the market is to go x86. Unless Bill Gates buys Amiga and invests several billions into a completely new architecture just for fun.


There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 8:58:49
#34 ]
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Joined: 11-Oct-2008
Posts: 462
From: Munich/Bavaria/Germany


I just think, this won't be the "Commodore Amiga" that you (and anybody else who has any nostalgic feelings for the name) want to see.

I'd love to hear what BigBenTheAussie has to say about this.

What will the final product look like? I imagine a run-of-the-mill Standard PC, in a standard PC case, with some Linux Distro and AROS as a choice to boot up.

If they really have solid plans for a genuine Commodore Amiga that lives up to the name, I am interested to hear about it.

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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 8:58:51
#35 ]
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OUCH! Really? I thought the settlement agreement was covering "Amiga OS", "AmigaOS", "Amiga One" and "AmigaOne" only, not the "Amiga" trademark.


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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 9:00:53
#36 ]
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From: Italia


AlexC wrote:

In any case, calling an x86 PC an Amiga would be an insult to everything the Amiga stands for so I'm hoping they'll use the name for something more noble than some rebadged PCs.

Also to name AmigaOne and X1000 Amiga in an insult to everything that was Amiga

if x86 pc is an insult, it is also a generic powerpc hardware..

Amiga today is only a software, an Operating system: OS3, OS4 and AmigaOS like :)


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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 9:02:22
#37 ]
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Hyperionmp wrote:

Our American lawyers will take action against this.

This is blatant violation of the rights Hyperion Entertainment secured in the settlement agreement with Amiga Inc., Itec and Amino.

What is Hyperion afraid of? They have "gotten over" the rights for a perfect operating system for a perfect hardware in a market that celebrates Hyperion to heaven. Stop being like little children who whine at older children.
Are they not satisfied with the years of sunbathing out in the trials?

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Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 9:02:44
#38 ]
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As far as I understood the Amiga product line will have custom cases with embossed Amiga logos. From the website I see that windows, ubuntu and Aros are in the talks as OS, or may there will be a multiple boot option.


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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 9:02:54
#39 ]
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Joined: 24-Jul-2010
Posts: 129
From: Shores of Adriatic sea


I just think, this won't be the "Commodore Amiga" that you (and anybody else who has any nostalgic feelings for the name) want to see. I'd love to hear what BigBenTheAussie has to say about this. What will the final product look like? I imagine a run-of-the-mill Standard PC, in a standard PC case, with some Linux Distro and AROS as a choice to boot up. If they really have solid plans for a genuine Commodore Amiga that lives up to the name, I am interested to hear about it.

Have you actually read the press release... How many times did they write Linux, PC in it?

I'd be actually quite happy with a customized linux distro on higher specced machines since AROS cannot support the full might of the x86 architecture just yet.

The shadow is cast on who you used to be,
Let me set you free.
Come now, come take my hand, then you'll understand,
We'll go to that forbidden land.

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Re: AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Posted on 1-Sep-2010 9:03:50
#40 ]
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I just think, this won't be the "Commodore Amiga" that you (and anybody else who has any nostalgic feelings for the name) want to see.

I'd love to hear what BigBenTheAussie has to say about this.

What will the final product look like? I imagine a run-of-the-mill Standard PC, in a standard PC case, with some Linux Distro and AROS as a choice to boot up.

If they really have solid plans for a genuine Commodore Amiga that lives up to the name, I am interested to hear about it.

I also think it will be interesting to 'hear' BigBenTheAussie.

Well, I like retro stuff, but mostly I want to get back the spirit that was in the 80s.

Last edited by linnar on 01-Sep-2010 at 09:10 AM.
Last edited by linnar on 01-Sep-2010 at 09:07 AM.

There are very interesting in all languages.
Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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