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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 23-Dec-2010 22:07:58
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| @kas1e
Do you think this version of OWB will be able to compile natively on OS4? I seem to remember Joerg mentioning that he did development on Linux. I may be wrong.
I'd be interested in testing or possibly contributing if I could do it on OS4. _________________ Micro A1 866 Mhz and AmigaOS 4.1 PowerMac G4 1.4 Ghz and MorphOS 2.7 |
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 23-Dec-2010 22:52:47
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| @Troels
-Lots of people didn't like MUI on their classics, looked pretty but slowed the computer down and was avoided if possible.
Which is irrelevant nowadays, and Reaction wouldn't be better in this regard anyway.
AmigaOS4 uses another toolkit as default toolkit, it's natural to work with that before you use a 3rd party toolkit which is mainly present for "backwards compatibility" in the first place.
Which is the only valid argument here. But the problem is the official tookit is also too weak for modern applications (unless you're prepared to waste much more time doing it, and even then, it doesn't offer all the features the infamous mui does anyway).
MUI is freezed at v3.9 on AmigaOS, why not suggest and work on improvements for the native toolkit instead of working with MUI that will never make v4.0 on AmigaOS.
Well, in 6 years, i haven't seen lots of core improvements in Reaction (that desperately needs some, especially at programming/classes level). Maybe that should be something worth looking at.
Personally I'd love to see AmigaOS use QT as the default toolkit but perhaps that's just me.
I guess some people have a different vision of what AmigaOS should become. Some would like it to keep its own identity and originality, and others are ready to let it copy random technologies from other OSes, losing the identity in the process.
Cool thing is that contrary to MUI, newest sourcecode is actually available for QT for everyone to work with if they so desire.
And Linux source code is available too. Why not just make a nice OS4 skin+icons+background for a random Linux distro, and be done with all this tedious OS work. Porting X11/QT/whatever apps will infinitely easier then. And this way, you'll get the technologies properly integrated, at least.Last edited by Fab on 24-Dec-2010 at 08:46 AM.
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 23-Dec-2010 23:41:19
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| @itix
Its easy to make reaction guis, I have made a few macros so don't need type all the TAG'S.
MUI and Raction are designed the same way, not so different.
MUI has more classes, but also problems whit find MUI classes and the right versions.
Soon QT might be the preferred toolkit on AmigaOS4, because Reaction is bit limited, and MUI has few problems whit versions etc. _________________ Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS |
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 24-Dec-2010 1:42:46
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 24-Dec-2010 5:39:34
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 24-Dec-2010 14:09:05
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| @itix
itix wrote: @Nibunnoichi Accept it or not MUI is the future of all Amiga systems. |
As said, maybe i wasn't too clear, i wasn't talking about technical aspects or merits or if MUI is good or bad... i'm just talking about the user perception/experience. Except for MorphOS you won't have the latest stuff and updates and you even have to register to take full advantage from it. In this sense i consider it an "alien" thing, it's a 3rd party addon which isn't fully supported/updated. Let me say again that i'm talking only as an end user, don't let me say thing i never said please!
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 24-Dec-2010 19:30:30
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| @Fab
Well, many of the bugs reported in OWB OS4 bugtracker simply never occurred in the MorphOS version. So joerg likely introduced them in the first place (except for cookies where he indeed tried to fix OWB buggy cookiemanager). |
Ok, but you can be sure ?
I mean did you test any problematic thing availible on that tracker ? Off course i don't ask for a huge work like this, just for a start check the Javascipt on all the various test in W3Schools and DynamicDrive portals  _________________ BACK FOR THE FUTURE
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 24-Dec-2010 19:50:26
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 1:02:22
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| @all About mui-owb progress: right now all errors fixed for the first, heavy batched binary , except one related to libicu port (which i not done normally for now), so, if anyone have aos4 port of libicu and can upload it somethere, it will help pretty much, because dunno how fast i can build it (stack on some place when libdata should be builded, and its builds by the bins which also compiles from libicu, so can't use crosscompiler, but on aos4 have some strange problems). I tryed not the very latest version of libicu (just the same which use fab for mos), maybe i should try latest one tomorrow ..
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 1:13:28
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| @kas1e
Great to hear your progress - thanks and well done! I hope someone can make it run on AROS/Zune and then we've got a (mostly) unified code-base for the most important app of all. That would be brilliant.
Chris |
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 1:13:30
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| @BobW
Do you think this version of OWB will be able to compile natively on OS4? I seem to remember Joerg mentioning that he did development on Linux. I may be wrong.
If you mean compiling process itself, then yep, it can't be compiled on aos4 for now (because there is usage of cmake and ccmake, which we do not have native).I use cygwin on winxp for my cross-compiler setup where i build aos4 bins, fab use linux as i know for that (i.e. environment does no matter, matter to have cross-compiler working), someone use macos (like afxgroup if i remember right).
And more of it, even if we will have cmake/ccmake on os4, only x1000 will be enough to make compilation of OWB more or less fast, because for example for me , today, it got 4 hours for full recompilation (maybe because of cygwin, dunno, but my HW are 3-4 years old only). For fab on linux as he say it gets about 1-2 hours for full recompilation (he use athlon from 2002 years). I think for example on SAM440, i think it will 2-3 days :)
I'd be interested in testing or possibly contributing if I could do it on OS4.
If you know aos api, or mui , and in interest to help, and have time, you can help anyway, because final binary will be of course runs on aos4, so testing will be possible of course.
Last edited by kas1e on 26-Dec-2010 at 01:20 AM.
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 9:43:11
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| @kas1e
Mmm so do you need a sort of "already precompiled" or the various lib for SDK ? I may have this .so somewhere in my backups but i don't know where to find the other you eventually need, unless sending a nudge to Joerg ... _________________ BACK FOR THE FUTURE
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 11:56:15
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| @samo79
Mmm so do you need a sort of "already precompiled" or the various lib for SDK ?
.so its just shared object ready to use (like .library) , while i need newlib compiled stab-libs to link with it (will try to build latest version for now)._________________ Join us to improve dopus5! zerohero's mirror of os4/os3 crosscompiler suites |
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 13:57:47
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 14:17:33
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| @kas1e
Cool, so 2 weeks of work is passed and first part is completed !
Before going ahead make sure to make a proper backup 
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 14:26:50
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 16:19:51
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| bla, still fighting with that sucking libicu
@Kicko i just almost compile stripped heavy sources, with fabs help, for sure that can do everyone who just will want to loose their times on it (i.e. nothing smart or kind)
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 17:00:40
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 17:02:16
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| @kas1e
... _________________ BACK FOR THE FUTURE
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 OWB Development whilst we wait? Posted on 26-Dec-2010 17:07:05
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| @kas1e
great, that you and Fab are working together.
I think a MUI Version is 100 times more amiga as a timberwolf or other firefox Port, or other Linux Port.
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