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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 15:10:24
#461 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 5-Apr-2007
Posts: 602
From: Zurich, Switzerland


Why do you call your News a Blog?

What Trevor is doing is a blog.

What hyperion is doing is just some short news and this
has nothing to do with a blog.

I suggest, just write some more about your daily
work and so on. I would appreciate that.


Sometimes we give people a lot of credit just because they're writing nice sentences even if it isn't adding up to much.

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 15:11:42
#462 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 30-Jun-2003
Posts: 660
From: Zlatibor, Serbia


Regarding to this policy of Hyperion, clarification about netbook will be appropriate.. official info please

F1 Srbija

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 15:18:28
#463 ]
Elite Member
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Posts: 2809
From: Unknown



number6 wrote:

It's not unique. Troika had 5 people posting. They used a corporate account for general information. The engineer posted technical info under his own nick, as did the 2nd engineer, the hopeful distributor, the somewhat silent partner, etc. Some posts were signed, some not.


Who's "Troika" and what did he do !!!

It's one of the daft things about, the "search function" is next to useless... You can't find out about someone unless you can find a post made by them (which aint easy either) and click on the profile link (it's actually quicker to use google and for a lot of searches on it's the only way) !!!

Anywhoo, after googling "troika" I found his/ its profile (I say "it's" cos you seem to be telling me it's a company) but all it does is give you info on what looks like a very defunct website...

Just wondering now who or what was "Troika" and what part did they play in Amigaland...

PS: @ The Mods...

Could you ask people who use these "corporate accounts" (or even demand) that when they make a post they at least make it known to the members here whom it is actually speaking on behalf of the company...

Had enough of that confusion with DiscreetFX posts in the past and never quite knowing where it was Bill or Tedd I was gibbering to...

It'd be a very simple and indeed wise thing for "corporate account" users to simply make known who is saying what when posting, instead of appearing like some individual with a multiple personality disorder or suffering from extreme mood swings...

Last edited by Franko on 02-Apr-2013 at 03:22 PM.


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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 15:25:44
#464 ]
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Someone else can certainly explain it better. As far as I know "Troika" promised to create a cheap PPC board for AmigaOS but then vanished (like many before and after)

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 15:30:02
#465 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


Troika was a startup company that designed a half-finished motherboard that they promised was going to run AmigaOS4, even before contacting Hyperion about licenses, Troika was an unprofessional company, the people behind it was hard core Amiga people that believed in what they were doing, but failed to deliver.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 02-Apr-2013 at 03:35 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 15:33:39
#466 ]
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Joined: 1-May-2005
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From: Space Coast

Just wondering now who or what was "Troika" and what part did they play in Amigaland...

Troika was a "company" that claimed they had designed a motherboard to run OS4, but even after producing a DPaint block diagram and a mockup of a board that many claimed would be inoperable, they never delivered anything. Many consider them a hoax, although the guy who was behind the whole thing showed up on AWN one day with a tale of woe which may or may not have had any foundation in reality.

Funny story: somebody from Troika went to CES one year ('07 I think) and brought a PPC board from another company (UDTech) along with them. This was a board that they presented as being their own design, but that's a whole other story. The funny part is, this Troika person posted a bunch of pictures of the "Amy" aka "Panda" running in their hotel room, including one picture that showed "the Amiga Boing Ball running on Amy for the first time!" The picture showed a web browser being run under Linux connected to the Amigaworld website, with the Boing Ball icon from the site shown next to the Address input box. That's just one example of how "serious" Troika was, which is one reason why many think the whole thing was a hoax.


Last edited by jorkany on 02-Apr-2013 at 03:44 PM.
Last edited by jorkany on 02-Apr-2013 at 03:41 PM.
Last edited by jorkany on 02-Apr-2013 at 03:39 PM.

Here for the whimpering end

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 15:46:49
#467 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Completely wrong.

For starters Amy and Panda (UDtech) were 2 different boards and there were 4.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 16:10:26
#468 ]
AROS Core Developer
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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 16:13:05
#469 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Right that's Amy05. The Panda sticker was put on the UDtech board.

Neither of which has anything to do with my example of corporate accounts. Heh.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 16:49:22
#470 ]
Elite Member
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From: Unknown


Thanks for the answers to what "Troika" was... (you learn sumfink new everyday, well I do at least, though sometimes not all I learn is useful or meaningful to be honest)...

Have to say though after looking at the pic Terminills posted, it's no wonder they failed... they probably fried the board with static after they took that nice photo of it sitting on what looks like an offcut of a NYLON carpet...

(Reckon they didn't know much about electronics after all)...

PS: This post was not made from my "Corporate Account" nor are any comments in it those of me squirrels (they have their own opinions on things)...


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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 16:57:49
#471 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jan-2008
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From: Unknown


so whats that? photoshopped image? one elses board they silscreened their logo on?(strange, because it seems to be printed under components), or is it a board they themselves hand soldered after a design template? mysterious..

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 17:05:50
#472 ]
AROS Core Developer
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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I would imagine if it was a "working" board they wouldn't have it on a blanket that could be full of static. ;) So I would guess the old hand soldered board.

Last edited by terminills on 02-Apr-2013 at 05:08 PM.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 18:21:00
#473 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Aug-2003
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From: Work


You haven't been around for long, have you? Well, I'm Ole-Egil Hvitmyren, and if you need to see my face you can do that here:

Allthough that was 10 years ago


In a meeting at work today I noticed I was writing with a pencil that had "Lilla Bommen Konferens Center" on it. Man that's been around for a while

Last edited by olegil on 02-Apr-2013 at 06:22 PM.

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 18:24:45
#474 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Aug-2003
Posts: 5900
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what's the rule for when you can call something a "blog"? I have a feeling I might have sinned against such a rule at some point myself

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 18:39:08
#475 ]
Team Member
Joined: 8-Oct-2004
Posts: 2043
From: France, on an ADSL line



what's the rule for when you can call something a "blog"?

Urban Dictionary says:
Blog -
Short for weblog.
A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today."

v. intr.
The act of posting to a weblog.

There you go.

¤¤ Official Hyperion Zealot ¤¤

(No, I didn't type that with a straight face.)

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 19:01:23
#476 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 11-Jan-2007
Posts: 818
From: Northern Ireland


I have been around longer than you might expect. Too long in fact!
I just didn't read far enough back in the thread to get what you were jibbering on about.

AmigaOne X1000

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 19:10:54
#477 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 5-Apr-2007
Posts: 602
From: Zurich, Switzerland


There are different definition for blogs.

But writing down some short news isn't a blog - that's for shure.

It's just news and that's it. A blog goes beyond that.

Why is Hyperion not using this blog - just for telling us what's going on, what they are doing right now - even if it has nothing to do with Amiga. It would be really interesting for many of us.

I really like the blog of Trevor. It shows that there is someone working for us, even if he writes about other things like traveling around and so on.

It is just an opportunity Hyperion is missing... that's all...

Sometimes we give people a lot of credit just because they're writing nice sentences even if it isn't adding up to much.

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 19:24:03
#478 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Jun-2010
Posts: 2809
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Yo wrote:


what's the rule for when you can call something a "blog"?

Urban Dictionary says:
Blog -
Short for weblog.
A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today."

v. intr.
The act of posting to a weblog.

There you go.

That description sums up pretty accurately EVERY site on the internet where people are free to post things (especially Amiga computer forums)...

The Internet/ Web was a great concept in principle but failed in practice cos they didn't really stop to consider that, Joe Public & businesses would be free to use it and post their every brain fart or hype which all of us whom use the internet and actually read or partake in to while away some time in what is just as the quote you posted says is our " stupid, pathetic" little lives...

It's one of those unexplained things in life that most of us won't admit to and try to deny to ourselves but the reality is in the grand scheme of things when it comes to saying anything on the internet we're all a tiny wee bit sad & pathetic...

By the way I just farted...


EDIT: I just had to edit this post twice cos after only 3 years on the net and hanging around these forums has melted me brain...

Last edited by Franko on 02-Apr-2013 at 07:27 PM.
Last edited by Franko on 02-Apr-2013 at 07:24 PM.


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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 21:53:23
#479 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 21-Jun-2005
Posts: 893
From: Germany


I'll have to ignore your comlement to my coding skills because of more of your stupidty. If you want to doodle on 640x480 pics then its fine, but if you want to do real work on 8000px wide images? Then it certainly needs as much CPU and memory as you can throw at it.

Stupidity, ok...

I could imagine lots of cases, where even the fastest machine available (for consumers) will lag. That means what? That all use-cases very, very badly need an even faster machine not yet available? With the development of this very special machine stalling the development of many other things, as important as your "need for speed"? I see, the new functionality is made solely for you and the "real work"

Btw., I stay right on missing Blender functions. You need a recompile every time. So, extra work needed, more possibilities to introduce new bugs, etc. etc. No magic done by simple appearance of SMP, separated address spaces, Gallium3D. Thats exactly what I said.

Oh, and your comparison Blender vs. Cinema4D was not ok. I believe in your skills to find out yourself, why.

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Re: Hyperion Blog update....
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 22:52:07
#480 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England



Stupidity, ok...

Sorry rude of me, lack of imagination not stupidity


I could imagine lots of cases, where even the fastest machine available (for consumers) will lag. That means what? That all use-cases very, very badly need an even faster machine not yet available? With the development of this very special machine stalling the development of many other things, as important as your "need for speed"? I see, the new functionality is made solely for you and the "real work"

The point I wanted make was to counter your intial statement, one oft made by amiga users, that no software we have can use that much CPU power. SketchBlock clearly scales with CPU poer, (as in many ways do a lot of apps, but aprticluarly those that require brute force) moderb expectations out run the old amiga base image sizes of 320 x200 with 4 bitplanes. The largest image I worked on in SketchBlock is 3000x2000 with 3 layers (an artistic weak painting of a scene on Le tarn in the south of France). That's entry level for modern platforms, but there nothing about SketchBlock that limits it, only the hardware.
No I don;t new hardware just for me ( Although that would be nice )


Btw., I stay right on missing Blender functions.

No you didn't read very well.

You need a recompile every time.

For conversion from MiniGL to a gallium based mesa yes. To take advantage of further extension after that, well blender uses GL functionailty that can discover available extensions, so maybe not.

No magic done by simple appearance of SMP,

Yes, blender is allreday threaded as I said before, I don't belive a recompile will be needed to use SMP.


Oh, and your comparison Blender vs. Cinema4D was not ok. I believe in your skills to find out yourself, why.

You overestimate my skill please provide evidence for you dubious assertion.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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