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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 15-May-2014 19:28:37
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 15-May-2014 19:42:30
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| @asymetrix
Looks OK in IE I use right now. |
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 15-May-2014 20:54:14
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 15-May-2014 20:57:24
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 15-May-2014 21:31:50
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 16-May-2014 13:05:40
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| @asymetrix
asymetrix wrote: @broadblues
found the problem :
just need to remove the monospace from css :
.c.source-c { font-family: monospace; }
in odyssey the problem is/was that in the settings the monospace font was set to a much smaller size than the normal font (13 compared to 16) thus makink it smaller. using monospace in the style sheet is correct imo. maybe the font size should be set in the syle sheet more explicitely.
regards... michael_________________ Michael Merkel  ( Home) Member of Amiga-Freunde Pfalz, OS4 Welt |
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 12:45:12
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Hyperion  |
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 13:00:31
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| @Hyperionmp
Very interesting to read, and very well written article.
thank you _________________ retired |
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 13:23:16
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| @Hyperionmp
Really interesting information, hope one day we will break the barrier of 256mb of Vram for have the opportunity to have the use of 512mb to 4 gb of new and cheaper video boards. _________________ I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG A 500 + ; CDTV; CD32; PowerMac G5 Quad 8GB,SSD,SSHD,7800gtx,Radeon R5 230 2GB; MacBook Pro Retina I7 2.3ghz; #nomorea-eoninmyhome |
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 13:48:23
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| @Hyperinmp
Thanks, very interesting read, keep it up!  _________________ AmigaOS 4.1 FEu2 on Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM  C128, A500+, A1200, A1200/40, AmigaForever 2008+09+16, 5 x86/x64 boxes Still waiting (or dreaming) for the Amiga revolution... |
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 17:58:35
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| @Thread
I had forgotten about that aspect of memory management from when it was popular with the IBM-type machine in the '90s. I believe it was called LIMM EMS for Lotus-Intel-Microsoft-Memory expanded memory system, or some such nonsense. If fact I recall some page boundary mix up that could occur on Intel chips if all the stars were aligned (and the 6502 had a similar issue). It used to be a programming bitch from the paging point of view, mapping in and out the blocks, but I'm sure techniques have advanced to make it quite useful, i.e., better than swap partitions.
Be nice to be educated on current thoughts on the subject.
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 20:18:48
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| @cymru
Yes I hope private virtual memory can also use physical memory out side the 4 Gbytes scope, I think that is just going to be easier to work with, anyway I think Extended Memory Objects can be useful for emulators like Basilisk and EUAE, as emulators use lots of memory. That's if its easy accessible.
We will see when the updated SDK is out. Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-May-2014 at 08:20 PM.
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 20:35:11
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 20:40:58
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| @NutsAboutAmiga
It sure has potential, even if requires some effort to use. Lately I've seen a couple of things in GNU/Linux that require effort to use, so right now I wouldn't be afraid of getting my hands dirty with this EMO stuff (intentional acronym?).
Now, if I could just remember what it was I struggled so badly with last week... Ah, yes. kbhit(), which exists in Windows but not Linux. In UBoot I used tstc(), which is basically the same thing. But in Linux it took a FAIR bit of software to emulate that function. I was almost sad I couldn't run all my code inside UBoot. Allthough, I'm sure I could if I was stubborn enough. _________________ This weeks pet peeve: Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean. |
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 21:01:07
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| @olegil
The problem whit emulators are that emulated system memory has to be shared between threads/processes some threads emulates sound and some Ethernet but they all need access to the same memory, it can be tricky to do, if memory above 4Gbytes can not shared, some creating some sort memory handler tread will be inefficient, this has to be direct access.
I have sort of the same issue whit graphic memory on graphic cards, the result is that a need memory buffer in system memory, because memory is not shareable, any way direct access to graphic card memory is slow, so here it does make sense to use a buffer. Anyway you don't want any complex memory emulation routine as it adds overhead. Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-May-2014 at 09:14 PM. Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-May-2014 at 09:02 PM.
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 21:22:05
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| @NutsAboutAmiga
Having looked at the coding issue years back, if the emulator opened and ran on an artificial memory map where the virtual memory was artificially maintained using pages in ram, it could work, but think of the effort that might require with the several layers of virtualization: programs running on an emulator, that was running on a virtual memory map laid out on the host machine's system. It is possible for sure, but it is a rewrite from near scratch. Best left to folks with a Program Manager (of the human type) with deep pockets. Or I am blowing gas out of my rear...
Now the graphic memory issue is different when access is maintained by the GPU; it can perform similar memory tasks as the CPU, but much faster with the limitation only being the PCI interface. Last edited by cymru on 22-May-2014 at 09:25 PM.
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 22:00:49
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| @cymru
but it is a rewrite from near scratch. Best left to folks with a Program Manager (of the human type) with deep pockets. Or I am blowing gas out of my rear.. |
Your maybe blowing gas out of your rear 
Basilisk has memory emulation already, to handle memory offset as memory can't live in the same address space, memory has to exist in the allocated memory for the emulator.
So it basically some thing like:
#define readmem_long(addr,value) *((ULONG *) (Baseaddr + addr)) = value #define writemem_long(addr,value) value = *((ULONG *) (Baseaddr + addr));
this are wrapped into macros or functions, so its retaliative easy to inject a more advanced memory emulation, but you don't want to over complicate it as the emulation will run slow.
EUAE's memory emulation is more complicated, then Basilisk memory emulation, but it mostly works the same way.
On x86 it even has to do BE/LE conversion.Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-May-2014 at 10:05 PM. Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-May-2014 at 10:03 PM. Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-May-2014 at 10:01 PM.
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 22:23:34
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| @Hyperionmp
Very good reading! Thanks, Hyperionmp and Hans-Jorg. _________________
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 23:19:06
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| @NutsAboutAmiga
I don't think you are thinking about this from the bottom up; while "x" may have memory management built in, it doesn't know about the Amiga's (system "y" for example) memory management. To make "x" aware that you can call a page of memory from a virtual to real address, it needs to be made aware, and that is not just changing a pointer; it involves a major rewrite. It has to make a call to the memory paging API, and then control its own virtual memory pasted on the Amiga's. Memory may be available, partially available, or not and decisions made; decisions on these issues could be made by vote, by committee, by one person, or by a senior manager. Obviously, small projects don't need this but may take forever to get out of beta. |
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Re: An abundance of AmigaOS Posted on 22-May-2014 23:49:06
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| @cymru
I think your taking about emulating a mmu , mmu emulation is slow, and there is almost no gain.
Committee? senior manager? It does work that way open source world. |
Developers read and study and try to keep him self up to date, maybe the developer has some experience whit that kind of thing or maybe does not, taking on open source projects is a way to gain experience.
Committee does not write code, they cost money and drive nice cars.
Some senior manager's don't even know how to write code, what a manager know is how priorities and schedule activities and motivate co workers, and so on, for a one man job you don't need a senior manager, a experienced developer will know how to priorities, one developer can only do one task at the time, so schedule activities are pretty simple.
More fun to code when you don't have a senior manager hanging over you neck tell you do things the wrong way, when you know how to do it the correct way.
small projects don't need this but may take forever to get out of beta. |
That depends on the developer his experience, what he knows, the amount of time he can spend on it. (after work hours)Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 23-May-2014 at 12:35 AM. Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 23-May-2014 at 12:32 AM. Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 23-May-2014 at 12:32 AM. Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 23-May-2014 at 12:00 AM.
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