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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 4-Jun-2011 22:02:39
#81 ]
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Joined: 30-Aug-2003
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From: Right here...


That's odd. I don't see any MorphOS users posting in this thread

You're right, edited.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 4-Jun-2011 22:03:43
#82 ]
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Joined: 17-Oct-2002
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From: UK

@freeaks / negative people in general

Why do you keep bringing Hyperion into this discussion about the X1000, when Hyperion aren't responsible for it. You know it really shows when someone starts blaming a company for something that they are not responsible for.

As for outdated this and outdated that..... does it matter when you aren't either owning it, planning to own it, or using any variant of it. There seems little point to me in complaining negatively about a product (or two) that you have no intention of using or owning. This is just known as "jumping on the bandwagon".

If you all feel you could do better, why don't you just stump up the cash and go develop your own from scratch. And if you have managed to get your product up to a similar (or better spec) in less time, fully working and mass produced for less money overall, then you have a reason to complain - otherwise, just give it a rest already.

Is it any wonder nobody wants to either announce anything or start anything in this community when its members can be so petty and bitch about absolutely anything for no reason at all.

Test sig (new)

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 4-Jun-2011 22:25:30
#83 ]
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From: Cheshire, England

I think everyone is just a little tried of getting burned and worried its another scam and I cant say I blame them, for what pass companies have done it has made people a lot more weary in the Amiga world, I thought C=USA was going to be a simple scam company, but it turned out they do have the money and the license and look like they will have a real product (still not too happy about Amiga branded PC, but what you going to do).

But what matter is that the X1000 actually arrives and a lot of this nonsense will be forgotten about specially by the people who are so quick to pick faults just like when Sam460 missed its dead line a few came out and said "maybe Hyperion holding back the software, maybe Acube out of money, maybe they dont want it out before the x1000 etc etc" Same thing with the Classic OS4.1 when that was a little late people where saying "key developers have left, it will never be released, Hyperion are trouble, its the beginning of the end" but its out and thats all that matters in the end.

I do feel sorry for the few developers and companies left in the Amiga scene for some of the stuff they get bashed for, ok sometime they make mistakes or misjudgments and so rightly or wrongly are jumped on but I cant honestly believe they are still in this market to just scam the Amiga market their are far bigger market to try and do that on.

Last edited by amigang on 06-Jun-2011 at 04:34 PM.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 4-Jun-2011 23:03:54
#84 ]
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From: Poland


I represent a small majority of people


negative FUD dispersal

Feel free to join the chat instead of going ad personam.

Maybe you would be happier with the likemindedness of people on Moo?

Thank you for your advice. My brain powers allow me to participate in more than one forum. If you don't like what I'm saying you can press "Abuse Report" or ask Moderators to ban me.

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 4-Jun-2011 23:04:06
#85 ]
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Joined: 27-Jul-2003
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From: Unknown


I agree with all except

Respond if you agree with this. The disgruntled minority is overly represented in these forums, and I like to see an end to that!!!

They are not a disgruntled minority, they are from the Green Camp, Green with
envy because they will never have what we Amigians have. They will never be Number
One in any Amiga related way.

Since this topic IS in the OS4 Hardware forum I can also say that AmigaOS 4 will
have the best AmigaOS 4 hardware going with the X1000. Couple that with the Sam
boards, the PPC classics, and the future is bright and secure.

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 4-Jun-2011 23:06:11
#86 ]
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From: Poland


What a bunch of impatient children you guys can be.

Thanks for including me in your shame list without actually quoting any of my posts.

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 4-Jun-2011 23:13:53
#87 ]
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From: Poland


If you all feel you could do better, why don't you just stump up the cash and go develop your own from scratch.

This is non argument. I didn't like new Star Wars. No, I didn't film my own movie. I didn't like food in a restaurant. No, I didn't open my own chain.

And if you have managed to get your product up to a similar (or better spec) in less time, fully working and mass produced for less money overall, then you have a reason to complain - otherwise, just give it a rest already.

So my inability to produce hardware (I'm a software guy) is what excuses others delays? My lack of knowledge (beside rudimentary basics) of OpenGL excuses Duke Nukem Forever?

If I'm going to post "Hey, this new hardware is going to be here tomorrow" you can blame me tomorrow. I didn't. AEon did.

Last edited by opi on 04-Jun-2011 at 11:14 PM.

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 4-Jun-2011 23:31:22
#88 ]
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From: Poland


they are from the Green Camp

Boy, nothing helps discussion like rubber stamping "THEM" of whoever you disagree with. You should run for Pope of Amigadom, you have your enemies defined, now just push some stereotypes onto "THEM" and bam!

"THEM" who disregard holy name of Brand Name should be banned!

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 4-Jun-2011 23:40:47
#89 ]
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From: Michigan


Apparently, the last unconfirmed report on the X1000 sighting comes from Las Vegas.

I even found this one funny, and I would have been part of the beta team if I hadn't run out of money to join the party.


edit: added context

Last edited by Paul on 04-Jun-2011 at 11:47 PM.

Builder of Frankenthousand, the monster A1000
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 4-Jun-2011 23:49:56
#90 ]
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From: Michigan


re: post #50

If more of your posts came across like this one, it wouldn't get so tiresome reading your rather hysterical criticisms.


Builder of Frankenthousand, the monster A1000
The Young Frankenthousand A1-XE G4

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 5-Jun-2011 0:09:18
#91 ]
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From: Michigan


This is non argument. I didn't like new Star Wars. No, I didn't film my own movie. I didn't like food in a restaurant. No, I didn't open my own chain.

Let me guess. . . you have gone to that bad restaurant 5 out of 7 days of the week for the last four years or so and told every potential customer who walks by on the sidewalk that you didn't like the food, and that ---therefore--- they shouldn't go in and eat there, either.


Last edited by Paul on 05-Jun-2011 at 12:10 AM.

Builder of Frankenthousand, the monster A1000
The Young Frankenthousand A1-XE G4

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 5-Jun-2011 0:44:47
#92 ]
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Joined: 8-May-2007
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From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away"


Well, I thought the examples I cited were sufficient to make my point. But, actually, you've been one of the biggest offenders in this thread, exceeded only by freaks.

So for your illustration, I edited my original post to include examples of your statements as well.

Last edited by jingof on 05-Jun-2011 at 12:47 AM.

Vic-20, C-64, C-128
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 5-Jun-2011 0:45:35
#93 ]
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Joined: 25-Oct-2005
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From: Michigan, USA


...but I think too much is made of the AmigaOne's faults. As a consumer, I was very happy with my AmigaOne...
Me too. And, there were work-arounds like the sii 0680IDE.

@ Opi
Olegil's Devs List was probably the best hangout in the world for the A1 owners. Information passed there need not be public. BTW, there was a disclaimer by EyeTech that the AmigaOne's where classed "Experimental Edition" or "XE".
So yes, you were forwarned about the Amiga One before buying one! Your arguments don't hold any merit. You should stop talking about the Amiga and get one and own one and shutup for a while! =:o


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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 5-Jun-2011 0:56:14
#94 ]
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From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away"


If I'm going to post "Hey, this new hardware is going to be here tomorrow" you can blame me tomorrow. I didn't. AEon did.

Oh.. isn't this just great! Troller "logic" at its finest.

You and freaks talk all this "NDA, silence is bad, AmigaOne shows what happens when you have silence, they should let us know more" garbage.

Amiga school of marketing. Hype, hype, prepay, NDA
You know why people didn't know how AmigaOne turned out before it was too late?
NDA and secret forums. ... nothing wrong with testing. Unless you do that year after saying that customer would not have to wait until summer..

1.5 year ago, they said "you don't have to wait till summer"
it was lies.
users are kept in the dark. communication is bad.

You complain about silence and NDA, and freaks says they shouldn't keep us in the dark.

And yet when they do give us a progress report and their hopeful projections, YOU GUYS BEAT THEM OVER THEY HEAD WITH IT!

No wonder they don't want to say anything about progress!

It only becomes a weapon for you trolls!

Logic fellows.... GET SOME!

Last edited by jingof on 05-Jun-2011 at 01:10 AM.
Last edited by jingof on 05-Jun-2011 at 01:09 AM.
Last edited by jingof on 05-Jun-2011 at 01:08 AM.

Vic-20, C-64, C-128
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 5-Jun-2011 5:16:19
#95 ]
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From: Poland


Oh.. isn't this just great! Troller "logic" at its finest.

Let me explain this simpler terms:

a) You can't expect from me to "put up or shut up"
b) because I didn't make any promises about hardware
c) the other company did
d) Not my fault they missed self imposed deadline

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 5-Jun-2011 5:30:43
#96 ]
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Let me guess. . .

Whoops, you guessed wrong. If you want to extend my metaphor: a restaurant I enjoyed and had few shares of was overtaken by people who changed menu and design. Few of my fellow restaurant goers got food poisoning but it was never discussed. Now next restaurant is announced to be opened near by.

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 5-Jun-2011 7:23:34
#97 ]
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Joined: 13-Sep-2004
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@opi @eXec

Here's a question for you:

Perhaps you just like to annoy people with your constantly negative attitudes towards ANYTHING that's OS4 related, Please take your 'personal opinions' (or personal vendetta) elsewhere!

Rev 1D3 Amiga 1200, Apollo 1240 (40Mhz '040, 64MB RAM), Indivision MKII, Fast ATA MK V, Rapid Road USB, PCMCIA WIFI & OS 3.14

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 5-Jun-2011 7:58:12
#98 ]
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Joined: 8-May-2007
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From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away"


Let me explain this simpler terms:

a) You can't expect from me to "put up or shut up"
b) because I didn't make any promises about hardware
c) the other company did
d) Not my fault they missed self imposed deadline

Your inability to receive the point only serves to illustrate your bias. Alas, let me try to make it plainer...

a)) You spend half this thread bashing a-eon/hyperion for "hype"

b)) And the other half bashing them for not sharing more information.

If you can't see the troller contradiction there, then... sorry fellow, can't spell it out any clearer.

Vic-20, C-64, C-128
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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 5-Jun-2011 8:22:58
#99 ]
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Joined: 2-Mar-2005
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From: Poland


your bias

Show me a person without bias and I'll show you a person that's lying to you.

You spend half this thread bashing a-eon/hyperion for "hype"

Bashing? You mean puzzles, "What is X?", guess-the-CPU wasn't here to build hype? Please, explain.

And the other half bashing them for not sharing more information.

"What is X?" is not "sharing information" in my book. I'm talking about NDA gags for people who paid to be betatesters. If you can't understand why I'm voicing my objection then I'm sorry, I can't explain it any further.


This is the third time you called me troll in this thread. How civil of you. What next? "Yo mama so stupid she uses MorphOS"?

Being good Amigan: always shooting messengers!

Last edited by opi on 05-Jun-2011 at 08:32 AM.

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Re: Where the @#&@(!& is "X" ???
Posted on 5-Jun-2011 8:23:20
#100 ]
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Joined: 24-Jun-2004
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From: the Clouds


What is going on here?

Opi is a long time member here on AW; whilst I myself sometimes or more often don't agree with his POWs, I really don't agree at all calling him a troll!!

Because of the Amiga situation or the X1000 thing, which looks way off because of the almost 1year overdue time, he might be in a bad mood or/and disappointed. But bashing him like that is not fair.

Even if I have confidence in Trevor and the rest who is involved is still making the best to make it succeed, I really can understand him.

Looks like the Amiga pond is getting too small and it's inhabitants are starting to cannibalize..


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