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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 7-Apr-2012 11:21:53
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 4-Jan-2005 Posts: 557
From: Chiba prefecture Japan | | |
| @joeled
Definitely not a dead project, every little bit helps and I am only asked people to spare some change to help me of their own choice.
*yes* I am bumping the thread again...
I currently have a list of 5 members on AmigaWorld who have donated to help me with this (2 people were significantly generous which was all the more of a surprise for me...for which I am *very* grateful )
I will also say thank you to the two verbal detractors, despite what you say, any feedback is better than no feedback at all. so thank you for saying anything at all and letting me know your opinions.
I am NOT going to waste any donations because I *will* complete payments and actively develop for AmigaOS4.x
I am not going to restrict the code itself to AmigaOS4.x and I have done what I can with pen and paper from the RKRM Libs 3rd edition manual I have here.
The current total is 50% paid, 240 Euros remain to complete payment (including shipping and paypal fees)
I only ask for *small* donations from anyone who is interested in either project.
I will be openly developing both Perception IME and Polymorph VM projects, hopefully they are both able to be demonstrated to be more useful in the practical sense as well as in concept.
Thank you again to the current list of 5 Donators, ALL of the donated funding has gone towards payments for the sam440flex kit.
I still have hope and will see this through!
AbH Belxjander Draconis Serechai
Last edited by Belxjander on 07-Apr-2012 at 11:24 AM.
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 7-Apr-2012 11:35:28
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 14-Mar-2003 Posts: 5211
From: Ylikiiminki, Finland | | |
| @Belxjander
I'll give my small bit... Once I have my paypal set up.... _________________ - KimmoK // For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA // // Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer? |
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 7-Apr-2012 11:48:07
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Joined: 4-Jan-2005 Posts: 557
From: Chiba prefecture Japan | | |
| @KimmoK
Thank you also... I'll record that as well
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 7-Apr-2012 12:46:46
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 12-Jun-2005 Posts: 3957
From: Belgrade, Serbia | | |
| @Belxjander
a support library for Emulators / JIT and Dynamic Recompiler systems along with generic Virtual Machine functionality. WHDLoad / ShapeShifter / Wine / PC-Task and Basilisk II are examples of this, VirtualBox / VMware and QEMU are additional Examples as well. The point of Polymorph is to actually provide a basic mechanism where programs from any given "target" are made available on top of AOS4.x as normal Applications. |
Sounds like a really significant add on to to the OS  From perfect game console emulation to more software usable
Can`t donate skilled enough manpower, but will donate to he bounty about end of month
_________________ OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way! SinclairQL and WII U lover :D YT |
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 7-Apr-2012 15:15:35
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 4-Jan-2005 Posts: 557
From: Chiba prefecture Japan | | |
| @vox
I am going to openly develop this, including all branches and documentation along with any developer materials required.
If you want to watch and learn, feel free to do so.
if you see something I missed that may be a bug... let me know, I'll certainly appreciate extra eyes.
I'm just hoping the basic "CPU Emulation" framework is transparent enough to be understood quickly, along with the re-use of existing techniques of the way AmigaOS generally works.
*I*have*previously*partially*written*polymorph* in 680x0 Assembler to run a reasonably quick 486DX Emulation with some MS-DOS and BIOS functionality directly as part of the Emulation core. this has been lost so I will need to re-write from the few notes and memories of the original changed to allow for **ANY** processor or chip to be Emulatable.
The only limitation will be threading driver support. I never did this with the original, mostly relying on AmigaOS native drivers for all driver support functionality.
I will be splitting my time between Perception IME and Polymorph VM projects documenting both. |
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 9-Apr-2012 20:50:18
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 4-Jan-2005 Posts: 557
From: Chiba prefecture Japan | | |
| @all - *another*bump*
Added another Donor to the list, currently 8 names on the list, total remaining to pay for the machine 160 Euro,
Every little bit helps and thank you to all the donors,
If anyone else has a Japanese jp106 layout Keyboard and wishes to test a Perception IME keymap?
I've also got some basic code typed up and needing to be confirmed before committing to a repository for both Perception IME and Polymorph VM libraries.
I've also grabbed some device driver sources so that I can consider making a device driver or two. I will not confirm any extra projects. I am not into making promises I can not keep.
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 10-Apr-2012 8:21:13
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Super Member  |
Joined: 4-Feb-2004 Posts: 1561
From: Unknown | | |
| @Belxjander
Don't you think 160 € is something you could come up with from your own pocket ?
I mean it's not like 160 is a lot of money. Why wait for your fellow Amigans to cough up with the money, you only put your project on delay.
I don't consider myself rich but if I could code I probably would have a better paid job than I got now and with what I have today I still would have no problem cutting costs and saving myself the 160 to get me the computer.
Just my thoughts on this.
_________________ AmigaOS or MorphOS on x86 would sell orders of magnitude more than the current, hardware-intensive solutions. And they'd go faster.-- D.Haynie |
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 10-Apr-2012 8:34:30
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 4-Jan-2005 Posts: 557
From: Chiba prefecture Japan | | |
| @Manu
I'm just letting everyone know how much is left... as for whether you want to donate or not is entirely your own decision.
as for coughing up my own money... I am doing that as well, because the donations so far have not been the total paid for the machine (I've been managing to pay equal to whats been donated so far... and won't stop)
so other than letting others know what I am doing and having the *option* to help me if they so choose...
Is it not better to have a choice than no choice at all?
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 10-Apr-2012 8:35:43
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 11-Jan-2004 Posts: 3551
From: Russia | | |
| @Manu He is not coder, he only talk about coding with a lot of words about nothing. Any sane person can handle everything normaly, but that is not a case. Reading what Belxander write in last time, i just see there is someting wrong with whole classic human's logic.
Its classic "lazy talks" , which do ppls when do not want to do anything, but only talks. Just check his crazy, unlogical, unstructured, messy, chaotic posts on os4coding, and everything will be clear.
@belxjander Quote:
I'm just letting everyone know how much is left...
Blah .. what about blog it , or make a site , or make a TV show about ?
Last edited by kas1e on 10-Apr-2012 at 08:37 AM.
_________________ Join us to improve dopus5! zerohero's mirror of os4/os3 crosscompiler suites |
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 10-Apr-2012 9:53:07
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 19-Jun-2004 Posts: 5009
From: Sweden | | |
| I did a small support, its cost me 4beers. I have alot of stuff to pay for this year so the economy is not the best but i can skip one weekend at pub and support him this way. I dont know much more of Belxjanders work then this thread but i really hope that he gets his SAM and start with his work. If not my 4beers goes down the drain ;)
Hes not the only one that wants help from support/bounties. Some have done their parts other failed (lack of time and other stuff). But i really hope we get one more developer this way.
I know he's talking alot in IRC and places but who doesnt talk if he have dreams to do stuff but dont have the machine for it. But sure there are many others that wants the same. We cant support them all or know who will make something and who not. I just hope Belxjander makes stuff for the community.
Last bounty i think was DJ Nick's but we all know that guy and the bounty is of no questioning :) Only he have some problems with installing all stuff. I feel sorry for him.
You probably know him more then me so i cant really say how things are but i really hope he will fix something.
Last edited by Kicko on 10-Apr-2012 at 10:00 AM. Last edited by Kicko on 10-Apr-2012 at 09:58 AM.
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 10-Apr-2012 12:34:37
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 21-Jan-2008 Posts: 6259
From: Unknown | | |
| cool. keep updates coming. i would love to see more threads like this. |
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 10-Apr-2012 14:26:47
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 4-Jan-2005 Posts: 557
From: Chiba prefecture Japan | | |
| @wawa
Certainly will keep people updated... whether it is a donation or my own money... I'm still going to update this thread.
I'm also going to be open-sourcing the Perception and Polymorph Libraries so that others can see how they work...
Along with Documenting the build process, from setting up the machine to using the tools, and building the project layout along with ALL the code edits...
That way anyone can see some actual *live* code along with the results.
Maybe that can help someone else as well with coding on AmigaOS generally? |
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 10-Apr-2012 14:40:39
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 8-May-2007 Posts: 499
From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away" | | |
| @Belxjander
Can you please post a direct link to these bounties in your opening post. Last edited by jingof on 10-Apr-2012 at 02:41 PM.
_________________ Vic-20, C-64, C-128 Amiga 1000, 3000 AmigaOne X1000 |
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 11-Apr-2012 2:30:01
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 4-Jan-2005 Posts: 557
From: Chiba prefecture Japan | | |
| @jingof
Project Bounties and Code repositories linked in the first post of this thread...
I'll type in some of the code I have written from my notes, maybe I can get some changes feedback towards the build system layout or source content as I proceed in typing this up?
Currently I have not actively compile tested much of this code, so it most likely will not compile at this time. I will correct this at the first opportunity to do so.
EDIT:Anyone who wants to can also comment as to a recommended license or other changes to the code, I'll review anything submitted and reply with reasoning for choices made.
Anyone who wants to build this themselves can check this out and try to build, please quote any error messages in their entirety if you submit feedback
Last edited by Belxjander on 11-Apr-2012 at 06:49 AM.
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 11-Apr-2012 7:52:48
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 4-Jan-2005 Posts: 557
From: Chiba prefecture Japan | | |
| @all
If anyone can browse the repositories and make comments... please feel free...
Additionally, recommendations for LICENSE suggestions to cover AmigaOS3.x/AmigaOS4.x/AROS and MorphOS targets would also be appreciated.
Evidence for starting on code prior to obtaining a machine to build on. (I've mostly had trouble with cross-compilation due to details I insist upon)
Bump or not... Donations or not, I'm still continuing with this. |
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 13-Apr-2012 15:12:30
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Joined: 4-Jan-2005 Posts: 557
From: Chiba prefecture Japan | | |
| Please see the first post for what I am discussing...
Perception IME and Polymorph VM need feedback as to any mistakes I may have...
I am currently typing these up *without* the use of a machine to compile and test on
If anyone wants to keep with my blowing hot air... well... heres code and I am mostly working on my own here...
Any help would be appreciated ( any monetary donations can go towards the machine I am buying... )
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 13-Apr-2012 15:24:08
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Joined: 5-Oct-2009 Posts: 82
From: Germany | | |
| @Belxjander
What code do you mean? In the repository is just some "hello world" library with some function stubs.
Or is it me who isn't seeing the real code? |
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 13-Apr-2012 15:31:12
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 11-Jan-2004 Posts: 3551
From: Russia | | |
| @Kicko
You probably know him more then me so i cant really say how things are but i really hope he will fix something.
Things is, is that ppls who are not know even a bit of programming (even a bit), can belive that all of this not hot air. But you can belive me, fishy, wawa, any others who in sane mind - you will pay for nothing, for milion of execuses because of anything, you all will be putted on false hopes and anything of such kind. He already "work on aros" year ago or how long i do not remember. And he do _nohitng_ , but every time, every single day he start to talk about what he will do and how.
His "plans" are plans of napaleon. Its just unpossible today alone write big-fat-good VM, while there is other opensources present which (if you relly care) you can just adapt. He talk about the same #### for YEARS. He just put to you all right in the face any kind of crap, and some of you belive in it.
You can just imagine single scenario : when he ask for some help, and you answer him how to fix it fast and make it good, he will find milion (zillion) of excuses, to not do anything, but only talk-talk-talk that its all wrong, no thanks and any #### of such kind.
Just go and read on os4coding his blog. Do not neet to be sane person to see what is all mean.
Just read his posts over the AW, where he for examle say such nonces "when i will get sam440 or sam460, and understand PPC , i will suggest to fridens how to make SMP" , holy crap, what kind of stuff is that ? Its like i will say now: so, tomorrow i will buy Macintosh, and then i will send a mail how to make macos better !".
I even think, that someone just make a laugh at all of aos4 users now via his name. I can't belive its real.
You all feel free to support him, but didn't cry when you all will found that after few years, you have nothing, but only execuses of kind "my hw die" or "my cat die, i am in pain", or "i have no time", or "i working" , or "soon / 2 more weeks".
That what he done for last year, and that what he mean when he say about his "projects". Remember, its he who say that he will make a suggestion how to make SMP.Last edited by kas1e on 13-Apr-2012 at 03:32 PM.
_________________ Join us to improve dopus5! zerohero's mirror of os4/os3 crosscompiler suites |
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 13-Apr-2012 15:31:45
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 4-Jan-2005 Posts: 557
From: Chiba prefecture Japan | | |
| @Hisoka999
I am working on two projects... and currently getting the library skeleton together to compile properly on Amiga OS 4.x with no prior experience on that at all...
Ive been working from what I can remember to program the AmigaOS3.x materials properly.
Hopefully for those who have donated they can see I am not wasting their money towards the sam440flex I have a purchase agreement on (currently needing 160 Euro more to be paid and 40 Euro confirmed when I next contact the seller)
This would be a lot faster if I were able to actively compile the material typed up... but as yet, no machine, no compiler...
I am also putting my own money towards the machine as well (half the payments have been my own money so far, and I will see this through)
If anyone wants to point out faults in the code itself so I can correct them?
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Re: Perception IME + Polymorph VM bounties... Posted on 13-Apr-2012 15:35:12
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 11-Jan-2004 Posts: 3551
From: Russia | | |
| @Belxdander
This would be a lot faster if I were able to actively compile the material typed up... but as yet, no machine, no compiler...
Look, stop that ####. You have AROS, you have WinUAE, where you can setup all the compilers and make it works there without any ####ign single problems, and then just port it almost without any ####ign single changes to aos4 !! STOP THAT STUPID RUBBIS, PLEASE.
_________________ Join us to improve dopus5! zerohero's mirror of os4/os3 crosscompiler suites |
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