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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 12:57:51
#101 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Dec-2004
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From: Freedom world


I have never been in the USA (yet...) but if it is anything similar to my experience in the UK... =P

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 13:01:13
#102 ]
AROS Core Developer
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 1500
From: Unknown


Depends I think they call foreplay "Enhanced screening" here in the USA. :D

Last edited by terminills on 27-Jul-2012 at 01:06 PM.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 13:01:48
#103 ]
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number6 wrote:

Please read other people's posts and not just your own. I beg of thee...


Please read carefully what I have said in all my posts in this thread and stop jumping to your own conclusions without giving them careful consideration...

I have no idea or interest in looking up what/ who SACC are (have you ever googled SACC) I just did and here are the results...


Now why I would want to look up or contact any one of those concerning Amiwest is beyond me but if that's your thing and your into Arts, Canoes, Cricket or The Salvation Army etc... then that's nice for you...

When it comes to Amiwest I rely on what I read here as far is it's concerned and mainly from Amigadave who seems to be the main person who highlights the show and keeps us up to date on it...

The whole ruddy point is Amigadave wanted people to submit ideas on how to make Amiwest better for all and open it to a wider audience...

Who the sponsors are I couldn't give a crap, just like the Olympics I won't be watching it just because Coca Cola or DHL are sponsoring it, it's the content that matters not the damn sponsors...


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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 13:24:49
#104 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2010
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From: Grimsby, UK


Would love to go to AmiWest myself - that would be a real treat!

@franko / @brickwall

MorphOS and AROS supporters are always welcome at AmiWest. The Amiga as you know it has been lumped into 'Classic Amiga' where it so rightly belongs, the whole point of AmiWest is to discuss the future; future being the keyword. AmigaOS IS the only thing left from the 'Amiga' hardware/software combination that makes any sense in 2012 and beyond.

Sure your love your retro Amigas or as we call them 'Classic Amigas' - see same thing/different word? If you want to go and see vintage computers (because thats what Classic Amiga is now whether you like it or not) on display in a public place - look elsewhere - like a museum.

Last edited by djrikki on 27-Jul-2012 at 01:26 PM.


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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 13:37:18
#105 ]
AROS Core Developer
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who is brickwall? I missed their post.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 13:41:37
#106 ]
Super Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2010
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


there are quite a few assumptions in this thread from people that have never been to amiwest, so let me try and clear a few things up:

1. by far the most software and hardware on display at amiwest is classic software and hardware
2. some 50% of the exhibitors are focused on classic amiga hardware and/or amigaOS 3.x
3. the show is organized by SACC, but the content is up to volunteers, attendees, and exhibitors
4. if you want something specific, please say so and help organize rather than moan
5. the show organizers have for years been trying to encourage volunteers from communities other than amigaOS 3.x and amigaOS 4.x users and developers; however the bulk of the attendees tend to be OS 3.x or OS 4.x users

amiwest is just a gathering of amigans. there is no philosophy other than that, at least as far as i have seen, having attended in the past. it's a very nice get-together free of the moaning and bitching that goes on around here. if you'd like to see what's available for classic, next-generation, or alternative amigas, and want to do so in a positive and fun atmosphere, amiwest is for you.

if you'd rather imagine conspiracies, slights, and infighting where there isn't any, i suggest you stay home. or go here.

amiwest is a huge amount of fun, and everyone who attends really enjoys it. i'm so tired of seeing every year the same refrain from punters who have no real interest in attending or exhibiting; all they want ot do is feed their own twisted views of the state of our platform and community. the SACC guys and all of the exhibitors do this because they have a genuine love of the amiga platform; they deserve better than unfounded sniping.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 13:45:54
#107 ]
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djrikki wrote:

Would love to go to AmiWest myself - that would be a real treat!

@franko / @brickwall

MorphOS and AROS supporters are always welcome at AmiWest. The Amiga as you know it has been lumped into 'Classic Amiga' where it so rightly belongs, the whole point of AmiWest is to discuss the future; future being the keyword. AmigaOS IS the only thing left from the 'Amiga' hardware/software combination that makes any sense in 2012 and beyond.

Sure your love your retro Amigas or as we call them 'Classic Amigas' - see same thing/different word? If you want to go and see vintage computers (because thats what Classic Amiga is now whether you like it or not) on display in a public place - look elsewhere - like a museum.

Hmmm.... lets see Amigas in a Museum... already been done many years ago...

Now as to your typical smart alex comments, lets see... so called Next Generation Amigas that are made from PPC CPUS that are so old and outdated they belong in a Museum too...

So whether you like it or not your your beloved so called NG machines are dinosaurs too and belong according to your strange way of thinking belong in a museum as well...

If your going to try and be a smart alex, I suggest you at least do so on a subject where you could at least make your smug little comments on a subject that doesn't contradict itself, kinda dumb trying to proclaim your dinosaur is better than my dinosaur when the evolution of the computer world left them both far behind long, long ago...

I'll see you in the Museum then in the dark little corner titled "Amiga Computers Now With NG Machines"...


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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 13:46:59
#108 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


1. by far the most software and hardware on display at amiwest is classic software and hardware

I see my mistake now. I actually listed things by name and linked to a video that showed it was really there. [/end sarcasm]


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 13:56:02
#109 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Jun-2010
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From: Grimsby, UK


XBox, Wii and PS3 still use PPC CPUs and are essentially computers.
Apple used PPC up until 2004, thats 8 years, ago, not 27 years ago (aka Amiga's Inception)


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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 14:09:42
#110 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11662
From: In the village


Keep the link handy to incorporate in your talk.
It's the walk through of the show floor and shows even more classic etc. than I post in my lists.

However, be sure people know this propaganda was filmed at an exclusive part of Area 51 in Nevada and therefore never really happened. [/end sarcasm]


Last edited by number6 on 27-Jul-2012 at 02:11 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 14:14:08
#111 ]
Elite Member
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From: Unknown



djrikki wrote:

XBox, Wii and PS3 still use PPC CPUs and are essentially computers.
Apple used PPC up until 2004, thats 8 years, ago, not 27 years ago (aka Amiga's Inception)

Yup and my iMacs are PPC and considered by Apple store staff as waaaaay outdated and also belonging in a museum, or to put it as one store manager said to me "Ahh, you own the white elephant"...

Look if you wanna be a twat and keep the old my Amigas better than your Amiga BS then I'm happy to play along with that...

It won't get you, I or anyone else anywhere but if all that being an Amiga user is to you is nothing more than some daft wee point scoring competition so be it, at the end of the day it's the entire Amiga name and community that are the losers in this as other folk looking in from the outside are going to think "what a bunch of twats"...


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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 14:51:25
#112 ]
Elite Member
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From: Freedom world



MorphOS and AROS supporters are always welcome at AmiWest. The Amiga as you know it has been lumped into 'Classic Amiga' where it so rightly belongs, the whole point of AmiWest is to discuss the future; future being the keyword. AmigaOS IS the only thing left from the 'Amiga' hardware/software combination that makes any sense in 2012 and beyond.

Sure your love your retro Amigas or as we call them 'Classic Amigas' - see same thing/different word? If you want to go and see vintage computers (because thats what Classic Amiga is now whether you like it or not) on display in a public place - look elsewhere - like a museum.

If this is what Amiwest is about it is better visit a museum than attend Amiwest.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 15:25:47
#113 ]
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From: Space Coast


However, be sure people know this propaganda was filmed at an exclusive part of Area 51 in Nevada and therefore never really happened. [/end sarcasm]

Hmm, I'm thinking this sarcastic streak you're on doesn't suit you, number6! Leave it to the professionals. :D

If this is what Amiwest is about it is better visit a museum than attend Amiwest.

Attitudes like yours would not be allowed through the door.

At least that is what I have heard.

Last edited by jorkany on 27-Jul-2012 at 03:26 PM.

Here for the whimpering end

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 15:29:00
#114 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Hmm, I'm thinking this sarcastic streak you're on doesn't suit you, number6! Leave it to the professionals. :D

LOL. Sometimes (rarely) it seems required and this is one of those times.
Posting style is directly proportional to your audience. Heh.

Attitudes like yours would not be allowed through the door.

Nah. I know Itix. He's responding to a poster about what he feels HIS attitude is. That's nothing to do with the show organizers.


Last edited by number6 on 27-Jul-2012 at 03:31 PM.
Last edited by number6 on 27-Jul-2012 at 03:29 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 17:38:48
#115 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2010
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From: Grimsby, UK

Timberwolf release candidate 2 now available for Amiga.


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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 17:43:45
#116 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2007
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From: Northern Ireland


Really!? That's great news. Any links?

AmigaOne X1000

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 18:20:39
#117 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


The upload is not yet accepted by OS4Depot admin, so you find it in the upload que.

It horrible slow takes like 3 to 4 minutes to download and display web pages.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 18:22:25
#118 ]
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.


I am not sure where this thread started going off track, as I only read the last 2 pages of it just now and very few of the posts are "On Topic".

In response to some of Franko's earlier posts;

I didn't start the most recent thread asking for ideas to increase attendance at this year's AmiWest Show, but I did post several messages in the thread, which might have given Franko the impression that I started it. I have ZERO to do with the organization of any AmiWest show, but I am one of the vocal supporters of that show and look forward to attending it each year.

The AmiWest Shows are not limited to OS4.x at all, but you can't blame the OS4.x supporters and Hyperion for taking advantage of using the show to promote their products and platform.

AmiWest is an "Amiga" show, and all flavors of the Amiga experience are welcomed at the show. It is very true what Number6 is trying to point out, that the Classic Amiga hardware and software are the largest part of the show, even if it might not seem that way from news announcements leading up to the show from the supporters of OS4.x.

Regarding the OS4.x programming seminar that is being held immediately before the actual AmiWest Show begins, that should not make anyone believe that the show is only for OS4.x users or programmers. It is just an additional event that has been added and is being held before the show starts. If the MorphOS Developers, or AROS Developers, or even Franko and a group of original Amiga 68k programmers wanted to set up a programming seminar before, or after the AmiWest Show, I doubt the organizers of the AmiWest Show would have any objections. Any such programming seminars would only add to the attendance of the AmiWest Show, so they would welcome any additional events.

It is just that the MorphOS Developers are all outside of the USA and don't see their participation at AmiWest as a productive use of their time and money to promote MorphOS, so I am usually the only MorphOS promoter that attends any of the AmiWest Shows any more.

This year AROS will be well represented by at least two or more AROS developers/users and will have their own display table.

Franko I invite you to attend this year's AmiWest Show and rent a display table for showing off your original 68k Amiga computers and you are free to ask for a time slot in the presentation schedule to demonstrate any Amiga 68k topic you choose, or to teach any Amiga 68k programming techniques you choose. Anyone has the same opportunity to do so.

Just because the OS4.x supporters CHOOSE to spend their time and money to attend this show, it does not mean that the organizers are slanting the show to be only for OS4.x users and developers. It is open to all Amiga related topics and platforms.

If anything, the organizers have gone out of their way to request more participation by Amiga users who are NOT OS4.x users, just so they can have more participation and larger attendance.

This campaign to make the AmiWest Show look like it is only for OS4.x users and developers is false and is mostly colored that way by people who have never attended any AmiWest Show.

Hope to see more of you at the show.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 18:52:48
#119 ]
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So no MorphOS, no AROS and not even a mention of the 68K side of things who are still after all the biggest number of Amiga users...yeah... encourage more folk to attend... just as long as they're OS4 fans...

You've been spending to much time on that "cow" forum, I see.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jul-2012 19:47:00
#120 ]
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I was never sure if you were one of the shows organisers at least I know now...

As for me attending with my original 68K miggies most unlikely as It would cost quite a few bob in shipping costs not to mention trying to get my custom built wooden tower through customs as I reckon I'd be hard pushed to convince them it was a computer and not a bomb...

Plus there's always the chance of a few good punch ups if I ever met some of the people who post on these forums (not that I mind that though)...

Guess I'll just have to watch this year video feed again and hope that I can spot some interesting "classic" stuff hiding away in the background behind all the usual bald heads and beer bellies that tend to block the cameras view...

Not sure which campaign your talking about here, the one made by those running the seminars and things that are colouring it to look like an OS4 show, or my few posts here which are simply expressing my disappointment that no one seems to have taken you up on your offer to suggest ways to improve the show and attract more people...

Oh well, never mind things are clear now and I'll still be watching the live feed (is their one this year) and playing my own wee game of spot the Amiga when things are quiet...Hmmm... perhaps you could make that on online compo for the viewers...

Wonder if I could get my brother in law from Portland Oregon to attend on my behalf, he's not an Amiga fan but claims to know many users in Portland but finds the world of us Amigans very very strange indeed...

(See the post by "Gwiylim01" in this link and that's the nicest thing he's ever said about the miggie, what he has to say on it normally would be against the TOS here and upset a few people including (that's why I banned him form my FaceBook page)...

Good luck with the show (whomever attends) and think of me as being their in spirit alt least.... (I'll be floating about underneath the tables looking for "classic" gear)...


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