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Re: Amiwest 2012 (OT)
Posted on 23-Jun-2012 20:31:49
#61 ]
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Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA


If you need a ride from the train station to the AmiWest 2012 Show hotel, let me know and I will pick you up and take you there in my car. I plan on being in the Mountain View area the week before the AmiWest 2012 Show.

That is very nice of you. Unsure if I will be taking the train, fly, or drive again since I'd like to bring my 3 A2000s down for Friday night to get the original batteries changed. I don't know if this will work, but I have two of them boxed upside down so in case the current batteries leak it won't be to the motherboard.

Actually, I've been thinking of bringing all my old hardware/software down to give away. I've got lots of Amiga gear just taking up space packed away in boxes. I'd like to have all that space back so I can gain back a 3rd bedroom. I got things like 3 IO Blix cards, Opal Vision card, and cards I don't remember what are. The A2000 with the 060 card I'll keep, but the A2000 030 and 040 can go. If I had an 060 in my A4000 I let the A2000 060 go. Anyway, the batteries must be changed out before they cause damage.

I was going to donate this "stuff" to a computer museum in Northern California last year, but they stopped writing to me.

All of my plans are dependent on my health and the possibility of a second back surgery some time later this year, but I have no idea of when that will happen, or even if it will happen.

Oh back surgery is not fun so I hear. And you are going for a 2nd one? I don't envy you. But if it solves whatever pain you are having then I suppose it is for the best. I hope it does not interfere with your AmiWest plans.

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 25-Jun-2012 12:51:32
#62 ]
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Joined: 3-Mar-2010
Posts: 1970
From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


according to the amiga future web site, steven solie will be heading up an amiga NG development seminar at amiwest this year:

The first AmiWest AmigaOS4 Programming Seminar will be held October 18-19, 2012 in conjunction with AmiWest 2012! The seminar will be led by the AmigaOS lead developer, Steven Solie, along with other Amiga programmers.

The goal of the seminar, according to Solie, is to motivate participants to leave "wanting to code something" for AmigaOS. The language basis will be the ubiquitous "C" programming language. Watch this blog for further information about the prerequisite knowledge base for participants as well as other goals and objectives for the seminar.

The seminar grew out of the need for more current Amiga software. Of course, using "C" as the base language means that programs could also be compiled for other, Amiga-like platforms, such as MOS and others, as well as classic Amiga OS versions, presuming that compilers are still available for versions before OS4.

so yet another reason among many to make plans to attend amiwest this year in sacramento from october 18th through 21st! for the latest you can always visit the amiwest official blog.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 25-Jun-2012 20:38:43
#63 ]
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From: San Francisco

Hi All,

Just wanted to say we really appreciate the feedback and are taking everything we learn in to account. Please keep the suggestions coming!

Bill "tekmage" Borsari

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 27-Jun-2012 14:44:07
#64 ]
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


do you all have a tentative schedule worked out yet? the reason i'm asking is to know whether i should arrive wednesday evening or can arrive thursday evening. in previous years friday was the day everyone sauntered in, setting up, and getting help with their classic hardware. now that thursday has been added:

is thursday a full day (from morning 'til evening) or does the show 'start' thursday evening and friday is the first full day?

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 12-Jul-2012 13:15:33
#65 ]
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


just as a FYI: yesterday evening brian deneen announced the final details for the amigaOS programming seminar to be held at amiwest 2012:

The first AmiWest AmigaOS4 Programming Seminar will be held October 18-19, 2012 in conjunction with AmiWest 2012! The seminar will be led by the AmigaOS lead developer, Steven Solie, along with other Amiga programmers.

The goal of the seminar, according to Solie, is to motivate participants to leave "wanting to code something" for AmigaOS. The language basis will be the ubiquitous "C" programming language. The seminar grew out of the need for more current Amiga software. Of course, using "C" as the base language means that programs could also be compiled for other, Amiga-like platforms, such as MOS and others, as well as classic Amiga OS versions, presuming that compilers are still available for versions before OS4.

Of course, in two days, our leaders, no matter how brilliant, can teach both basic "C" programming and how that language is used in the Amiga context. See this page for further information about the prerequisite knowledge base for participants as well as other goals, objectives and costs for the seminar.

complete details are available on the seminar web site. topics to be covered, costs, etc. are all detailed therein. i hope to see many of you there!

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 12-Jul-2012 16:56:12
#66 ]
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA


It looks like you are going to attend this year. We'll finally get to meet.

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 12-Jul-2012 17:14:53
#67 ]
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From: Minnesota, USA


I'm planning on coming this year to represent AROS. I will need a table to do so though.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 12-Jul-2012 17:16:17
#68 ]
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA


South Dakota?

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 12-Jul-2012 17:17:23
#69 ]
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From: Minnesota, USA


Yes, South Dakota, assuming I don't move back to my parents' again.

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 12-Jul-2012 17:19:09
#70 ]
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA


Great! It will be nice to see you there showing your wares.

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 12-Jul-2012 18:01:49
#71 ]
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I'm planning on coming this year to represent AROS.

Nice, be nice if you could show the Natami as well.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 12-Jul-2012 23:49:30
#72 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11663
From: In the village


I don't think the information is consistent, nor entirely correct if you compare the sources:

And the 2nd link has a link at top that takes you to the SACC page with a link to the other official? AmiWest site.

Please look these over.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 13-Jul-2012 2:03:02
#73 ]
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From: Minnesota, USA



sundown wrote:

I'm planning on coming this year to represent AROS.

Nice, be nice if you could show the Natami as well.

I wish I could. I'll probably bring the same book as was done for last year's show at AmigaDave's table since not much has changed since then.

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 21-Jul-2012 20:32:29
#74 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Jul-2005
Posts: 1732
From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.


I am looking forward to finally meeting you at the 2012 AmiWest Show in Oct.

I know that Jason McMullan of AROS 68k fame is also going to be there and renting a table to display AROS and I am pretty sure that he is going to be giving a presentation in front of the whole show's attendee's, so AROS should be well represented at this year's AmiWest Show (possibly for the first time ever in the history of the AmiWest Shows).

Steve Jones (aka clusteruk) is also trying to attend the show, but traveling from the UK is very expensive and he will not be able to attend unless the AROS community is able to pitch in and donate some money to help him with his travel costs.

I have pledged $40 (in this thread: to help him and I will also pick him and Jason McMullan up at the Sacramento Airport (or ask one of the other SACC members to help me out with this if their arrival time interfere's with my attendance at the OS4.x programming seminar). That is all of the help I can offer on my limited income, but if the AROS display table gets too crowded with Jason, Samurai Crow and possibly clusteruk's stuff, I will offer to get a second display table to share with them (so between the two groups we would have 3 display tables), as the cost of a second display table is usually cheaper than the first rented display table. I hope the cost of the display tables has not gone up this year. Although several people helped me out last year with costs of the two rented display tables and the cost to have the MorphOS3.x poster printed in a large size to hang up behind my display, the cost of attending AmiWest and displaying there, coupled with the $250 in gasoline that it costs to drive there and back and the hotel room rental, the overall experience is quite expensive for me each year. Not that I am complaining. The AmiWest Shows are a high point in my Amiga experience each year and I look forward to each show and seeing Amiga friends and sometimes well known Amiga celebrities, like Carl Sassenrath, and others that sometimes attend.

This year's show looks like it is shaping up to be one of the best in several years. I hope that more AROS users and developers will now make more of an effort to attend the show, now that they know that AROS will be well represented during the show. Come on AROS users! Make your presence known and come make some noise at this year's AmiWest Show.

P.S. Everyone please check out the above linked thread and indicate if you can donate money to help Steve Jones make the trip to this year's AmiWest Show. It would be great if he is able to attend.

Last edited by amigadave on 21-Jul-2012 at 08:55 PM.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 24-Jul-2012 15:45:24
#75 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Steve Jones (aka clusteruk) is also trying to attend the show, but traveling from the UK is very expensive and he will not be able to attend unless the AROS community is able to pitch in and donate some money to help him with his travel costs.

Nope. Posted today:

Lets make this easy, I will not be going to Amiwest now.

I really appreciate that AmigaDave suggested this, but here are my reasons.

Firstly, I agree with the points made, if the promotion is free then it is all good, if not then less so, spend the money on development.

I was behind the scenes working on something which has pretty much been scuppered by those I tried to involve (non Aros) so best I do not go.




This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 24-Jul-2012 16:14:45
#76 ]
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


that's a shame as i had always wanted to meet steve in person and thank him for all he's done these past few years -- not all of it AROS-related. nonetheless it would be nice to see at least one or two AROS aficionados at the show, maybe to show off where AROS ABI v1 is going.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 24-Jul-2012 16:22:31
#77 ]
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Jason (maintainer of nightly builds for Aros 68k and PPC) is there and SamuraiCrow

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 24-Jul-2012 16:25:07
#78 ]
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The thread is discussing AROS having their own show as a possibility, so we'll see.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 26-Jul-2012 21:17:34
#79 ]
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From: In the village



I don't think the information is consistent, nor entirely correct if you compare the sources:

And the 2nd link has a link at top that takes you to the SACC page with a link to the other official? AmiWest site.

Please look these over.

Another example: the link on the official amiwest site to the seminar:

Seminar list

Information coming soon!

Whereas this info already has an existing link and has been posted:


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Amiwest 2012
Posted on 26-Jul-2012 22:37:54
#80 ]
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA


I was behind the scenes working on something which has pretty much been scuppered by those I tried to involve (non Aros) so best I do not go.

The way I read that is it sounds like some non-AROS spooks are trying to shoot him down.

Am I reading that correctly?

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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