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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 25-Feb-2013 19:40:52
#121 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 19-Jun-2004
Posts: 5009
From: Sweden

Always very informative Trevor :)

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 25-Feb-2013 20:05:13
#122 ]
Super Member
Joined: 16-Jun-2003
Posts: 1503
From: Croatia

Excellent text Trevor! And thanx for reclaming my VooDoo Amiga Portal ;)


Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich :)

Croatian Amiga portal

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 25-Feb-2013 20:42:32
#123 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Aug-2003
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From: Work


The only thing in your list that wasn't mentioned in the latest blog post was ethernet. Might I suggest a cup of patience?

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 25-Feb-2013 21:17:15
#124 ]
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Joined: 1-Jun-2003
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From: Vancouver Island, Canada

I'll read Trev's blog when he announces he's bought Hyperion.

Men who have girlies in their avatars are Girliemen!

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 26-Feb-2013 1:19:54
#125 ]
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Joined: 1-Sep-2004
Posts: 1961
From: Suomi-Finland

Welcome over here. It's actually nice to change climate but the time difference is not.
I like snow and cold, my car does not as usually they don't.

Installing Win for a few old work computers was a pain for me with all the service packs and rebootings etc. I hated that it cost me a few cigarettes once in a while but after that we could start renovation. Hammering and ripping off panels was so fun. The more professional guy just wondered where I get all the energy from ;)

Could not explain.

We wait for the next move,

Best Regards: PR

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 26-Feb-2013 2:01:43
#126 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada

thanks for another update and keep rockin along Trev

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 0:09:03
#127 ]
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From: Unknown

New Posting :

White Rabbits

Sam460ex : Radeon Rx550 Single slot Video Card : SIL3112 SATA card

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 0:09:20
#128 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


White Rabbits


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 0:20:44
#129 ]
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Joined: 18-Jul-2005
Posts: 1732
From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.



Darth_X wrote:
I'll read Trev's blog when he announces he's bought Hyperion.

I don't know if Trevor would even be interested in such a purchase, but I would love to see him start a Kickstarter project to raise the funds necessary to make such a purchase.

Perhaps that would be a way forward in which we could finally reunite the entire Amiga community behind one direction, as it would eliminate one of the two forces which are most opposed to each other.

Probably never happen, but I for one think that it could possibly be a good thing, if Trevor were to purchase Hyperion, or just the rights to continue AmigaOS4.x and the trademarks that Hyperion currently owns.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 0:28:43
#130 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 11-Jan-2007
Posts: 818
From: Northern Ireland

Another great blog update! Is this my fifteen words of fame?

Last edited by ddni on 02-Apr-2013 at 12:29 AM.

AmigaOne X1000

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 6:12:15
#131 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: Belgium


I very much like the amiga-diskette setup.

That would be a first reason to buy a newer NG Amiga system for me.

And i am sure lots of classic-fans will follow in the future.

Great move.

A1G3-SE + OS4.1 u1 iso (x2)

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 9:11:32
#132 ]
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Nice read, again.


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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 11:25:41
#133 ]
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I would love to see him start a Kickstarter project to raise the funds necessary to make such a purchase.

buiying out hyperion? what would that gain us?

Last edited by wawa on 02-Apr-2013 at 12:17 PM.

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 12:37:19
#134 ]
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From: Sydney (of course)

What would that gain us?

I don't always agree with your sentiments, but on this occasion: Spot On!


Hyperion Support Forum:

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 14:16:20
#135 ]
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Joined: 12-Jan-2005
Posts: 2067
From: Cheshire, England

hes a busy little AmigaN that trevor, nice blog update as always.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 14:16:28
#136 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 502
From: Unknown


Not going to happen for multiple legal reasons.

And have you done some basic math about the cost of such purchase?

Development cost of roughly 100K euro per year since 2001 i.e. 12 years and running, expensive lawsuits (500K litigation cost).

Sorry but the shareholders are going to sit this one out and you can be glad that they do because they are the ones funding AmigaOS 4.x development for over a decade without any financial return.


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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 14:23:39
#137 ]
Super Member
Joined: 6-Oct-2006
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From: Athens/Greece

Ok, so now we have the kickstarter money goal.


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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 14:27:44
#138 ]
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there are shareholders that invest 100K each year since 2001 without any return (or almost any) making hundreds of thousands of losses?

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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 14:31:00
#139 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 502
From: Unknown


Indeed they are. Or did you believe that Trevor was the only Amiga "maniac" in town?

Think again ;)


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Re: Trevor's Amiga Blog
Posted on 2-Apr-2013 14:32:48
#140 ]
Elite Member
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From: Unknown


"Trevor was the only Amiga "maniac" in town"

Yes I thought so

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