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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 8:43:32
#21 ]
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Joined: 10-Apr-2003
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From: Denmark


Do you have os4 yet?

No matter if I have OS4 or not, you don't see me constantly naggin MOS team, AROS team, or AOS team. This guy ALWAYS goes for the throat of Hyperion. I really find it annoying, when the dudes are only trying to work the best they can.

Surely we could all dream of more dev speed and different solutions, but they are doing the best the can with the limited funding they have.

They have taken enough heat now - no need to keep on hurting them

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 8:44:27
#22 ]
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In my opinion someone should contact freescale and servergy and make a deal. I'm sure that the p1025 could be changed with a more performant processor. A low price, yet powerful ppc is really needed. Even adding 100$ more, we could have a very interesting and affordable product for returners and newcomers. 235€ is not too much, and 50.000 users envisioned by ssolie would not be so unattainable.


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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 8:46:50
#23 ]
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KimmoK wrote:

"Do you know if they produce this nice little PPC cards that could change every x86 PC into a PPC computer ?"

PPC on a PCMCIA card could transform every x86 device to AOS4 compatible.

Oooh Never heard the friedens ported AOS4 to PCMCIA PPC cards, well maybe they should have supported PCI cards, they are less exotic.

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 8:56:26
#24 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


PPC on PCMCIA can be easily used on PCI+PCIe slots.

I know Hyperion does not seem to be actively listening to users etc... but things can change.

(btw. I believe also some MOS fans might find it nice to be able to have MOS on their latest laptops+PCs and not on just some dumbster HW)

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 8:58:41
#25 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


IMO: we need to aim for very low entry price. For that, I see 200eur as pretty much the maximum. 2x SAM440 performance in 200eur setup would seem OK appealing to me.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 9:30:35
#26 ]
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From: Zaragoza (Aragonian State)


2x SAM440 performance in 200eur setup would seem OK appealing to me.

wow! just like a mac mini! ;-P

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 9:44:45
#27 ]
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From: Zaragoza (Aragonian State)


Prove me wrong and show me when Hyperion has chosen a cheap and available platform to release OS4. Instead of that they always prefer to support rare&expensive boards.

If funding is limited available hardware should be supported instead of reinventing the wheel and releasing hardware both slower and more expensive than 2005 hardware (that's 7 years ago in case you are locked out in 1990)

So far they only have blocked any attempt to give cheap OS4 access to the masses (like Moana).

I find amusing you find annoying that someone doesn't support the poor business management performed by Hyperion. Our dear AmigaOS4.xx is being smashed by the poor management and it doesn't matter how hard the Frieden brothers work because the poor management is choking OS4 development. If you agree with selling OS4 just for rare&expensive boards it's obvious you are not interested on running OS4 at all and you only want to see it fail. In contrast I want that all Amiga users have both easy and cheap access to run OS4... spot the difference? Moana is almost finished and all the Amiga users I talk always ask why Hyperion didn't release OS4 for Mac Mini as that would have made them sell thousands of units. Do you use AmigaOS4.x at all? or do you prefer to applaud everything Hyperion does without thinking?

The only spanish amiga news web page/club: CUAZ

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 9:55:06
#28 ]
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales


If Moana came out - or if they ported to existing hardware - the entire new Amiga hardware scene would be crippled, probably beyond resurrection. We would all be limited to G4 class Macintoshes (at best G5) with old RAM and old graphics cards for ever.

No thanks.

They're doing the right thing - only using specialised hardware allows for us to keep up in the future, and keeps the identity seperate from being "that other OS that runs on a Mac".

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 10:52:49
#29 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


A little bit like mac mini. (I have two of those already)

But a new documented HW, available to buy with a warranty.
(optimally also available to reproduce by anyone with opensourced HW documentation)


"Prove me wrong and show me when Hyperion has chosen a cheap and available platform to release OS4. Instead of that they always prefer to support rare&expensive boards."

To me it seems they support many platforms. Classics, Pegasos2, A1's, SAMs, etc.
AOS4 seems to go where it finds funding for the port.

"If funding is limited available hardware should be supported instead of reinventing the wheel and releasing hardware both slower and more expensive than 2005 hardware (that's 7 years ago in case you are locked out in 1990)"

Hyperion is not a HW company. They do not release any HW.
If they had no company doing any HW, perhaps they would have done what MOS team did.

(and the HW is many ways faster than y2005 PPC HW, even if they are behind in CPU MIPS per core)

"So far they only have blocked any attempt to give cheap OS4 access to the masses (like Moana)."

Have they? Where? A link anywhere?
(I think originally Amiga Inc blocked it, but not sure any more)

About the poor management ... I think I have to agree on that!

If AOS4.2 would become available for (some) old Mac(s) via moana2, I doubt it would kill AOS4 HW business. It would only enable more cheap entry level HW (where full 3D acceleration, SATA2, PCIe x16, etc. never materializes). Newer, better supported HW would anyway appeal to active users.

Last edited by KimmoK on 15-Nov-2012 at 11:11 AM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 15-Nov-2012 at 11:08 AM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 15-Nov-2012 at 11:03 AM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 15-Nov-2012 at 11:03 AM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 15-Nov-2012 at 11:00 AM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 15-Nov-2012 at 10:58 AM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 11:15:05
#30 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
Posts: 5211
From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


If PPC makers want to compete against ARM on small devices, they should move now with afterburner on. PPC is still more powerfull, but perhaps not for long.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 11:15:32
#31 ]
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Joined: 17-Jan-2007
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Spirantho wrote:

If Moana came out - or if they ported to existing hardware - the entire new Amiga hardware scene would be crippled ...

IMHO the AOS4 hard- and software scene is crippled. Maybe the AOS4 software scene would have been not as crippled as now with Moana.

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 11:43:02
#32 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


I think they are not doing too badly on software side, considering the small market.

Here is list of few productivity applications.

GIMP, TimberWolf (FireFox 4), AbiWord, PointRider (PowerPoint), PDF viewer provided whit the OS, QT (the gui toolkit), RDesktop (RemoteDesktop), Audio Evolution, HD-Rec, AmigaAmp, TuneNet, AAMP (AmigaOS, Apache, MySQL , PHP), SabreMSN (MSN client for AmigaOS),AmiFTP.

On there are 3133 packages to explore.

The biggest problem is web bowering as it’s slow and youtube sucks, we also have bit of problem due to lack of communal software like Skype and Spotify.

We should keep donating computers to companies that say they are interested even if we do not always get any software in return, it might be that we get lucky and they do decide to support this platform.

The future for AmigaOS is shade of gray, development is not going as fast as it should and developers are working part time, after work and snail speed, but things are improving and we are building a software library that can solve most problems. We have many challenges and that are unresolved that has be addressed as soon as possible, like IPv6 and Printing, and system stability and multi core support and 3d and so on, but it is being worked on, and it is going to be solved, it just going to take time, and it may take years.

If you have a classic system you will find that most of old applications that is worth running works out of the box.

If you come from PC and Mac and are spoiled whit latest and grates applications then you might be disappointed.

Not saying people should not buy AmigaOS4 and hardware, just saying; know what you buy and understand that the size of market is forcing developers to work part time, and there is no real market for software companies.

And it’s is not like MorphOS or AROS is doing any better, the size of market is what it is.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 15-Nov-2012 at 02:11 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 15-Nov-2012 at 11:52 AM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 15-Nov-2012 at 11:49 AM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 12:08:30
#33 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

I think they are not doing too badly on software side, considering the small market.


I would use nearly the same sentence expressing what I think about it:

I think, considering the small market, they are not doing badly on software side, but marketing is terrible.

Last edited by Arko on 15-Nov-2012 at 01:48 PM.

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 12:14:52
#34 ]
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales



If AOS4.2 would become available for (some) old Mac(s) via moana2, I doubt it would kill AOS4 HW business. It would only enable more cheap entry level HW (where full 3D acceleration, SATA2, PCIe x16, etc. never materializes). Newer, better supported HW would anyway appeal to active users.

I'd estimate - plucking figures out of thin air - that about 40-50% of people in the AmigaNG market would buy a MacMini (1.25GHz) over a Sam440 that's half the speed and twice the price. But the problem is that in such a small market, that 50% makes a massive difference - the prices of the Sam would have to be hiked considerably to cope with the lesser demand, and it just wouldn't be economical as the higher price would be too high.

It just wouldn't be economically viable to produce neat little machine like a Sam 440 if there were many less buyers than there are already today.

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 14:06:28
#35 ]
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That is cool, looks like PPC isnt dead after all ;)


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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 15:11:16
#36 ]
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the opposite of "not dead" does not in any case mean "living"

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 15:46:33
#37 ]
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Actually it does, the opposite of dead is alive or living and vice versa.


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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 15:52:27
#38 ]
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And what is with "seemingly dead"?

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 17:52:41
#39 ]
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If PPC makers want to compete against ARM on small devices, they should move now with afterburner on.

Who else besides Freescale is making embedded PPC CPUs? We know how slow Freescale does anything PPC related...


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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 18:08:15
#40 ]
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damocles wrote:

If PPC makers want to compete against ARM on small devices, they should move now with afterburner on.

Who else besides Freescale is making embedded PPC CPUs? We know how slow Freescale does anything PPC related...

Maybe they read your predictions for all the financial doom & gloom you said would be happening right about now and no one thinks there is any point in making anything new or investing money into something, cos we're all doomed...

Dammy's Famous Predictions For NOW....

PS: Oddly enough for myself I DIDN'T have "one of the most unusual years of my life" and even more strangely the money in my pocket is still worth something and I can still spend it, twas quite an average year really...


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