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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 4-Mar-2013 18:19:45
#41 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


Distro watch will keep it as a separate distro but lists it as been based off mint. A very old mint. One that someone on the mint forums said was using repository packs that are no longer been maintained and deemed end of life.

True, it is based on Mint 10 that is EOL and cannot compare in features to current Mint 14. That makes C=OS users even more funny, since more stable, feature rich Linux flavor is available. Especially that C=OS had various problems when used on non CUSA machines which real current Mint does not have.

However, point is that even the OS wasn't developed to some full tested release, even newer "Fusion" version based on (almost) current Mint 12 or 13 was promised was last autumn, but materialized only as beta screenshots.

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 14-Mar-2013 20:36:21
#42 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


Website shopping at CommodoreUSA official website is completely defunct.

Trying to add any of two C64x/Slim products to a shopping card at their store
results in:
can't establish a connection to the server at

So much of "Commodore" "Amigas"

Just have been told by Dammy it is so for 2 months now
so it was dead even before the forum

Last edited by vox on 14-Mar-2013 at 11:01 PM.

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 16-Mar-2013 2:01:29
#43 ]
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The sun has set. The latest Commodore ended no better than it's predecessors..

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 16-Mar-2013 5:43:44
#44 ]
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There is a company called amibyte that is selling off the c64x that they bought in bulk from CUSA under that Custom Configurator agreement thing. I wonder how much stock they actually have left.

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 16-Mar-2013 6:04:40
#45 ]
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Apparently they are being sued by one of their strategic partners.

T G 3 Electronics Inc vs. Commodore USA

Such is the sad history of everything Commodore and Amiga.


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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 16-Mar-2013 8:10:50
#46 ]
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Weren't they the guys who did the keyboard for the c64x? If so I wonder what they are suing for.

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 16-Mar-2013 8:10:55
#47 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


Apparently they are being sued by one of their strategic partners. T G 3 Electronics Inc vs. Commodore USA Such is the sad history of everything Commodore and Amiga.

Interesting, yes, they seems to be listed under strategic partners at CUSA
and only guessing, seems were able to produce the C64x cases.

However, hope not everything will end in courts and liquidations.Quote:

Weren't they the guys who did the keyboard for the c64x? If so I wonder what they are suing for.

Looks like they did by their tech resume. We can only guess - e.g. they were not fully paid in the process or their rights were harmed in some other way

Strangely, deceased Mr. Altman is listed as owner and defendant,
so it seems property rights over company haven't been transferred either.

Such is the sad history of everything Commodore and Amiga.

Well, beside name, this was just trolling related to Commodore/Amiga communities,
retro inspirational at best.

Last edited by vox on 16-Mar-2013 at 08:15 AM.

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 16-Mar-2013 12:42:01
#48 ]
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Well, beside name, this was just trolling related to Commodore/Amiga communities,retro inspirational at best.

You can be sure neither Asiarim nor Commodore Holdings Corporation look at it that way.


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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 18-Mar-2013 0:11:20
#49 ]
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I called it at 2 years, turns out C=USA lasted almost three. Anyone get closer?

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 18-Mar-2013 8:45:24
#50 ]
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From: S.Wales


I can't remember if I put a time limit on it but I didn't think there was a sound business plan. The only unique product they had was the C64x and that was ugly, inpractical and had poor video capability for a reboot of system primarily remembered for gaming.

I was going to say that with Barry gone there is no we'll ever know if it was sustainable but in truth if it had been as succesful as the cheerleaders claimed, then I'm sure someone would be carrying on the business.

Last edited by Rob on 18-Mar-2013 at 08:46 AM.

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 19-Mar-2013 1:20:11
#51 ]
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Yes, I think the heirs are just trying to keep Commodore's debt separate from the furniture business so it doesn't take both companies down. Barry also had an investor or two, but they haven't surfaced.

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 21-Mar-2013 16:16:17
#52 ]
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This doesn't come as a surprise. I always said that there was no way they could be selling enough machines to even cover the costs of running that small office. They had no visible staff or active tech support which was probably due to the same lack of cash flow. Hardly surprising they left some unpaid invoices behind. I wouldn't be surpised to discover that they guy who was renting them that office is wondering where this month's cheque is.

I'm still amazed on how things went so horribly wrong after was seemed like a great start.

The C64x (while poorly thoughtout in practical terms) was a great eyecatcher and got them loads of media attention that even money couldn't buy. The inserts in the TRON DVDs/Blu-Rays was also some great advertising to link the new to the old (retro). It all looked so good, and some of us began to suspect it was too good.

The first problem seemed to be that the C64x wasn't ready to ship until months after the product was lost and advertised so they lost the "Wow! Factor" and people got time to assess the product with their minds rather than their hearts.

Then game the lies: Bogus factories, motherboards that didn't exist, orders that didn't exist, a highstreet chain that didn't exist, a multi-million Dollar advertising budget that didn't exist, an operating system that didn't exist and morphed into Linux. Add to that the insults, the threats, stooges spreading more lies, more threats, attempts to hi-jack the Amiga name and rebrand it as Linux.

Finally, it just became painfully (despite all efforts to hide it) that they were just rebadging low cost PCs at a high price and when they couldn't sell them they tried to rope others in as "partners" to try and do the same (while offloading all responsibility for technical support in the process).

The lack of any sort of sane business plan was the ultimate downfall. C-USA tried to tell everyone that a PC running Linux was an Amiga running Workbench when it obviously wan't and anyone with half a brain could already run UAE on their own existing PCs. Any attempt to point out this flaw was met with rising hostility which just turned into an all-out pissing match on both sides.

At the end of the day, another chance to resurrect the Commodore name has failed due to poor management and the Amiga name got some more unwanted abuse.

I still say that their ideal product should have been a cheap PC called a "Commodore Retro 1000" (or something similar) running Windows (with an option for Linux), configured to run as many emulated retro systems as possible and sold with some pre-installed games and a couple of joysticks.

Last edited by Darrin on 21-Mar-2013 at 05:53 PM.

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 21-Mar-2013 17:13:53
#53 ]
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All I know is how people behaved and the words they choose to express their opinions. With an AW active membership tumbling towards 500 now (based on at least one login per 30 days), I don't think anyone gained much from that whole affair.


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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 21-Mar-2013 17:17:39
#54 ]
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From: Asheville, NC


I had said 5 years but I of course didn't know that Barry was going to pass away.

I agree that they had a solid start with the C64x. I wanted to see more classic cases built for atx motherboards and modern keyboards. I thought they might have a business there. I honestly would have bought an A500/A1200 replica case in a heartbeat.

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 21-Mar-2013 17:27:55
#55 ]
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That membership news is really sad. I initially came to AW because of the hype of the x1000. You guys need some new products that bring old school Amiga peeps back to the community. I'm just not sure what those products could be but unfortunately, the x1000 is not it. I'm a pretty normal Amiga fan and would never pay that kind of money for a computer that doesn't really do anything (anything that I need it to do).

There is also the problem with the Amiga zealots. It will be impossible to please the over-the-top Amiga fanboys. I wouldn't even try. I would go for the retro crowd personally (but that's easy for me to say because I'm in that category).

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 21-Mar-2013 17:38:41
#56 ]
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You guys need some new products that bring old school Amiga peeps back to the community.

I not "you guys". I'm quite independent in my views. Heh.

I'm just not sure what those products could be

I know what they should have and could have been.

There is also the problem with the Amiga zealots

Most zealots were created by management. Please give Amiga management over the years some credit for this.

If you ever thought this was soley about creating product that would achieve revenue, then I'm afraid you have been misinformed.


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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 21-Mar-2013 17:58:08
#57 ]
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From: Lake Charles, USA


I don't think the Amiga community had anything to gain from their "business model" at all, so falling numbers is just a reflection of old users falling away and little or no new blood coming in behind them.

Really, all we have left now are the hardcore users along the lines of the C64 fandom.

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 21-Mar-2013 18:02:47
#58 ]
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Yep, we need some cheaper models.

I bought an AmigaOne X1000 and it is a great machine, but the price does make your eyes water a bit. Something small and light would be good so that we don't have heart attacks from the shipping & handling charges.

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 21-Mar-2013 20:15:58
#59 ]
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All I know is how people behaved and the words they choose to express their opinions.

I'm not sure what you're getting at. Our community is full of joyful cheery people. I mean who wouldn't want to join a community that craps in peoples cocoa puffs on a daily basis.

Last edited by terminills on 21-Mar-2013 at 08:17 PM.

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Re: Commdore USA.. the final thread
Posted on 21-Mar-2013 23:26:50
#60 ]
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Yeah but it's different for the community leaders... guys like Trevor and Barry have to behave at different standards... not get involved in petty argument stuff. Even if they are personally attacked. They should know that people are looking to get a rise out of them any way they can and they should be above that.

..but yes, there are some uncomfortably inconsiderate people on here for sure. I'm not sure that's any different from anywhere else at the moment. People online need to be nicer overall imo.

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