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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 16-Sep-2014 23:13:42
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Joined: 15-May-2005 Posts: 297
From: Sacramento, CA | | |
| @wawa
BUZZZ, wrong, I was interested. And you point out. I was totally lost. i.e. I thought aros was for intel hardware only, no 68k (which I like)
Then Jason explained (very patiently)
Your points prove my point. It's not as easy as we think and we need to be taught (encourged)
Like At AmiWest! Where we encourge everyone to bring hardware problems/software problems. Not because we have all the fixes, but we're willing to help find answers.
AmiWest is and always has been classic amiga first. Why do you think we start with the Classic Clinic?
without Classic, there is no next gen!!!
The most important point! no force, of any sort...
We invite everyone!!! (even mac fans) it helps get cheap deals for morph guys (evil grin) Last edited by SACC-dude on 16-Sep-2014 at 11:33 PM.
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 16-Sep-2014 23:32:05
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| @OlafS25
We do web cast (see tekmage) Amiwest friend and web caster for years He set up web cam and a stream and host chats
Please follow our sites for the url and other facts
OlafS25 wrote: @SACC-dude
It is difficult to attend for most europeans and too expensive. Would it be possible to make a kind of video-presentation using Skype or similar? |
Last edited by SACC-dude on 16-Sep-2014 at 11:34 PM.
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 17-Sep-2014 0:32:03
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Joined: 21-Jan-2008 Posts: 6259
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| @SACC-dude
Your points prove my point. It's not as easy as we think and we need to be taught (encourged) |
its pretty easy. if you are interested in 68k only you can download aros68k nightlly or olafs aros vision distro (big) and decompress it to a uae drive, be it hardfile or mounted dir. after you booted it you will discover everything is in place you are accustomed to from aos. you cant expect anybody to guide your every step, you must discover it yourself if you want. |
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 17-Sep-2014 0:40:47
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 17-Sep-2014 3:34:10
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| @NutsAboutAmiga
You do know? (I hope) that the programming part is setup by Friends of AmiWest... Just before (Thur and Fri) AmiWest starts Friday night.
We host them, help with the hotel and stuff like that. They like to attend the show and make annoucements from the Show, which is great. They help and contribute in lots of major ways. They pay for their own lunches, bring their own gear. etc.
But the programming thing is done in conjuction with Amiwest which is run by Sacramento Amiga Computer Club (S.A.C.C.)
This thread is about AmiWest and SACC would love to do it all in two and a half days... Which is why I keep inviting you and everyone else to pitch in.
Please come and do a 3.1 programming thing at AmiWest, I promise I will be there.
Tell me how I can help!
I am one of the found-ing AmiWest committee!
NutsAboutAmiga wrote: @SACC-dude
What does this have to do with AmiWest and my invite to all amiga types? |
It was related programming seminar, my answer is a fallow up on the clam by Olaf25. I understand your concern about going off topic. |
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 17-Sep-2014 8:26:09
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| @SACC-dude
I do not think of users watching a stream but developers (or distribution maintainers in case of Aros) that are in germany or poland or somewhere else making a video presentation. If that would be possible a lot more would be possible for sure. Last edited by OlafS25 on 17-Sep-2014 at 08:26 AM.
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 17-Sep-2014 8:28:22
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| @NutsAboutAmiga
we could long discuss about the other topic but then we should start another thread, here it would be offtopic |
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 17-Sep-2014 8:39:32
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| @SACC-dude
that is not completely true. Jason was one of the biggest contributor to Aros 68k and I think he even showed Aros 68k running on FPGA Arcade (that he owns). What is propably true that he concentrated on X86 where most Aros devs are involved. There is a new Icaros Desktop soon available. Perhaps it would be interesting for people to hear more including the 68k integration (just a personal idea). I could ask but that needs that it is possible to make a presentation from europe. |
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 17-Sep-2014 9:23:38
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 17-Sep-2014 9:45:21
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 17-Sep-2014 19:24:28
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| @OlafS25 A bit of mis-understanding...
Before Jason came to AmiWest and showed the many ways AROS could be used... I didn't know anything until after his presentation and I visited his table at AmiWest.
Thanks for proving my point again as to why We need get togethers.
We did years ago, do a teleconfrence with the UK.... so maybe?
I'll bring it up at the meeting this coming Monday!
OlafS25 wrote: @SACC-dude
that is not completely true. Jason was one of the biggest contributor to Aros 68k and I think he even showed Aros 68k running on FPGA Arcade (that he owns). What is propably true that he concentrated on X86 where most Aros devs are involved. There is a new Icaros Desktop soon available. Perhaps it would be interesting for people to hear more including the 68k integration (just a personal idea). I could ask but that needs that it is possible to make a presentation from europe. |
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 17-Sep-2014 19:49:59
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| @NutsAboutAmiga
Most of the folks at AmiWest wear different hats (amiga speak multi-task)
Steve (one of his hats) and other guys present at the programming part. Lyle did at least half of the presenting last year. Other names escape me at the moment (sorry guys)
I'm sorry you can't attend in person, but check out the web cast.
Thanks for the quick look at 68xxx on your blog,
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 18-Sep-2014 19:03:44
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003 Posts: 2755
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| @NutsAboutAmiga Quote:
Does not Steven Solie normally do the programming sessions. |
No, like everything at AmiWest, it is a team of volunteers effort. This year we'll have Paul, Bill, Andy, Tony and myself helping people out with their projects.
You know, I don't really care what programming language or platform people want to use. The hard part is getting people to invest their time into coding. However, we needed to keep focused given we only have 2 days so we are going with C on AmigaOS 4.1. The hope is that with a tight focus we may be able to crank out some working software this year.
 _________________ ExecSG Team Lead |
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 19-Sep-2014 22:28:07
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Joined: 20-Mar-2003 Posts: 6395
From: S.Wales | | |
| Is anyone planning to demo OS4 on WinUAE at the show?
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 23-Sep-2014 11:58:10
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 23-Sep-2014 15:41:59
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Joined: 23-Mar-2005 Posts: 443
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| @number6
Thanks for keeping this up #6. Your work is greatly appreciated!
I'm getting excited about this year's show. There has been a lot happening in the Amiga world and it will be fun to see what will be officially announced, rumored or absent.
Cheers, Bill "tekmage" Borsari |
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 25-Sep-2014 21:44:29
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| @Rob Quote:
Is anyone planning to demo OS4 on WinUAE at the show? |
I expect somebody will. It has become a pretty popular trick in recent weeks._________________ ExecSG Team Lead |
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 8-Oct-2014 13:51:14
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Joined: 3-Mar-2010 Posts: 1970
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| @thread
a couple of quick updates from the amiwest blog today: (JimDrew) has decided to attend as a vendor and sponsor Dave Morris (amigadave) has decided to attend as an exhibitor Andy Broad (broadblues) will be the keynote speaker
this is shaping up to be a terrific get-together, so if you have the means to be in sacramento on october 24th, finish those travel plans now! i look forward to seeing you there.
-- eliyahu
_________________ "Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal." |
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 16-Oct-2014 21:22:25
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From: In the village | | |
| @thread
AmiWest is urging anyone wishing to attend the banquet to reserve NOW.
Today we invoiced those who have signed up for the AmiWest 2014 banquet. I must say that we have about twice as many signed up this year as we did last year at this point.
We don't want to leave anyone out. Please use the link at the top of this blog page to make your reservations for the banquet featuring Amiga developer and professional musician Andy Broad from the UK.
Tickets may sell out for this event! Don't be disappointed. Reserve yours today. |
_________________ This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author. *Secrecy has served us so well* |
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Re: AmiWest - October 24-26, 2014 Posted on 21-Oct-2014 16:13:35
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 10-Jun-2010 Posts: 561
From: Mobile, Alabama, United States | | |
| AmiWest or bust! Shutting down this X1000 now and headed to the airport in a few hours for my second trip to Sacramento and Amiwest, following a few days in San Francisco. See some of you soon!
It's a big wide world and distances are too great for most of us to get together at events like AmiWest, but wherever you are if you are able to share camaraderie with Amigans and friends in any venue I encourage it. It's great fun, and only a small amount of it has to do with OS announcements, etc.
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