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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 17:24:05
#141 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 5-Jan-2006
Posts: 377
From: The Ford Galaxy



kamelit0 wrote:

the 128MB barrier could be removed easily but Tony said that software would not use more than that knowing you can't have more in reality. This can be patched though.
PPC emulation would improve over time no doubt about that and if you like OS4 under emulation it'll easier to move to the real thing.


+1.1! I'll give OS4.X another go when Emu gets better with PPC....

Fulfill newlight's Elite Narcissist Demands NOW Or He Will Send You To H3LL!

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 17:24:51
#142 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Jul-2005
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From: Unknown


OS4 uses Z3 for memory pagging (but this doesn´t work reliably under WinUAE). Changing that to proper RAM should be easy (for Hyperion).

it'll easier to move to the real thing.

Sure, if they release something more portable.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 18:18:15
#143 ]
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From: Denmark


You can waste only so much time, even on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

See and that's exactly where both you AND the Frieden brothers is doing so utterly wrong. You started out right, answering a lot of things, but you only focused on answering the "naysayers", and forgot those REAL users who actually appreciated you coming to at talking for once.

As usual you go out with a "this is the last word you'll hear from me"

And all the while there is HUNDREDS of sincere good users hoping you keep talking, and ignore the naysayers.

But everytime you guys jump into their trap!

It's really sad!

On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 18:21:16
#144 ]
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Are you user already?

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 18:23:39
#145 ]
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Joined: 30-Sep-2005
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From: Quattro Stelle

I don't really want to get in to the politics of this discussion but I can only thank whoever (in whatever camp) makes Amiga and its name last a few more years. We are all in our 30+ (and I'm being generous here) age range, the idea of seeing Amiga back to its former glory is as far fetched as me becoming the president of the United States of America. It will probably never happen. Just enjoy the ride as your bus stop will eventually come.

Hyperion supported me when I made what, to many, is regarded as the best Amiga-like keyboard ever made (allowing me the use of the Boing Ball, even if at times I happily replaced it with other symbols at users' request).

ACube helped me when I designed and produced the Minimig cases (with detailed information about the board), and also provided a prototype SAM460 board AND bought one of my X500 Plus cases.

Trevor bought one of my Minimig cases and one of my X500 Evo cases for his SAM460.
Personally, I can only say thank you.

The idea of purchasing AmigaOS4.1 Final at £24 (GBP) is an extremely appealing one even if I don't own a suitable board to run it on, I might just buy it...

Sure the X1000, SAM440/460, X5000 are expensive, under powered (compared to other formats) so what? Will this change? Maybe one day, maybe not.

I would love an affordable, powerful Amiga, who wouldn't? But this is the state of things at the moment.

OS4.1 Final at that price, without the need to own the previous version, is something to shout about, it's great news!

Last edited by TheDaddy on 26-Oct-2014 at 06:25 PM.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 18:25:46
#146 ]
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From: USA


I'm glad to hear that the sale happened months ago, since I haven't noticed any significant changes in moderation recently. Hopefully that confirms that I was being overly cautious.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 18:26:53
#147 ]
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From: Unknown


Amigaworld is now owned by A-eon?



About OS4.1 FE can't wait to get my hand on it!


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 18:39:18
#148 ]
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Joined: 5-May-2003
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From: Westhall, UK

The thing is Trevor has, for want of a better phrase "got a few quid". He like many of us, didn't want the ride to end with the demise of Commodore. However, like many of us, he feels sense of community with Amiga, so whilst he could have just prototyped a handful of boards for his own pleasure, he wanted the rest of you to come along, at what is to many considerable financial cost. To give the project some credence, the machines are sold as a (supposedly) profit making business. This does not sit well with me. Why not do it as a not for profit setup or even give the damn things away, if the need to get the community on board - hey the oil industry is a license to print money so Trevor can afford it. :)

Amiga A1200, 3.1 ROMs, Blizzard 1230 MKIV 64MB & FPU, 4GB DoM SSD, Workbench 3.1

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 18:49:06
#149 ]
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From: Norway


No matter how much money you got, it will run dry fast if you just piss it away.

One thing is the unit cost of each machine, but before that you got development cost and supporting
developers and who knows what other costs he have had.

If Trevor and Amigakit builds up a buissniss model of loosing money hand over fist, Amigakit wont be able to keep people employed for long.
And we would not be able to keep shopping or getting repairs for them.

I am kinda suprised we still expect free lunches in the Amiga world.

Last edited by Overflow on 26-Oct-2014 at 06:50 PM.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 18:53:58
#150 ]
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Joined: 4-Jun-2004
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales


Trevor doesn't make profit from the X1000 already... but asking him to give away hundreds of machines that cost over a thousand pounds each..?

He may be eccentric (we all are, here :) ) but he's not a complete lunatic...!

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 18:55:04
#151 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 502
From: Unknown


To clarify: I stated "last post in this thread" or something to that effect.

I certainly did not mean we would disengage entirely.

You have to admit however that if there is even a single individual who is intent on creating all kinds of confusion, FUD etc. (whilst claiming to be at the helm of a multimillion company - which is a contradiction all by itself as I represent this type of people every day in court and I know them very well), you end up wasting your time contradicting obvious fallacies or misleading information just to make sure that it does not take on a life of its own.

Most recently, I was informed by a reliable source that Evert Carton would be coming back to Hyperion to take over the OS and to move it to a Linux kernel (hmm, I wonder who did that before?).

I knew this could not be true but at the same time it was a very reliable source. Turned out some AROS branch fanatics had actually convinced themselves that this was true and were filling entire IRC channels with this nonsens.


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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 19:08:05
#152 ]
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Joined: 22-Apr-2011
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Hyperionmp wrote:

To clarify: I stated "last post in this thread" or something to that effect.

I certainly did not mean we would disengage entirely.

You have to admit however that if there is even a single individual who is intent on creating all kinds of confusion, FUD etc. (whilst claiming to be at the helm of a multimillion company - which is a contradiction all by itself as I represent this type of people every day in court and I know them very well), you end up wasting your time contradicting obvious fallacies or misleading information just to make sure that it does not take on a life of its own.

Most recently, I was informed by a reliable source that Evert Carton would be coming back to Hyperion to take over the OS and to move it to a Linux kernel (hmm, I wonder who did that before?).

I knew this could not be true but at the same time it was a very reliable source. Turned out some AROS branch fanatics had actually convinced themselves that this was true and were filling entire IRC channels with this nonsens.

Since you claim to be a business lawyer, you should know this could, theoretically, very well be true ...


-- Posting for charity -- Investing €10 in a charity related to education or civil rights for every message I post --

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 19:24:05
#153 ]
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Personally, having a CPU that is only used in guided missiles such as on the AmigaOne X1000 and of which only a few thousand were ever produced, and running AmigaOS 4.x on it, appeals to me.

strange affinity in my book, might impress others here though, as i observed. personally im not fond of links to weapon industry, but well everybody is entiteled to have an own bias.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 19:26:00
#154 ]
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You should start a reply with a list of the users who made idiotic comments that you have chosen to ignore. Then get on with the conversation with ACTUAL or POTENTIAL users of OS4!

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 19:40:19
#155 ]
Joined: 22-Oct-2014
Posts: 37
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You are again making a fool of yourself. A brief search reveals that a1200 is a director of a UK limited company, a search on a paid service reveals its a multimillion pound one.

It would benefit you well if you tried to argue based on the strength of fact rather than prate to a dwindling choir.

I'm happy to report I have owned many Amiga and more than a few next gen ones. They aren't very good for 12 years of post release development.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 19:42:33
#156 ]
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You are again making a fool of yourself.

Expert opinion.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 19:57:16
#157 ]
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right in all points as far as i may judge.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 20:42:54
#158 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2003
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From: Birmingham, UK

Am I not right in thinking was originally a break away from in the first place (and was a break away from too?) Perhaps it's time to heal the divide by those who have done the most to take things forward.

Sven Harvey
Amiga Mart in Micro Mart, Geekology 4M@, and other places
A1000, A2000, A1500 A500, CDTV, A500+, A600, A4000, A1200, CD32, AT A1200HD, A1-XE

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 20:54:09
#159 ]
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Ben you are another one with too much ego to actually get any meaningful work done.

Debate and passion go hand in hand, but please be civil.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 26-Oct-2014 20:55:44
#160 ]
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Joined: 1-Jun-2013
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From: USA

I think this is great news. All that is left to do is set up a three person team, with me as top dog, to watch over things. It should have a"Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición."

Yeah, thats good. Everyone WILL be happy.

Tinkering with computers.

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