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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 0:55:41
#181 ]
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nox's in the house!

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 1:39:49
#182 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada


Mikey_C wrote:
Having Read all the crap on here, arguments, spats, uncivil discussions, name calling etc, reminds me why myself and orgin created

@ Sven Harvey

Yes, people left and moved over to Amigaworld (myself included) because the Trolls had taken over

Then when the trolls took over Amigaworld, we created - No we are not selling, we are happy to be an independant, but loyal AmigaOS4 centric site.

amen to that Mikey! may amigans always remain troll free

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 2:47:21
#183 ]
Joined: 10-Dec-2006
Posts: 69
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My honest and unswerving take on this: I was unconcerned, in fact, rather positive about the A-Eon takeover of it is a good thing, I think, for the lead company to have an open line of communication with its users, to make announcements, stomp out ridiculous rumors, keep track of user trends and ideas, etc. All to the good, I say. But taking on more than one smells like trying to control all speech and ideas. I would have felt the same if A-Eon had chosen to take Amigaworld instead. One is healthy, I think. Two or more, not so. Also, instead of buying up Amiga discussion sites, why not save and buy Amiga Inc.? The ownership of all the trademarks and licenses would save them and Hyperion a lot of dosh over the next several years, and grant them a lot of freedom they haven't got now.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 2:55:39
#184 ]
Joined: 10-Dec-2006
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One also has to wonder...Is there an ultimate plan to merge these two sites?

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 4:13:44
#185 ]
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For all fairness, I have to say that only reason why "A-eonkit" bought AWN was that userbase and therefore resources have dwindled away. What I have understood from other users AWN has been struggling due to lack of staff.

That is actually a problem what simple acquisition by A-eonkit is not going to solve.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 6:13:12
#186 ]
Joined: 22-Oct-2014
Posts: 37
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Hyperionmp wrote:

Corrected. Thanks for the pointer, I had forgotten about the automaticcan't chrition of the contrary.


Heel fido!

Professional codes of conduct usually address behaviour, including the insulting kind you regularly trot out Ben. You cant cherry pick.

You also can't keep trotting out the fact that Hyperion had to pay for a law suit. They obviously got atrocious legal advice signing that contract in the first place. They should claim back the costs from him. Oh, hang on !

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 7:54:00
#187 ]
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From: Denmark


Are you user already?

Not that I need to answer you Olaf, but I have been owning various Amiga computers since 1987 - and today I use my good old trusted A1200, which sadly is not equipped to run AmigaOS 4.0 or 4.1

But I don't need to be a user of NG AmigaOS to think it's fantastic that development is ongoing. Don't need to be a user to think that it is some seriously great features our good old amiga operating system has gotten over the years. Don't need to be a user for that. I can easily imagine how great the font system must look, and how it must be to run the whole thing with modern resolutions and 24 bit colors!

And I absolutely don't need to be a user to fight for the ongoing development of a system i came to love dearly back in the heydays - a system I absolutely intended all the time to purchase in all it's NG glory when I could afford it.

Which brings me to this new offer - hell yeah I will buy AmigaOS 4.1 even if I don't have the hardware to run it - just because it's a fantastic good offer - and because I can run it on UAE (maybe) - until I can get my fingers on some future NG hardware (X3500/5000) or some used SAM in between.

And I will buy it even if it means the month will be harder economy wise (yeah some of us is really that hard tied up)

Last edited by Hondo on 27-Oct-2014 at 08:11 AM.
Last edited by Hondo on 27-Oct-2014 at 08:10 AM.

On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 9:23:13
#188 ]
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"X1000 - One Amiga to rule them all..." and that you spoke in the name of hundreds of users (as a non-user) was a little strange to me

no offense

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 9:30:30
#189 ]
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From: Finland


I am actually slightly disappointed about this. Not that I think that Aeon would be a bad owner for, but since there already was a topic where there was mentioned that if is ever in sale, someone said "count me in", and i doubt he was counted in as potential buyer. Just for chance of competition and new ideas, it had been nice had they given some hint to people that is up for sale, and others could have tried to buy it too.

Of course it is their own decision etc. plus i doubt anyone else made serious contact of making an offer but Aeon, but i would have anyway liked that.

Plus, it is the previous owners own loss that they didnt even consider opening up other possibilities. They might have got more out of it than they now did. Although, I have to say, Aoen probably did pay more than the well based real value had been.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 9:47:08
#190 ]
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From: Denmark


Olaf with that signature I wasn't trying to speak for everybody - I was just expressing my thoughts about the X1000 computer. It seemed fitting to use the slogan from Lord of the ring on the new X1000 Because it looked as it would be the fastest "Amiga" ever built, and the X stuff got to me

But you're right - I need to jump on board and try it out myself, both OS and hardware.

Hopefully one day I'll get my fingers on some NG hardware

But next it's the new AmigaOS 4.1 for me and some emulation try out on my windows pc.

On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 12:28:36
#191 ]
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden


For all fairness, I have to say that only reason why "A-eonkit" bought AWN was that userbase and therefore resources have dwindled away. What I have understood from other users AWN has been struggling due to lack of staff.

Well, we have lost 2 staff members during the past year.
That is noticeable.

This purchase is as Trevor wrote earlier initiated by the fact that David is busy IRL with career and other things, and has had hard to find time and motivation to work with

And what will happen later on, that is up to the future to show.
Untill then:

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 12:38:00
#192 ]
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And I will buy it even if it means the month will be harder economy wise (yeah some of us is really that hard tied up)

if spending 30eur discount on an os is already a hardly bearable amount, then i would really consider if its worth it, since you may not be able to afford the hardware to run it ever.

Last edited by wawa on 27-Oct-2014 at 12:38 PM.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 12:41:58
#193 ]
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then name some of the critics that take care when something gets out of control and can be contacted (expecially when bans are threatened and people feel treated bad)

Obviously is out of control

Regarding user base, amigaworld was moderated heavily towards "NG" whereas was moderated more liberal and open and traditionally 68k orientated. Now it seems they are working there to change that.

Last edited by OlafS25 on 27-Oct-2014 at 12:45 PM.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 14:42:53
#194 ]
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From: Denmark


It's worth it! (it's an offer I can't refuse)

The UAE opportunity could be a nice way to learn all the nice new things. And hopefully I'll be able to afford some hardware within the next couple of years.

On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 14:45:46
#195 ]
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itix wrote:

For all fairness, I have to say that only reason why "A-eonkit" bought AWN was that userbase and therefore resources have dwindled away. What I have understood from other users AWN has been struggling due to lack of staff.

That is actually a problem what simple acquisition by A-eonkit is not going to solve.

New hardware that is cheap and viable is the only thing which will solve the problems.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 16:14:08
#196 ]
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Bugala wrote:

I am actually slightly disappointed about this. Not that I think that Aeon would be a bad owner for, but since there already was a topic where there was mentioned that if is ever in sale, someone said "count me in", and i doubt he was counted in as potential buyer. Just for chance of competition and new ideas, it had been nice had they given some hint to people that is up for sale, and others could have tried to buy it too.

Of course it is their own decision etc. plus i doubt anyone else made serious contact of making an offer but Aeon, but i would have anyway liked that.

Plus, it is the previous owners own loss that they didnt even consider opening up other possibilities. They might have got more out of it than they now did. Although, I have to say, Aoen probably did pay more than the well based real value had been.

I see this as an attempt to save their platform. The X1000 is in limited quantity? The rest of the community is divided. The Minimig doesn't have a hard drive. I don't really know what a Sam is or why I would want it. X1000 is too expensive for me.

So basically the market is dissolving and they bought these two websites and I feel that everyone will get drug down with them. Talk about beating a dead horse.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 16:26:51
#197 ]
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@wawa It's worth it! (it's an offer I can't refuse) The UAE opportunity could be a nice way to learn all the nice new things. And hopefully I'll be able to afford some hardware within the next couple of years.

then pay attention to buy a "classic" release of os4.1 final.

Last edited by wawa on 27-Oct-2014 at 04:27 PM.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 16:35:46
#198 ]
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I see this as an attempt to save their platform. The X1000 is in limited quantity? The rest of the community is divided. The Minimig doesn't have a hard drive. I don't really know what a Sam is or why I would want it. X1000 is too expensive for me.

then this attempt is ill advised. to save tha platform as a whole you need a vision and a plan. you have to approach people rather tho sneak behind their back. you have to propose and discuss the approach. not that everybody will agree, but you need to find the widest possible common ground to invest into.

since all this doesnt happen, but as is is customary everything (if anything at all) happens behind the scenes, leaving an impression nothing gets done at all, and then the public is presented the result (if any), take or leave it (oh, no, dont leave it, you are not a supporter then) i dont think there is actually a plan worth to talk about. rather there is a number of chaotic actions aimed to conserve the status quo and win time.

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 27-Oct-2014 16:41:37
#199 ]
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From: Denmark


then pay attention to buy a "classic" release of os4.1 final.

Wow....glad you reminded me, because honestly I didn't think about it. Thanks wawa

On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: now owned by A-EON
Posted on 28-Oct-2014 15:05:55
#200 ]
AROS Core Developer
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To clarify: I stated "last post in this thread" or something to that effect.

I certainly did not mean we would disengage entirely.

You have to admit however that if there is even a single individual who is intent on creating all kinds of confusion, FUD etc. (whilst claiming to be at the helm of a multimillion company - which is a contradiction all by itself as I represent this type of people every day in court and I know them very well), you end up wasting your time contradicting obvious fallacies or misleading information just to make sure that it does not take on a life of its own.

Most recently, I was informed by a reliable source that Evert Carton would be coming back to Hyperion to take over the OS and to move it to a Linux kernel (hmm, I wonder who did that before?).

I knew this could not be true but at the same time it was a very reliable source. Turned out some AROS branch fanatics had actually convinced themselves that this was true and were filling entire IRC channels with this nonsens.

Who are these fanatics?

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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