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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 3:35:27
#41 ]
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Joined: 10-Aug-2009
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From: Greece

A good chance to rewrite the OS from scratch having in mind todays standards, and make it available on affortable hardware for everyone.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 3:38:28
#42 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada


alexw wrote:
Agreed. Especially A-EON pumping a lot of money into hardware and buying legacy software doesn't make much sense to me if they know that the OS company is going belly up and don't already have a solution to continue OS development. On the other hand, what does make sense in Amiga land?

Honestly as far as Amigaland sense guys there are 3 companies that have supported the community from day one of their existence and have done what they said they would do time and they are: AmigaKit, A-Cube, & A-Eon !

It's been getting better & better for AmigaOS in general since 2009 when the darn lawsuit case was finally settled. The last few years have been amazing in terms of progress especially on the hardware front, OS in general, and Hans work on the HDRadeon cards and I'm positive the 3 companies that have recently set things right in Amigaland will still 'keep the party going'

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 3:42:40
#43 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada


Morphix wrote:
A good chance to rewrite the OS from scratch having in mind todays standards, and make it available on affortable hardware for everyone.

we already have AROS which is free & works on pretty darn anything including the Pie and then there's MorphOS which is inexpensive for licencing and runs on junkyard old Macs so again what you mentioned has been already available to the public for quite a while.

Last edited by klx300r on 14-Feb-2015 at 03:43 AM.

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 3:54:38
#44 ]
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Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Hyperion is bankrupt?

With the boost generated from OS 4.1 FE sales has someone taken the money and run?

Will there be YAAA? (Yet Another AEON Announcement.) AEON buys out Hyperion.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 3:56:41
#45 ]
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Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway

None of the so called NG OSes are really much NG, they all suffer from exactly the same limitations that OS3.x does. I agree with Morphix, an Amiga inspired OS but with modern foundation would be insanely much better than what OS4, MorphOS and AROS are today. Of all the OS4 propotions and ideas that existed since Commodore went bust, the current OS4 is the least interesting. Fundamentally it is not much other than OS3.x port to PowerPC. Back in mid 90ies there were much, much better proposals around, proposals which could have been implemented and made Amiga a modern and relevant operating system. Ironically Apple went ahead, bought NeXT and with Steve Jobs at the helm did exactly for MacOS what so many of us wanted with AmigaOS. Imagine having something like OSX but with AmigaOS type of desktop handling etc.

Last edited by kolla on 14-Feb-2015 at 03:59 AM.


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 3:58:47
#46 ]
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From: Greece

we already have AROS which is free & works on pretty darn anything including the Pie and then there's MorphOS which is inexpensive for licencing and runs on junkyard old Macs so again what you mentioned has been already available to the public for quite a while.

we are talking abiut AmigaOS now.

Edit: Nevermind the name, bring the amiga spirit in 2015 without the limitations of the past and call it with any name.

Last edited by Morphix on 14-Feb-2015 at 04:01 AM.
Last edited by Morphix on 14-Feb-2015 at 03:59 AM.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 4:02:56
#47 ]
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From: Greece

None of the so called NG OSes are really much NG, they all suffer from exactly the same limitations that OS3.x does. I agree with Morphix, an Amiga inspired OS but with modern foundation would be insanely much better than what OS4, MorphOS and AROS are today. Of all the OS4 propotions and ideas that existed since Commodore went bust, the current OS4 is the least interesting. Fundamentally it is not much other than OS3.x port to PowerPC. Back in mid 90ies there were much, much better proposals around, proposals which could have been implemented and made Amiga a modern and relevant operating system. Ironically Apple went ahead, bought NeXT and with Steve Jobs at the helm did exactly for MacOS what so many of us wanted with AmigaOS. Imagine having something like OSX but with AmigaOS type of desktop handling etc.


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 4:04:24
#48 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada


Morphix wrote:
we already have AROS which is free & works on pretty darn anything including the Pie and then there's MorphOS which is inexpensive for licencing and runs on junkyard old Macs so again what you mentioned has been already available to the public for quite a while.

we are talking abiut AmigaOS now.

yes of course my point was we already have 2 very similar options to AmigaOS already out and available on EVERYTHING so I strongly doubt having AmigaOS running on Pies etc will make any difference. AROS & MorphOS is more than enough for the casual old amiga user and new user to mess around with

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 4:09:57
#49 ]
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From: Minnesota, USA


Arix might be an interesting option also. It's the next generation of hosted Aros on Linux.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 4:11:59
#50 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway

OS4 proposal from 1996

[img align=left][/img]

Oh, that worked well :)

Last edited by kolla on 14-Feb-2015 at 04:14 AM.


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 4:22:14
#51 ]
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From: Greece


All those OSes you described including AmigaOS have the same limitations. One OS could be better in specific parts compared to another but the basis is the same.

Well this sad Hyperion fact may be a good reason for a total rotation change.

Forget the 90s. Bring the Amiga spirit on 2015, in modern, fast, affortable hardware.

Native, not under linux.

Modern, to hardware released today, select a modern platform and support it to the max.

Enough with the 68k. Built an emulator and run all the classics on a window.

Make this machine a useful piece of kit, not an elitistic outstanding of just a name.

I want to watch hd videos, browse the net, listen to music, write my docs, play games on an Amiga machine with the 2015 standards. Not the 90s stabdards.

Pi costed me a few euros and did all the above natively.

If pi is capable of all these, Amiga can do it better. Under any name. We do not care about names we want the spirit.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 4:28:38
#52 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway

One could cooperate with Matt Dillon and use DragonFly BSD as foundation, that would be so historically correct ;)


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 4:31:12
#53 ]
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-- --
aka Tony Rocks

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 4:32:11
#54 ]
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From: Greece


Yes a nee, native heart. Covered with the wb touch :)

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 4:40:49
#55 ]
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One (or both?) of the Friedens already wrote about what the next big step of AOS would be at, did you all miss that? It would (will) be a new kernel and include memory protection etc. There where lots of people being afraid I recall but I thought that it made sense, what other ways are there? AmigaOS 4.1 FE should be the last AOS built upon the old kernel.

If it'll happen, who knows but I think that it will happen. Hyperion has always been a company that keep their promises (ok, not about the laptop) and it seems to belong to very clever Amiga-loving peoples.

But then, I'm waiting for some news to shed a light on this subject.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 6:07:00
#56 ]
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Link please? Adding something that will fundamentally change the OS and cause all kinds of incompatibily sounds more like OS5 than OS4.2, heh.


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 7:00:44
#57 ]
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From: Harbor Gateway, Gardena, Ca.


Like i said elsewhere, it ain't over til the fat lady sings! I'll wait for an announcement.


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 7:05:36
#58 ]
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No way OS4 is down the drain with this. Hyperion might be but you underestimate the business sense of these people if you think they would let is slip into oblivion.

I don't see how this can be bad news for OS4 though, they have had what 10? years of business opportunity and OS4 user base has not grown at all since OS was marketed to the masses, instead they have chased away hundreds (probably thousands) of potential users with their strategy so I don't see how marketing decisions couldn't get better now when there might be a opportunity for it to happen.....

IF it's not all the same people that will row this next boat of theirs

Last edited by Manu on 14-Feb-2015 at 07:06 AM.

AmigaOS or MorphOS on x86 would sell orders of magnitude more than the current,
hardware-intensive solutions. And they'd go faster.-- D.Haynie

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 7:09:42
#59 ]
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Damn! Strange because how could this happen? I mean Hyperion was it a serious company or just a hobby which gots boring and this is a planned action.

Common... Ben was on the serious guys here around.
I mean his legal actions where always a guaranty of fair play.

And than... Are we talking about what in Germany is called (insolvency) is amigaos now part of the "insolvenzmasse".... ?

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment bankrupt?
Posted on 14-Feb-2015 7:42:38
#60 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 502
From: Unknown


The quote a famous writer: "the news of our demise is greatly exaggerated" ;)

This is the result of an unfortunate administrative mishap by a third party and is in the process of being addressed/cleared up.

This may take a while as everything takes a while in Belgium whilst it comes to administrative and judicial matters.

Those dancing on our grave, sorry guys, no party here ;)

Hyperion Entertainment Directors


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