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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-Oct-2015 14:50:47
#1281 ]
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Joined: 12-May-2010
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I did not know that

I also know the famous last words "You have certainly made a backup?"


Last edited by OlafS25 on 09-Oct-2015 at 02:51 PM.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-Oct-2015 19:42:02
#1282 ]
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Joined: 5-Nov-2009
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I also know the famous last words "You have certainly made a backup?"

Yeah, that's thing you hear after words "YOU DID WHAT!"

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-Oct-2015 20:43:15
#1283 ]
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From: Germany



pavlor wrote:

is it a major release?

From my point of view it certainly is.

OS4 numbering is rather conservative, I would call major releases these:
4.0 Final Update (2006)
4.1 (2008)
4.1 Update 1 (2010)
4.1 Final Edition (2014)

You may look at AmigaOS4 article on Wikipedia for short list of major features by every release, or just read respective press-releases. You own assessment of these updates may be different, of course.

Honestly it's difficult to make a comparison with a major release of a mainstream o.s..



Vistaus wrote:

So the fact that I do have hangups on Linux and Windows, even on a computer that came pre-installe with Ubuntu by System76 (which I currently have), is "unlikely"?

Yes. Unlikely. Do you prefer uncommon? It's similar, in this context: something that usually doesn't happen, but sometimes it does.
FYI, I'm not doing much on it, mostly web browsing with at most 10 tabs open. And every once in a while a little thing that I can't do on AOS, like loading a leak on me and my mum's BB. Same with 8.1 that I've used for a long time on my previous Surface Pro 3.

Nice to know. A rare bird, compared to the common experience of millions of other users of such products.
But yeah, what you say is the only truth, I'm just a silly guy who makes all this stuff about having hangs and stuff on other OS's, even on dedicated computers, up. I'm not telling the truth about my experience. [/sarcasm]

Who said that? Please, don't be childish making the victim here.

I just said that's unlikely. It happened/s to you? Can be. Never said that it's impossible. But that's a very different experience compared to what usually happens to the vast majority of the people.

Is it clear now?
Btw, I also agree that FE is a major release. It contains all previously released updates AND a host of new features. If that isn't a major release in your opinion, then Windows 8 hasn't seen a major update for a long time either 'cause 8.1 to 8 is exactly the same as AOS 4.1 FE is to the previous 4.1 And Ubuntu 14.04.3 isn't a major release either since it mostly bundles updates, so 14.04 hasn't had a update in a long time either.

Windows 8.1 is an upgrade (a big upgrade, looking at the changes; especially 8.1 update 1) of 8.

@Rose: ROFL.



pavlor wrote:

I also use Windows in different versions for many years and cannot remember system hangups,

Lucky you! It seems you were never Windows ME user.

Yes, it was unstable. However, it shipped... DOS 7!

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-Oct-2015 20:58:43
#1284 ]
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4.0 Final Update (2006)


AmigaOS 4.0 July 2007 Update

2006 was listed as "final", which triggered the lawsuit. Then they went ahead and released another update in 2007, because at that point they had nothing to lose. heh.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-Oct-2015 21:38:04
#1285 ]
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I listed releases I consider major.

For the purpose of mentioned lawsuit, Hyperion named 4.0 pre-release Update2 as release fulfilling most goals of OS4 project...

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-Oct-2015 21:41:41
#1286 ]
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Honestly it's difficult to make a comparison with a major release of a mainstream o.s..

Even thinking about such comparison is great praise for AmigaOS. Thanks!

Yes, it was unstable. However, it shipped... DOS 7!

I wonder, why I didn´t appreciate this great feature back then.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 10-Oct-2015 5:04:56
#1287 ]
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From: Germany



pavlor wrote:

Honestly it's difficult to make a comparison with a major release of a mainstream o.s..

Even thinking about such comparison is great praise for AmigaOS. Thanks!

pavlor, it's an o.s.: why would I make differences with other

Yes, it was unstable. However, it shipped... DOS 7!

I wonder, why I didn´t appreciate this great feature back then.

Because you never took a look at the APIs that he exposed?

There are many that, for example, handle long file names. I used them to recover the complete content of my Amiga partitions from a sector-by-sector image that I made of my Amiga 1200 hard disk, with a little program that I've written (in Turbo Pascal).

Unless you like a stuff like FreeDOS, the DOS shipped with Windows ME is the best one.


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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 10-Oct-2015 7:28:10
#1288 ]
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Joined: 10-Jul-2005
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it's an o.s.: why would I make differences with other

I thought there is subtle difference between hobby OSs like Haiku and mainstream OSs like Mac OS X...

Because you never took a look at the APIs that he exposed?

Well, reinstalling os every 3-5 months wasn´t good incentive to look for its strong points.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 10-Oct-2015 10:48:25
#1289 ]
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Joined: 29-Jul-2013
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Sure, I'm the only one with unstable Linux and Windows over the years. That's why I'm helping out people wih unstable Ubuntu computers every day on the Dutch Ubuntu Forums ever since 2008. Really, the are people reporting problems every day, usually involving the fact it's unstable in one way or another.
And if I open up a topic about Windows on said forum, within 24 hours I have about 50 posts of people having an unstable Windows PC, either in dual-boot or on their second PC. Or they have to help out friends and family with the stability of their Windows (usually involving a reinstall).

Plus you've never looked at news websites and computer forums at all the stability problems with ME and Vista and 8 (not 8.1)?

I'm not saying that due to all of this it's a fact that Win and Lin are unstable for everyone, I'm just saying that I'm not in the minority.

And no, 8.1 is not a major update, at least not compared to AOS 4.1 FE; they're both equally as major. Just look at what 4.1 FE added to the OS and you know what I'm talking about. But you disregarded my Ubuntu 14.04 comparison, lol.

Last edited by Vistaus on 10-Oct-2015 at 11:05 AM.
Last edited by Vistaus on 10-Oct-2015 at 11:01 AM.
Last edited by Vistaus on 10-Oct-2015 at 10:50 AM.
Last edited by Vistaus on 10-Oct-2015 at 10:49 AM.
Last edited by Vistaus on 10-Oct-2015 at 10:49 AM.

Proud user of AmigaOS 4.1 on an AmigaONE 500. This is the first Amiga I've ever had so I don't know all the ins and outs of AmigaOS yet, so I'm sorry if I'm asking noob questions and stuff.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 10-Oct-2015 10:54:28
#1290 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 20-Jul-2004
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From: Portsmouth England



Yes. Unlikely. Do you prefer uncommon? It's similar, in this context: something that usually doesn't happen, but sometimes it does.

No the meaning is quite different.

If you say something is unlikely, the implication is that the chances of the event happening are so low that it won't happen.

If you say that somthing is uncommon, that means that it doesn't happen very often, but does happen.

An easy mistake for someone not a native english speaker I would think,

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 10-Oct-2015 11:00:11
#1291 ]
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XP highly enhanced my experience with Windows. Vista was OK (probably I´m an exception ) and now I´m fairly content using Windows 7 (with Win2000 look of course). I tried Windows 8/8.1 several times, but I always ended looking for hammer... Windows 10 has some nice advantages (eg. fast start), but lack of Win2000 theme means I will stay with Windows 7.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 10-Oct-2015 11:00:26
#1292 ]
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Exactly! Over the years, I've seen many cases in which people were confusing those two words and their meanings, esp. people who are non-native English speakers tend to confuse 'em.

Last edited by Vistaus on 10-Oct-2015 at 11:10 AM.
Last edited by Vistaus on 10-Oct-2015 at 11:07 AM.
Last edited by Vistaus on 10-Oct-2015 at 11:06 AM.

Proud user of AmigaOS 4.1 on an AmigaONE 500. This is the first Amiga I've ever had so I don't know all the ins and outs of AmigaOS yet, so I'm sorry if I'm asking noob questions and stuff.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 12-Oct-2015 19:54:14
#1293 ]
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Joined: 29-Oct-2012
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From: Germany



pavlor wrote:

it's an o.s.: why would I make differences with other

I thought there is subtle difference between hobby OSs like Haiku and mainstream OSs like Mac OS X...

Are they or not?
Because you never took a look at the APIs that he exposed?

Well, reinstalling os every 3-5 months wasn´t good incentive to look for its strong points.

I agree, but Windows ME introduced a cool feature that helps here: system restore points.



Vistaus wrote:

Sure, I'm the only one with unstable Linux and Windows over the years. That's why I'm helping out people wih unstable Ubuntu computers every day on the Dutch Ubuntu Forums ever since 2008. Really, the are people reporting problems every day, usually involving the fact it's unstable in one way or another.
And if I open up a topic about Windows on said forum, within 24 hours I have about 50 posts of people having an unstable Windows PC, either in dual-boot or on their second PC. Or they have to help out friends and family with the stability of their Windows (usually involving a reinstall).

Plus you've never looked at news websites and computer forums at all the stability problems with ME and Vista and 8 (not 8.1)?

ME is well known to have it, but Vista and 8 are greatly stable.
I'm not saying that due to all of this it's a fact that Win and Lin are unstable for everyone, I'm just saying that I'm not in the minority.

Have you considered that there are billion(s) of mainstream
And no, 8.1 is not a major update,

I quote myself:

"Windows 8.1 is an upgrade (a big upgrade, looking at the changes; especially 8.1 update 1) of 8."

big != major.
at least not compared to AOS 4.1 FE;

How did you compared them?
they're both equally as major.

Please, can you finally decide if 8.1 is or not a major upgrade?
Just look at what 4.1 FE added to the OS and you know what I'm talking about.

Then collect the list of changes of 8.1 (up to Update 1), and make a comparison between them.
But you disregarded my Ubuntu 14.04 comparison, lol.

Linux is not may favorite o.s., so I don't follow that much news about it.



broadblues wrote:


Yes. Unlikely. Do you prefer uncommon? It's similar, in this context: something that usually doesn't happen, but sometimes it does.

No the meaning is quite different.

If you say something is unlikely, the implication is that the chances of the event happening are so low that it won't happen.

If you say that somthing is uncommon, that means that it doesn't happen very often, but does happen.

Then I apologize for the mistake.

However, I've clarified what I was intending in such part of the discussion.
An easy mistake for someone not a native english speaker I would think,

I think so.

The funny thing is that... I'm a US citizen (by birthplace).



pavlor wrote:

XP highly enhanced my experience with Windows. Vista was OK (probably I´m an exception ) and now I´m fairly content using Windows 7 (with Win2000 look of course). I tried Windows 8/8.1 several times, but I always ended looking for hammer... Windows 10 has some nice advantages (eg. fast start), but lack of Win2000 theme means I will stay with Windows 7.

You aren't an exception: Vista was stable and solid too, and the same happened for all subsequent, except for Windows 10 where I've some problem (sometimes the Wi-fi is not recognized, and I've to invoke "Problem resolution"; I wasn't able to enabled the location service, in order to activate Cortana).

BTW; I used themes only up to Windows XP. After that, I'm sticked with the default theme, because of no interest on loosing time playing with that feature. All my PCs have Windows 10 now, except an old MacBook Air.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 12-Oct-2015 20:40:03
#1294 ]
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From: UK


Windows is what we are forced to use at work. Other than that it's handy to run it to play Theme Hospital. Oh yeah and M$ can stick the ribbon interface where the sun don't shine too! Talk about a great way to hide the majority of the useful features among a myriad of ugly big icons! Horrible company delivering increasingly lacklustre products. Windows XP will forever be their high point.

But why the hell does this matter when we're on an Amiga thread. No one here would use Windoze for fun but simply find themselves forced to use it because it was rammed down the world's throat while other companies were napping in the 90s! I mean Windows 95! Seriously

Last edited by BigD on 12-Oct-2015 at 08:42 PM.
Last edited by BigD on 12-Oct-2015 at 08:41 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 13-Oct-2015 5:13:26
#1295 ]
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From: Germany

@BigD: blah blah blah. The discussion was quite clear: read it again, and figure out why we talked of that stuff.

And please: you should be old enough to stop such childish behavior.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 13-Oct-2015 6:41:12
#1296 ]
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Why because you think AOS has got to be perceived to be better than Windoze to be classed as "leading"?! If it gained greater market share than Solaris then it could be described as "leading" another niche OS. As for "leading" Windoze, sadly that ship has sailed. Windoze is good enough for people who don't know any better and for IT managers who have expensive accreditations and owe their livelihoods to keeping the creaking ecosystem going. It is also still in a position of absolute market dominance. However M$ try and sink the ship with pointless tablet inspired bloat, it will take a generation for the ship to start to sink. Hopefully Linux/Android and Open Office will destroy their business model eventually and the OS market will open up a bit. In the meantime the only time I'll choose to use Windows is to run Theme Hospital and Red Alert 2 or to back up my MiniDisc collection using the PC version of Sonic Stage under virtualisation of Windows XP

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 13-Oct-2015 8:24:41
#1297 ]
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Of course you find more people having problems with windows than with AmigaOS. Guess how many people use windows and how many use AmigaOS or Linux. That is no proof that it is unstable. I use it on several computers right now and have used different versions for a long time already.

Last edited by OlafS25 on 13-Oct-2015 at 10:56 AM.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 13-Oct-2015 10:54:12
#1298 ]
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I never said there are more users with stability problems on Windows than on AmigaOS. Of course that's an easy one given the market share of AOS... I said that *I* have less problems with AOS than with Windows, but that aside from that there are a lot of people with stability problems on Windows nonetheless.


8.1 is not a major update compared to 8, is what I said.

Lucky you for not having any problems with Vista, but many, many people including myself had. Vista was the reason I switched to Ubuntu 8.04 back then. Linux proved to be not as stable in the long run, but esp. back then it was way more stable for me then Vista, my laptop didn't overheat anymore.
Vista was so problematic, even our government started to tell people to not buy a Vista computer/upgrade to Vista at some point until 7 came out. Sure, governments are not always as competent, but in this case they were as stores were drowning in people's complaints.

Last edited by Vistaus on 13-Oct-2015 at 10:56 AM.

Proud user of AmigaOS 4.1 on an AmigaONE 500. This is the first Amiga I've ever had so I don't know all the ins and outs of AmigaOS yet, so I'm sorry if I'm asking noob questions and stuff.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 13-Oct-2015 14:36:12
#1299 ]
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I agree, but Windows ME introduced a cool feature that helps here: system restore points.

Feature is nice, but only when working... I don´t remember case, where I was able to successfuly restore ME without reinstall. Did you ever used this terrible OS?

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 13-Oct-2015 15:35:54
#1300 ]
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Joined: 29-Oct-2012
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From: Germany



BigD wrote:

Why because you think AOS has got to be perceived to be better than Windoze to be classed as "leading"?! If it gained greater market share than Solaris then it could be described as "leading" another niche OS. As for "leading" Windoze, sadly that ship has sailed.

I was not discussing of any "leading" o.s. or argument here.

From this PoV, this thread is useless, due to the post-Commodore situation which can never have a chance to become not even mainstream.
Windoze is good enough for people who don't know any better and for IT managers who have expensive accreditations and owe their livelihoods to keeping the creaking ecosystem going. It is also still in a position of absolute market dominance.

Maybe because it simply works for people which has whatever needs? Windows succeeded because it had, and still has, TONs of software for any field.
However M$ try and sink the ship with pointless tablet inspired bloat, it will take a generation for the ship to start to sink.

Who knows. I appreciate the Microsoft mobile solution, because its user-friendly and fast. Unfortunately it came too late...
Hopefully Linux/Android and Open Office will destroy their business model eventually and the OS market will open up a bit.

I think that it's about 15 years that every year I listen that "this is the year of Linux"...

For sure, Android, which is Linux, is the leading platform, but that's on the mobile market. On the desktop market Windows is on a consolidate position from very long time. The situation might change, but I don't see a proper competitor here.

Regarding OpenOffice, it's lightyears away from Office. In fact, Microsoft's office division is the one which creates more caches for the company, increasing the business every year.
In the meantime the only time I'll choose to use Windows is to run Theme Hospital and Red Alert 2 or to back up my MiniDisc collection using the PC version of Sonic Stage under virtualisation of Windows XP

So, you hate Windows but you use it for playing your favorite games. Coherency...



Vistaus wrote:


8.1 is not a major update compared to 8, is what I said.

You said this:

"And no, 8.1 is not a major update"

and this:

"they're both equally as major" (referred to 8.1)

which are one the opposite of the other one.
Lucky you for not having any problems with Vista, but many, many people including myself had. Vista was the reason I switched to Ubuntu 8.04 back then. Linux proved to be not as stable in the long run, but esp. back then it was way more stable for me then Vista, my laptop didn't overheat anymore.
Vista was so problematic, even our government started to tell people to not buy a Vista computer/upgrade to Vista at some point until 7 came out. Sure, governments are not always as competent, but in this case they were as stores were drowning in people's complaints.

Well, you talk about "problems" and "instability", but it's always unclear what are you talking about.

You can have problems even on a rock-solid o.s., because a driver can be bugged, just to make an example. And this does NOT mean that the o.s. is "unstable".

Whereas if we take a look at any Amiga/like o.s., it can fall down with a "breath". The filesystem, also, can become corrupted. Both are rare birds on a mainstream o.s....



pavlor wrote:

I agree, but Windows ME introduced a cool feature that helps here: system restore points.

Feature is nice, but only when working... I don´t remember case, where I was able to successfuly restore ME without reinstall. Did you ever used this terrible OS?

I think I had it only for a couple of months, then I switched to Windows 2000, which was rock-solid.

I used the system restore, and it worked, albeit after some time I had to disable it, because it was continuously backing-up my Interbase databases (due to the .GDB prefix that they used), slowing down like an hell their performances.

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