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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 11:15:01
#361 ]
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pavlor wrote:

This is not normal.

Fate of Moobunny teaches us opposite.

You obviously don't even understand the real reason why John Shepard closed down the bunny.

And besides, it has nothing to do with the weirdness of some people here, those who constantly cry "trolls!", cry for moderation, bans, etc as soon as their views of OS4 is challenged.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 11:52:44
#362 ]
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We all know if os4 & mos are able to run on the x5000, ppl will compare the 2, any difference would come down to the OS.

Didn't we already get there when AmigaOS4 started supporting Pegasos 2?

Of course some people claimed that MorphOS is using some "secret pegasos 2-specific optimizations" and that's why it's faster

Also regarding benchmarks, I remember some user stopped doing AmigaOS4 benchmarks, because some people "abused them by comparing against other systems"

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 12:57:23
#363 ]
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no I mean the user sundown talked about that whyever find a amiga related site. People who were outside the community a long time. The others know the situation anyway.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 12:59:23
#364 ]
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From: Gloucestershire UK



TRIPOS wrote:

Indeed they do. 1.5 decade of mental inbreeding in the Mike Bouma and Mikey C spirit. Look at this thread for example, even in the last few pages there are cries about trolls, cries for moderation, cries for bannings! This is not normal. I frequently visits many forums, not only Amiga. And nowhere do I ever see this behavior. It's sick to be frank.

Ok, a last last post...

By trolls I mean those dedicated to stirring up trouble. posting statements designed to offend, often ignoring any facts or deliberatly mis-quoting to prove their point, some don't even use an amiga like OS.

I don't mean people making comparisions about the different systems where they use legitimate results from testing (not something posted in a thread years ago) to back up their findings. all the systems are different, have strong points and weak points, it doesn't matter, use what you want to.

OS4 Rocks
X1000 beta tester, Sam440 Flex (733)

Visit the Official OS4 Support Site for more help.

It may be that your sole purpose is to serve as a warning to others.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 13:38:15
#365 ]
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Trolls are slow and don't like being disturbed. It went hundred years until next time the other troll said a word, the troll said "if it continues with this much talk" it would leave. And when the goats trample over the bridge on their way to the mountain to eat, the troll gets irritated.

Last edited by Hillbillylitre on 09-May-2015 at 05:09 PM.

Using: One Commodore C64 - One Commodore Amiga 500 - One Commodore Amiga 1200 with BVision and Blizzard 68060 with PPC coprocessor running Amiga DOS - One Hellbillylitre Amigatwox86x64x6000x running Windows7

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 15:05:12
#366 ]
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From: South Wales, UK



bison wrote:

For me the void that was left by AmigaOS was filled by Linux. Linux is a tinkerer's OS, like AmigaOS is. Except that Linux is relevant to modern-day computing and is supported by very cheap high performance hardware.

Yes, me too, but... where Linux comes up short is that there's just too much of it. You can learn more about it, which is productive and rewarding, but you can never really master it.

I would still consider myself a Linux beginner to be honest, and I agree that the learning curve is steep. Much steeper than for AmigaOS. I would also agree that the tinkering fun to be had is more accessible with AmigaOS than Linux. That's mainly because Linux is so much more complicated and further advanced.

I think that mastering Linux is achievable in principle by any one who takes the time and interest to do so.

Thanks for the book recommendation! I am checking it out now

AmigaOS definitely had something... some kind of character... which can not be found in any other OS. But things change and the world moves on. It's still okay to enjoy AmigaOS for what it is, and I still do.


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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 16:59:48
#367 ]
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Trewq wrote:

I wonder, are you a MorphOS developer ?

If you're still a moderator then you should be ashamed,
I'm very sure moderators are supposed to be neutral and not bashing another flavor.

Hogwash. Moderators needn't be neutral and needn't abstain from discussions.

What they need to do is to be neutral when it comes to enforcing the rules of the forum.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 17:30:23
#368 ]
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From: Kingston upon Hull, UK


Totally agree. Mods are people too!

Troll - n., A disenfranchised former potential customer who remains interested enough to stay informed and express critical opinions.
opp., the vast majority who voted silently with their feet.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 18:55:35
#369 ]
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And besides, it has nothing to do with the weirdness of some people here, those who constantly cry "trolls!", cry for moderation, bans, etc as soon as their views of OS4 is challenged.

Good day Mr Sunshine....

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 18:57:00
#370 ]
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From: Right here...


Didn't we already get there when AmigaOS4 started supporting Pegasos 2?

The x5000 isn't a Peg2.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 19:01:52
#371 ]
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From: Right here...


Hogwash. Moderators needn't be neutral and needn't abstain from discussions.

True, mods may partake in a thread, but not allowed to moderate in any thread they do, that job is suppost to be given to a "neutral" mod.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 20:46:21
#372 ]
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Joined: 20-Oct-2005
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From: Arizona


They haven't been neutral since A-Eon took over, if they ever were at all. Over at, I got banned a few weeks ago just for pointing out how the X1000 performs so poorly at such a high price and how the Xena chip was just a sales gimmick to appeal to classic Amiga users. They said the ban would be lifted om April 27, but I'm still waiting and I've even emailed them asking why I'm still banned.

vBulletin Message

You have been banned for the following reason:

Date the ban will be lifted: 04-27-2015, 07:00 PM

They seem to think that silencing detractors is going to make for a better product. At one point, I would have actually considered buying a 5000, but not now. They want to be surrounded by "Yes men" and if they keep this up, the only people saying yes will be Ben Hermans and Trevor......and the other five OS4/X1000 fanatical lunatics that overwhelm any thread critical of OS4/A-Eon and Hyperion.

Oh, I'll probably get banned here as well for the above comments, but that's OK. Both and AmigaWorld have gotten to be quite tedious. EAB has become a better resource since the take-over of these two sites anyway.

Last edited by ferrels on 09-May-2015 at 08:49 PM.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 21:31:22
#373 ]
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pointing out how the X1000 performs so poorly at such a high price

I pointed numerous times to bad price/performance of X1000, never had such problems. Maybe it was important how it was written, not what was written.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 21:37:17
#374 ]
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Joined: 16-Mar-2004
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG



sundown wrote:

Didn't we already get there when AmigaOS4 started supporting Pegasos 2?

The x5000 isn't a Peg2.

Yes, and? Thing is ,Peg2 is a hardware where both OS4 and MorphOS are running on. Benchmarking which turned out to be in clear favor of MorphOS stired up quite some trouble. With the X5000 this will probably repeat in a similar style.
It'll be the same dish reheated once more. That dish fits good to some popcorn and a few beers...
But the main thing is: An OS is not leading because of a frame more or less in some certain game, but it will gain users when it provides good functionality. And here I see the real strenghtes of MorphOS. It is pretty mature yet and principally advanced enough to attract some users. Sure, it will not cater everyone, but if hardware wouldn't be an issue I could see some potential, maybe 25k-100k users. Ppl who want an alternative that is easy to control, lean and not too complicated to use and also has a minium set of polished software that provides the basic set of every day functions. MorphOS is close to that. If done right (I am confident at least) MorphOS NG will be able to reach those shores where a sustainable niche can be established. Chance is there, but it's definitely not warranted. The current approach (ppc, no real SMP, #?) is a dead end though. I am glad MorphOS developes see the issue pretty similar.

My programs:
MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 21:40:35
#375 ]
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Maybe it was important how it was written, not what was written.

Exactly, if you get nasty, you will be considered a troll. There is no reason to be a jerk if you don't like something.


It'll be the same dish reheated once more.

The above applies to both sides, don't be a jerk with replies, just that simple.

Last edited by sundown on 09-May-2015 at 09:47 PM.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 9-May-2015 21:59:16
#376 ]
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From: Arizona



pavlor wrote:

pointing out how the X1000 performs so poorly at such a high price

I pointed numerous times to bad price/performance of X1000, never had such problems. Maybe it was important how it was written, not what was written.

No, I didn't use foul language or make derogatory remarks towards anyone. The moderator was Eliyahu and he was banning and threatening to ban just about anyone that day who even bothered to post anything remotely critical of Hyperion or OS4. Someone must have crapped in his Wheaties that morning. And he even removed the post without explanation and locked the thread. Still doesn't explain why the ban hasn't been lifted either after stating it would be lifted on April 27th. Out of control moderating is nothing new at though.

Oh, I did point out in the offending post that I felt it was a serious conflict of interest for moderators on who had a financial interest in A-Eon or OS4 to be moderating comments about either topics. Maybe I hit a sore spot.

Last edited by ferrels on 09-May-2015 at 10:07 PM.
Last edited by ferrels on 09-May-2015 at 10:07 PM.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 10-May-2015 7:13:18
#377 ]
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Oh, I did point out in the offending post that I felt it was a serious conflict of interest for moderators on who had a financial interest in A-Eon or OS4 to be moderating comments about either topics. Webmasters' or Moderators' discretion: Criticism of moderation decisions or the deletion of posts. Moderation Policy

Members will not publicly question a moderator's decision. Posting Guidelines

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 11-May-2015 2:55:21
#378 ]
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Joined: 30-Jun-2008
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From: Melbourne, Australia


I'm genuinely surprised that the act of trolling needs to be defined. We all know when we cross that line and we all can identify it when others have.

Furthermore, stating "In my opinion" means absolutely nothing. What other person's opinion would it be? This would only apply to those who are known to be employees of Amiga related companies and if they wan't to make it clear that what they are typing is NOT the opinion of the company they work for.

Using facts to support an argument and also drawing a conclusion relevant to the facts is not trolling. If something performs faster then it is universally seen as better.

What is trolling is when the facts are used to support a conclusion that is not directly related to the facts,

Example 1:
Quake III perfroms at 25% higher frame rate on system B vs system A (facts). In my opinion, everyone who has taken out a second mortgage to buy system A is a f#@&ing lunatic and should check themselves into a psychiatric ward immediately (trolling).

Example 2:
Used Apple PPC hardware not only has a better price/performance point, but many SKUs outperform the expensive custom solution produced by A-Eon (facts). The person that decided not to port AmigaOS 4.x to Apple PPC hardware should be summarily executed as a warning to all the other would-be Amiga community exploiters (trolling).

See, it's not that hard to make the distinction. The second part of the statement has very little to do with the first. It is only added to offend or stir the pot in an overtly negative way.

Here endeth the lesson.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 11-May-2015 3:06:35
#379 ]
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From: Melbourne, Australia


I'm fully aware that my last post may be construed as an attempt to sneak in some trolling under the guise of an examples based lesson.

Nothing can be further from the truth. I do not believe the trolling example statements I have written down. Obviously the price of the X1000 does not require a second mortgage.

But if y'all think I'm lying, then in my opinion, and the opinion of my extended family, my community, and my gods; Y'all are just haters and hell-spawn, and a pox be on you and all that think the same as you.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 11-May-2015 3:27:06
#380 ]
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From: Arizona



pavlor wrote:

Oh, I did point out in the offending post that I felt it was a serious conflict of interest for moderators on who had a financial interest in A-Eon or OS4 to be moderating comments about either topics. Webmasters' or Moderators' discretion: Criticism of moderation decisions or the deletion of posts. Moderation Policy

Members will not publicly question a moderator's decision. Posting Guidelines

OK, so the moderators are malevolent Gods who can do whatever they want even if there's a clear conflict of interest. That's just one more reason why I'm turning my back on, and anything to do with Hyperion, A-Eon, and OS4. It seems that anything touched by Hyperion and A-Eon has become a ridiculously expensive waste of time and lauded by a bunch of fanatics (or at least they act like fanatics) who are also moderators and who in reality are being paid under the table to promote OS4 and A-Eon hardware on these forums. I had suspected as much before A-Eon took over and AmigaWorld, but their actions of late only confirm it. NG Amigas will continue their decades long death spiral down the toilet.....kawoosh......

In times past I had often wondered about similar posts from other visitors but didn't have the full picture. Now I understand completely why so many have left behind the two sites as well as OS4 and NG Amigas.

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