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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 12:49:37
#41 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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Let me just point out that the Kickstarter project that was supposed to be discussed in this thread is not directly AmiCloud related, it's about a Rpi in an ugly case, another Rpi in an even uglier case, and users renting resources - through pascal - on some quantum computer (does that exist yet? I didn't bother to look) to run virtual machines. I assume nobody from of the "Great stuff/I trust you" crowd bothered to actually read what they were discussing.

A day where people are not discussing Pascal or Pascal's projects is a day wasted, at least as far as Pascal is concerned. That's why this project 'draft' - which took Pascal "under five minutes" to write, apparently - exists.

This won't go anywhere, ever. Discussing it is a major waste of time.

(Edit: typo)

Last edited by cgutjahr on 02-Jul-2015 at 01:42 PM.

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 13:04:07
#42 ]
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Ein Tag an dem Du deinen Senf nicht zu meinen Projekten geben könntest....
Oh Mann.. Nicht ich fang den Eiertanz an sondern Kolla.

Das even uglier case hat allerdings Interessenten.. Merkwürdig.

Mod Note: We understand your frustration, but making a remark like this in German doesn't mean you will be immune to AR processing. Please try to avoid this kind of thing in the future.

Last edited by _Steve_ on 24-Jul-2015 at 10:16 PM.
Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 02-Jul-2015 at 01:06 PM.
Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 02-Jul-2015 at 01:05 PM.

AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 13:05:38
#43 ]
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From: Isselburg,Germany


100℅ agree


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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 13:06:40
#44 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


Hey I think I know that R word. LOL!


As I need amigafriendly NAS at home.... how about RPi2 based cache/proxy on home LAN between Amigas and AmiCloud. The proxymachine could then also work as NAS (without WAN cloud) if needed.

Last edited by KimmoK on 02-Jul-2015 at 01:10 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 02-Jul-2015 at 01:09 PM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 14:14:45
#45 ]
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Not exactly an REM-Shiny Happy People Holding Hands moment there.

Also I don't think using German to circumvent TOS is your best idea so far.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 14:22:18
#46 ]
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the normal tone on certain german amiga forums

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 14:45:47
#47 ]
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the normal tone on certain german amiga forums

Not sure what forums you visit, but that kind of language is not considered "normal" in any Forums I visit. Maybe you should be more picky in your choice of forum.

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 14:57:19
#48 ]
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hmmm for laughing you leave the house for sure...

I made this funny meant comment because I have seen this kind of escalations on another forum already. You should both best stay away from each other.

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 15:04:47
#49 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway



KimmoK wrote:

Does samba support Amiga filesystems? (file names and file comments?)

Any file system support filenames :p

As for file comments, not out of the box no, but then again, neither does the ext filesystem that AROS hosted is running on etc. I believe I have read about extensions to the smb/cifs that allows customization including metadata handling.


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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 15:35:21
#50 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway



phoenixkonsole wrote:
Interesting especially for People who like to configure samba on all of their devices.

Huh, that comment makes no sense as all people would need is client software, not samba server, the only one who would need to configure a server is YOU, the provider. Most desktop operating systems support cifs/smbfs, and for mobile phones etc you can access same datas using webdav.


Of course you can do everything alone.. this is what drove me to do this.
But I wan't a integrated solution for my own distributions and offer it as standalone Client for everyone else.

Again, why not CIFS/SMB? It is integrated in all major desktop OSes, there is client that works for all Amiga flavours, all you need to do is offer shares from a (preferably distributed clustered) storage system. Another solution is to use webdav all the way, but for Amiga platforms, webdav support is very sketchy, and offering multiple protocols is a plus. You could even offer NFS, which with pNFS in 4.1 offers striping so the clients can read and write data to multiple server points at once, increasing performance. Latency will be a problem no matter what you build.


The Client doesnt need to be manually Setup on all of your devices. And you get faster up- and download Speeds than if you build something at home.

Latency, anything "buildt home", or that is offered close to home, is a lot faster than something located far away - light speed is only so fast. Most providers use "accelerators" to make sure that large data is geographically closer to the user. There are companies specialising in this, such as Akamai.

Last edited by kolla on 02-Jul-2015 at 03:45 PM.


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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 15:43:41
#51 ]
Elite Member
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Posts: 3352
From: Trondheim, Norway



As I need amigafriendly NAS at home.... how about RPi2 based cache/proxy on home LAN between Amigas and AmiCloud. The proxymachine could then also work as NAS (without WAN cloud) if needed.

I have done this ever since cloud storage became available. No need for a pi, just buy a NAS box from qnap or whoever, and have it export shares to your Amiga systems, and configure it to sync content to any cloud provider of your choice - they typically support a whole range. Heck, even many home routers does this already, all you need with them is a USB disk.


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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 17:13:57
#52 ]
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Joined: 8-Nov-2009
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From: Unknown

Sorry. But cg is bashing everything and after 5 and a half year I really take it personal.
Also the pineapple in the rektum scene comes form a movie called little Nicky.

The positive thing is that cg is now aware about my mood resulting in his out of nowhere sensles bashing. He should know if someone like me spends his time in projects, even if they are bullshit in his eyes, the person will take critic personal. 5 and a half year I tried to stay calm (never worked).

I can live with kollas constructive critic and plengs thoughts about trust which are all ok because these are logical and normal thoughts and these kind of comments influenced me the last years.

Than comes ms primadonna on stage talking about cases which some may like and some not...
Why does he take himself the right to judge about things in the name of everyone.

Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 02-Jul-2015 at 05:29 PM.
Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 02-Jul-2015 at 05:15 PM.

AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 20:11:49
#53 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


More people like you and we are Back in mainstream in no time.

we need people that throw ideas and people who do/implement.
etc. ..

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 21:24:36
#54 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2004
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From: Unknown


More people like you and we are Back in mainstream in no time.

No way. The Multi Media Center it however it was called is bad, the App Store? Nothing. The Ami Coin? People is afraid of fraud. Now we have the AmiCloud as a twister. No thanks. Aros Broadway and Aeros not to mention. I see a lot of talk about many things that matter only for a few. Everyone's decision to follow or not.

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 2-Jul-2015 22:28:17
#55 ]
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The AppStore is still in alpha stage.. Amc 2.0 was kept back since 2 years but will be updated. Fabio is now busy to finish emula.

What about amc is bad? I really have a problem with people judging about things they never tried.
I have a lot happy users which send me emails or write me via facebook.

Whatever you believe is not everyone's opinion.
If you have ideas or bug reports well this would indeed help.

Everything's else is just ... What is it ....envy?
If you don't like things than go around them. Here are plenty of threads about other things.

Guys.. We are doing this besides earning money... At some point those things will be done. Be happy that there is something at all or as suggested already spend your short worthless life with other things you like more.

Option 3 - help to make those things better .... But hey ... Bla bla about how shitty the work of others is.. Yeah that is easy.

Again.. We are building potential with our app library... As soon the boring infrastructure work is done we will bring apps and games. I am not on a hurry .. I am 31 so I hope I can finish my plans before I die. I don't need to earn money with this, so we are back at the beginning of the cycle....
Stay away if yoi can't live with this.

About the coins...
Another thing proving that you don't read just judge..
The coins are mainly a bonus system to reward existing customers and new ones buying stuff. Other payment method will follow but right now paying has no priority for me so we work on other things. (Alpha).
It is no fraud it is a gift from me to my users.

Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 02-Jul-2015 at 10:44 PM.
Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 02-Jul-2015 at 10:43 PM.
Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 02-Jul-2015 at 10:39 PM.
Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 02-Jul-2015 at 10:30 PM.

AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 3-Jul-2015 6:49:51
#56 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


Edison failed 11 000 times before he succeeded making a light bulb.

Some people are afraid of failing, so they do not try.
(some of those envy people who dear to try)

Some people do not have what it takes to do something beside their day job.
(I'm struggling with this and I'm not happy.)

Some of those are bitter and envy people that have job + family + have time to do some Amiga thing.
(also I envy a little)

Stolen from forum:
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. "

>AmiCloud as a twister. No thanks.

I know phoenixconsole has a lot of ambitious projects and as an optimist he most likely have given too rosy predictions many times. But I give him credit of doing stuff anyway.

AmiCloud & me: I personally want a system than enables me to store data to NAS or cloud with amiga filename letters and file comments. So that I do not anymore need to archive my files to store them on network. AmiCloud might be the first modern attempt at it (beyond using 90's classic SW).

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 3-Jul-2015 7:04:54
#57 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 20-Jan-2010
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From: Isselburg,Germany


I like AMC but it doesn't work on NG Amigas with Radeon HD graphiccards. I hope AMC will take use of the new MPlayer that will be released soon.

Last edited by tommysammy on 03-Jul-2015 at 07:05 AM.


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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 3-Jul-2015 7:17:22
#58 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


>just buy a NAS box from qnap or whoever,

I have LacieNAS and it seems too simple.

>and have it export shares to your Amiga systems,

Ok, this is totally new term for me vs NAS. "Exporting from NAS".

Do you anyway mean the same as mounting via samba?

(followed samba for dummies, but it seems I was too dum, I have samba working only between linux & Lacie. And very slow connections, too difficult for family to use.
I will retry samba once I have clean AOS4.1FE install.)

> and configure it to sync content to any cloud provider of your choice

I checked QNAP NAS devices. They seem superior to anything else. And they seem to support dropbox mirroring etc. and various filesystems.
(my LacieNAS does not allow filesystem change)

Comparison of filename limitations
Not supported on Amiga: : / "
Not supported on FAT32: 0x00-0x1F 0x7F " * / : < > ? \ | + , . ; = [ ] (in some environments also: ! @; DOS 1/2 did not allow 0xE5 as first character)

(btw. not sure if my lacieNAS uses something better than FAT32, need to check. USB drives that I have came with FAT32.)

ooops: ...that wiki says SFS supports 32000 letter long filenames... (I think it should be 107, at least that's what AOS4 wiki says as being supported)

Last edited by KimmoK on 03-Jul-2015 at 08:07 AM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 03-Jul-2015 at 07:23 AM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 3-Jul-2015 8:29:42
#59 ]
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Joined: 8-Nov-2009
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: ) In AMC Options you can define a mplayer binary. So it should work.
It is important that the new mplayer build has Arexx working and no other regressions compared to the one we use.

Meanwhile Hollywood got HW acceleration on AmigaOS 4 so AMC will benefit.
Also the new 3D-PlugIN will make new things possible.

AMC was meant in that for the couchpotato and not a true Desktop mediaplayer solution (more like XBMC and not vlc). AMC 2.0 will be both.


The Problem is the limited free time. So my strategy is the following:
- Create a pool of applications ...
- now we could Keep until it is perfect but than you would not hear anything fot years : ) or we release, get Feedback, fix bugs and go on.
- When the "pool" is done I have a bunch of around 10 individual apps...
enough to Keep a single Person busy with adding Features and spending more time on it.. one month updating this app, next month updating this app and so on.

It takes time to reach this Point but we are half way there.

In the Moment the guy behind the Server programming is working on including payever Services which will add virtually any payment Methode you can think off to our Services including the appstore. This saves time for us and the 24/7 Support is handled by payever.

This will be integrated in a Website where you can view the appstore Content, buy apps or vouchers. As told when all were moaning why not just a Webstore...
They didn't listen. It will come and was planned but had no priority. I wan't a integrated solution which works also without a Web-browser and is accesible from other apps as well.. (i have a lot Projects in mind for the next 30years, and many things can be reused : ) )

Besides this i didn't finish Broadway 1.0 yet.. but we are near.
Appstore (Basics done)
package Management (which by the way will work on every OS) defined, igo builder done -> on the rocks because of AmiCloud)
Ignite -> Launchpad clone
CryptUnite -> Chat tool
Fabio is also busy with Emula and HGui
And because of 3 of those Projects a Hollywood SSl PlugIn is underway (Windows build is there already)

The VAN-Player is by the a result of a game Project...
So of course we jump from on to another and lay things away for up to 3years... but if there is demand we fix existing Problems..

As soon those + 3 Little Projects are at least in Alpha or beta stage we will have enough playground to do fine-tuning and add Features or optimize...

This is my strategy to overcome multiple Problems:
1. missing Features in AMigaland
2. getting something to announce to rest of the work in order to say "hey we ares till here"
3. Getting even more free time by automatization (appstore)
4. Having enough Projects to stay interested and to Keep some friends busy.

The final of the opera will be (this is the only concern I have) how to get all that splitted from my Person... So I did a call some month ago for partnerships.. I am considering to Change the type of Company... what if i Crash my (self build up Porsche against a tree?).... This is the real concern.. As Long it is bound to me it Ends with me.

So I try to find a solution in 2016.. I have a complex idea again : )
Putting all that into a sort of foundation.
Members can invest in new Projects(or start own ones), the oposite to just donating, because you get Money back if there will be sales of the final result.. if not you get at least the final result.. So it will not be anymore Pascal's Projects but the Projects of everyone so "my Person" factor fades slowly out.
Also it is a nice democratisation Project.

1. Infrastructre
2. Portfolio
3. Finetuning to attract also Outsiders

: ) will take approx. 2years if nothing goes wrong..

Hope this reduces the "envy" if everyone is more or less involved.. we will see.

Maybe it interesting to know how my days look:
Mo - Fr. :
10+hours work (where i still check Forums in spare minutes and answer emails : ) )
1 hour car driving
Say hello to the familly, check if someone ordered somtething.. writing sd-cards, packaging sending)
Writing emails, checking Project Status at stackfielt, being in talk with involved developers)
Saturday is 5-6 hours AROS, Sunday as well...

Now I hope you can imagine why i can be a Little bit angry from time to time.
Which reminds me:
If someone believes he can do UI design or create graphics... feel free to join us.

Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 03-Jul-2015 at 08:32 AM.
Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 03-Jul-2015 at 08:32 AM.

AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX

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Re: AmiCloud - a dropbox alternative with a twist
Posted on 3-Jul-2015 10:06:51
#60 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 20-Jan-2010
Posts: 664
From: Isselburg,Germany


The new Mplayer have Arexx support.I tried it to change the Mplayer bin in AMC but then AMC crash here


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