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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 5-Aug-2017 19:49:45
#1321 ]
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From: United Kingdom


WolfpackN64 wrote:

Will it fit with the standoffs?

Looking at the board, I am finding it hard to see where it can be attached in the first place LOL There are a couple of large holes but nothing I've noticed for normal sized (say 3mm) screws.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 5-Aug-2017 22:03:35
#1322 ]
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From: Norway


Well, there is always ways to get stuff stuck in a case, with some plastic/rubber and glue left right and center.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 6-Aug-2017 0:08:50
#1323 ]
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If you wanted to get real fancy, you could design a mini-itx motherboard with a dummy 68k socket to "dock" the board into. Then you have the option to route all the other signals to the back panel by drawing traces on the board and hooking in connectors as you see fit.

Seems overkill, but I've seen similar with things like Arduino and the Raspberry Pi.

"Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard, be evil."

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 6-Aug-2017 0:14:09
#1324 ]
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I'm sure a case is the least of our worries regarding the stand alone Vampire The Minimig had two pieces of perspex to protect it in the early days before enterprising Amigans produced better cases. I'm sure the resourceful Apollo team have ideas of their own.

As I remember it, it was Loriano Pagni that eventually got the job done with some great Minimig cases built to order!

Last edited by BigD on 06-Aug-2017 at 12:20 AM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 6-Aug-2017 5:36:44
#1325 ]
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BigD wrote:

I'm sure a case is the least of our worries regarding the stand alone Vampire The Minimig had two pieces of perspex to protect it in the early days before enterprising Amigans produced better cases. I'm sure the resourceful Apollo team have ideas of their own.

As I remember it, it was Loriano Pagni that eventually got the job done with some great Minimig cases built to order!

Cases are important though, especially to protect what is sure to be an expensive bit of kit. There is also identity and a case can portray the experience you are going to get from it.

Also, given the little we know about it, gives us something to chat about

Those cases for the Minimig are certainly functional and sleek. A little bland and nondescript for my tastes though

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 6-Aug-2017 8:13:55
#1326 ]
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From: Norway



If someone from the community decides to make a decent case for the V4, I will purchase from that guy/gal.
One thing to be considered is; is the Apollo Team planning or expecting expansion gear for the board?

If thats not really practical with the design of the board, then a sleek box would be perfect in my head. I really dont like boxes with keyboard attached that Ive seen for the C64 for example. They look fun, but all I want is a box I can hide away in my desk, or carry around with minimal effort when I travel, and attach a keyboard, mouse, monitor and whatever else I need at the moment.

The box I linked is something I might consider to purchase just to keep it safe in my desk drawer, but again; I will jump on a good community option in a second.

Without getting TOO political; I have a increasingly anti mass consumption point of view; and for example in RL I purchase as much of the food I eat directly from farmers around where I live IF I can.
Same goes for other aspects in life, like supporting bedrom coders/hardware hackers on the Amiga.

And before people do the obvious and scream "Your nuts!"; Tell me something I dont know!

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 6-Aug-2017 10:13:39
#1327 ]
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Overflow wrote:

Without getting TOO political; I have a increasingly anti mass consumption point of view; and for example in RL I purchase as much of the food I eat directly from farmers around where I live IF I can.
Same goes for other aspects in life, like supporting bedrom coders/hardware hackers on the Amiga.

I love anti-mass consumption I always root for the little guy, if they have a good product - until they get to big then I move on to the next little guy HAHA

My hat goes off to anyone who can make an even semi-commercial success (without having to hit crowed funding sites - hate those; to many scammers with honest people get lost in the noise. Not to mention I have had my fingers burnt to often now with false promises or outright lies).

Any case I produce will be 3D printed (yay for having one!) and the Apollo is small enough for me to be able to print a case. I may well base it around my case I designed for a RetroPie install.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 7-Aug-2017 19:16:35
#1328 ]
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Wonder what the chances of Stand alone Vampire being shown at the Germany 32 show.

A1200 ACA1232 128MB Indivison MkIICr
Elbox empty Power Tower
RPi3 Emulating C64 ZX Atari PS BBC
Wii with Amiga emulation
Vampire v4 SA

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 8-Aug-2017 10:20:49
#1329 ]
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From: Norway


This looks nice :)

It was linked by a user on Apollo IRC today;

Not much of a news item;

Emulating the Amiga ...on an Amiga!!

Last edited by Overflow on 08-Aug-2017 at 11:00 AM.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 8-Aug-2017 11:02:11
#1330 ]
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Joined: 11-Aug-2005
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From: UK


That was quick!

... the case being produced not the emulated AGA; that was ridiculous

Last edited by BigD on 08-Aug-2017 at 11:10 AM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 8-Aug-2017 11:20:13
#1331 ]
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Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway



Emulating the Amiga ...on an Amiga!!

Aarg.. I have tried to follow his videos, but I just cannot take it anymore!!!
it's like watching grandma trying to do things with Windows 10 :p

Last edited by kolla on 08-Aug-2017 at 11:20 AM.


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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 8-Aug-2017 11:24:38
#1332 ]
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I have one complaint about his videos; he never prepares or thinks thru what hes going to do.
He goes off cold with a general plan, and if it works it works kinda deal.

I enjoy his bantering and sarcasm, so that makes up for his play by ear style.

BUT I do agree, and have consider suggesting to him; why dont you test the stuff you plan to do onscreen BEFORE you go live, so you potentially bore people with stuff that doesnt work.

It doesnt bother me greatly, but it has crossed my mind a few times

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 8-Aug-2017 15:17:10
#1333 ]
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Well that was slower then I imagined it to be. But one thing it does show how pointless it is compare emulation speed with a real CPU speed.

Anyway I guess the 680x0 is interpreted in this emulator, it might be that E-UAE can be compiled with real CPU, if that works, emulation should be quicker.

anyway few notes here, he is doing AGA emulation on RTG display, that simply hurts to look at, I also guess emulation does not use native bitter, it's all software, E-UAE might be optimized bit take advantage of things like that.

And the GUI does not have frame skip option.

E-UAE can be speeded up, changing collation detection settings as well.
and Paula emulation.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 08-Aug-2017 at 03:30 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 08-Aug-2017 at 03:26 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 08-Aug-2017 at 03:24 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 08-Aug-2017 at 03:18 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 8-Aug-2017 15:22:31
#1334 ]
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Your knowledge about these things are endlessly better than mine, but I expect the performance would improve quite a bit if the Emulator had been programmed spesifically for Vampire.
How much on the V2 and V4?

I see the cache is bigger on the V4.

Anyhow; you Mr Nuts, understand the potential much better than me, so maybe you have a qualified guess?

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 8-Aug-2017 15:34:30
#1335 ]
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Some thing like this:

The potential is huge

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 08-Aug-2017 at 03:36 PM.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 8-Aug-2017 16:03:49
#1336 ]
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From: Norway

Time invested = better software.

Like I pointed out your running on Amiga chipsets, you should be able to take advantage of that. There will always be cost, be cost can be lot less then this.

JIT compiler, maybe 10 x the speed you see here.

Paula to Paula emulation, you cut a lot of overhead there.

Blitter to Blitter emulation.

the AGA to Chunky, is costly because your doing bit conversion to bytes, and then from bytes 32bit int's, precisely how the AGA emulation work I have not looked at it.

You might come up good idea to do it, but when do it, you see its not as efficient as you might have expected.

I was thinking a bit about bit to byte conversion it seem to me, that loop table should pretty fast.

256 different values in byte, convert into 8 pixels.

That is 8 bytes * 256 combination = 2048 bytes of table, you need one table for etch bit plane, that’s 8, that’s a table of 16384 bytes.

Byteptr0 = Bit0table[ Plane0[ ptr ] ] ;
Byteptr1 = Bit1table[ Plane1[ ptr ] ] ;
Byteptr2 = Bit2table[ Plane2[ ptr ] ] ;
Byteptr3 = Bit3table[ Plane3[ ptr ] ] ;
Byteptr4 = Bit4table[ Plane4[ ptr ] ] ;
Byteptr5 = Bit5table[ Plane5[ ptr ] ] ;
Byteptr6 = Bit6table[ Plane6[ ptr ] ];
Byteptr7 = Bit7table[ Plane7[ ptr ] ];

for (x=0;x<8;x++)
pixel[ destptr+x ] = colortable[ (byteptr0+x) | (byteptr1+x) | (byteptr2+x) | (byteptr3+x) | (byteptr4+x) | (byteptr5+x) | (byteptr6+x) | (byteptr7+x) ];

I don't know how UAE does it this I can imagen doing, AGA to RTG, conversion.
What you might have realized is that, it lot of data that has to be shuffled around, for just one frame to be updated.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 08-Aug-2017 at 04:09 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 08-Aug-2017 at 04:08 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 08-Aug-2017 at 04:06 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 10-Aug-2017 8:45:16
#1337 ]
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Article on the Vampire V4

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 11-Aug-2017 8:57:04
#1338 ]
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RiVA MPEG-1 player test with Vampire 500 V2 (GOLD 2.7/x15)

Another nice update to the RiVA from Henryk Richter. Powered by AMMX.

SAGA YCbCr422 Color Mode / MPEG-1 848x368 23,976fps VBR 2000 kbps, Layer-1 44100Hz 128 kbps

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 11-Aug-2017 10:23:23
#1339 ]
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From: Marston Moretaine, England


That is really nice, use the FPGA to accelerate heavy duty workloads

When will developers of Style Sheet browsers port to 68k to support modern web pages, that is a game changer I think.

Amiga 1000, 3000D Toaster, Checkmate A1500 Plus

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 3-Sep-2017 7:14:44
#1340 ]
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FEMU by Jari running on Gold 2.7.

Gunnar hopes/expects that to improve to 3-4 MFLOPS.

And then you have the comment that V4 will have FPU on its own.

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