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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 18-Mar-2016 9:53:46
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 18-Mar-2016 10:14:14
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| @Overflow
Impressive!! _________________
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 18-Mar-2016 10:35:04
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| @Overflow
This really rocks. Honestly, this is absolutely impressive!
Oh dear, I really hope to get my hands on a A1200 version one day.
I would pay for it in advance... _________________ Sometimes we give people a lot of credit just because they're writing nice sentences even if it isn't adding up to much. |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 18-Mar-2016 10:52:51
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| @Birbo
I do not know why people are so keen on certain models
basically if SAGA is available all work identical (except different FPGAs would be used) so finally amiga is the keyboard and some interface, the rest works from the card |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 18-Mar-2016 11:07:30
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| Will it come with a built in scan doubler? _________________ Amiga Forum - Sweden's best Amiga Magazine
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 18-Mar-2016 11:21:07
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| @Yasu
SAGA works on the HDMI port like the RTG driver
As I understand it it uses the same framebuffer as RTG and is a kind of wrapper on it |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 18-Mar-2016 12:00:25
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| @Yasu
Yasu wrote: Will it come with a built in scan doubler? |
afaik, sort of, namely when the chipset is reimplemented into the core, the native amiga modes w2ill be accessible via hdmi. which will make scan doubler obsolete. there are apparently some technical caveats, people on polish forums were warning about, but lets see. |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 18-Mar-2016 14:17:33
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 18-Mar-2016 15:21:27
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| @Overflow
Nice! Duke Nukem 3D play shows Vampire is prepared even for resource demanding games. What will be next? Quake? 
if only these speed and updates had been available in 1990, the Amiga would still compete with the PC |
In 1990? For 200 USD? PCs, Macs and even RISC based workstations would be extinct by 1992... |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 18-Mar-2016 15:38:52
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| @pavlor
really wonderfull i hope will work in my 500+ the speed look like a 060@66mhz ... great _________________ I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG A 500 + ; CDTV; CD32; PowerMac G5 Quad 8GB,SSD,SSHD,7800gtx,Radeon R5 230 2GB; MacBook Pro Retina I7 2.3ghz; #nomorea-eoninmyhome |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 18-Mar-2016 21:08:40
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| @OlafS25
Well, the A1200 is the machine I use at home - that's the reason.
And I always loved my A1200, so that's the reason why I would like to have a FPGA Accellerator for it. _________________ Sometimes we give people a lot of credit just because they're writing nice sentences even if it isn't adding up to much. |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 19-Mar-2016 7:33:57
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Joined: 24-May-2005 Posts: 194
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| @Birbo
There will be an A1200 version, visit kipper2k's website or the apollo core forum First the A500 version will be released and then the A1200 version.
They are considering to give the A1200 version an expansion port to add a faster FPGA. I hope so but do not think they'll do it (adds costs and slows down the creation of a user base) The Cyclone FPGA they are using now is a low end FPGA, imagine how fast it will be with a mid range or high end FPGA Gunnar Also stated that the current Vampire could even get a 30% speed increase by optimizing the softcore even further towards the 'Gold' release (current release is 'silver')
So this neat little beast makes ppc accelerators obsolete in my opinion :) _________________ Amiga is additive coz it is fun to use |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 19-Mar-2016 8:36:33
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| @Mr-Z
So this neat little beast makes ppc accelerators obsolete in my opinion :) |
Still too wide gap in raw performance... maybe next year.  |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 19-Mar-2016 14:17:37
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| @pavlor
In raw performance the vampire will not beat a 604e ppc indeed , but memory performance is already way faster then a CSPPC The biggest advantage of Vampire is you get a darn good accelerator for a decent price. _________________ Amiga is additive coz it is fun to use |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 19-Mar-2016 14:23:21
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| @Mr-Z
The biggest advantage of Vampire is you get a darn good accelerator for a decent price. |
Exactly! |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 19-Mar-2016 14:35:19
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| @pavlor
there are weird discussions on between MorphOS user and classic fans with MorphOS guys proofing that G5 has more raw power than the Vampire
surprise surprise of course G5 is faster and will stay for some time
but in todays terms both PPC and Vampire are pure hobby platforms and used for fun
In this context Vampire and 68k is more fun (at least to me )
The NG fans even today see PPC as a competition to modern hardware but it is not (example is if you compare speed of internet browsers between current platforms and MorphOS/AmigaOS on PPC). Aros X86 with OWB 1.25 is the only exception there. So in short... it is not important for having fun if Vampire is as fast as MorphOS or AmigaOS on PPC. Besides as we all know pure computing power does not say much about how fast software runs, it depends on lots of different factors.
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 19-Mar-2016 14:49:17
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| @OlafS25
The NG fans even today see PPC as a competition to modern hardware but it is not |
To be blunt, you can more easily pretend to compete with hardware closer to mainstream performance...
Eg. Taking Vampire as baseline (= 1) A1-500/A1-XE/uA1 = 17 G5 2.5 GHz = 50 Core i5-2500K 3.3 GHz = 260
(all my estimates of single core integer performance based on known benchmarks or benchmarks performed by myself)
example is if you compare speed of internet browsers between current platforms and MorphOS/AmigaOS on PPC |
There is no current JS JIT for PowerPC platforms, hardware speed plays no role there. |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 19-Mar-2016 14:54:23
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| @pavlor
but there will NEVER be any JS JIT support for PPC, to be honest outside of our little world noone cares about PPC anymore... but you propably already know 
Users do not care why software is slow, if hardware is limited, OS is limited or software not really current because of reasons
In case of PPC it is all three combined
Vampire or other FPGA successors are not claiming to compete with modern standard hardware, it is pure fun hardware |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 19-Mar-2016 15:31:07
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| @OlafS25
Vampire or other FPGA successors are not claiming to compete with modern standard hardware, it is pure fun hardware |
You know what is step three in disillusion of Amiga fanatic? After NG fallout and Classic re-embracement? Once one realizes his Classic is not capable of tasks he so liked to do on his late NG hardware, there are usually only two possible outcomes: Find some synthesis between Classic and NG or leave platform altogether. During years I wasted my time on Amiga forums, only few did choose first option... |
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo Posted on 19-Mar-2016 16:06:13
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| @pavlor
Well, if you can't find joy in your hobby you simply shouldn't do it. _________________ Amiga Forum - Sweden's best Amiga Magazine
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