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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 27-Jul-2016 11:50:15
#521 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


I said I just want a reply.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 27-Jul-2016 12:30:15
#522 ]
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@Yasu Kipper2K doesn't reply until he's ready to begin on the batch (of 100 boards) that should include a board for you, only then will he contact you to confirm an order and arrange for payment. That's just the way it is, the demand was not anticipated and resources aren't going in to replying to enquiries. The focus is on building the boards and keeping costs down with the minimum of time spent on doing admin. This isn't a full time business for Kipper2K were he expects to get rich (he's retired), he provides hardware mainly as a service to the community. I can understand that it's frustrating waiting to hear but emailing now would only slow down the time it takes for everybody to get their hands on a Vampire 2.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 27-Jul-2016 13:08:57
#523 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


Yay for everything you said! I just want a reply so I know he got my mail. Nothing more. Besides that I think they do great work and I can wait.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 28-Jul-2016 16:22:28
#524 ]
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Joined: 9-Dec-2008
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From: Norway, Oslo

How difficult could it be to reply on e-mails.

This is the customers for god sake. Just send everyone some basic info about what is happening.

If he earn so little put up the prices then.

This sounds stupid.

Last edited by nikosidis on 28-Jul-2016 at 04:23 PM.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 28-Jul-2016 16:26:36
#525 ]
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From: Norway


He got his system to deal with requests, and it seems to work for him.

Additionally, hes on the Apollo IRC channel more or less daily (with other members of the team), so asking him questions in realtime is possible ..again.. more or less every day.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Jul-2016 4:28:35
#526 ]
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Overflow wrote:

He got his system to deal with requests, and it seems to work for him.

Additionally, hes on the Apollo IRC channel more or less daily (with other members of the team), so asking him questions in realtime is possible ..again.. more or less every day.

It is still stupid to limit production to such a small team, when there is obviously a large demand from users. I believe that recently some news was released that the hand sanded chip socket had been replaced with a better fitting part, that no longer required the hand sanding of each and every chip socket for each new board. If this is true, perhaps the assembly process can be automated by some cheap (but reliable) Chinese company, that can produce the boards in large quantities at still a cheap price, and acceptable quality control levels?

As for answering emails, with the level of interest for this product, I am sure the team making them would have no problem finding volunteers to help with the email responses, and organizing the ordering and shipping process, to save time for the guys doing the important work of developing the core(s), testing compatibility with software, and manufacturing the actual boards (if my idea to farm out the production is rejected).

Lack of timely delivery of boards, and zero email responses, will sour the enthusiasm for most users and potential buyers.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Jul-2016 4:44:31
#527 ]
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From: Norway


Well, I agree its not the normal way of handing orders compared to what people have grown accustomed to.
That said, Im a bit suprised that people just dont read the information on kipper2k's website.

"You can leave me an email and i will work through the list based on date received. Once i get close to your request i will email you with the details."

This procedure has been repeated tons of times on EAB, and, but again; people aint reading or searching it seems
ADDITIONALLY; kipper2k and the rest of the team is extremely accessable thru IRC. Every single day Ive logged onto their IRC channel, Ive had the chance to directly ask them questions regarding Vampire, and I did ask kipper2k on IRC about my position in the queue (which he answered to within 20 seconds).

I assume people that order Vampires are amiga fans, and reads forums for the most part. Again, it suprises me that they havent caught up on the procedure OR have joined the IRC channel. The Mirc client takes less than a minute to download/install, and another minute to join.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 29-Jul-2016 6:28:33
#528 ]
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Analogy is similar to buying a beautifully crafted hand-made Ferrari... when you finally get one you realise immediately it was worth the wait, and your A600 will be the happiest computer on the planet :)

I am sure these delays will resolve themselves at some point, especially if the demand is there.


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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 30-Jul-2016 8:54:14
#529 ]
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The guy from Apollo Forum says that FPU doesn't matter and showed his test

V3_3375_x13 Integer.exe: 0 h 38 min 20 sec
Silver7 Integer.exe: 0 h 43 min 30 sec
Apollo1260@80 integer.exe: 1 h 24 min 56 sec

Now my results for perspective (same 68k/FPU Cinema4D version on Core i5-2500K 3.3 GHz/WinUAE 3.3.0 Beta 18 64 bit)

OS4.1FE (sloooooow "native" FPU, Petunia JIT = emulation under emulation): 0 h 16 min 26 sec

OS3.X (fast FPU WinUAE 68k JIT): 0 h 0 min 33 sec

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 30-Jul-2016 14:11:55
#530 ]
Joined: 27-Apr-2011
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K, i guess you don't understand my ethics, the reason i do this is because i like the Amiga, i dislike people taking advantage of people who like the Amiga by gouging them with high prices.

The price we agreed on as a team was to give the majority of users the chance of having an Amiga that is the best it could be (with constant upgrades). I do this on a part time basis and juggle my time to try to accommodate all the things that need to be done. There are over 200 cards in existence and i am receiving emails every day, answering one email may seem like only a few seconds to answer if there was only the one question to reply to. My webpage has the answers to this issue about waiting times. The V600 has been more popular than ever imagined. Based on perceived interest, every user who wanted one already has one so we are swamped. Pricing of this board does not allow for full assembly costs and i do not want to increase costs for this board now. Future boards for different models will cost more to allow for faster production. Building one board is not just about the assembly, it also includes all the testing that goes with it for all the subparts of the board too. Calculate the time to prep and mail 10 boards for mailing with all required paperwork etc and you can see the time required for this.

If you want to know when your board will be expected then login to our irc channel and ask, i am always lurking while working and can answer a quick question.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 31-Jul-2016 12:12:54
#531 ]
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From: Norway

Vampire 600 - 2D Coding test

This is just a quick ASM coding test. It runs on Vampire 600 V2-128, displays a background 960x540 in 16bits. It is fully redrawn at each frame. Sprites are about 200x200, also in 16bits. This test use pure 68K instructions but on the SAGA chunky screenmode (a 960x540x16 @ 50Hz screenmode).

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 31-Jul-2016 16:15:44
#532 ]
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From: Harbor Gateway, Gardena, Ca.


Looks good but they walk as if on skates.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 31-Jul-2016 17:14:45
#533 ]
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From: S.Wales


Looks good but they walk as if on skates.

Maybe it's just the current trend for Amiga tech demos .

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 31-Jul-2016 17:28:34
#534 ]
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Properly oiled soles...

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 31-Jul-2016 17:49:43
#535 ]
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Brings a whole new meaning to " Greasing the Skids "

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 31-Jul-2016 18:08:47
#536 ]
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I got my answer over IRC and I'm happy

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 31-Jul-2016 19:09:30
#537 ]
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From: S.Wales


The V600 has been more popular than ever imagined.

It's also made the A600 more popular than anyone would ever have imagined.

Future boards for different models will cost more to allow for faster production.

That good to hear. I don't think people are will mind paying extra so they don't have to wait. Maybe you should set up kickstarters to fund production of other models. It's proven technology that sells itself now so reaching funding goals is unlikely to be a problem.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 1-Aug-2016 14:17:59
#538 ]
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It's also made the A600 more popular than anyone would ever have imagined.

Who would have thought an Amiga without a keypad would have made it into the high ranks

Then again Apple seem to make popular laptops that lack a keypad.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 1-Aug-2016 16:01:13
#539 ]
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From: De Keistad, Netherlands

The V600 has been more popular than ever imagined.

Before Vampire v2 I never wanted to own an A600

Amiga is additive coz it is fun to use

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 1-Aug-2016 23:25:08
#540 ]
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Thanks for this explanation! It now makes perfect sense why you are doing the production the way you are doing it. I wonder if you would consider allowing other people to help you, if they live close enough to you, and would volunteer to do the helping for no wages in their free time.

The Vampire v2 is probably too complicated to release the specifications and build instructions, and allow the few people who think they have the skills to assemble one themselves, to try to make their own Vampire v2 boards? Like the earlier MiniMig bare boards that were sold to many people, who completed the assembly and created their own MiniMig boards. You could even sell the schematics, parts list, and assembly instructions as a licensed set of plans, or bundle the motherboard and required parts together and call it a Vampire v2 kit. That would remove the tedious assembly from your valuable free time, and allow the few users who have some assembly skills to obtain their Vampire v2 boards more quickly.

Just an idea for you to consider.

Thanks for the work you are doing, and the many Amiga add-on boards you have designed and produced. I'm guessing that you have zero time to manufacture and assemble any of your other Amiga boards, now that all of your free time is taken up creating more Vampire v2 boards.

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