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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 20-Nov-2016 22:00:52
#661 ]
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Yes they do, with far over 1100 requests for the V600 alone now it seems that there is a market for sure.

Wow, that's encouraging given the fact that the A600 is relatively low volume.

Do you know if the team has any projections for other platforms?

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 20-Nov-2016 22:33:13
#662 ]
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Joined: 10-Jun-2010
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From: Mobile, Alabama, United States

More than any other product currently available or in the near projected pipeline, I am most interested in buying a Vampire accelerator for 500/1000/2000. Am still deciding which of my Amigas will get souped up with a Vampire. Maybe more than one if I go crazy.

Is there a timeline for when these will be available for purchase without having to one-at-a-time them off ebay? Any chance they will be sold by dealers such as or AmigaKit? Or a place to "get in line" by registering interest, like there has been for the A600 version?

Anyway, I am very pumped about this product. Down the road, I will be interested in an A1200 version and/or a standalone version. But the currently developed version as demonstrated at AmiWest recently would bring me joy now (or soon). Thanks!


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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 20-Nov-2016 22:41:24
#663 ]
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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 20-Nov-2016 22:44:33
#664 ]
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From: Mobile, Alabama, United States


Thanks. But that's the list for interest in the V600 that I mentioned. It's the V500 I can use.

Somehow I have gathered all kinds of Amigas here in this sanctuary for classic computers I have going, but never have obtained an Amiga 600.


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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 20-Nov-2016 23:32:03
#665 ]
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Down the road, I will be interested in an A1200 version and/or a standalone version.

Interesting... is this speculation or is it in the pipeline as well?

I suppose users who don't have legacy systems still kicking around could also cobble together a 1200 Reloaded with one of its own accelerators or a Vampire?

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 21-Nov-2016 0:33:20
#666 ]
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From: Mobile, Alabama, United States


No idea if they will make a standalone one eventually, so total speculation on my part. I'd sure buy one if packaged something like the Mist FPGA computer is. I have one of those.

For right now or in near term, I am most interested in owning the V500 board.

I look at this as "future retro" -- as in not state of the art circa 2016, but sort of like an Amiga that MIGHT have come out had Commodore lived a bit longer or if Escom/AT had made a better go of it. So retro, but not exactly 1994 retro.

Anybody who knows me on the forums knows I am invested heavily into AOS4 hardware and software as well. To me that feels more like 2006 "future retro" for Amiga.


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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 21-Nov-2016 2:07:28
#667 ]
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From: S.Wales


A standalone version is on the roadmap.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 21-Nov-2016 4:53:46
#668 ]
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A standalone version is on the roadmap.

And evidently beyond a roadmap entry, according to a comment from Gunnar:

The cards are done already.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 21-Nov-2016 5:00:11
#669 ]
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As a small side project A500/1000/2000 Vampire is being adapted to work on Atari ST.

Amiga is additive coz it is fun to use

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 21-Nov-2016 5:15:49
#670 ]
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As a small side project A500/1000/2000 Vampire is being adapted to work on Atari ST.

That's also an encouraging development that will hopefully expand the market.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 21-Nov-2016 20:27:58
#671 ]
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After reading through the Vampire forums, one question comes to mind:

Given the fact that PPC soft cores have been available for some time, is an FPGA implementation viable from the standpoint of cost and performance?

I'm not suggesting it would be an alternative to 68k, just curious to see how they would compare both to each other and as an alternative to modern PPC-based platforms.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 21-Nov-2016 20:36:31
#672 ]
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Given the fact that PPC soft cores have been available for some time, is an FPGA implementation viable from the standpoint of cost and performance?

Too bad price/performance ratio. Vampire may seem powerful (in 68k terms) and cheap (for Amiga hardware), but its price/performance ratio is worser than A1-500/X1000.

For 150 EUR (well, 250-289 now), you get performance comparable to 100 MHz G3.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 21-Nov-2016 21:48:40
#673 ]
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Too bad price/performance ratio. Vampire may seem powerful (in 68k terms) and cheap (for Amiga hardware), but its price/performance ratio is worser than A1-500/X1000.

The target markets of course are also very different.

There are a lot of legacy users who either want to update or replace their existing systems without spending a lot of money.

I have a tougher time justifying any of the newer PPC hardware unless you are using it for special purposes like development.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 21-Nov-2016 22:05:57
#674 ]
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Too bad price/performance ratio. Vampire may seem powerful (in 68k terms) and cheap (for Amiga hardware), but its price/performance ratio is worser than A1-500/X1000.

hundreds have been served, hundreds expressed interest and are waiting to lay their hands on it. it looks like it may be thousands who will willingly embrace further models. so no matter how you climb the walls to convince them ppc is better, people are making their mind independently. and the general tendence of the scene is obvious by now, even the hard boiled ppc supporters notice that.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 21-Nov-2016 23:21:54
#675 ]
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From: Norway

Vampire 500: V500 V2+ Are we there yet?

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 21-Nov-2016 23:32:25
#676 ]
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From: Bear Delaware USA


Well, if I have to consider the price I've seen a Vampire2 command (on eBay) vs. a system from A-eon, I'd probably want to go full in and spend the extra thousand.

But that's just my focus, and if they can manage to get the price of the fpga stuff down a little...

Amiga! "Our appeal has become more selective"

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 22-Nov-2016 0:34:19
#677 ]
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Yeah, because there's a already a cheap PPC board for 150$ that all "the people" are choosing from... I can't believe you believe yourself that's a fair comparison. I also think it's obvious that if most of us could choose we would actually choose both! One of these cards emulating a classic PPC accelerator (considering the price PPC classic accelerators go for...) would be the icing on the cake and it could happen, just probably too much work...

"hundreds have been served, hundreds expressed interest and are waiting to lay their hands on it. it looks like it may be thousands who will willingly embrace further models. so no matter how you climb the walls to convince them ppc is better, people are making their mind independently. and the general tendence of the scene is obvious by now, even the hard boiled ppc supporters notice that."



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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 22-Nov-2016 2:10:39
#678 ]
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Yeah, because there's a already a cheap PPC board for 150$ that all "the people" are choosing from... I can't believe you believe yourself that's a fair comparison.

ah, its not a fair comparison, because you have ppc boards manufactured by a "proper" company for few hundreds to few thousands $ to choose from? ;) where are these hundreds and thousands lining up to get them?

I also think it's obvious that if most of us could choose we would actually choose both!

that depends of who you refer to as "us".. if its the os4 users, then probably, yes. abut i wouldnt be so sure about anybody else, no, there it certainly is not obvious.

One of these cards emulating a classic PPC accelerator (considering the price PPC classic accelerators go for...) would be the icing on the cake and it could happen, just probably too much work...

it simply is, as repeatedly stated, outside the interest of the team. and i must agree with them: it wouldnt bring anything worthwhile to the table.

Last edited by wawa on 22-Nov-2016 at 02:11 AM.

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 22-Nov-2016 6:20:11
#679 ]
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I Agree, obviously the goal of the project is to bring the definitive 68K Amiga, with faster processor, more ram and updated chipset. PPC accelerator is a completely different thing.

Said that, adding PPC code to the chip would take away space (maybe even requiring a more expensive one) and time from the developers.
As for now I'm more than happy with the things they are adding in (AMMX, SAGA, AGA and probably FPU).

God created Paula so that Allister Brimble and Dave Whittaker could do music

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Re: News about Vampire and Apollo
Posted on 22-Nov-2016 9:50:28
#680 ]
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PPC-board with 4.X running on it for 150$? Where?

Please link where to buy, certainly a number of people would be interested in it

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