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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 13:52:33
#441 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Jun-2004
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From: Home land of Santa, sauna, sisu and salmiakki


See You at Hämeenlinna

Have I missed some news. What is in Hämeenlinna ?

You sound being proud of your sports car always. May I ask how much it consumes fuel compared to a new family car ? (I could also ask for a number of speeding tickets.)

Rock lobster bit me. My Workbench has always preferences. X1000 + AmigaOS4.1 FE
"Anyone can build a fast CPU. The trick is to build a fast system." -Seymour Cray

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 13:53:29
#442 ]
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if you look at the market it should be the other way round

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 14:25:01
#443 ]
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Tomppeli wrote:
there is no official os3. x development

What a silly comment. Of course there's official development of AmigaOS 3. There have been so much development over the years that the development team decided to increment the release number from 3 to 4 !

The Workbench Operating System ("Workbench" being the proper name of the 68k OS for Amiga computers that today erroneously are referred to as "AmigaOS 3.x") is a completely different product than AmigaOS (4.x), that has different features, runs on different H/W, different requirements, a different target audience, and sold by different publisher using a different trademark and product name.

Workbench still exists, it's being sold by Cloanto as new today, in various versions, shapes and forms. The latest version ("3.X") is about on par with "3.9" feature wise, but it's newer than "3.9" and contains some OS components with higher version numbers than "3.9" ever had.

The "NG" OS's (OS4/AROS/MorphOS) is something different. OS4 can at best be considered a fork that started off with a re-write to bring the 3.1 API to PC-like PPC H/W and continued from there, turning into something else. Very much alike AROS and MorphOS.

Many people are still interested in Amiga/Workbench (the 68k computers from the 80's/90's that brought us here in the first place) but couldn't care less about the OS4 route, and some peoples (you for example) persistent suggestions that OS4 would be "the evolution", that 68k users should "upgrade" etc, is actually quite offensive to all those people interested in Amiga, not caring about your OS4 and insane PPC H/W. Please understand that!

"68k" and "NG" is two different things. Both deserves to be here, both deserves respect.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 14:33:27
#444 ]
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The Workbench Operating System ("Workbench" being the proper name of the 68k OS for Amiga computers that today erroneously are referred to as "AmigaOS 3.x")

Technically Workbench is just the file launcher, and Commodore used it to refer to the disks too. If you're being picky, OS3.x was called Kickstart/Workbench 3.x by Commodore, and IIRC also referred to the "The Amiga Operating System", which can be conveniently shortened to AmigaOS.

I dispute the other stuff about it being a completely different product too, but can't really be bothered to argue about it.

Last edited by Chris_Y on 15-Feb-2016 at 02:33 PM.

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 14:52:07
#445 ]
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IntuitionAmiga wrote:

They have already packaged and sold an updated Workbench 3.1 ("3.2" if you like, but it's called 3.1 nevertheless), stand-alone, completely separate of any emulator package. Been there, done that!

When it comes to "3.9", they have spent time to create a match as close as possible and has component-by-component covered it with licenses on their own, step by step, often even using parallel licenses directly with the programmers to be extra safe. They don't call it "3.9" though. "3.X" has been their constant name of their OS package that has been growing and evolving over the years. In that sense, the "x" in the version number has been like a mathematical variable. A moving target. Today it is practically what 3.9 was (minus a few components, but with others extended, some OS components even having higher version numbers than H&P's 3.9 package ever had, and then there is extra S/W as well on top of it). Note that "3.X" contains a capital X. This is like a play of words IMHO, on the one hand the "x" could be seen as a variable, but the capital X could also be read as the roman number "10", hence "Workbench 3.10".

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 15:00:32
#446 ]
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Chris_Y wrote:

If you're being picky

It has nothing at all to do with being "picky".

Workbench is the trademark used by Cloanto to market everything from version 1.0 to version 3.X of their OS. It's as simple as that. They couldn't call it "AmigaOS" even if they wanted to. Today, the only product being published as new using the "AmigaOS" mark is Hyperion's OS4. Two different things, two different names.

This is a fact, as simple as that. Deal with it!

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 15:22:05
#447 ]
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("Workbench" being the proper name of the 68k OS for Amiga computers that today erroneously are referred to as "AmigaOS 3.x")

I'm just going to leave this here, straight from 1994 (click to enlarge):

MorphOS, classic Amiga, demoscene, and stuff
"When a bridge is not enough, build a Viaduct!"
"Strip the Amiga community of speculation and we can fit every forum on a 720k floppy" (by resle)

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 15:26:06
#448 ]
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The Workbench Operating System

Phrase not found on Cloanto websites...

The latest version ("3.X") is about on par with "3.9" feature wise

Where is AmiDock?

OS4 can at best be considered a fork

Interesting enough, here we both agree - although our points of view are entirelly different. OS3.5/3.9 from Haage/Partner, "Workbench" from Cloanto and AmigaOS 4 from Hyperion are forks of the same operating system.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:18:12
#449 ]
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but if picky all inherit from reworked sources and not the original commodore sources

so the pictures showing a straight line from 3.1. to 4.X are not exact

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:19:53
#450 ]
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I homestly don't know what you tried to say with that post, but it certainly didn't contradict anything I said. Hint: keyword is "today".

Today Cloanto sells:
Workbench 1.0
Workbench 1.1
Workbench 1.2
Workbench 1.3 (Also sold separately of the emulation package, for real Amigas, with minor updates)
Workbench 2.0
Workbench 2.04
Workbench 2.05
Workbench 2.1 (Also sold separately of the emulation package, for real Amigas, with minor updates)
Workbench 3.0
Workbench 3.1 (Also sold separately of the emulation package, also in physical media, for real Amigas, with a few significant updates)
Workbench 3.X (The latest and most developed, AFAIK currently only available through the Amiga Forever 6 emulation package)

These are real, live products. Today, not in history.

They couldn't sell it as "AmigaOS" even if they wanted to. But they have the "Workbench" trade mark registered, there are web pages at Cloanto's website explaining this, and why they explicitly are not using the term "AmigaOS" to reference it, which is why you will see the "Workbench" name in their product pages and nothing else.

Again, the only published product today using the "AmigaOS" mark, is Hyperion's OS4, and this is something different, for different hardware, targeting a different audience. The real OS for the real Amiga computers is Workbench and nothing else.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:20:59
#451 ]
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the old debate

if I remember right Amiga OS was not used (at least not officially) before the post-Commodore area, for most people Amiga is connected with Kickstart and Workbench but not Amiga OS

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:21:37
#452 ]
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but if picky all inherit from reworked sources and not the original commodore sources

I wonder on what sourcers were these "reworked sources" based...

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:23:41
#453 ]
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Today Cloanto sells:

AmigaOS 4.1 FE

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:27:51
#454 ]
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if I remember right Amiga OS was not used (at least not officially) before the post-Commodore area

True - not on English marketing material or documentation (other markets may differ: eg. term Amiga OS was used in some German Commodore manuals). However, its use by Commodore/Amiga OS developers and engineers was common since early Amiga days, as they had no "official" term for entire OS.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:36:58
#455 ]
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because of that I wrote "not officially used"

I have a "Amiga OS" manual at home too, printed 1997

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:38:26
#456 ]
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of course on the old commodore sources from 1994 I assume but still:

3.1.(1994) not equal 3.1.(1997)

Last edited by OlafS25 on 15-Feb-2016 at 04:39 PM.
Last edited by OlafS25 on 15-Feb-2016 at 04:38 PM.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:42:15
#457 ]
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3.1.(1994) not equal 3.1.(1997)

At that time, developed OS fork started to be called 3.5 of course...

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:42:58
#458 ]
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because of that I wrote "not officially used"

I meant official documentation by Commodore.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:45:17
#459 ]
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From: Budapest, Hungary

However, its use by Commodore/Amiga OS developers and engineers was common since early Amiga days, as they had no "official" term for entire OS.

Actually, the original Amiga ROM Kernel Manual (from 1986, by Rob Peck), refers the entire OS as "System Software" or "ROM Kernel" and states "Workbench is an application and also a screen"... So, yeah.

MorphOS, classic Amiga, demoscene, and stuff
"When a bridge is not enough, build a Viaduct!"
"Strip the Amiga community of speculation and we can fit every forum on a 720k floppy" (by resle)

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2016 16:55:20
#460 ]
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From: Budapest, Hungary

I homestly don't know what you tried to say with that post, but it certainly didn't contradict anything I said. Hint: keyword is "today".


The Workbench Operating System ("Workbench" being the proper name of the 68k OS for Amiga computers that today erroneously are referred to as "AmigaOS 3.x") (...) Workbench still exists, it's being sold by Cloanto as new today, in various versions, shapes and forms.

Yeah, "today" is clearly the keyword there, not the fact that you tried to imply whatever crap Cloanto sells these days is the only "legit" continuation, because the "Workbench" name... Whatever.

MorphOS, classic Amiga, demoscene, and stuff
"When a bridge is not enough, build a Viaduct!"
"Strip the Amiga community of speculation and we can fit every forum on a 720k floppy" (by resle)

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