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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 14-Aug-2017 23:42:57
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Super Member  |
Joined: 1-Sep-2004 Posts: 1962
From: Suomi-Finland | | |
| The Spirit Of Amiga. , Poster and the T-Shirt at the wall.
Good Talk Hyperion.
Waiting positively for the new AOS to the XE that is seriously been taken care of.
I know it's old but it is, AmigaOne. Easily recharged and Hyperions all the recommendation cards installed.
Nearly all OS:ses on the bookshelf.
Just Waiting to place an order.
PR is the most patient customer ever or could any compete. Many maybe.
The precious work+hobby can not be spoiled by anyone.
Thank You programmer Guys, My work in DeluxePaint style and translations only as 4+6 years AmigaGirls keep busy.
Maybe not the only one as our age is that kind.
Only The Best for Amiga. We have The € waiting for the Net+OS+Printer Solution. VirusFree.
In waitstatemode on Win7 has to do the job in a spanking rapid machine. Opera and lasercolour.
Not an Amiga. I so hope it could be again my main workstation. |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 14-Aug-2017 23:43:41
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From: Suomi-Finland | | |
| Double post Last edited by PR on 14-Aug-2017 at 11:44 PM.
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 14-Aug-2017 23:46:58
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Joined: 26-Aug-2016 Posts: 447
From: Bear Delaware USA | | |
| @ferrels
"...stop all this armchair lawyer bullsh@t"
And yet links to it are being posted on the Apollo forum website. And using it is being discussed as are tips on how to implement it. All with no discussion of the fact that this is based on pirated software.
And since you were just there spreading some BS of your own, you've got a lot of nerve.
"Steve Ferrell Posts 24 15 Aug 2017 00:22
The same old armchair attorneys over at and AmigaWorld are sharpening their knives over ApolloOS. They're declaring that all kinds of illegal activities are going on with the Apollo Team, ApolloOS and copyright infringement. I told a couple of the instigators that they need to stop their bullshit since most Vampire owners already own legal copies of OS3.x and that ApolloOS is neither distributed nor endorsed by the Apollo Team and that it's merely a customized version of OS3.9 put together by a Vampire owner for other Vampire users. I'm sure that won't satisfy them as they have nothing else to do but bitch continually about issues such as this. If I didn't know better I'd swear they were being paid by Hyperion just to troll for OS3.x copyright issues. I wouldn't be surprised if Hyperion goes after whoever is maintaining and updating ApolloOS. Hyperion seems to think there's a ton of cash to be had by selling OS3..."
So...why don't you just stop playing games? Participating in and encouraging in illegal activity is still illegal activity, so your justifications of this behavior are just so much idiocy. Last edited by Beans on 14-Aug-2017 at 11:51 PM. Last edited by Beans on 14-Aug-2017 at 11:50 PM. Last edited by Beans on 14-Aug-2017 at 11:50 PM. Last edited by Beans on 14-Aug-2017 at 11:49 PM.
_________________ Amiga! "Our appeal has become more selective" |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 0:11:12
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 11-Aug-2005 Posts: 7474
From: UK | | |
| @number6
number6 wrote: @BigD
And specifically what in those 4 pages supports what you are hinting at?
I also don't get "targetting". Hyperion's IP is in jeopardy. THAT'S what the Hyperion filings are about. Sorry if I had to word that stronger than Ben did, but apparently that's necessary. It's not a statement about who's right...or what's best for the's just a statement.
I'm just getting my head round this situation, I honestly did think that someone would be so stupid as to post a modified version of OS3.9 on the internet and for open debate about pirated software to gain such traction on the Apollo Team forums! To actually call it ApolloOS 'IS' inviting litigation and the individual responsible deserves everything coming to them. Take the files down or get fined. Seems logical to me._________________ "Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art." John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 0:13:18
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Joined: 11-Aug-2005 Posts: 7474
From: UK | | |
| @PR
I honestly have no idea what you were trying to say other than you seem annoyed about something and enjoy using Deluxe Paint with your 'Amiga girls'? Your daughters maybe? Good luck to you Sorry Hyperion let you down in some way
Re-read it maybe you are not angry just keen that your hobby isn't spoiled and you want updates for your XE machine. You have a 4 and 6 year old who stop you using your Amiga for Deluxe Paint projects.
Interesting, I do think you've missed a trick by not messing around with Deluxe Paint WITH your children. That is my intention when they are older. I've collected tutorials on how to draw Bart, Homer and Pluto for starters  Last edited by BigD on 15-Aug-2017 at 12:22 AM. Last edited by BigD on 15-Aug-2017 at 12:22 AM. Last edited by BigD on 15-Aug-2017 at 12:17 AM.
_________________ "Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art." John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 1:14:19
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 20-Oct-2005 Posts: 922
From: Arizona | | |
| @Beans
And yet links to it are being posted on the Apollo forum website. And using it is being discussed as are tips on how to implement it. All with no discussion of the fact that this is based on pirated software.
And since you were just there spreading some BS of your own, you've got a lot of nerve.
So...why don't you just stop playing games? Participating in and encouraging in illegal activity is still illegal activity, so your justifications of this behavior are just so much idiocy. |
I'm neither encouraging in nor participating in illegal activity. I'm also not playing games. Just tired of guys like you accusing others of piracy and copyright infringement when there hasn't been any, at least not by anyone on the Vampire team.
You obviously didn't read a single post, except for mine, on the Vampire forum about ApolloOS because there certainly are several posts and discussions about the legality of distributing ApolloOS, but as usual, you make up your facts as you go along to support your false narratives. So again, please stop all your armchair attorney bullsh@t and do some real reading before you start accusing others of illegal activities. The only idiocy going on here is from you and your false accusations.Last edited by ferrels on 15-Aug-2017 at 01:20 AM. Last edited by ferrels on 15-Aug-2017 at 01:20 AM. Last edited by ferrels on 15-Aug-2017 at 01:15 AM.
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 1:43:47
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Joined: 26-Aug-2016 Posts: 447
From: Bear Delaware USA | | |
| @ferrels
Steve, I read the entire thread, and it included links to the software, tips on using the software, and zero discussion of the legalities of using the software. I'm disappointed that, as a private contractor, you don't seem to have a better understanding of the legal ramifications of participating in piracy. The fact that this is not an Apollo team project, doesn't excuse the presence of these posts on their website advocating its use.
And your constant banter about 'armchair lawyers' is childish, I have access to my own lawyer if I need legal advice. But any layman with the slightest bit of common sense can see that there are legal ramifications involved in this project.
And it gains you no credit, or my respect, when you rant about this obviously illegal activity as if its somehow excusable. Last edited by Beans on 15-Aug-2017 at 02:01 AM.
_________________ Amiga! "Our appeal has become more selective" |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 2:21:38
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005 Posts: 11662
From: In the village | | |
| @Beans
he did explain to you that they weren't limited to PPCs, right? |
Given that posts are just a snapshot in time, you can take this for what it's worth:
Ben on PPC license
cgutjahr referring to one of the above comments
Hope that helps with clarity.
#6_________________ This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author. *Secrecy has served us so well* |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 3:56:52
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Super Member  |
Joined: 1-Sep-2004 Posts: 1962
From: Suomi-Finland | | |
| @BigD
Yes daughters. Meant that many have children at this time of our era. They mix things easily.
It's magical as given DP and they just know how to use.
It's a different childhood not just staring at some screen but being creative. Just like us in here I think all are.
(Put me on a pc and no go, tried many, just doing the "must" -work, usually back to Amyland) Got a new Petros A1200 made just for that with HD,turbo etc. 060PIV for fun + a few A500 + different Settings A1200's and the XE which is a bit of a dissapointment but keeping as there would be power for the long awaited.. Maybe explains something and not native english too.
Some animations in older AmigaFuture CD. Also the load of games. The "Amiga"Girls say that they are much better than todays applications. (Has a smartphone allready)
Usually the truth comes from the innocent youngsters.
I also can not understand, the NG waiting and investments done just does not compare what we had before. Everybody knows.
Just Happy for the skills learned and friends made with the Miga. In different situations in work, electric or be it anything there are some skills for every situation. Can pass it to the Next Generation.
NG children and hopefully NG Amigas get it too.
Best Regards and hopefully mixed it more.
p.s. In One line:
Drawing something, "that's cool" , add this from the net and print it... Ok. Made difficult to convert to pc... That's why waiting for the new Amiga in todays standards.
Last edited by PR on 15-Aug-2017 at 04:15 AM. Last edited by PR on 15-Aug-2017 at 04:14 AM. Last edited by PR on 15-Aug-2017 at 04:14 AM. Last edited by PR on 15-Aug-2017 at 04:02 AM. Last edited by PR on 15-Aug-2017 at 03:59 AM.
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 8:42:30
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Joined: 4-Aug-2016 Posts: 83
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| Guess ApolloOS could be turned into a legal thing when transformed to something similar as ClassicWB, etc where you as an end user add all the stuff you should have paid for / own rights to use. However ApolloOS being so big I wouldn't be surprised if contains more copyrighted stuff than just the AOS3.9 stuff.
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 10:58:58
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| @number6
So basically when Natami was on the drawing board Hyperion were keen to dismiss 68k completely and pushed for a PPC expansion card to support AmigaOS. But now that that is unlikely they've reconsidered and WOULD envisage an updated 68k version of Workbench / AmigaOS?_________________ "Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art." John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 11:09:50
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| @BigD
I'm sorry but the Natami hardware never looked like it was going anywhere.
It reminded me of the Boxer from Mick Tinker.
Obviously the easiest route for us would be to have a PPC CPU in place.
Especiallly if you have a board with an FPGA on it. _________________ This post reflects the personal opinion of Ben Hermans and not necessarily of Hyperion Entertainment CVBA. |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 12:16:12
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Elite Member  |
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| @HyperionHolding
Sure, but the sand is shifting now and it's better to make some money out of your IP and issue or licence Vampire compatible 68k / 080 OS revisions rather than leave the software pirates to it I hope all the legal IP wranglings don't damage your relationship with Cloanto however. You're both on the same side as are the Apollo Team (though they should monitor and crack down on this ApolloOS stuff on their forums IMHO). Last edited by BigD on 15-Aug-2017 at 01:55 PM. Last edited by BigD on 15-Aug-2017 at 12:17 PM.
_________________ "Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art." John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 12:42:19
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Joined: 26-Aug-2016 Posts: 447
From: Bear Delaware USA | | |
| @BigD
they should monitor and crack down on this Apollo OS stuff |
Thank you. If this was being distributed without the 3.9 components, with instructions on how to create the final package, then there would be no issue. But the argument that many downloaders already own 3.9 doesn't really hold water._________________ Amiga! "Our appeal has become more selective" |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 12:49:16
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 12:55:24
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| @spud101
from the list it includes Photogenics and Cinema 4D
I know in both cases that including them is not legal because I asked both copyright owners for approval to include them in aros vision, in both cases a clear no. The photogenics owners just said no without any explanation, in case of maxon they do not have the copyrights of the amiga version and have no contact to the developers to get approval. Current version they still sell is rewritten. I am pretty sure that has no changed. 3.9 too is copyrighted H&P and I talked to Mr. Haage in the past and am pretty sure he was not asked about it. The or the group behind "ApolloOS" simply do not care about copyrights as they did not ask the Apollo team if they can use the name. Really not a good attitude.
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 13:02:34
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Joined: 26-Aug-2016 Posts: 447
From: Bear Delaware USA | | |
| @OlafS25
Wow! And they just ignored your post. OK, its just blatant theft then. And they are discussing not just the use of the material, but how to facilitate its distribution.
With hard goods, if I don't steal something, but later help to distribute it, I'm still guilty. I don't see the difference with ephemeral goods like software.
You can argue from a position based on what you want (which seems to be where Steve F. is coming from), but that still doesn't make it legally or morally correct. _________________ Amiga! "Our appeal has become more selective" |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 13:06:38
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| @Beans
indeed legality was not a big point obviously
I assume because software is old people think it is legal to distribute because noone is earning money with it. From a legal point of view that is not true of course. |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 13:10:12
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| @BigD
I guess many people use it out of simple convenience. If i'd have a Vampire, i'd want to run an official ROM or AROS anyway. |
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Re: Hyperion release official AmigaOS WB3.1 & Kickstart 3.1 updates !!! Posted on 15-Aug-2017 13:13:26
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From: Bear Delaware USA | | |
| @OlafS25
Well, if its used to render the Apollo hardware functional, then it is earning someone money, just not directly.
I'm sure the development team would prefer users to source legal software, and the last time I checked you could still obtain copies of 3.1.
The distribution scheme for AmigaOS, with no copy protection mechanism, relies on faith in the end user's doing the right (and legally correct) thing.
Posting it to a download site is definitely not that. Last edited by Beans on 15-Aug-2017 at 01:22 PM.
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