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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 4-Mar-2019 17:57:10
#901 ]
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Amiga legacy is really all it has going for it.

That's probably true. MorphOS has a better more up to date version of OWB it seems and faster updates for a wider range of hardware. For better or worse I'm still more interested in AmigaOS because of the legacy

Last edited by BigD on 04-Mar-2019 at 05:58 PM.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 4-Mar-2019 19:21:30
#902 ]
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From: The Ford Galaxy



BigD wrote:
For better or worse I'm still more interested in AmigaOS because of the legacy

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 4-Mar-2019 21:00:45
#903 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

I think its about time to drop IP, and name it something else it's not worth paying [whoever] to put name on box, that's wasted money, everyone who care about Amiga knows it hardware and / or the OS that is what counts, not its name / stickers.

The "name" and "stickers" don't matter all of the sudden?!

Oh, the irony in this!


This was absolutely PRICELESS!


You just made my day!

let AmigaOS and Workbench be the past, and let HyperionOS be the future.

...and just exactly what would that be? I mean EXACTLY?

Hyperion has never actually developed anything. They are merely publishers. What they have done, is they have published other peoples work. Work they have never owned.

And I don't know if you have noticed, but development has kind of halted (and not recently either). Some developers have simply gone home and they took their ball with them. Hyperion can't do jack sh!t, especially not since their balance sheet is nothing but a huge debt, no assets, and they have no sustainable cash flow to speak of. Everything they do, every bill they pay, comes directly from the owners own pockets, just adding to the already huge debt.

Hyperion can not survive. It's not sustainable.

Less start developing things all of the sudden...

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Re: Amiga Inc. Loses U.S. Trademarks
Posted on 4-Mar-2019 21:32:55
#904 ]
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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 5-Mar-2019 9:49:42
#905 ]
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From: London, UK



Dave73 wrote:

Good perspective. I largely agree. That's why I like the idea of Cloanto being a reliable clearing house for rights and IP to make products like an Amiga Mini possible, at a commercial scale with a reasonable price. The standalone Vampire, while a bit more expensive, would also fill my needs perfectly.

IMO it was a mistake to get into a development that will bump the price upwards of 300 US$ for something that is interesting - for those developing it - but that will underperform existing SoC systems selling for 10~20 US$

I would have been totally sold on their V2 68060 pimp-on for my old A500 for £150 (as it stands the Furia makes more sense, or even more so the MiST FPGA box to use as stand-alone).

Anyway if that's what motivates them to do something for the community, and there is some demand for it, then there's no real argument against. However this is clearly no path to a practical modern platform.


Dave73 wrote:
I do want to go beyond just retro gaming though. With a bit of modern connectivity (USB storage, or Dropbox/Google Drive access, etc) I would happily use a new Amiga for writing. This is currently what I run Ubuntu for on an old, rock-solid ThinkPad. Writing is one of those low-resource, long time commitment activities that can let you keep using your tools of choice (witness authors happily still using WordStar, or DOS WordPerfect, decades after their "sell-by" date.)

I'm not a dinosaur, I've got plenty of Windows 10, Mac OS and iOS in my life to get everything done. But I like using different systems, and have always felt most at home with Amiga. I hope not for a resurgent Amiga to reclaim all of desktop computing -- merely offer me a way to reliably use any modern Amiga for what it's good for at a reasonable price.

That would be an entirely different product line though.

A modern no-frills, actually-Personal computer would make a lot of sense but I doubt Cloanto or whoever carries the trademarks (Commodore would probably be even better to have than Amiga) would pivot as drastically as it would be necessary. I mean... I have plenty of ideas but why even bother writing a tonne of prose here when it's not going to happen and barely anyone is going to even read it :D


NutsAboutAmiga wrote:


The legal cost around IP to defend it, protect it, also freaking waste of money. [...]

That depends. If it gives you a net gain in the form of a profitable product line, then it makes sense.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 5-Mar-2019 13:01:01
#906 ]
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Hyperion has never actually developed anything. They are merely publishers. What they have done, is they have published other peoples work. Work they have never owned.

By that description they should be friends with Cloanto. Or have a working partnership. Instead they are on different warships firing at each other. Business means war. And in Amiga business there is no room for competition.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 5-Mar-2019 15:49:30
#907 ]
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Hypex wrote:
And in Amiga business there is no room for competition.

Which is why the current situation baffles me. Where and how Hyperion and Cloanto were competitors?

Until this big issue with OS 3.1.4 I would have considered them complementary in supporting Amiga.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 5-Mar-2019 16:04:56
#908 ]
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Until this big issue with OS 3.1.4 I would have considered them complementary in supporting Amiga.

not exactly complementary prior to the 3.1.4 affair


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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 5-Mar-2019 17:32:57
#909 ]
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From: Norway


I see there is told you so moment, well MorphOS camp was right about name, what can I say. but I can have predicted in my wildest dreams this be so big mess around brand names a silly boing ball.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 5-Mar-2019 20:44:42
#910 ]
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From: Greater Los Angeles Area


Yes, but it still boils down to the issue of - who will pay who to use the boing ball and the logo.

It really does not explain the question as to where is the fair business competition with various / different products in the marketplace and how are the two players actually competing for business.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 11-Mar-2019 20:23:57
#911 ]
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I had mentioned in several places that I had not seen any mention of the Amiga Inc. asset transfer to C-A Acquisitions Corporation in the form of a joint press release.
Until now I've only noticed it in the court records.

I think this would be considered a true public confirmation:

First the fact that this now indicates C-A Acquistions Corporation, not Cloanto:

You'll notice correspondence about transfer and change of representative, which is further detailed here:

When Amiga Inc. renewed this trademark last January, they also renewed Powered by Amiga on the same day. Therefore in checking that trademark, I see it has been transferred as well:


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 11-Mar-2019 21:07:58
#912 ]
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That company’s entire purpose, given its name, seems to be to ”acquire” the ”C-A”. In other words, bringing the IP back together in one company.

Maybe you will see your long-awaited press release when the company changes its name to ”Commodore”?

Last edited by TRIPOS on 11-Mar-2019 at 09:09 PM.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 11-Mar-2019 22:21:26
#913 ]
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One can only hope the new "C-A" entity has more sense than the previous owners. They didn't spend all that money to release Snowman Maker 2020 :)

I am hoping this marks the beginning of a new chapter where the market demands are actually listened to and addressed in a rational manner. Wouldn't that be refreshing?

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 12-Mar-2019 2:56:53
#914 ]
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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 4-Apr-2019 13:09:36
#915 ]
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(court) ORDER denying Plaintiffs'45 Motion for Preliminary Injunction



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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 4-Apr-2019 13:31:43
#916 ]
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the courts arguments denying the injunction makes for a rather good read. i recommend folks do so.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 4-Apr-2019 13:53:45
#917 ]
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Cloanto should hire better lawyers. Providing no evidence in case, where evidence is easy to obtain (fall of Cloanto sales via distributors after OS3.1.4 release) is unbelievable.

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 4-Apr-2019 15:52:42
#918 ]
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Maybe there isn't any ?



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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 4-Apr-2019 16:36:52
#919 ]
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Maybe there isn't any ?

What? better lawyers or evidence?

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Re: Cloanto acquire Amiga Inc Trademark
Posted on 4-Apr-2019 16:48:27
#920 ]
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I doubt that 3.1.4 had much impact on Amiga Forever sales. It would have had massive impact on the sales of any future 3.x updates from Cloanto, of course - but we don't know if they were planning anything in that regard - and if they were, proving the impact might have been quite difficult.

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