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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 8:20:02
#221 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 24-Aug-2003
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


Why would anyone want to take Linux and degrade it by running a handful of substandard (by today's expectations) 68K ported applications and a horrible Intuition window manager?

Because they can. You clearly don't understand the appeal of doing things for fun, which is probably why you're such an obdurate miserable old git. You also seem to be under the delusion that we think AxRuntime or anything like it is some grand saviour of the platform. Of course it isn't. It's not AmigaOS or even AROS. It's the result of someone asking themselves "I wonder what happens if...". And if it works, you have something that looks and feels like AROS and can run binaries compiled for AROS, without the key limitations of AROS on the target hardware.

Have a great day.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 8:55:08
#222 ]
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From: Unknown


nobody expects you to "waste your time". BTW you are doing that now already here.... You do not like it? You see no sense in it? Fine no problem. But accept that there are different views and interests and Ferrel not representing "everyone". I do not either

You obviously do not understand the project. Fine but then please stop posting about it and wait until it is completed and first user distributions available. Again it is much more than just "porting amiga software to linux" like you say.... you would know if you would read a little and watch some videos before posting

Last edited by OlafS25 on 12-Dec-2022 at 08:59 AM.

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 9:03:56
#223 ]
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when I started fiddling around with aros 68k there were a lot of people "ferrels" explaing me the world and why I was wasting my time. Nothing new . In this project is even more potential, first time I see "NG" making sense. I am personally looking forward to it. It is like Aros 68k can be extended with amiga binaries just that it combines with the huge professional linux software base. And you have modern foundation, amiga based desktop (Scalos) and additionally all the aros software.

Last edited by OlafS25 on 12-Dec-2022 at 09:10 AM.

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 9:28:04
#224 ]
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you do not understand the idea behind it obviously.,whatever%20they%20were%20doing%20previously.

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 9:37:53
#225 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


So you're a professional programmer? If that's true then I fear the old addage of "what you do for a living poisons your hobby" is true in your case. Firstly, thinking of anything Amiga "professionally" in 2022 is a red flag for your grip on sanity. Now it's obvious that doesn't apply to you but I don't understand how, as a hobbyist, you can be so opposed to such tinkering. It's developers having fun. Why such antipathy? I'm also a "professional programmer" to put it in simplistic terms and you certainly don't speak for me.

Last edited by Karlos on 12-Dec-2022 at 09:59 AM.
Last edited by Karlos on 12-Dec-2022 at 09:38 AM.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 10:58:57
#226 ]
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I refuse to employ any programmer that doesn't write weird shit for fun outside of work.

Sadly in these days of "It's my right to identify as a programmer" it's all too common for such people to exist.

You get what you pay for!

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 12:12:56
#227 ]
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what problem do you guys have? You can be as "professional" as you want. Why do you want to spoil others the fun or advise them what do they do in spare time? We really do not need to be explained how the world looks today. It is a hobby for all of us, Some people like the idea and want to see where it gets, others not. People that are not interested should not become involved. Then they not "waste time" and the rest is not spoiled the fun. Win-Win

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 12:23:48
#228 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


I think he agrees with you. He seems to be saying he'd rather hire creative people based on what they do with their skills outside of work .

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 13:15:32
#229 ]
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I'll chalk up the whoosh factor to language gap.

First post of mine you replied to was me trying to nerd snipe Karlos into adding 68k binary support to the AxRt loader.

Second post was me taking the piss out of "developers" like Ferrells as I will not employ anyone who doesn't code stuff just for the fun of it outside of their job. It's a hard requirement for my employees.


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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 13:17:17
#230 ]
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From: Australia


For someone who claims to understand you sure managed to miss the point by a wide margin.

It's a hobby. Round-hole-square-peg computing; some enjoy it.
No-one is trying to change the computing landscape, no-one is trying (or claiming) to be any sort of savior of the Amiga platform.
They're having fun with a hobby and sharing what theyre doing with other people who share the same hobby.
How is that difficult for someone who point blank claimed to have a grip on reality miss the point by that wide a margin?

Ironically you share more in common with the sorts of delusional fanatics you're denouncing, just a different side of that coin.

Those who are truly grounded are just enjoying a hobby and have no illusions that it's anything other than that.

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 13:18:01
#231 ]
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There's a thought. How many shillings could I pay you to add it? ;)

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 13:31:00
#232 ]
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Why would anyone want to take Linux and degrade it by running a handful of substandard (by today's expectations) 68K ported applications and a horrible Intuition window manager?

Because they can.

Is there anything you do just because you can Steve?

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 15:58:23
#233 ]
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Joined: 20-Oct-2005
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From: Arizona


Is there anything you do just because you can Steve?

Actually yes. But the difference is that I produce things that people want AND need AND pay good money for. I'm the owner and lead programmer here:

As for AxRuntime, I'll just leave you crackpots to your delusions for now and I predict that when I check in again in about 6 months you will still be slapping each other on the back over AxRuntime and how it's the best thing since sliced bread and how it's going to take the Amiga community by storm. By then you should also have the OS3 Dots demo running on Linux as well. Bravo. You guys are stuck in an IT purgatory but the difference is that unlike a real purgatory, you wankers want to remain captive in it and drag others inside for the company.

And just for your information, a 50+ year old incel living in his mum's basement who ports 30 year old obsolete Amiga apps to Linux is not a path to success unless you're looking for a career in Antifa.

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 16:04:15
#234 ]
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From: Unknown


what is wrong with you? You would certainly also go to a oldtimer forum and explain them that new cars are better than oldtimers and how they can be so delusional

Last edited by OlafS25 on 12-Dec-2022 at 04:12 PM.

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 16:05:11
#235 ]
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From: Unknown


sorry if I understood you wrong. I was only angry because of this old grumpy man calling himself "ferrel" insulting others...

Last edited by OlafS25 on 12-Dec-2022 at 04:09 PM.

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 16:25:37
#236 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


What exactly is your comprehension malfunction? Who do you see here suggesting that AxRuntime is anything beyond someone's hobby project?

Actually yes. But the difference is that I produce things that people want AND need AND pay good money for.

I thought sperm donation was voluntary. I guess it's a privately run fertility clinic...

You make lidar software. Bully for you. I'm sure it's very rewarding and demand is through the roof with stiff competition. It doesn't sound at all niche.

Your assumption here is that you are the only professional and that everyone else is some deluded idiot that is doing whatever they talk about here in lieu of having a real job, life, etc. Sorry to ruin your parade but that's not the case. Some of us like to keep a demarcation between work and play. We're playing here. If you don't like it, take your ball and go home, you miserable sad excuse for an enthusiast.

Last edited by Karlos on 12-Dec-2022 at 04:32 PM.
Last edited by Karlos on 12-Dec-2022 at 04:26 PM.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 16:59:19
#237 ]
AROS Core Developer
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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As far as I can see you can mix applications so why not? As for a solution looking for a problem. It's simple Deadwood wanted to try to see what he could do and he's doing it. Hell most of the people that are left here simply want to enjoy themselves. I don't think anyone truly expects a rebirth of the Amiga.

Last edited by terminills on 12-Dec-2022 at 05:03 PM.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 17:04:59
#238 ]
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Your Project is surely interesting, but how could I contribute as mental ill person with no skills
to your Project? Imagine I had Down Syndrome and would understand what an Amiga is but not what the use of your Project is and how I could be useful for it? But my silly Brain understands that AxRuntime is an Anarchist Amiga Project that is capable of making me somehow feel useful and make me feel my youth again although the rest of the World regards it as useless! Imagine my life is so empty that I play the Lottery just to win the Millions to finally boost AROS in a heavy way.. and that this simple thought is enough to make me feel better! *lol*

Auch der Holzweg führt irgendwohin! *lol*

I am blind in a blind alley but even a blind alley leads somewhere! *smile>*

Last edited by QBit on 12-Dec-2022 at 05:09 PM.

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 17:07:57
#239 ]
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That’s something you do for money Steve.

Show me something you do for fun for no other reason than just because you can.

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Re: AxRuntime
Posted on 12-Dec-2022 17:27:18
#240 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!



Bosanac wrote:

That’s something you do for money Steve.

Show me something you do for fun for no other reason than just because you can.

Belittling what other people so for fun just because they can?

Doing stupid things for fun...

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