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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 16-Jun-2022 19:10:12
#161 ]
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It seems your beloved Archbishop of York loves the queers too. You going to issue a fatwa against him?

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 16-Jun-2022 22:35:37
#162 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!

I'm sure he'll be cancelled soon, so enjoy an anodyne to the relentless ideological push, courtesy of Jordan Peterson.

Last edited by Karlos on 16-Jun-2022 at 10:36 PM.

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 17-Jun-2022 1:45:41
#163 ]
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Maybe his Bible is missing pages! Those draughty old Cathedrals must be full of mice!

Seriously though, he's right about loving the people but there is no place for unrepented sin in the lives of Christians. If people have these urges for 6 colour rainbows rather than seven and still want to call themselves followers of Christ they will have to make the choice as to whether they love Jesus more and will follow Him or they will remain in sin and reject God's standards! There is no third way. Either Jesus had to come to Earth from heaven, laying down some of His deity characteristics to live as a man because HE HAD TO TO MAKE A WAY BACK TO GOD BECAUSE SIN CAUSES A CATASTROPHIC SEPARATION BETWEEN MAN AND GOD or he didn't. Someone who still clings to their old life has not understood that. People who define themselves by un-Godly lifestyles cannot be followers of Jesus in their current state. People struggling with same sex attraction are welcome to attend church but if you profess a confession of faith then immoral lifestyles can no longer continue in the lives of born again believers or you never really submitted to God and chose to live for Him in the first place. Plenty of lukewarm heterosexual 'church goers' live like that too but it doesn't make them Christians (nor does dunking babies by the way).

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 17-Jun-2022 3:16:52
#164 ]
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From: Aotearoa



BigD wrote:

Either Jesus had to come to Earth from heaven, laying down some of His deity characteristics to live as a man because HE HAD TO TO MAKE A WAY BACK TO GOD BECAUSE SIN CAUSES A CATASTROPHIC SEPARATION BETWEEN MAN AND GOD or he didn't.

I'm betting on 'didn't'. Any of it.

People struggling with same sex attraction are welcome to attend church but if you profess a confession of faith then immoral lifestyles can no longer continue in the lives of born again believers or you never really submitted to God and chose to live for Him in the first place.

That would include all the other immorality too, right? Including lying in the name of God. Like Jesus, who promised that "Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see that the kingdom of God has come with power”, “this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place”, and "you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes". 2000 years later, stupid Christians are still waiting.

Plenty of lukewarm heterosexual 'church goers' live like that too but it doesn't make them Christians (nor does dunking babies by the way).

Yes, it does.

Christians Quote:
A wide range of beliefs and practices are found across the world among those who call themselves Christian. Denominations and sects disagree on a common definition of "Christianity".

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 17-Jun-2022 7:27:04
#165 ]
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The common definition (and it is blatant in the name) is 'follower of Christ'. As far as I see it the effin' and jeffin' rugged fisherman types Jesus chose as His disciples didn't stay in that place they were justified in faith in Him, were sanctified daily through His teachings and example and were more like Jesus at the end of their lives (Judas excluded) than at the start of their 'walk' with Jesus. If 'church-goers' resemble the world i.e. are not repentant when they deny Jesus and the Bible (Jesus is actually called 'the Word' numerous times and that means all 66 books basically are personified by Him) then they have not denied themselves, have not taken up the cross of Jesus daily and have not really been 'born again' and hence become a Christian. This was true of the majority of clergy in the 16th and 17th centuries and the UK is relapsing spiritually back to that state.

Without an outward expression of this inner change there is no actual 'Christian' whether they put on a hat and hobnob in a church building on a Sunday or not!

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

If 'church-goers' don't acknowledge sin in their lives (as defined by the Bible not current culture)how can this be true for them?

Last edited by BigD on 17-Jun-2022 at 07:36 AM.
Last edited by BigD on 17-Jun-2022 at 07:33 AM.
Last edited by BigD on 17-Jun-2022 at 07:31 AM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 17-Jun-2022 21:56:31
#166 ]
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Judas is the hero of the story, without him christianity wouldn’t exist.


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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 17-Jun-2022 22:50:24
#167 ]
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From: Aotearoa



BigD wrote:

The common definition (and it is blatant in the name) is 'follower of Christ'.

Correct. But what does this mean?

Matthew 19:21 “go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

Matthew 10:38 "And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me."

Matthew 8:22 “Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.”

Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple."

Luke 18:22 “One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

If 'church-goers' resemble the world... have not taken up the cross of Jesus daily and have not really been 'born again' and hence become a Christian.

So you have given all your worldly possessions to the poor, hate everyone in your family and don't attend funerals? If not then how can you call yourself a 'follower of Christ'?

If 'church-goers' don't acknowledge sin in their lives (as defined by the Bible not current culture)how can this be true for them?

Ah yes, 'sins' like wearing immodest clothing. At least the Taliban got this one right, eh?

According to the Christian Bible we are all sinners, no matter how much we try to follow its impossible rules. Why? Because the all powerful perfect God who cannot do any wrong made us this way. He gave us minds with intelligence and free will, and bodies with physical needs, just so He could punish us for acting according to our nature. How sick is that?

Last edited by bhabbott on 18-Jun-2022 at 04:28 AM.
Last edited by bhabbott on 17-Jun-2022 at 10:54 PM.
Last edited by bhabbott on 17-Jun-2022 at 10:52 PM.

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 18-Jun-2022 23:14:09
#168 ]
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So you have given all your worldly possessions to the poor, hate everyone in your family and don't attend funerals? If not then how can you call yourself a 'follower of Christ'?

I believe that the love of money is the root of all evil and yes it's easier for a camel to pass between the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven because it becomes an idol and you are not to have any other gods other than Yahweh. You are to choose God over your non-Christian family when they try and cause you to compromise God's will which WILL cause conflict. A Christian is to be a peacemaker but following Jesus will cause contention. Attending funerals is obviously optional and no one can be forced to go though you'd have to have good reason not to attend a family member's. I as it stands would probably choose not to speak at the front if my mother passed away as it would be better not to say something truthful about the hurt she has caused and keep quiet at such an event. Unless you have walked a mile in my shoes then I guess you won't understand how relevant those passages are to the experiences of a Bible believing Christian!

According to the Christian Bible we are all sinners, no matter how much we try to follow its impossible rules. Why? Because the all powerful perfect God who cannot do any wrong made us this way.

We didn't have to rebel and go our own way like petulant children. You and I would have chosen the apple too in the Garden of Eden but since we cannot test that and Jesus has paid the price for the sin we have been born into, the only sensible recourse is to acknowledge that He loves us, He was required to die on the cross to make atonement for our sins and that this demands a course correction and a life honouring Him. If not then you have chosen hell and everything that entails; separation from God's love and His 'common grace' daily blessing and an eternal separation from anything inherently good that meant something to you while on Earth. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

This is meant in love and I am not interested in having a debate as it has to be acknowledged in faith. Either accept God's instruction manual for life i.e. the Bible or reject it and Jesus' teachings but you can't on judgement day say you weren't given the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus.

To misquote a 90s rave track from Trainspotting:

"I chose not to choose hell, I chose something else!"

Last edited by BigD on 18-Jun-2022 at 11:27 PM.
Last edited by BigD on 18-Jun-2022 at 11:24 PM.
Last edited by BigD on 18-Jun-2022 at 11:22 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 21-Jun-2022 15:39:39
#169 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!

I see FINA have taken a step to address the debate as it affects female (note I use the biological term) sports:

FINA ruling on transgender participation in female swimming

As disappointing as this will be for Lia Thomas, it's a victory for fairness. The idea of a completely open tier in which anyone can participate regardless of biology or self identification is one that although well intentioned is likely to fail. Fully male athletes taking part would probably dominate and have an unfair advantage over female and transgender women alike.

So transgender athletes would ideally need to have their own set of "like for like" categories where they compete against the same biology/identity combination. This in turn will probably fail because they will be so few contestants per category.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 21-Jun-2022 17:53:28
#170 ]
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Common sense prevails!

I don't understand why anyone would have a problem competing on a level playing field against people with common chromosomes with themselves! It would be very intolerant and unreasonable of them not to see this as fair wouldn't it? Oh well, at least there's trained counsellors to help them come to terms with it!

Last edited by BigD on 21-Jun-2022 at 05:53 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 21-Jun-2022 18:51:42
#171 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


Just wait for the backlash.People are already saying she doesn't have an unfair advantage because she isn't better than the best biologically female swimmer and hasn't set any new records. As if that's proof she doesn't have an unfair advantage in the specific class she's competing in.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 21-Jun-2022 19:25:02
#172 ]
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Well the main thing is that 'Agent XY' has won the battle of the pronouns in regards to you and the media. I hope 'they' get a "I did my best" sticker for that achievement!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 21-Jun-2022 20:05:26
#173 ]
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From: S.Wales

Following the AI image generator thread, I thought I'd see what Dalle would make of one of the current topics.

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 21-Jun-2022 20:41:34
#174 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


Those truly are the stuff of nightmares

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 22-Jun-2022 6:54:57
#175 ]
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So AI had the potential to have invented the Splicers from Bioshock! Maybe Ken Levine is an advanced AI Sent back in time to build and then disband great development teams!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 22-Jun-2022 15:32:36
#176 ]
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Karlos wrote:

Just wait for the backlash.People are already saying she doesn't have an unfair advantage because she isn't better than the best biologically female swimmer and hasn't set any new records. As if that's proof she doesn't have an unfair advantage in the specific class she's competing in.

The Eternal Trans Sports Debate

Last edited by bhabbott on 22-Jun-2022 at 03:32 PM.

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 22-Jun-2022 18:44:56
#177 ]
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Pimiga is really so cool!

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 23-Jun-2022 10:50:47
#178 ]
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Can't help but think you've read the room pretty accurately and lately have been playing the "give them enough rope" game so as to watch the, given this is, inevitable car crash that ensues.

Not a judgement. Im actually thankful for the entertainment :)

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 23-Jun-2022 21:37:12
#179 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!



bhabbott wrote:


Karlos wrote:

Just wait for the backlash.People are already saying she doesn't have an unfair advantage because she isn't better than the best biologically female swimmer and hasn't set any new records. As if that's proof she doesn't have an unfair advantage in the specific class she's competing in.

The Eternal Trans Sports Debate

Debate implies a conversation where two or more parties discuss something in order to arrive at a conclusion, whether that's agreement, disagreement, compromise or just a better shared understanding of something. There's little reasoned debate here. Only ideology and demands. I used to think the name Stonewall was ironic. It isn't. It's honest.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Don't "rainbow-wash" me bro!
Posted on 27-Jun-2022 10:55:43
#180 ]
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Karlos wrote:

Debate implies a conversation where two or more parties discuss something in order to arrive at a conclusion, whether that's agreement, disagreement, compromise or just a better shared understanding of something. There's little reasoned debate here. Only ideology and demands..

Not sure what you mean by 'here', but this thread began with the OP dumping a link on us with no comment other than the sarcastic title. At that point the 'debate' began...

But then you argued that FINA 'addressed the debate' by banning transgender swimmers, when it was simply a demand with no discussion, compromise or shared understanding. Yet you described it as a 'victory for fairness', while pouring cold water on the idea of a completely open tier in which anyone can participate. Then I offered an interested party's reasoned argument for weight-based categories (as used in some other sports) and your response was this?

Clearly the 'debate' has run its course, so I will just leave it with this:

Yesterday was a victory for unfairness in the US - a triumph for ideology with no reasoned debate, no compromise or shared understanding - just demands. In a Nation whose constitution is supposed to guarantee separation of Church and State, conservative Christians finally achieved their goal of subjugating women by stacking the Court with lying turncoats who overturned half a century of female personal rights.

After this success I'm sure the ideologists have more targets in their sights. I am reminded of a speech by the German pastor Martin Niemöller, which started:-

"First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist ..."

Noticeably absent from that list of 'undesirables' were the gays, lesbians, and transgendered who were also persecuted and put to death in Nazi Germany. Because hey, there are limits to a person's empathy.

And today it is no different. You're not transgendered, so why should you care about how they are treated? (Trannies should be thankful that we tolerate their aberrant behavior at all). And we are not women either, so why should we worry about them being forced to bear children in pain and suffering as it says in the Bible? (Sluts should have kept their legs closed if they didn't want to get pregnant). And since men have the biological advantage of not having to worry about it, we won't do anything about protecting the rights of others. Until one day....

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