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Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 29-Dec-2022 11:05:32
#1 ]
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Joined: 20-Sep-2007
Posts: 109
From: Unknown

I am looking for partner(s) in order to set up a specialized company Amiga Classic 68k only with a physical store as its headquarters somewhere in Europe. So sales and repair oriented, with also software projects since I am good in this field with a very long experience in almost daily 68k assembler programming for many years...

Some essential and indisputable details concerning this store project :

- not in France (FreeMasons block me here for decades),
- not in England,
- not in Germany,
- no PPC, no ARM and no x86,
- must be in a small town,
- a few hundred meters from a Post office,
- big enough (minimum 60m2),
- you must not belong to Freemasonry,
- if possible minimum 3 people, difficult even with 2 according to my experience with 68kforever.

Ideally with Commodore as a corporate name of course, but Freemasons have been blocking this brand for decades to avoid and prevent the unity of later developers who might revive it.

I only speak French, a little Franglais but nothing more. I can move quickly to another country.

In a small town, life is much less stressful there than in an urban area.

Very close to a Post office, crucial for the success of the company.

Actually living in a tiny house, the store will have to have a minimum surface to define. Better too big than too small, believe me. We might as well put the odds on our side.

With the repairs, at least three people, I will train you if necessary. When I started this blog about ten years ago, I was amazed at the sheer number of failed Amiga 68k hardware. Some repairs can take a long time.

Reasonable prices to feed and help the Amiga and not the other way around.

I am unemployed without money, but good knowledge in our field and a certain know-how.

My blog :

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 29-Dec-2022 12:29:21
#2 ]
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If you have some cool ideas for this shop, let's discuss here...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 29-Dec-2022 12:45:15
#3 ]
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Joined: 24-Aug-2003
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


Freemasons are blocking 68K?

No wait, they are blocking the Commodore brand?

Last edited by Karlos on 29-Dec-2022 at 12:48 PM.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 29-Dec-2022 15:28:24
#4 ]
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From: Unknown


They block true elite CPU, and old true elite computers brands, of course... For Bill selling crap Intel/AMD/Windows to the people... And they block a LOT of inovating stuff in other domains that I cannot tell here...

Our world is like that : good sheeps, bad sheeps, good elite and bad elite...

If you want to make mediocrity junk, go with Hyperion, Apollo Team, Jens and many others...

If you are a good person, and want to do quality for the Amiga 68k, come with me...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 29-Dec-2022 17:25:12
#5 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


I must ask the hand of fate, how this information was leaked...
Eye of the beholder should have some answers. If not Malcom himself.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 29-Dec-2022 18:29:43
#6 ]
AROS Core Developer
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Karlos wrote:

Freemasons are blocking 68K?

No wait, they are blocking the Commodore brand?

damn you freemasons!!! ok I'm at a loss here seriously

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 29-Dec-2022 21:02:07
#7 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!

It's not the freemasons keeping the 68k/Amiga down, it's the illuminati. I thought everyone knew that?

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 29-Dec-2022 21:15:52
#8 ]
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Don’t be silly, everyone knows it’s the (((lizards)))!

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 29-Dec-2022 22:27:25
#9 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!



CosmosUnivers wrote:

They block true elite CPU, and old true elite computers brands, of course... For Bill selling crap Intel/AMD/Windows to the people... And they block a LOT of inovating stuff in other domains that I cannot tell here...

No, please, elaborate. I mean I'm keen to understand how the 68000 was actively suppressed by those stone cutting bastids and how it wasn't just that the selection of cheapest shit that gets the job done in the original PC specification that led to widespread adoption of a poorer architecture that, through billions in R&D by many competing companies led to the dominance it enjoys today. Tell me, now that only intel and AMD are in the x64 business and apple jumped to ARM, are they next?

Were they responsible for BetaMax losing to VHS? What about blu ray and, you know, the other one?


Our world is like that : good sheeps, bad sheeps, good elite and bad elite...

If you want to make mediocrity junk, go with Hyperion, Apollo Team, Jens and many others...

If you are a good person, and want to do quality for the Amiga 68k, come with me...

*Desire to know more intensifies*

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 30-Dec-2022 0:46:56
#10 ]
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From: Aotearoa



Karlos wrote:

No, please, elaborate. I mean I'm keen to understand how the 68000 was actively suppressed by those stone cutting bastids

Here's how.

What Is Freemasonry
The United Grand Lodge of England reports that worldwide membership totals more than 6 million Freemasons, 1.1 million of whom are in North America. With 68000 Masons... entrusted with the secrets... which include passwords

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 30-Dec-2022 2:39:31
#11 ]
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Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway

Hail Eris, full of grace, daughter of AAA Nyx, lover of CAOS!
Justified Ancients of MMU!
The 68k Liberation Front’s gonna rock you!


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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 30-Dec-2022 10:40:26
#12 ]
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Joined: 20-Sep-2007
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Karlos wrote:
It's not the freemasons keeping the 68k/Amiga down, it's the illuminati. I thought everyone knew that?

They are the same !

For me, Bill McEwen is not the true owner of Amiga Inc/Commodore, he is a smoke screen ("écran de fumée" in french). True owner(s) is/are hidden.

I may be wrong of course. I never said I know the Ultimate Truth.

NXP stopped the 68040/68060 productions, and Motorola/Freescale stopped the 68k series develpment before with the replacement of a very lame CPU instead (the PPC, developed by some engineers-three-neurons)

If it's not an organised complot, I'm a penguin !


Karlos wrote:
No, please, elaborate. I mean I'm keen to understand how the 68000 was actively suppressed by those stone cutting bastids and how it wasn't just that the selection of cheapest shit that gets the job done in the original PC specification that led to widespread adoption of a poorer architecture that, through billions in R&D by many competing companies led to the dominance it enjoys today. Tell me, now that only intel and AMD are in the x64 business and apple jumped to ARM, are they next?

Were they responsible for BetaMax losing to VHS? What about blu ray and, you know, the other one?

It's the richest men on the top pyramid who decide the success or the fail : they made the market.

Karlos, you know that like me, which game are you playing ?

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 30-Dec-2022 11:57:21
#13 ]
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Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


For me, Bill McEwen is not the true owner of Amiga Inc/Commodore, he is a smoke screen ("écran de fumée" in french). True owner(s) is/are hidden.

He's been out of the game for years. He never was able to fully release the AmigaDE idea. Likely because similar ideas to Amiga are not Amiga and to the world he had a new thing he was calling after the Amiga. Which was similar to Java but needed something to compete with Java to get market penetration. It was only with interest from the Amiga community that he produced OS3.9 for the Amiga community.

NXP stopped the 68040/68060 productions, and Motorola/Freescale stopped the 68k series develpment before with the replacement of a very lame CPU instead (the PPC, developed by some engineers-three-neurons)

Was the 68K still going when NXP stepped in? I wasn't aware they were still producing 68K. I thought it was all PPC by the time NXP stepped in. Apart from that 68K Coldfire abomination. Also, the PPC wasn't the [RISC] replacement for the [CISC] 68K. The 88K RISC was. It even rhymes. But, then Motorola got into bed with IBM and Apple. And it was destroyed. Apparently some 88K bus did survive in PPC though.

Of course, nether the planned follow up, nor the actual replacement, were compatible with 68K in any way. Apart from endian. I've been told that when Motorola produce a CPU they take it as far as it can go, and then design a replacement afresh. This is opposite to Intel that keep an old design going into the future and retrofit modern features to keep it up to date. Of course, Intel does have the market penetration to do that, so they can keep redesigning and engineering an ancient design and still be ahead of any newer design.

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 30-Dec-2022 12:11:44
#14 ]
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From: Norway


I believe Intel has been on top of their game, when it comes to shrinking CPU layouts, being market leader meant that had money to keep doing that. As most things the market fervors the richest.

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 30-Dec-2022 12:29:50
#15 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


At some point you have face reality at some level, FPGA’s are doing great job, at doing what real 68060’s did, JIT compilers are also becoming pretty competitive.

the hardest thing to emulate is the chipset, FPGA’s can simulate this well, how relevant is the chipset? I think people made it relevant, not because it had to be, but because they choice to make it so. If just taking about graphics, there are newer better chipsets, why faster and can do more, but when comes to doing something specific, its issue, even then its just a matter of brute force.

No one is selling 680x0 cpu's, because no buys this chip, there is no market, no monay, becouse no one writes assembler anymore.

Because everyone wants quick results, they want good debugger, and want to able to cooperate, and so want to code to be readable, without lots of comments, this means high level languages. Or at least C/C++ as a minimum, instructions become un-relevant, endianness only partially relevant.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 30-Dec-2022 at 01:28 PM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 30-Dec-2022 13:24:37
#16 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2005
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From: Cheshire, England

here an idea, maybe help out one of the current amiga shops / outlets? See if any have a job going maybe?

not sure how many still running but check this out

Best of luck

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 30-Dec-2022 13:53:58
#17 ]
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@NutsAboutAmiga and @amigang


NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

At some point you have face reality at some level, FPGA’s are doing great job, at doing what real 68060’s did, JIT compilers are also becoming pretty competitive.

the hardest thing to emulate is the chipset, FPGA’s can simulate this well, how relevant is the chipset? I think people made it relevant, not because it had to be, but because they choice to make it so. If just taking about graphics, there are newer better chipsets, why faster and can do more, but when comes to doing something specific, its issue, even then its just a matter of brute force.

No one is selling 680x0 cpu's, because no buys this chip, there is no market, no monay, becouse no one writes assembler anymore.

Commodore found the success recipe : I want the same CPU, same custom chips, same spirit... I guess the Illuminati know that, so they block the originals... and the free masons divide the last users in our community... FPGA won't get success, never, it's a complete different "system/spirit" for me...

Please, do not invert : it's the factory, the company and the main OS developers who create the markets : users just follow after... If no more 060, nothing will follow... It's as simple as that...

Last edited by CosmosUnivers on 30-Dec-2022 at 01:57 PM.

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 30-Dec-2022 14:37:58
#18 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


68KLF !!

Ok, so I can't decide if this is all a wind up or delusion. You can never tell in this community.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 30-Dec-2022 15:57:13
#19 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


So I'm straight up going to ask. This is a joke, right? We all know the community has a few people with mental health issues. I don't think you need to pander to it to set up a repair business. Repairing 68K stuff is going to be niche. Obviously there's Atari, classic Mac, various console hardware, TV titling gizmos that people still own beyond Amiga stuff. I think your skills might be better utilised at an existing place that does this already because I doubt there's much income in it otherwise. Whether the secret handshake crowd are keeping it down or not, the facts are that there just aren't many hardware 68K systems in active use. Actually one that does spring to mind are a range of scientific instruments. All the FTIR spectrometer machines back when I was at Uni (decades ago) used 68EC020 control boards. Those things were expensive and built to last.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 30-Dec-2022 19:20:23
#20 ]
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Karlos wrote:

So I'm straight up going to ask. This is a joke, right? We all know the community has a few people with mental health issues

You know nothing about me...

Frankly, I don't want any concurrency with Microsoft/Intel... A new 68k at 400 Mhz with a GPU at 200 Mhz is more than enough for us...

I think higher frequencies with Intel and mamouth code with Windows is the very wrong way to follow, and I refuse to go on that stupid direction...

Last edited by CosmosUnivers on 30-Dec-2022 at 07:28 PM.
Last edited by CosmosUnivers on 30-Dec-2022 at 07:27 PM.
Last edited by CosmosUnivers on 30-Dec-2022 at 07:27 PM.

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