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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 31-Jan-2023 1:48:46
#121 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


So less than 5 years, and during those years, a whole team made sure OSX kept running well also on x86, code name "Marklar".

And for PPC as a whole it was with Apple for a good ten years at least. It helped them transition off 68K. Made sense of the Power Mac naming scheme. And was there when they replaced MacOS with OSX. I think PowerPC was good for Apple.

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 31-Jan-2023 14:43:44
#122 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


I don't see how using multiple cores helps the emulation of a scalar, single core processor*. The opportunity for instruction parallelism is too small. You could emulate a number of 68K cores concurrently, pinning each to a core, but then you'd need an OS with SMP running on it to make use of it. 68K Linux would be a candidate but I don't think there's much demand.

It's mainly to optimise the emulation on the CPU hardware. So not to give the 68K a virtual multicore environment but making use of CPU features to run more efficiently. So in this case making use of CPU cores as a whole to speed up emulation. The idea would be to take advantage of native core registers and spread the 68K register load across native cores using hardware parallelism. The only issue is that it would need tight integration between cores and hardware level core to core data transfer ability. If memory is still needed to transfer data between cores then it isn't as effective and wouldn't be practical.

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 31-Jan-2023 16:09:52
#123 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 23-Aug-2015
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From: Unknown

Apple use ppc 11 years from 1994 to 2005.
It was slow evolution. Always was smooth transition between stages.
First it was 7.x it was like something like warpup/powerup.
Then 9.x like mos/Amiga Os 4.x.
Then start swith to unix with carbon apps that run on classic and unix.
After that full unix.
Apple first solve problems with memory protection and endianess on ppc then swithc to x86.
it was slow evolution step by step.
That's way it works.
On Amiga too many idiots attack powerpc.
thay want to do it too fast.
spread anti ppc propaganda bullshit so we stay at something like Mac Os 9.x.

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 31-Jan-2023 16:10:41
#124 ]
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From: Unknown

many emulated cores. it is stupid.

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Dv player/emotion
Posted on 31-Jan-2023 18:39:36
#125 ]
Joined: 30-Aug-2018
Posts: 34
From: Unknown


Anyone know the difference between these 2, thank you

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 31-Jan-2023 18:43:06
#126 ]
AROS Core Developer
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yeah I know that was me having my head up my arse. ;D

Which Ironically the HP-PA ended up the Itanium route. And the Alpha engineers ended up being eaten by AMD and used on the Athlon bus design iirc.

Last edited by terminills on 31-Jan-2023 at 06:46 PM.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 1-Feb-2023 2:35:12
#127 ]
Super Member
Joined: 30-Jun-2008
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From: Melbourne, Australia


Apple use ppc 11 years from 1994 to 2005.
It was slow evolution. Always was smooth transition between stages.

Amiga used PPC for 25 years, from 1998 to present day.
The transition was glacier slow, with very little evolution.
AmigaOS 4.x has been on PPC for 19 years. How many transitions?

On Amiga too many idiots attack powerpc.

I attack powerpc not because I'm an idiot, but because of the greater idiots that cling to it despite 2+ decades of an under-performing track record to move the Amiga scene into contemporary computing.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 2-Feb-2023 8:52:13
#128 ]
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Amiga like solutions for x86/arm/riscv should be just Amiga gui and graphics.
Suprise, Hyperion don't have most important part which means MUI.
So you are wasting time for nothing.
Leave ppc as it is and start working on MUI clone with szulc, karlos, szonwejs and other morons.

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 2-Feb-2023 20:13:29
#129 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 24-Aug-2003
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!



Hypex wrote:

I don't see how using multiple cores helps the emulation of a scalar, single core processor*. The opportunity for instruction parallelism is too small. You could emulate a number of 68K cores concurrently, pinning each to a core, but then you'd need an OS with SMP running on it to make use of it. 68K Linux would be a candidate but I don't think there's much demand.

It's mainly to optimise the emulation on the CPU hardware. So not to give the 68K a virtual multicore environment but making use of CPU features to run more efficiently. So in this case making use of CPU cores as a whole to speed up emulation. The idea would be to take advantage of native core registers and spread the 68K register load across native cores using hardware parallelism. The only issue is that it would need tight integration between cores and hardware level core to core data transfer ability. If memory is still needed to transfer data between cores then it isn't as effective and wouldn't be practical.

I genuinely don't see this working. Executing a sequential instruction stream seems like a hard problem to parallelise in software. I mean sure you can do it in hardware and real chips do this by having many execution units. I don't see a similar model working in a parallel software implementation on a multicore CPU though, I just see unmanageable and unpredictable latencies and synchronisation problems. Maybe I'm thinking about it in the wrong way.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 2-Feb-2023 20:19:04
#130 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


 szulc, karlos, szonwejs and other morons

Lol. Sure, we're the morons. Show us anything you've ever developed. You claim to be a developer and that the only thing that matters for Amiga continuity is big endian 32 bit compatibility. I note you've been obsessing over chunky pixels of late. Did you forget the big endian 32 bit argument? It must be hard trying to hold onto two ideas in such a tiny mind at once.

Last edited by Karlos on 02-Feb-2023 at 08:19 PM.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 3-Feb-2023 8:47:41
#131 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway


MUI is nothing without Intuition… I repeat, MUI is NOT a GUI, it is a toolkit, a library and bunch of BOOPSI classes FOR Intuition, which is the GUI.

Btw - MUI goes open source and is merged into AROS, then what?


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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 3-Feb-2023 8:59:53
#132 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway


A long long time ago, I can still remember, how computers used to make me smile…

SMP was a new thing on home PCs, and UAE for Linux had an option aptly named —enable-penguins which put 68k emulation on one core and chipset etc emulation on the other. It was great for “system friendly” software, but not so great for old games etc. and eventually the feature vanished. It never made it into WinUAE I think.

But yes, the idea isn’t too bad - dedicate one core to 68k emulation and use other cores for emulating chipset and peripherals.


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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 3-Feb-2023 12:57:17
#133 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


That's the intention for MC64K's host btw. It's not there yet.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 5-Feb-2023 8:51:12
#134 ]
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Joined: 23-Aug-2015
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From: Unknown


amiga like solutions on x86, arm, riscv should be just amiga gui and graphics on top of unix.
after 28 years of aros it is still not done.
start working on mui clone with szulc, szonwejs and other morons.

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 5-Feb-2023 19:43:33
#135 ]
Elite Member
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From: Trondheim, Norway


The AROS MUI clone already exists, and you know it - Zune. And it works with the Intuition implementation of AXRunTime, which is exactly what you say you want. So stop whining and start using!

"But but it’s not 100% compatible" you whine, because you tried it with…. what software exactly? On what hardware exactly? How long ago exactly?

The point is that Zune works with the MUI software that had been ported to x86/amd64/whatever, and if you are on AROS/68k or - gods forbid! - AROS/PPC - you can simply use *real* MUI.

But you should really get in touch with the ApolloOS team, ss they announced that they’re including an open source MUI.


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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 5-Feb-2023 20:11:18
#136 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


Damn, you're right! I'll jump right on it!

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 5-Feb-2023 20:13:16
#137 ]
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


The AROS MUI clone already exists, and you know it - Zune. And it works with the Intuition implementation of AXRunTime, which is exactly what you say you want. So stop whining and start using!

This. This is exactly the thing he's asking for.

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 6-Feb-2023 7:43:59
#138 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 23-Aug-2015
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after so many years of development aros mui zune is still not compatible with good old mui 3.8 from 1997.
provide something working.

x86 and arm are job. no fun in it.
give something that will be good enough to sell it to our customers or give up.
something that will be as good as 20 years old os x or xp.
Amiga gui and graphics on top of unix.

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 6-Feb-2023 11:40:45
#139 ]
Elite Member
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From: As-sassin-aaate! As-sassin-aaate! Ooh! We forgot the ammunition!


If you can't find a way to have fun with ARM and x64, the problem is squarely with you. Not that this has ever been in any doubt. x64 in particular has so much raw horsepower these days you can pretty much make your most absurd (developer) dreams come true.

IntuitionAmiga and myself jokingly discussed what a 64-bit 68K might be like if it ever existed. It wasn't many man hours before we'd designed it in principle and then I implemented it. Did I have fun? Absolutely. Is it still fun to tinker with? Absolutely. Is it of any commercial value? No. Of course, if you're deluded enough to think that the Amiga, in particular on PPC is of any commercial value on 2023, then I must reiterate, that problem lies with you. The Amiga is not and since the early-mid 90s has not been a commercial machine. It ended with commodore. Since then it's been an enthusiasts/hobby machine.

You claim to be a developer or at least you often make absurd claims like big endian and 32-bitness are some essential feature (when not talking about chunky pixels), despite the fact they you rarely have to even consider either problem in languages like C except when dealing with retrieval and storage of data.

So, w
hat's stopping your making your own improved Zune port with whatever functionality of compatibility you think it lacks? I'm going to go with "because I can't code for sh*t because the truth is I'm just a moronically repetitive troll that fulfils the role of a court jester. Except I'm no good at that either because I've had no new material in 20 years.". Is that about right?

Doing stupid things for fun...

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Re: Looking for partner(s) to open a physical Amiga 68k shop somewhere in Europe
Posted on 6-Feb-2023 16:37:18
#140 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Feb-2003
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From: Chicago, IL


He’s way too busy coding to give an answer.

Sent from my Quantum Computer.

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