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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 21-Aug-2023 19:21:57
#81 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Aug-2005
Posts: 7474
From: UK


Don't worry about it and buy THEA500 Mini or upcoming Maxi if you need this sort of Amiga!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 21-Aug-2023 19:53:37
#82 ]
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Joined: 3-Aug-2015
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From: Germany



RobertB wrote:
kolla wrote:
...A600GS isn’t FPGA, it’s an ARM system with software emulation...

Where is this mentioned?

There is no FPGA system with USB support for memory sticks, Minimig cores doesn't even have Ethernet and WiFi, all this will be hardly possible with a FPGA system.

In my opinion a FPGA system feels more like a real machine but a RasPi like system is cheaper and has more options.

Last edited by OneTimer1 on 21-Aug-2023 at 08:01 PM.

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 21-Aug-2023 20:26:39
#83 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas

kolla Quote:

So which is it? I ask again - what’s the point of the 4GB?

(unless the host OS (Windows 10 surely) and the User Interface is so heavy that it runs away with most of the 2GB?)

Maybe the extra memory is to emulate PPC AmigaOS 4? While 2GiB is huge for the 68k AmigaOS, less than 2GiB with likely 64 bit Linux overhead is barely adequate for fat PPC AmigaOS 4. UAE PPC emulation is slower than 68k emulation but the idea is likely to give a taste of AmigaOS 4 to try to get people to upgrade to the insanely expensive AmigaNOne hardware and help out the failing AmigaOS 4 due to a tiny user base that can't support development. This may backfire as I expect the CPU used is likely the in-order ARM Cortex-A53 to keep the cost down but still provide 64 bit Linux support since 32 bit support is dying out except for Thumb2 embedded use where standard Linux distros are less commonly used to save cost on hardware. ARM is pushing the standardized 64 bit AArch64 and standard Linux distros with a MMU need plenty of memory once you go to a fatter ISA and 64 bit OS. The idea to expand the PPC AmigaOS 4 user base may backfire though as this is likely as attempt at low cost hardware and the Coretex-A53 is not going to give a good AmigaOS 4 experience. Why do I expect this is a low cost ARM board? No CPU is listed under "hardware" on the Wiki.

They likely could have embedded a Raspberry Pi 4 compute model into the hardware with Cortex-A72 cores starting at ~$30 U.S. but that may threaten overpriced AmigaNOne hardware with too much performance under emulation compared to the older PPC hardware which has roughly half the performance. The Raspberry Pi 4 compute module has ethernet and WiFi capabilities, the amount of memory can be specified and the GPIO could probably provide legacy Amiga I/O support with an optional small board that could be produced cheaper than the "Good Stuff" SBC. Can AmigaKit manufacture and assemble a custom board cheaper that may sell in the thousands or even tens of thousands when the Raspberry Pi Foundation is using mass production for hundreds of thousands if not millions of the same SBC? Has the success of THEA500 Mini selling in the hundreds of thousands of units despite the lack of AmigaOS for general purpose use and lack of "Amiga" branding made AmigaKit overconfident that their copycat hardware can be mass produced? Are they hoping the "AmigaKit A600GS" has more "Amiga" name association for potential customers than "THEA500 Mini" despite potential trademark conflicts where it sells into the same market? Why do vultures think they can keep stealing the "Amiga" IP from the owner? Is it because they will be left with nothing if they lose their little niche? Is it worth it to keep fighting instead of cooperating to bring out Amiga products that offer good value?

Last edited by matthey on 21-Aug-2023 at 08:32 PM.

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 21-Aug-2023 21:10:56
#84 ]
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From: UK


Does anyone still care? They want destroy another niche market!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 21-Aug-2023 21:16:10
#85 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639


A definition of "Vultures" could be a company that commercialises a product, makes their money, moves on to the next retro platform.

Next year Amiga Kit has been operating two decades in this community. It will be exciting to launch a new product to celebrate this milestone. A project such as this utilises the experience and skills of a range of Amiga community developers cooperating together- being paid to work on their passion. Software developed and improved over many years unified in one product.

We understand the importance of ongoing development after launch day. Community feedback will ensure A600GS software upgrades/updates will be developed and pushed out through Amisphere.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 21-Aug-2023 21:43:42
#86 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
Posts: 2456
From: Kansas

amigakit Quote:

A definition of "Vultures" could be a company that commercialises a product, makes their money, moves on to the next retro platform.

Predatory Amiga IP squatters are not vultures? Surely you know Michele has good intentions for the Amiga but is handicapped by all these lawsuits and squatters? Have you received a cease and desist letter for the AmigaKit A600GS yet? Will you be surprised if you get one? Did you ask an IP lawyer without a conflict of interest (Ben) about this product?

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 21-Aug-2023 22:26:22
#87 ]
Amiga Kit
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Posts: 2639


Good intentions are always welcome.

This latest project is one of many AmigaKit hardware and software products - some of which we have sold for almost twenty years under the AmigaKit name. Peruse our webstore and familiarise yourself with a selection of the AmigaKit hardware we build and distribute year-after-year. We work hard to associate the products bearing our name/logo with a reputation of high quality. As a well known source, users will be assured of their continued after sale support in years to come.

Rest assured, the A600GS will only contain our own IP or partner products such as A-EON's Octamed and PPaint. AMIStore, V46 Command set, BOOPSI Gadgets, AK-Datatypes and other software technologies have been developed from scratch or wholly acquired over a period of time.

Last edited by amigakit on 21-Aug-2023 at 10:28 PM.
Last edited by amigakit on 21-Aug-2023 at 10:27 PM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 22-Aug-2023 1:56:55
#88 ]
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While I am always going to be pro-collaboration and cooperation, as division is a factor of a negative sum game, I'm willing to give AmigaKit and associates the benefit of doubt on the A600GS product strategy and reserve all my comments until it has materialised.

The pudding is in the execution, and I really do want to see the execution of this product.

As you all know I would've spec'ed it higher, but that doesn't mean that their approach is without merit.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 22-Aug-2023 16:36:28
#89 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway

So no AmigaOS? Not even kickstart?
So AROS? Or did you acquire pOS or something? :)

My suggestion is to not have two models as it only causes confusion and extra maintenance problems later on. If 4GB is really needed to give the emulated Amiga a few hundred MB of RAM, then so be it, cut cost on storage instead. I cannot imagine any “retro gamer” _not_ wanting the ability to use legacy controllers if possible.

I already have two THEC64 minis, same same, right? The only interest I may have for the “maxi” is for the keyboard, and maybe the case. I may get the mini, but no rush.

“UAE PPC emulation”? There isn’t any, instead the ppc emulation is achieved by using a library from the Qemu project, as a plugin.


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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 22-Aug-2023 17:41:29
#90 ]
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Joined: 3-Aug-2015
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From: Germany



... what’s the point of the 4GB?

If you would have asked me, I would told you that 4GB are totally unnecessary.

The best part on the A600GS+ (4GB version) is the presence of the 9-pin joystick ports, some Amiga games where programmed with precise joystick movement in mind, they might work best on a real Amiga joystick.

2GB of RAM is the maximum AOS3.x can control, some may argue you will need more than this because the emulation and the host OS will need some RAM for itself, but I doubt there is any serious software needing more then 128MB RAM on AOS3.x.

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 22-Aug-2023 18:10:06
#91 ]
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From: Germany



The case is still in development.

I looked for some inspirations on Thingiverse

Things I liked:
A3000 inspired cases:

Amiga PSU (or loosely C= like) cases:

Cases inspired by external floppy cases for the Amiga:

I know you can't have the name Amiga on it and please don't implement buttons or keyboard that doesn't work, don't mimic what's lame on the competing "A500mini"

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 22-Aug-2023 20:15:46
#92 ]
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The keyboard on THEA500 Mini is too small to make work effectively. Someone has modded one to work but you'd have to use a stylus to connect with the keys! Just use a wireless USB keyboard and mouse combo requiring just one USB slot for the dongle!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 22-Aug-2023 20:39:15
#93 ]
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BigD wrote:

Just use a wireless USB keyboard and mouse combo requiring just one USB slot for the dongle!

Yes exactly, but I was just writing about case designs, In my believe it is more honest to use an other style of case, one that doesn't mimic a keyboard.

Making a case with a custom(?) keyboard might double the price of such a niche product. I could understand why a USB connector is much more useful for production and for us users, just think about all the different languages needing special keyboards ...

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 23-Aug-2023 12:37:38
#94 ]
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I've always thought it would be more honest to have put THEA500 Mini in a mock CD32 case since it is AGA compatible, has no keyboard out of the box and even runs CD32 games (if you tweak the ol settings files)! The A500 was the most popular Amiga and people seem nostalgic for that form factor. In comparison the CD32 is not particularly loved, nor are most people in the UK nostalgic for it! The case is a compromise and given its build quality I think that this is acceptable. A working A600 Maxi would be more than acceptable. An unlicensed AmigaKit A600GS is seemingly aiming for the Amigan market so maybe a X1000 Mini case!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 23-Aug-2023 12:52:46
#95 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639


An unlicensed AmigaKit A600GS

It is not unlicenced- the IP we are using is all our own. We have some software from partners also.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 23-Aug-2023 13:13:24
#96 ]
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I stand corrected, but I only meant in terms of not having access to nostalgic Amiga case designs because no Cloanto/Amiga Corporation licencing. I expect an "A1200" type branding with tickmark or logo emblazoned sleek black box for the A600GS and I'm sure I won't be disappointed!

Last edited by BigD on 23-Aug-2023 at 01:39 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 23-Aug-2023 15:07:16
#97 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639


We are not attempting to make a toy- as you previously remarked, the retro mini case has been done before. It is a dead end product.

Hopefully we can present a good value product that provides classic gaming but in addition to that showcases other facets to the Amiga and it's community. The price of second hand classic hardware is becoming unaffordable to many who wish to join our ranks.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 23-Aug-2023 16:28:03
#98 ]
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From: Cheshire, England


Its great that you guy are on here responding to question.

I like the idea of 9 pin ports on the system.

will the system support modders, like maybe allowing (even unofficially) Amikit XE being ported to it or AGS.

I think the price might need to come down a bit to really be successful but I do understand the tight margins for a project like this.

Best of luck with it.

(PS: Please, Please, Please maybe do a bit more work with the community/companies left in the scene and understanding on other people using the Amiga ip / names, the whole VS Amigakit, or Amiga Addict Vs AmigaKit , Vs is not a great look and I do understand protecting your trademarks and brand, but were all Amiga fans, the whole trademark disputes is something I think where all tried off and its not necessary just make good products and services and you be praised by the Amiga community!.)

Last edited by amigang on 23-Aug-2023 at 04:47 PM.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 23-Aug-2023 18:16:53
#99 ]
Amiga Kit
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Posts: 2639


Over some years we work collaboratively with many in the community. Amiga Developer Team is a good example. To date the A600GS project has a wide range of contributors. We are hoping once it is released, there will be even more community involvement. AMIStore will be a platform for community developers to show case their new games and earn revenue from them.

maybe allowing (even unofficially) Amikit XE being ported to it or AGS.

I am not familar with AGS but on first glance it looks like it contains a lot of pirated software- some "dealers" are even selling it. It would not be something we would want to encourage as we would want only licenced software available on the A600GS.

Last edited by amigakit on 23-Aug-2023 at 06:18 PM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: A600GS (amigakit A500mini)
Posted on 24-Aug-2023 1:53:16
#100 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway


So what are licenses for the host operating system, bootloader and the emulator on which this all is built upon?

The wike specifically says one db9 port for mouse and one db9 port for joystick, does this mean one cannot use second legacy joystick in the legacy mouse port?

Last edited by kolla on 24-Aug-2023 at 02:23 AM.


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