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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 6:54:25
#261 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Aug-2005
Posts: 7471
From: UK


Only Amiga NG was (partial) success.
faster and more comfortable than 68k but still compatible.
with everything that was standard around 2001.

So what is it?

1) A success because circa 1500 users are 'more comfortable' trying to make AmigaNG machines a daily driver with circa 2001 era tech and features (your words).

2) A partial success, because at least your happy that your catered for at great expense from A-EON, Eyetech, etc.

3) A footnote in Amiga history with most people preferring to 'dabble' with 68k!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 9:26:07
#262 ]
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Joined: 30-Mar-2022
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From: Unknown


When I read some clowns that have problem with Amiga NG I remind year 1996.

1996 was a pretty good year. Not as good as 1984 which is when I got my Sinclair Spectrum 48k that I still treasure as one of the most influential and life changing pieces of my teenage years.

I still keep the Spectrum, though modded and upgraded, but it is still my spectrum and I cherish it.

In 1996 I sell my Amiga because it was not as fast and as good to work as cheap pc with win95.

Sorry to hear that. Do you regret selling it? Pre-spectrum I sold some earlier game consoles I was not using. I regret selling them every day.

27 years later pure 68k solutions are still not as fast and as good to work as cheap pc with win95.

Why is this an issue? Sure my A500 is not as fast as my VERY fast pc. Why is that a surprise or an issue?
My A500 plays sensible soccer perfectly with me and my friends. Why does it need to be as fast as my PC?
I just want to tweak and mod my REAL Amiga and play games like sensible soccer or silkworm. What is wrong with that?

27 years later x86/arm followers still has not working Amiga gui clone.

Why is this an issue? For retro fans, what is wrong with just keep using the same UI as from KS 1.3 ? Why do I need a clone? My A500 boots into KS1.3 and runs the genuine KS1.3 UI that Commodore wrote. What is wrong with that?

Only Amiga NG was (partial) success.

It is a dead OS running on a dead ISA with no meaningful software library. How is this a success?
Even fucking sinclair spectrum has more sw titles released for it in 2023 than os4. How do you measure success? Genuine question.

Can you even understand that some people LIKE the old commodore computers and have no interest in buying some weird-ass PPC machine?
Can you even understand that there are people that love their A500s for what it is?
This is the issue with so many os4 folks. They refuse to accept that we like the old retro machines for what they are and we play with them.

Aros people are not like that, MOS people are not like that, it seems to only be OS4 people that are like that. Please dial down the amount of retard you show in team os4, please.

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 16:03:18
#263 ]
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Joined: 16-Apr-2010
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From: Unknown

And exactly what does the above posts have to do with the A1222 being in Production?

Can we focus a bit here and stop dredging up decades old crap that has been hashed and rehashed a hundred times?

What say we keep focused on the A1222 being in Production so that those individuals that are interested in the A1222 can have some USEFUL INFORMATION.


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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 17:00:34
#264 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


It says about the lack of interest of A1222, I guess...

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 17:48:47
#265 ]
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From: Norway


Well, they are really interested in derailing the topic, perhaps they are worried A1222 is good product compared to what they think community should be buying.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 20-Jul-2023 at 05:49 PM.

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 17:58:07
#266 ]
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From: UK


Hmmmm, good point. Let's discuss the production line.

1) How many motherboards can the robots populate with ICs a minute?
2) What speed does the conveyor belt move at?
3) Have they got a Kan-Ban system for the resistors and capacitors etc?
4) Are the FPU-less CPUs under 24 hour guard to avoid catastrophic under production?
5)Have the Early Adopters been flown out for a VIP tour of the factory? Yes, this is far more fun!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 18:16:17
#267 ]
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Joined: 16-Apr-2010
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From: Unknown

Is it such a difficult concept to keep the thread for USEFUL information?

Multiple pages of bitching about how you don't like the product does nothing for the folks that are interested in it.

Do you guys have a condition that precludes you from just scrolling thru and NOT adding Bullshit?

It has been about a DECADE now so you have had plenty of time to whine about how much you hate the A1222 and why.

And this is great, and there are COUNTLESS EFFING THREADS dedicated to the whining about it so if you all feel a crushing NEED to continue talking crap please select one of THOSE other threads please.

Again, maybe keep this thread clean so useful information about the A1222 release can be posted

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 18:41:07
#268 ]
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From: UK


No one has any information to share mate! There's no release date, no case design, no software bundle and quite frankly no buzz or hype for the thing! That's not my fault! You can't love something that you don't understand!
Q. Why should we by this thing?

Is that too much to ask Mr self-appointed A-EON, AAA Belgium Brexit-necessitated-shell-corporation and Cloanto spokesman/marketing executive? Sorry if I expect too much!

"When it's done!" - mode initiated....
.....Yay, a piece of plastic, silicon and wires promised in 2014 is getting made and you can run "Show All Files> Clean up by column> Snapshot All" emulator with 100% less floating-point arithmetic performance!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 20:09:24
#269 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 3411
From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


Is it such a difficult concept to keep the thread for USEFUL information?

And yet here we are, not adding nothing to thread but what each consider relevant to each own.

BigD has very valid point too...

Indigo 3D Lounge, my second home.
The Illusion of Choice | Am*ga

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 20:25:25
#270 ]
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From: UK


Cheers! Wasn't there a video of the production line when they started production of THEA500 Mini?! That was fun! Wasn't there a teaser website prior to the X1000 release! That was fun!

Now I don't like benchmarks but heck we need some sort of indication that it will be worth the increase in RRP following the delays, inflation and redesign etc! I haven't even seen the Parachute "isolate, trap and emulate" FPU implementation in action! Has anyone got a good example? Maybe a Sam 460LE head to head video?

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 22:22:28
#271 ]
Super Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2010
Posts: 1970
From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


Now I don't like benchmarks but heck we need some sort of indication that it will be worth the increase in RRP following the delays, inflation and redesign etc! I haven't even seen the Parachute "isolate, trap and emulate" FPU implementation in action! Has anyone got a good example? Maybe a Sam 460LE head to head video?

There are a couple of YouTube videos that show the A1222 in action. There's my demonstration at AmiWest 2021 (link) and even one from six years ago from Entwickler-X (link). My guide has plenty of descriptions of what the A1222 is like. I'm sure you can find plenty of information on the system if you look.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 22:34:00
#272 ]
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From: UK


That's not how marketing works! It's a hobby and it seems like an expensive headache if it's not clear that it is otherwise! If A-EON expect the community to market this for them, I'd say that's a mistake!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 20-Jul-2023 22:58:38
#273 ]
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Joined: 20-Mar-2003
Posts: 6395
From: S.Wales


That's not how marketing works! It's a hobby and it seems like an expensive headache if it's not clear that it is otherwise! If A-EON expect the community to market this for them, I'd say that's a mistake!

I'm sure most people interested in the hardware would rather see it available to buy than more marketing fluff.

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 21-Jul-2023 0:30:36
#274 ]
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From: Canada


I applaud your efforts. I am actually interested in this system as a possible companion for my existing ancient OS4 system.


Last edited by redfox on 21-Jul-2023 at 03:16 AM.

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 21-Jul-2023 0:37:08
#275 ]
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From: Canada

Deleted comment.

Last edited by redfox on 21-Jul-2023 at 03:24 AM.
Last edited by redfox on 21-Jul-2023 at 03:18 AM.

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 21-Jul-2023 1:05:10
#276 ]
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Joined: 30-Jun-2008
Posts: 1897
From: Melbourne, Australia


outlawal2 wrote:

Is it such a difficult concept to keep the thread for USEFUL information?

No one is stopping USEFUL information from flowing into this forum thread.

How about this. You let us know when some if it comes in. You can start the the post with an ALL-CAPS banner of !!!-----A1222 USEFUL INFORMATION-----!!! and that way none of us will miss it.

Multiple pages of bitching about how you don't like the product does nothing for the folks that are interested in it.

Incorrect. It is meant to inform the potential buyer of both sides of their upcoming "investment". Not everyone is a die-hard, take-my-money, A-EON + Hyperion loyalist.

Do you guys have a condition that precludes you from just scrolling thru and NOT adding Bullshit?

Absolutely not. I think I should get a medal for the amount of schlock I scroll past in every thread. Ignoring most of @ppcamiga1 posts merits a special award.

It has been about a DECADE now so you have had plenty of time to whine about how much you hate the A1222 and why.

It's been 7+ decades since the end of WWII and I think it's still socially acceptable to whine about the Nazis.

And you can't really blame us. It's this constant stream of updates about the project. I mean, a video 6 years ago and one 2 years ago. I know that kind of breakneck media cycle is hard to handle, but we take our heart pills and we press on.

And this is great, and there are COUNTLESS EFFING THREADS dedicated to the whining about it so if you all feel a crushing NEED to continue talking crap please select one of THOSE other threads please.

Really? There are threads "dedicated" to whining about the A1222?

Anyway, don't look at us. We aren't the ones who created a new thread from a kernel of news with knowing uncertainty as to the frequency of any follow-up "useful" information.
@eliyahu could've found that 2021 thread and posted the "breaking news" update there.

Again, maybe keep this thread clean so useful information about the A1222 release can be posted

No... I think I'll continue to contribute to this conversation thread.

And you're welcome.

All the way, with 68k

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 21-Jul-2023 1:28:24
#277 ]
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Joined: 1-Sep-2004
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From: Suomi-Finland

In work just to power up fastly, open net , pay bills , print. Some investment to work. Secure codes without viruses or troijans. Reality.

Maybe some Deluxe Galaga , Deluxe Paint and You know.

Tens of thousands spent on Amigas. (many left for hobby, few new A1200's from Pedro)

Win7 does everything, even find the pictures + download from Nokia phone. Still Hate pc;)

If sometimes from -87 (?;) for retirement times an easy and quite simple needed, I would buy in a second. (new phones also no go then, don't like touch screens...)

Just a Dream and no fighting. There came a new shop from old Gentle-eye in Finland.

100% Respect from old stock & new stuff.

Maybe in English someday.

Please be nice, Amy Dream alive as it was .

Remember when computing was fun;)

PR is a living advert for a long time user + hobbyist. Really was fun. Waiting.

If You fight I'll take a ticket for You and warm the Sauna to 85-100C , Then we can talk business seriously , Please make it happen.

Amiga Magia

Best Regards, PR

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 21-Jul-2023 3:19:44
#278 ]
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Joined: 27-Dec-2003
Posts: 5116
From: New Zealand


And exactly what does the above posts have to do with the A1222 being in Production?


Why all the bitching, arguing, and trolling each other? It would be awfully quiet here otherwise. Reminds me of a Canadian Sitcom called Corner gas; specifically this clip.


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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 21-Jul-2023 3:32:39
#279 ]
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From: Australia



outlawal2 wrote:
And exactly what does the above posts have to do with the A1222 being in Production?

Can we focus a bit here and stop dredging up decades old crap that has been hashed and rehashed a hundred times?

What say we keep focused on the A1222 being in Production so that those individuals that are interested in the A1222 can have some USEFUL INFORMATION.


PowerPC e500v2's selection is an easy target for technical-related debate.

Amiga 1200 (rev 1D1, KS 3.2, PiStorm32/RPi CM4/Emu68)
Amiga 500 (rev 6A, ECS, KS 3.2, PiStorm/RPi 4B/Emu68)
Ryzen 9 7950X, DDR5-6000 64 GB RAM, GeForce RTX 4080 16 GB

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Re: A1222 production now underway!
Posted on 21-Jul-2023 3:35:34
#280 ]
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Especially Oscar!

Fulfill newlight's Elite Narcissist Demands NOW Or He Will Send You To H3LL!

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