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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 17:58:11
#181 ]
Super Member
Joined: 8-Apr-2003
Posts: 1907
From: Saltdean, East Sussex, UK


In terms of donation, how much would you be willing to spend on an actual commercial office suite?
I think I can put at least £100 UKP towards the product itself, plus another third for development - £133 for the bounty.

After a decade away from the scene, I am back!

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 18:12:05
# ]



If you look to another "to Amiga" porting effort - Mozilla - and drop all of
the "heavy" stuff (we may not get those high numbers, so let's drop the top
three) 4200+2000+500=6700 and remove it from the actual bounty we may get
8950$ - 6700$ = 2250$

We too have around 100 donators and it should come out quite equal to what
Mozilla has earned. Let'make it real

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 18:15:25
#183 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Nov-2002
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From: Dallas, Texas


Realistically, how much is needed to port this?

2017 Camaro 2SS

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 18:29:33
# ]



Interesting question

I don't know, the license is free (to what i know), but the work, time and
effort a coder brings into such a project is immense, so you'd better ask
someone who actually pays programmer to do exactly this. Maybe ask Hyperion

You could also ask wht such a port would be WORTH to every single user that
actually use it afterwards. I have seen OO on Windows and installed it a few
times, too. Never used it extensively, because of the missing time, but i know
that this would at least be the proggy that would be on my second place of all
proggys i have on my HD. So for me it would be worth a LOT, don't ask for
numbers. To be honest, if EntilZha would ask me for a number to start, i would
give it to him (As long as it's in my financial possibilitys!)

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 18:30:20
#185 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Feb-2004
Posts: 584
From: Lincoln, England


I'm still waiting for the code to check out of CVS, 1.2Gb and counting so far :(
Take a look at this. The system abstraction layer needs to be ported and that should be it but no guarentees until we start looking through the code. The other thing is to modify the Linux PPC buildscripts which for someone with good knowledge of AmigaOS 4 (Rogue, EntilZha?)

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 18:35:14
#186 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 540
From: Office desk, Wandsworth, London, UK


I have used OOo quite extensivly at work as I am evaluating it for replacing MSOffice.

I can easily say that it is a very competent Office package, and almost matches MSOffice.

I have used the new version 2 test build and the new database module is really quite impressive, not quite up to MSAccess ease of use but getting there.

If a port to OS4 is done I can safely say that it would be as big a milestone as Mozilla/Firefox!


If you don't know what you need to know by the time you need to know it then its not worth knowing

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 18:37:02
#187 ]
Joined: 18-Jul-2004
Posts: 12
From: Turkey

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes OpenOffice amiga port please..................

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 18:40:23
#188 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Feb-2004
Posts: 584
From: Lincoln, England


Oops, I thought he meant coding wise...
Well the dual LGPL/Odd sun license allows from free access to the source and distribution of binaries but good programmers are expensive and rare.
Say two OS 3.x devs need boards, at £517 inc UK VAR+P&p from Stellar Dreams that's £1034. We have had two offers of free webspace etc. so far.
A port would be worth a lot I supect, people say that they can get by with whatever they use tat the m oment and maybe they can, maybe they prefer it but I bet lots of them would install OpenOffice for those occassions when you need good word/excel/powerpoint compatability. And what about the new Access equivelent.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 18:54:18
#189 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Nov-2002
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From: Dallas, Texas


Could the boards not be bought at "cost price" for developers of such a project? Surely a deal could be struck.


2017 Camaro 2SS

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 18:54:38
# ]



I second that, it's quite amazing how things seems to evolve right now, let's
hope some people don't change their minds on this topic.

For me i can say i'd do nearly everything to make this port reality.
Sadly as i stated earlier in this thread the only thing i can add to this
effort is bountx, as i don't have coding experience and to start learning it
now, would definitely don't do anything good to this project.

Plus as i'm off to work most of the time (where i neither have access to
internet nor to a computer at all) i too can't add me to the people donating

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 18:56:11
# ]



Hmm, does this mean you are positively connected to the point of this subject?
Then you are absolutely right here

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 18:58:49
# ]



Well, i see it from this point, too. Make the bounty thought clearer.
It is the intention to gather the bounty for e.g. developer hardware, isn't it?

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 19:12:02
#193 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Feb-2004
Posts: 584
From: Lincoln, England


That depends on the general consensus, pay the moneey to the devs that do the port or use some of it to buy hardware for devs that need it? Personally I would favour the second one as it would actually help development of other programs for OS4 and mioght actually be more of an incentive to participate

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 19:14:37
# ]



Right. Would be more helpful to whole project.
But we should probably first get the thing going before we buy some hardware

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 19:18:03
#195 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Feb-2004
Posts: 584
From: Lincoln, England


I think now would be a good time for some people to be apointed to set up and maintain the website, server, mailing list, cvs/svn reposiotry etc.
Get a nice website up and running, outline what needs to be done and what money will be used for etc.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 19:21:28
# ]



Easy, was there an announcement from EntilZha that he will actually try it?
If so, then i missed it and please take my apologies otherwise we shouldn't
"force" him by starting the project in some kind of way. EntilZha may have
already has some ideas regarding this effort, so at least we should wait until
he fires it up, don't you think?

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 19:25:15
#197 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 27-Aug-2003
Posts: 1679
From: The Jedi Academy, Yavin 4

Ok, first of all, thanks for the massive feedback. I wasn't really expecting this.

I agree that with a team like that, it should be possible to do an OpenOffice port. So I really suggest we start it now.

I would suggest that we assemble all people interested on a mailing list and discuss how we proceed. We also must make an assessment of the individual programmers and their expertise/level of experience etc, appoint a project manager, etc...

So how do we proceed from here ?

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Hyperion Entertainment

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 19:26:00
#198 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Feb-2004
Posts: 584
From: Lincoln, England


No, no announcment I saw but there has been huge support for the idea from developers and this discussion seems to have run its course so I thought that infastructure and admin people should be appointed.
It isn't forcing EntilZha to start the project as if he doen't want to there are other devs who have volentered

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 19:28:17
#199 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 27-Aug-2003
Posts: 1679
From: The Jedi Academy, Yavin 4


EntilZha may have already has some ideas regarding this effort

Uh, who said that I would organize it ? I just asked for interested people...

Honestly, I don't have the time to manage this. I'll gladly contribute, but only as a coder... I don't have management skills, either, so it's definitely something for somebody else...

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Hyperion Entertainment

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 19:29:25
#200 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 27-Nov-2003
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From: Belgium


Olegil can setup the mailinglist, i can also setup a forum on amigadev, if needed even make it "team only" for further discussions.

After that, i suggest we start to organise ourselves & find a manager

Amon's digital home

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