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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:05:00
#241 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 27-Nov-2003
Posts: 427
From: Belgium


It seems these are the dependancies for SVN:

Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and the APR Utility (APRUTIL)
autoconf 2.50 or newer
libtool 1.4 or newer
Neon library 0.24.7
Berkeley DB 4.X
Apache Web Server 2.0.49 or newer
Python 2.0 (

Note that these are for the client AND the server, my suspision is that the client only depends on autoconf, libtool, neon & python.

Python, autoconf and i think also libtool are available for AOS4, neon i don't know

Amon's digital home

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:07:53
#242 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Aug-2003
Posts: 5900
From: Work


I don't think switching to SVN from CVS would cost THAT many hours if everyone knows it beforehand and has time to learn the new commands. SVN is one of the best documented things I've ever used.

And it integrates into EXPLORER.EXE if you're running Windows as well

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:08:26
# ]



Created a versioning system thread in the OpenOffice forum:


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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:10:44
# ]



>And it integrates into EXPLORER.EXE if you're running Windows as well

Several CVS clients does that as well :)


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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:11:50
#245 ]
Elite Member
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Neon depends on OpenSSL, but I don't think we need that for an open-source project like this. A port using only expat and a few other extra features should be fairly easy. I said fairly, but it really is just a guess...

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:12:38
#246 ]
Elite Member
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From: Work


So switching from one to the other shouldn't be much work for a programmer, then?

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:18:10
#247 ]
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Joined: 27-Nov-2003
Posts: 427
From: Belgium



Orgin wrote:

Created a versioning system thread in the OpenOffice forum:


I added a poll to it

Amon's digital home

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:32:10
#248 ]
Super Member
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From: Denmark



olegil wrote:

I don't think switching to SVN from CVS would cost THAT many hours if everyone knows it beforehand and has time to learn the new commands. SVN is one of the best documented things I've ever used.

And it integrates into EXPLORER.EXE if you're running Windows as well

I only does if it is TortoiseSVN You use.

TortoiseCVS does the same (TortoiseSVN was inspired by TortoiseCVS).

Best regards,
hnl_dk - Henning Nielsen Lund [Denmark]

Please send no PM to me, email me if you want to contact me. See you somewhere else.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:32:21
#249 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 17-Sep-2003
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From: Lyon, France

How much effort would be to port SVN ?

Last edited by elwood on 07-Jan-2005 at 10:13 AM.

Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci
Sam460 1.10 Ghz
AmigaOS 4 betatester
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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:39:29
#250 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 3-Feb-2004
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From: Lincoln, England


Are you sure the client needs the APR? I no there are two versions of the server, one is a standalone the other is an Apache 2 module (That's as much research as I've done )

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:42:22
#251 ]
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Joined: 27-Nov-2003
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From: Belgium


Erm, no, i said that the client was dependant on autoconf, libtool, neon & python
However, i'm at work atm so i can't pick through the code atm to check

Amon's digital home

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 9:43:21
# ]



Please move over project discussions to the OpenOffice forum.

OpenOffice for AmigaOS


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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 10:19:23
#253 ]
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From: Lincoln, England


I was actually just about to ask for this thread to be locked to force discussion to move

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 10:27:39
#254 ]
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From: Saarbrücken, Germany

alexw wrote:

I'm not sure. I have three projects running (maybe four soon and I want to concentrate on that fourth one), so I don't have that much time. But porting a (small) module now and then would certainly be possible. I would have to see the source code I would have to port first before I can decide. And I have never participated in a porting project before, so I don't really know how such a project is organized at all...

So: I'm not voting yet, but if you organize a project, you can contact me.


Just wanted to tell that I finally voted "yes", subscribed to the mailing list and moving to the OO-Forum now.


Weighty message. You should to read.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 12:50:34
#255 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 731
From: Espoo, Finland

Wow! this sounds really interesting. It would be great to to have OO for the OS4.
Good to see project like this.

Damn, this is the effort I would like to join... But If you join effort like this, you should be sure you really are able to help... Unfortunately I'm a bit too busy with my studies, I can't commit to this right now...

But maybe later, I sure will follow this project closely.

Good luck for you guys anyway

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 7-Jan-2005 16:18:22
#256 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Nov-2004
Posts: 8554


RE: cvs vs svn

Guys, remember that OO itself is hosted under CVS. The point here should not be to make a permanenet fork, but to eventually merge back into the OO source tree. At that point, regardless of what tool yoou'd like to be using, you _will_ be using CVS unless OO switches over to svn...something to think about, especially as there's currently no svn client...although with a POSIX library, I expect svn not to be too ppainful to port..

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 8-Jan-2005 5:22:00
#257 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 9-Mar-2003
Posts: 556
From: Mid Atlantic State USA

I just selected 3 ....Making a donation is the best way I have to add to this very exciting development.

FireFox, OO and AOS4! OH YESSSSS!

How could I not want to help. I may be able to offer other non-programmer assistance


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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 8-Jan-2005 5:56:06
#258 ]
Elite Member
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Like I replied in the other forum, doesn't help a damn bit whether you use the same version control system as upstream, you still have to submit patches one by one... I really don't think CVS helps you any more than SVN does when it comes to keeping track of two separate sites.

I'm not saying SVN is the key, I'm just saying if we want to use it, I can help with getting things up and running. It isn't where one SHOULD be starting the port anyway, though. One SHOULD be starting the port by figuring out what needs to be done to actually DO a port, including getting things submitted to upstream etc. Remember that OO is run by Sun, it is NOT your every day community open-source project

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 8-Jan-2005 6:28:26
#259 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Aug-2003
Posts: 5900
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Haha, neon is also a dependancy of openoffice

I'm starting with neon tomorrow...

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 8-Jan-2005 6:33:57
#260 ]
Elite Member
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Posts: 8554


Sure, this is true that it won't matter as what would happen in the event of a merge back into OO's CVS tree would be a snapshot...but any new arch specific files would lose their revision histories on the migration into OOs tree. A minor, but valid, point.

The main issues with svn for an AOS project are this-
1. No AOS client, thereby excluding some people from any dev effort. Sure, _some_ people have Windows or Linux boxes as well, but others don't. Would you lose those because you feel like playing with SVN?

2. IMHO, doing an 'initial port' of something (like in this case, SVN), is an OK idea...however, if that porting effort becomes significant, it would be time better focused on the actual project (OO) rather than a 'detour.'

Sun doesn't actually 'run' OO, tajke a deeper look at the info available on OO. Not sure who started the whole 'NDA' issues that seem to pop up, but it is an open source project, NDAs, but Sun pulls back some features into the commercial version of OO. Not entirely sure what that was supposed to have to do with the topic at hand, however...?

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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