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Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 18:42:49
#1 ]
Elite Member
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From: Rhode Island

Read all the details now.

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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 19:01:27
#2 ]
Super Member
Joined: 10-Apr-2003
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From: Denmark


Wow i managed 10% reading, and my head started feeling dizzy

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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 19:04:08
#3 ]
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Joined: 25-Jul-2008
Posts: 139
From: Liverpool


Great news

Does this mean the MAP will be revealed now?

Heres to 2010 and Amiga...

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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 19:21:33
#4 ]
Super Member
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From: Inside the mind of a cow on a planet that's flying through space at 242.334765 miles per second.


I read as much as I could before my head imploded, but could see no glaringly obvious legal holes to be exploited by a future party in an attempt to continue the saga.

Could this mean that the legal shenanigans if really finally at an end? This is like that moment when I turned the page in War & Peace and found no more pages.

One has to wonder though did they really need to give so much money to lawyers in order to end up with the contract they (both parties) should have signed in the first place?

At least now we can see that there are no secret investors in Amiga Inc and that Amiga were actually doing something regarding licensing their technology to third parties during the quiet times that actually made sense.

I've heard claims that Hyperion can market OS 5 and beyond, can anyone point out the bit in there that says so? All I see is mention of OS 4 and Amiga Inc not being able to call any of their products "AmigaOne" or "AmigaOS".

"Anyone with a modicum of reasonableness may realize that it is like comparing the ride in the world to descend the stairs to catch the milk in the house."

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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 19:57:53
#5 ]
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From: Unknown

@SpaceDruid Quote:
One has to wonder though did they really need to give so much money to lawyers in order to end up with the contract they (both parties) should have signed in the first place?

When a lawsuit is started, the only REAL winners are the lawyers

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 19:59:54
#6 ]
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From: Unknown doesn't seem to work in OWB??? Or is the site just overloaded at the moment?

edit: OK, it's working now, although preview thingy seems to use Java/Flash/something, so having to download as PDF to view it.

Last edited by ChrisH on 14-Dec-2009 at 08:03 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 20:21:42
#7 ]
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From: Unknown

It sounds pretty clear from the agreement that Amiga plans to manufacture/market (something like) a joystick with a built-in Amiga chipset (FPGA or otherwise) for playing some Amiga games... I'd guess it might be based on the MiniMig, since that should be the cheapest option for them.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...

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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 20:36:27
#8 ]
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From: Sacramento, CA, USA


I think the joystick was just an unambiguous example, as Amiga Inc.'s recent Amiga-related revenue appears to be limited to licensing Kickstart 1.3.

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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 20:55:15
#9 ]
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And you really thing they will build anything ?

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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 21:04:44
#10 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown


Since the rights of Hyperion to the "AmigaOS" trademark are exclusive, nobody but Hyperion can release AmigaOS 5, 6 etc.

Moreover, please verify the definition of "AmigaOS" ( 1 d.).


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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 21:17:58
#11 ]
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From: Sacramento, CA, USA


Amusing observation: On the surface, Amiga, Inc. has fewer rights with respect to AmigaOS and AmigaOS-like operating systems than the authors of AROS and MorphOS. Amiga, Inc. could clean room engineer its own clone, but I doubt that would survive any kind of scrutiny, despite the much lauded (read: overestimated) compliance skills of Indian development houses.

Sam440ep-flex 733 MHz/1 GB RAM/Radeon 9250/AmigaOS4.1 Update 2
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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 21:25:27
#12 ]
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Joined: 20-Jun-2007
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From: Padova, Italy

ChrisH wrote: doesn't seem to work in OWB??? Or is the site just overloaded at the moment?

edit: OK, it's working now, although preview thingy seems to use Java/Flash/something, so having to download as PDF to view it.

It's actually Flash, and working like a charm in OWB+swfdec on MorphOS (I guess you could use Gnash, but downloading the PDF is more convenient anyway).

Kind regards,

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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 21:27:04
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Can you explain in laymans' terms page 34 (b) about Prokom and "foreclosure".
I also see mention of a lien filed by same on page 41.

How (if in any way) could their actions affect Hyperion?



Last edited by number6 on 14-Dec-2009 at 09:29 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 21:35:20
#14 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Apr-2003
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom


Does this mean the MAP will be revealed now?

One can only hope.

Getting the ownership sorted out was a massive step forwards. Now Hyperion need to lay out their plans in a little more depth if they are to generate the interest they need and deserve.


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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 21:37:15
#15 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 24-Jul-2005
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From: Sacramento, CA, USA


Read §18 and if you need more information, the US Bankrupty Code.

Sam440ep-flex 733 MHz/1 GB RAM/Radeon 9250/AmigaOS4.1 Update 2
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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 21:39:04
#16 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Dec-2004
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From: Freedom world


Main points appear to be:

The OS:
* Hyperion is the sole owner of OS4 (with the exception of OS3.1)
* Hyperion can use whatever means to develop, sell and distribute OS4
* Amiga can not sell, sublicense or distribute (etc etc) OS 3.1 or any similar operating system (AmigaDE/AA Scheisse is not considered as a similar operating system here) but Amiga can distribute OS 3.1 (without modification and without UI) with things like joysticks
* Amiga is still owner of Amiga OS

* Hyperion can use AmigaOne, Amiga One, AmigaOS and Amiga OS trademarks
* Hyperion can not use Amiga trademark

* Amiga will not at any time portrait Hyperion in a negative or disparaging manner
* Hyperion will not at any time portrait Amiga in a negative or disparaging manner

* Amiga should use boing ball in their product promotions as much as possible
* Hyperion must inform Amiga about trademark and software infringements, Amiga takes an action then

Dunno if I understood it correctly but that is how I read it.

Last edited by itix on 14-Dec-2009 at 10:12 PM.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 21:43:04
#17 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 24-Jul-2005
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From: Sacramento, CA, USA


I think Hyperion would be better served by keeping quiet. Grand statements and premature announcements are exactly the sort of thing Amiga, Inc. (and other unsuccessful companies) do to drum up support for nonexistent products. Then again, if the Hyperion business plan dictates Big Plans and Public Disclosure, more power to them.

EDIT: Uh, we don't "drump" up support.

Last edited by Trev on 14-Dec-2009 at 09:56 PM.

Sam440ep-flex 733 MHz/1 GB RAM/Radeon 9250/AmigaOS4.1 Update 2
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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 21:55:40
#18 ]
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And licenses:

Cloanto: worldwide rights sufficient to support Amiga Forever
Hack & Patch: worldwide rights to OS 3.5 and OS 3.9 but Amiga considers license is terminated (dunno if OS 3.5/3.9 is illegal now)
Data Storage Advisors AG: worldwide rights to something
eGames: worldwide rights to kickstart modules
On Broadband Networks: rights in north america for kickstart modules
Envizion: worldwide rights to kickstart modules
Ironstone partners: worldwide rights (until the end of 2015) for stuff for their emulation stuff

Last edited by itix on 14-Dec-2009 at 10:21 PM.
Last edited by itix on 14-Dec-2009 at 10:20 PM.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 22:21:12
#19 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
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From: MA, USA



number6 wrote:

Can you explain in laymans' terms page 34 (b) about Prokom and "foreclosure".
I also see mention of a lien filed by same on page 41.

How (if in any way) could their actions affect Hyperion?



Itec and Prokom appear to have UCC filing statements from 2006 and 2007 respectively with Amiga and/or Amino (its not clear if its with one or both - its being with Amiga Delaware is more likely). The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) financing statements record and protect a secured party's interest in the collateral offered by a debtor for a loan. The UCC system gives public notice of the debtor-secured party relationship and the collateral involved.

Itec seems to be assigning partial rights to Hyperion in their existing statement from 2006. The rights they are assigning over to them are "assigning of full interest" for related trademarks and OS 3.1 source.

So what seems to be happening is that its an extra written assurance that if Amiga and/or Amino go under there is no question that Hyperion not only has a permanent license to the rights but at that time becomes the rights owner (though Amiga and/or Amino get 3 years to recover them based on a 3rd party valuation).

The other rights Itec has in the rest of the original UCC from 2006 are probably interests related to other things, like maybe DE, etc.

The Prokom UCC is not included. it would be interesting to see if there was a way to look up what in that. But this agreement seems to indicate that if Prokom took action on their 2007 agreement that Hyperion could take action on the amended 2006 Itec one for which rights have been re-assigned to them. And the 2006 agreement precedes the 2007 one anyway, plus Prokom was sold very little stock from a percentage advantage anyway (which we learned from a previous annual report from Prokom).

If anything this appears to really put Hyperion in a good spot. But IANAL.

The best part is, unless I missed something, Hyperion did not have to pay anything for this. God bless William Kinsel (Hyperion's lawyer).

Last edited by fairlanefastback on 14-Dec-2009 at 10:28 PM.
Last edited by fairlanefastback on 14-Dec-2009 at 10:26 PM.
Last edited by fairlanefastback on 14-Dec-2009 at 10:24 PM.
Last edited by fairlanefastback on 14-Dec-2009 at 10:21 PM.

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Re: Hyperion/ITEC/AMINO Agreement posted on
Posted on 14-Dec-2009 22:33:10
#20 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
Posts: 4886
From: MA, USA



ChrisH wrote:
It sounds pretty clear from the agreement that Amiga plans to manufacture/market (something like) a joystick with a built-in Amiga chipset (FPGA or otherwise) for playing some Amiga games... I'd guess it might be based on the MiniMig, since that should be the cheapest option for them.

IMHO I favor the conjecture that Amiga doesn't really plan to do anything, they just did not want to have nothing to say at all I think.

Prokom appears to be out a lot of money, if they are smart they will start pressing Amiga, Inc. on what it was spent on, if they have not already.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
Amikit user, tinkering with Icaros VM (AROS)
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