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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:11:10
#541 ]
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,if i had to choose, i'll choose hyperion over ainc,
my eyes closed without having to think more than a micro sec.

anyway to answer your question:
i don't believe hyperion did steal os4.
but even if this was true, it would still be a good thing , because ainc had no plan for it.
ainc did pretty much nothing. they almost produced nothing.
and what they did was really uninterresting (really boring cell phone games or such)
the rest was like: lie, lie , lie, more lies, some obvious lies too, and some more.

hyperion on the other hand produced os4, delivered, updated, supported it too.

in this case, i'd go even as far as say it was "justice".
ainc would have done nothing with it. that would have been a damn waste.
after what 8 years now ? i'm still waiting *anything* produced by ainc that look interesting or good for this community.

edit: and indeed it was declared "justice" by law too. ainc lost the case.
and it feel good to see the good guys win.
unless you're against os4 in itself leo ?
i know you're french, most frenchs amiga user seem pretty much morphos fans,
as seen on site ..
at least here's a french on os4 side here ;) but i know there's more too.

Last edited by freeaks on 01-Nov-2010 at 11:21 AM.

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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:12:43
#542 ]
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at least a sensible comment.
my opinion exactly.

you're joking right ?
black humor ?

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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:13:34
#543 ]
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Seems to be content there now :O


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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:19:09
#544 ]
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you're joking right ?


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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:20:01
#545 ]
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@freeaks: I agree Amiga didn't release anything, and just prevented a lot of things to happen. But hearing you it seems Amiga are evil while Hyperion are angels...

Well, while Amiga inc. could easily be called evil, I think Hyperion are/were as well... They spreaded lies about MorphOS, rewrote everything instead of writing software for it, adding value to it (what's the use of "entertainment" in their name today ?), prevented a lot of software to be ported to other "Amiga like" OS (heard about the RoadShow exclusivity ? Even the author himself cannot do what he wants with it...)...

Beeing a company producing Amiga stuff today doesn't make you "nice" automatically.


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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:28:58
#546 ]
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Well, while Amiga inc. could easily be called evil, I think Hyperion are/were as well... They spreaded lies about MorphOS, rewrote everything instead of writing software for it, adding value to it (what's the use of "entertainment" in their name today ?), prevented a lot of software to be ported to other "Amiga like" OS (heard about the RoadShow exclusivity ? Even the author himself cannot do what he wants with it...)...

What is the problem in adding value to your product, or rewritting it if you want? What is the difference with the "MUI4 exclusivity"?

We can blame each other for a long time because we all have done harm to each other in one way or another. But to continue to point fingers doesn't help anybody and won't end this stupid division. If we want cooperation between the different Amiga "camps", I think first, we, the users, should stop pointing fingers and blaming each other.

PowerBook 5.2 MorphOS 3.15
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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:36:00
#547 ]
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And I'm logged in

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:39:07
#548 ]
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+1 point for the courage to stand and say the raw truth.

as a supporter of ainc ... -10.000 points ;)
(in my opinion, i mean.)

what good can you possibly find in them is beyond my understanding.
you love the hand that beat you.
i mean as an amigan, tell me what have they done to deserve your support ?

the only thing they ever done was to allow hyperion to do os4 .. and it wasn't even their plan from the start iirc.
they did it because they saw this community as a customer base, and they wanted to sell stuffs to you, and all this community seemed to care for was AmigaOS..
so they finally decided to throw a bone in that direction and by luck it's hyperion, a company that genuinely cared about amiga that got the contract.
otherwise they wouldn't even have bothered to licence, develop or update amigaos.
maybe i'm wrong but that's how i remember it:
amigaos wasn't even in their plans when they bought the name and rights.

and i say "by luck" hyperion got the contract because, try to look at all the other companies they licenced their rights now.. for example:

- there was ack (hardware that looked very suspicious from the start. there never was anything real about it that got released, not even a pic ... but for the tongue it was like olypic sports.. all talk.)
- !c=usa (rebranded PCs)
etc ...
all scam, imaginary stuff that never materialized. hot air ... blattent lies.. or non-amiga-related stuffs.
face it they're just profiteer that use the brand name that was once famous..


Last edited by freeaks on 01-Nov-2010 at 11:45 AM.

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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:41:57
#549 ]
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Both parties entered the agreement with atleast dishonest intentions:

AInc: "look we found some suckers who will write OS4 for just 25000$"

Hyperion : "those fools will be bancrupt everyday now, and than ALL BASE BELONG TO US"

Didn't really work out for both of them, and can't say I'm sorry.

If it wasn't for the collateral damage......

Last edited by Kronos on 01-Nov-2010 at 11:45 AM.

- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:44:43
#550 ]
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What is the problem in adding value to your product, or rewritting it if you want? What is the difference with the "MUI4 exclusivity"?

If you can't do better, I don't see the point...

There's no difference.


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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:51:40
#551 ]
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even so.. (if true) yes so what?
all i care as an user is for my system to not die.
i'm glad hyperion could get os4 so it gets continued.. in any cases.

and beside, amigaos shouldn't have been left in their (ainc) hands.
they just didn't care. they bought a gold mine (amigaos), and they didn't even know about it.
they just wanted the name, and sell amiga branded gizmos and stuff..
that would have meant: "bye bye amigaos"
what good was that for this community ?
they don't deserve the name they bought.

Last edited by freeaks on 01-Nov-2010 at 11:53 AM.

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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 11:53:04
#552 ]
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what good was that for this community ?
they don't deserve the name they bought.

Other projects were already ongoing for preventing the OS to die. And MorphOS was already a full working Amiga reimplementation even before they started to work on OS4.


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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 12:00:20
#553 ]
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Other projects were already ongoing for preventing the OS to die. And MorphOS was already a full working Amiga reimplementation even before they started to work on OS4.

You mean for preventing "look and feel" of the OS to die, not the OS itself.

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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 12:31:43
#554 ]
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@pavlor: the look and feel is the only thing that have changed... Everything else is a direct reimplementation of the original so unless you're a developer I dare you to see the difference between an Amiga app executed under OS4 and the same one running under MorphOS (or AROS), except that MorphOS/AROS one could run faster...

Since most components (including the kernel itself) have been rewritten from scratch I doubt there's more "Amiga" in OS4 than in MorphOS... Except maybe the workbench that should be rewritten too because it's too old.

Last edited by Leo on 01-Nov-2010 at 12:33 PM.
Last edited by Leo on 01-Nov-2010 at 12:32 PM.


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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 12:36:35
#555 ]
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Since most components (including the kernel itself) have been rewritten from scratch I doubt there's more "Amiga" in OS4 than in MorphOS... Except maybe the workbench that should be rewritten too because it's too old.

Only OS4 developers can make such video:
AmigaOS Twenty-Five

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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 13:22:45
#556 ]
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Cos everybody else is busy implementing features.....


- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 13:57:50
#557 ]
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i see what you mean..
morphos missed the train.
it is too bad.. eventually.
but the fact is, os4 became the successor.
it's based on original sources and improving from it.

morphos is another (looking similar / amiga-like) project.
morphos could have become the successor, yes maybe.
but only "by circumstances".
meaning the original amigaos would have been dumped or put in storage in favor of
morphos taking over.
but it would still have been (and is) a completly new project.
not based on original sources.

anyway, it's not what happenned.. no need to focus on this anymore. it was "at the time".
and who would have given to morphos the status of amigaos successor ?
amiga inc right?
they proved they're clueless about amigaos.
not meaning morphos wasn't/ ain't worthy here ...
just that ainc wasn't exactly the best ones to decide who was to be the true successor.
anyway the question don't have to be thought further,
since os4 is based on the original source so no doubt here.

maybe morphos could have gained access to original source if they could have made the deal with ainc. what would mos team have done with it? this question will never? be answered now.

but well i'm rather happy about the direction os4 is taking.
it's looking forward (multicore for ex)
while morphos seems to prefer concentrate on keeping compatibility: stay true to os3.x api (despite it's outdated in many area, most notably memory administration but not only ..)

Last edited by freeaks on 01-Nov-2010 at 02:02 PM.

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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 14:00:47
#558 ]
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pavlor wrote:

in what amiga inc or their website being back online is a good thing ?

Good for me... because I´m one of the few supporters of Amiga.Inc on this site...

...don't forgot me...

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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 14:03:32
#559 ]
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Leo wrote:

amiga inc are the one who attacked hyperion, they tryed to kill os4,

Or Hyperion tried (and actually did it) to steal OS4: how "good" is that ?

Exactly !
But I will not say more about it. Perhaps it is forgiven and forgotten soon ...

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Re: down?
Posted on 1-Nov-2010 14:05:45
#560 ]
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fryguy wrote:
LOL C= Usa looks like a real scam company too (a perfect partner for Amiga Inc perhaps? :))

What if you knew how wrong you are ...

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Program, codes for websites, hifi, measuring instruments and more. The site is of more than 1200 pages and nearly 3Gb .

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