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x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 18:45:43
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 1697
From: Oregon

I'm thinking the x1000 is vapor at this point.

Back in the not too distant past this "x1000 news" would have been questioned. Now I know Hyperion has never really let us down, they are not really the ones making the x1000. In fact I do not believe we truly know who A-EON is, at least officially anyway.

Back in the old days we would have asked for at least "1" photo of the board. Yet all we have is a partial photo (CPU obscured etc).

A motherboard that no one even knows, officially, what the CPU is??

Hyperion talked about the MAP yet we have no real official details of what features of the x1000 that AmigaOS is going to take advantage of when/if released.

We know nothing, officially, of the company that will be making the board.

Hyperion is under no obligation to provide us even "1" picture of the board, provide of with the specs (including CPU) , or to set up an Official Youtube channel showing AmigaOS booting on the x1000.

But without there even being a full photo or even a typed list of "Official" full specs I call it Vapor at the moment.

I certainly look forward to being proven wrong though!

A3000D (16mhz, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, SCSI (300+MB), SuperGen Genlock, Kick 3.1)
Back in my day, we didn't have water. We only had Oxygen & Hydrogen, & we'd just shove 'em together

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 18:56:48
#2 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 502
From: Unknown


You do know who A-EON is officially, the deed of incorporation of the company was posted on this very website.

Please note that in the 15 years the company that has designed the AmigaOne X1000 has not failed to deliver on a single project.


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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 18:59:18
#3 ]
Elite Member
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From: Vancouver Island, Canada


Myself, I wouldn't call the X1000 vapourware.. but it certainly was unwise of Hyperion/A-eon to make an announcement.. if you're trying to be the next Apple, don't announce until the product is shipping.

Whatever the case, the X1000 will probably cost $2500, most Amiga fans don't have that kind of money anymore.. any extra money they had was spent buying their previous PPC system (ie: amigaone, pegasos, etc..). I also think $2500 would be better spent on software development for the existing systems. We need to get people investing money into software development for the platform.

Porting OS4 to the G4 Mac platforms would have been good for the users, cause there are lots of used systems selling for under $500.

I'm sure people will disagree, and that's OK!

Men who have girlies in their avatars are Girliemen!

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:03:25
#4 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


Extreme Engineering Solutions?

Any idea of when more information can be given about the design&manufacturing company and the CPU?
Any changes in x1000 CPU?

When we hear how AOS is going to support x1000 HW?
(SMP or AMP, 64bit or 32bit, xena support, ...)

Last edited by KimmoK on 10-Feb-2010 at 07:10 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 10-Feb-2010 at 07:05 PM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:05:40
#5 ]
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From: Denmark


too early to call the X1000 vapourware.......please get a grip dude

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:07:21
#6 ]
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From: Vancouver Island, Canada



Hyperionmp wrote:

Please note that in the 15 years the company that has designed the AmigaOne X1000 has not failed to deliver on a single project.

Acube delivered on the Sam, its a shame you dumped them as your hardware partner.

Men who have girlies in their avatars are Girliemen!

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:08:53
#7 ]
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From: Portugal

I'm thinking the x1000 is vapor at this point.

Of course it is. Any product is vapor until you can buy it (not pre-order it). The iPad was also vapor even when Jobs was presenting it to the public.

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:11:53
#8 ]
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From: Oregon



Hondo wrote:

too early to call the X1000 vapourware.......please get a grip dude

Actually, I believe it is too early to not call it Vapor . Like I said we don't know know what CPU the thing even uses. We have never seen even one complete photo.

A3000D (16mhz, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, SCSI (300+MB), SuperGen Genlock, Kick 3.1)
Back in my day, we didn't have water. We only had Oxygen & Hydrogen, & we'd just shove 'em together

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:12:29
#9 ]
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In fact I do not believe we truly know who A-EON is, at least officially anyway.


But if you're referring to the joint announcement?, I have no argument.


Last edited by number6 on 10-Feb-2010 at 07:14 PM.

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:13:13
#10 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


Acube has also been a reseller.
Nothing stops Acube to sell x1000 HW in future, if SAM440 does not sell enough.

btw. according to Acube, Huperion is still their partner.

Last edited by KimmoK on 10-Feb-2010 at 07:15 PM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:15:00
#11 ]
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From: Oregon



ruben wrote:
I'm thinking the x1000 is vapor at this point.

Of course it is. Any product is vapor until you can buy it (not pre-order it). The iPad was also vapor even when Jobs was presenting it to the public.

Well, let's take the iPad for example. There were at least photos of it. There were working samples of the product that people were testing. The actual announcement came with specs and details on the product even if you couldn't buy it at that moment.

In the case of the x1000
It seems like we have a "product announcment" except we don't know fully what was even announced. Let alone seen pictures, seen it being tested, etc....

A3000D (16mhz, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, SCSI (300+MB), SuperGen Genlock, Kick 3.1)
Back in my day, we didn't have water. We only had Oxygen & Hydrogen, & we'd just shove 'em together

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:16:16
#12 ]
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From: Unknown


How heretical point of view!

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:17:40
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada


good one!..nice try in getting A-Eon or Hyperion to leak some more news ...bit dramatic for me but still good try

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! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:19:26
#14 ]
Super Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Oregon


Like I said, I don't believe this is a "Hyperion" product. (Maybe I am wrong on that?) But it seems like you are announcing a prodcut for another company, yet they officially have not. They or you have not even told the CPU let alone shown photos.

Maybe it is a Hyperion Brand MB and they are making/rebadging it for you, in which case I would not expect any information from them.

But, again, I don't think we even know if it is a Hyperion x1000 and you are selling it as your brand in which case you would do the hardware support or if this is going to be an A-EON brand.

Judging from what we have seen it seems it is going to be an A-EON brand piece of hardware.

A3000D (16mhz, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, SCSI (300+MB), SuperGen Genlock, Kick 3.1)
Back in my day, we didn't have water. We only had Oxygen & Hydrogen, & we'd just shove 'em together

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:21:36
#15 ]
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Acube delivered on the Sam, its a shame you dumped them as your hardware partner.

There's been no "dumping" at all, A-Eon are simply another player in the game.


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Any comments are a personal opinion, and should be accepted as such.

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:28:14
#16 ]
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Judging from what we have seen it seems it is going to be an A-EON brand piece of hardware.

As Trevor said:
and for the puzzle enthusiasts:-AEON, EON (both geological terms) A-EON, A-ONE's the Amigaone X1000, since they own the rights to use the name "Amigaone", but not the rights to use the name "Amiga".

You can read more about 2 of the principals here


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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:33:25
#17 ]
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Atleast the a-eon site is hosted on a server linked to Hyperion so that does link Hyperion to a-eon in some way. The official documents have links with Hyperion related people.

Also, keep in mind that it is rather common for motherboard delivering companies to take reference designs by, say, Intel or AMD, as a base to make their 'own' hardware. Say Asus takes a reference design of Intel and turn it into a mass product, would it be a Intel board or an Asus board? My point is that, whoever pays the money for the design of new hardware and gets it on the market has the right to put its name on it. That's how big companies like Philips tend to work: They have an idea, write down the specs, ask a dozen of development companies to deliver a quote and grant the development to whoever is the cheapest. What brand would appear? Philips'!

Give Hyperion, erm... sorry, a-eon some space and some time and see what will end up on the shelves.

Last edited by Amiga_3k on 10-Feb-2010 at 07:43 PM.

Back home...

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:42:24
#18 ]
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Joined: 3-Nov-2008
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From: Firenze (Italy)

The complicated history of Amiga shared a sort of conspiracy vision in the community ...
but AmigaOne X1000 will be a reality ...

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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:42:54
#19 ]
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It's clear from their own statements that their future depends on certain factors, not the least of which is increased sales from flex.

m3x quote:
As we said at the Pianeta Amiga show in September, there will be eventually a new hardware from us later this year, but there are some conditions for this to happen, and the first one is: we need to sell a certain amount of Flex boards.


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Re: x1000 is Vaporware
Posted on 10-Feb-2010 19:44:26
#20 ]
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From: Munich/Bavaria/Germany

They said "before summer".

So after June 21th (official start of calendar summer) and no X1000 in sight, I will cry "Vapourware, again, ya Amiga bums".

Before that, I will sit and watch people get crazy here... ;)

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