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Posted on 10-Jun-2016 19:31:04
#41 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada


no words just

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Posted on 10-Jun-2016 20:04:14
#42 ]
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Eventually, I couldn't stay away from developing for long.

Welcome back!

Meanwhile, I released Stacken Blochen, Towards Infinity, Basic Instinct, The All-Seeing and Ritualist. (Last 2 from weekend long hackathlons, Ritualist was sadly left rather buggy, but "complete enough" to prove that the game concept sucks, and isn't worth any further development).

Also, Basic Instinct is a C64 Basic demo (#1 at Zoo 2015), just to make your expectations low enough

And of course, there might be something new coming this year aswell...

Last edited by Jupp3 on 10-Jun-2016 at 08:05 PM.

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Posted on 10-Jun-2016 22:37:22
#43 ]
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@Lazi @klx300r

Thank you!


Well done!

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Posted on 1-Jan-2017 19:49:35
#44 ]
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To begin the year appropriately, I have just released v1.7 of QUOD INIT EXIT. Like always, it's free for everyone to enjoy Get it from its new page on (there are also AmigaOS 4 and Windows installers that take care of everything for those who don't want to fiddle with emulators).

Changes list:
* added clock (slows everything down);
* added pill (protects from poison);
* slown down score decrease;
* recalibrated probabilities of items;
* changed Zampo and turbofart design to match the one in QIE II;
* changed randomization logic;
* randomized platforms at each restart, so that they are always different;
* added fried egg;
* added a little background animation;
* touched up / updated HUD;
* removed game over message so that, at the end, the final score remains displayed;
* sped up a bit intro/outro messages;
* adapted to newer and better framework;
* optimized.

Last edited by saimo on 01-Jan-2017 at 07:56 PM.
Last edited by saimo on 01-Jan-2017 at 07:50 PM.
Last edited by saimo on 01-Jan-2017 at 07:49 PM.

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Posted on 5-Oct-2017 17:22:30
#45 ]
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In the past 10 months or so I have been working hard on MAH v2.0. In the process, I have improved the framework that it is based on and that QUOD INIT EXIT uses as well. As a result, I adapted QUOD INIT EXIT to it, and I couldn't resist making the changes listed below. I hope you'll enjoy this new version of the game.

Get it (for free) from:
* CSDb:

Although the game is for C64, AmigaOS 4 and Windows users can install and play it as if it were a native application thanks to the install packages available on


1. Fixed mice appearing in the HUD (and maybe even worse things) due to beyond-boundary writes.
2. Fixed flagging of subsequent pill catches (there were actually counted up to 255, although that was not visible in the HUD after catching the poison).
3. Fixed screen initialization ($d016 was not initialized).
4. Fixed poo drop (if started when Zampo was in mid air, the poo would stop in mid air as well).
5. Changed points handling: now they start decreasing only after catching the toilet roll, but do it at twice the speed.
6. Changed pause controls: now [F1] pauses and unpauses.
7. Added return to BASIC by means of [RESTORE].
8. Touched up dawn, morning, and sunset skies graphics.
9. Touched up pill icon.
10. Shifted vertical alignment of text characters 1 line down.
11. Changed intro text.
12. Changed scrolltext.
13. Made a few optimizations (in particular, moved all the variables to the zero page).
14. Added a separate loader (based on the Covert Bitops Autoconfiguring Loader/Depacker) that loads the game more quickly from disk (the game itself is still a single file that can be loaded directly, so who uses other speed-up solutions does not need this loader).
15. Added EasyFlash version.
16. Touched up manual.
17. Fixed uninstall icon for Windows package.
18. Updated skies in icons for AmigaOS/Windows packages.
19. Fine-tuned CRT settings for AmigaOS/Windows packages.

Last edited by saimo on 05-Oct-2017 at 05:32 PM.

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Posted on 31-Jul-2021 11:36:51
#46 ]
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Zampo is now free to turbofart around and eat away!

QUOD INIT EXIT IIm has been released 5 years ago for a minimum price of $1.99 (but right after the release, pirate versions started spreading). For a short while, I continued on developing its bigger brother, QIE IIo, but then development came to a halt because I focused on MAH (again for the Commodore 64), Blastaway (for PC) and on a number of Amiga projects (all available from the RETREAM page). Less than 1.5 years ago, I returned briefly to QIE IIo, improved/expanded it a little bit and made a preview available to the owners of QIE IIm. However, I feel guilty for having kept the project frozen for so long and because I'm not going to resume it in the foreseable future due to the fact that I'm busy with Amiga games (but this doesn't mean that I've given up: I'm absolutely determined to finish the game).
A couple of days ago, somehow the idea of making QIE IIm available for free popped into my head: I felt immediately relieved at the thought alone, and it took me a while to figure out why: I guess that it's because doing so soothes the feeling of guilt towards the Commodore 64 community.

In short: if you don't have it already, go get QIE IIm it - it's free! And, by the way, don't forget to download also the preview of QIE IIo: among other things, it includes also the level of QIE IIm, but in a bigger and richer form!

As a closing note, I'd like to thank from the bottom of my heart all those who purchased QIE IIm, especially those who added a tip (some of which have been enourmously generous)!

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Posted on 26-May-2022 17:43:48
#47 ]
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I totally forgot I had told you about QUOD INIT EXIT II!
Well, over time there have been quite a number of changes - quick recap:
* I just released an updated version of QUOD INIT EXIT IIm;
* I resumed the work on QUOD INIT EXIT IIo (recent-ish preview).

Download: /

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Posted on 8-Jun-2022 15:38:38
#48 ]
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Quite some progress has been done. This video shows a little bit of all that happened since the previous one:

Also, the game now has a page of its own on, where it's possible to follow the progress and download previews: (the currently available preview is quite old, but I plan to release a new one soonish).

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Re: [C64] QUOD INIT EXIT games
Posted on 8-Jul-2022 20:54:01
#49 ]
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Today's news is that, after more than 2 years, I have just released a new - and massive - playable preview of QUOD INIT EXIT IIo!

Get it from and enjoy!

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Re: [C64] QUOD INIT EXIT games
Posted on 11-Oct-2022 19:39:53
#50 ]
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003
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One more massive preview - and this time only 3 months after the previous one


Last edited by saimo on 11-Oct-2022 at 07:51 PM.

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Re: [C64] QUOD INIT EXIT games
Posted on 12-May-2023 14:30:40
#51 ]
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003
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Finally another preview is ready!

This is what it includes:
* quickstart guide
* intro
* manual
* full zones 1 and 4
* placeholders for zones 2 and 3
* crippled zone 5
* placeholder for outro

This is what it does not include:
* full zone 5
* outro

This is what is still to be done:
* making zones 2 and 3;
* exploiting the remaining 512 bytes VIC-II bank space for zones 4 and 5;
* writing outro music.

The changelog below provides the detailed list of changes since the previous preview; highlights:
* completed zone 1;
* added 8 new baddies;
* added saving of game progress;
* made many bugfixes and optimizations.



[code]* Added 8 new baddies (they are 16 in all now).
* Re-added stopping of food/drinks generation after Zampo starves (found a way to do it basically at no cost).
* Saved 234 to 244 bytes (depending on the zone) by reorganizing a bit the memory map once again.
* Saved 257 to 266 bytes (depending on the zone) by moving the zone-complete transition from the zone program to a separate program.
* Saved a sprite page by reworking the graphics and the logic of the baddies explosion.
* Made a few optimizations.
* Made various other minor improvements.
* Fixed a rare endless wait (due to lack of CPU cycles).
* Fixed the portals graphics update and a CPU load peak (which might even cause a frame skip) in the FUN PARK zone (a routine used the wrong condition code in a branch, so the portals graphics update was triggered also when it should not have been).
* Fixed the handling of collisions against baddies when Zampo is being relocated (if Zampo had been in PIG-OF-STEEL mode, collisions were detected and baddies were killed).
* Fixed the handling of collisions against baddies when the GOLD mode is starting (due to the initial flashing of Zampo's skin, collisions could be detected).
* Fixed the handling of collisions against baddies when the distance from the checkpoint is very large (the quick relocation of Zampo to the checkpoint would cause the immediate disappearance of the baddie, so collisions would not longer be detected until the same or another baddie re-appeared on the screen, thus leaving the collision flag set and causing repeated collision detections).
* Fixed the handling of collisions against slides in the FUN PARK zone (Zampo could get stuck due to a tile index constant being off by one and another tile index constant indicating the opposite tile).
* Fixed the teleporting of Zampo from the left border of the bottommost portal of the FUN PARK zone (he was taken to another portal's destination due to a coordinate constant being off by one).
* Fixed the turbofart flame at the end of the zone-complete transition (it was shown for 2 frames instead of 1).
* Fixed the lighting property of a FUN PARK zone tile.
* Worked on the FUN PARK zone map: made it 64 pixels taller (now it is 2048x912 pixels); completed the layout; added gameplay features; improved the graphics; moved the exit point to a better (and recognizeable) place; fixed some tiles.
* Worked on the CLIFFS zone map: made it 16 pixels taller (now it is 2048x944 pixels); extended the underground part.
* Worked on the FORTRESS zone map: made it 16 pixels taller (now it is 2048x896 pixels); extended the underground part; touched it up in a few places.
* Worked on the frontend: restricted the selectable zones to the first one and any other reached previously; made the outro item activate only upon game completion (so, when the game has not been completed, it cannot be selected and only its silhouette is visible); added auto-selection of the joystick item when [UP] or [DOWN] is pressed; added zones numbers in front of the zones names; made it smaller.
* Worked on the preamble: made it smaller.
* Worked on the documentation: extended/improved/fixed quickstart guide and manual.
* Worked on EasyFlash features: embedded and used EasyAPI to save the game progress permanently and thus have the frontend enable the zones/outro accordingly; ensured the LED is on/off when the cartridge is / is not in use; added cartridge name.[/code]

RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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