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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 10:38:07
#81 ]
Team Member
Joined: 4-May-2004
Posts: 2524
From: Uddevalla, Sweden


A tutorial on Snoopy might come in handy. Especially about what all the output means and how it is to be interpreted.

Yes, that would perhaps be good, but most developers recieving a Snoopy log would understand it anyway. So it would definately help a lot in many cases.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 10:38:28
#82 ]
Elite Member
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


Snoopy (and SnoopDOS before that) seem to be forgotten these days. Not many bugreports with Snoopy logs attached. Plenty of ho

A tutorial on Snoopy might come in handy. Especially about what all the output means and how it is to be interpreted. A have taken a look at that output and ressembled a monky peeking into a rusty old watch.


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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 10:38:35
#83 ]
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


Wow! Cars are expensive these days
That one reaaly made my day! Gorgeous, man.


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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 10:38:41
#84 ]
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In fact, my A1-XE is still working reliably despite its reputation as being flaky.
I think a big part of the problems encountered are due to the flaky nature of the A1's in general. The later SAM's are less prone to 'strange and unexpected' behaviour.

My µA1 has an annoying habbit to lock up solid during compilation (and use of OWB 3.nn), requiring a reboot. Sometimes twice a day, sometimes 3 times in five minutes, sometimes not at all... Welcome in the wonderous world of flaky hardware.


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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 10:38:53
#85 ]
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


Sometimes, with all OS-es about, it just is needed to do a clean, fresh from scratch re-install. That's computing.
This may be true with mainstreet OS-es, only one springs to mind however, but as we are dealing here with Amiga we should be exempted from such behaviour. Keeping your bootpartition(s) religiously clean from any 3rd parties stuff, and with any I really mean *ANY*, is a tremendous help in achieving this. Another one is to replace prefs and settingsfiles with softlinks. Now you can Lock your OS-partion(s) and NEVER, EVER allow any modification ((((unless you know what you are doing and what is going on)))). This surely helps in keeping your sanity (or what is left of it).


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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 10:38:58
#86 ]
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


Sorry to hear from the troubles you experience with OS_4.1.

Have you noticed in the threads around here that those guys with absolutely clean OS-partitions experience the least problems, if any at all? Believe it or not, it is the key to a fine experience. If I had time and you living not to far off, I would gladly drop by and help you out.

Maybe it is now the right time to set the whole thing up clean and proper once and for all.


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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 11:00:04
#87 ]
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If I had time and you living not to far off, I would gladly drop by and help you out.

Are you really sure about this....have you seen the guys avatar

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 11:23:46
#88 ]
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Windows in particular needs re-installation on a rather regular base. I've used OSX and Linux as well and hat to do re-installations as well just to cure behavior I couldn't repair otherwise (read: lack of knowledge to get it done ).

Now I know on the Amiga the need for re-installation is not a necessity to get rid of weird behavior but the whole system can grow rather wild over the years. I've been guilty at that as well. I, for one, am an enormous fan of assigns. It let me pick the libraries from all over the system... allowing different versions to co-exist: a guarantee for disaster.

I don't know how Metalheart is manning his Amiga installation, I doubt it that he's misbehaving as I was. But when a systems starts behaving in ways you would not expect and repairing seems to be an even bigger hair-puller.... a clean installation should surly be on the list of actions to do. Probably not at the top but it should be there.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 11:35:36
#89 ]
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From: Stad; en d'r is moar ain stad en da's Stad. Makkelk zat!


Are you really sure about this....have you seen the guys avatar

Yes, more or less.
You see, nature is very well organised, as when you come of an age your eyesight deminishes, you're less tempted to be impressed by what the eye beholds you. It is not that strange that now that all kinds of aids are available for those becoming hindred by bad eyesight, the number of divorces rise to extreme levels (mine included).
Thank god women took to use electric razors of late and started practicing the use of it.


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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 11:41:06
#90 ]
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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Flash is not even supported on any Apple mobile devices such as the iPad or iPhone and that was a conscious design decision by Steve Jobs himself.

So if people can show off their Apple hardware to me, I'm not going to claim it is rubbish because their is no Flash support ...


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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 11:47:29
#91 ]
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From: Lisbon, Portugal


I can understand you point, because...that's what I'm going through since I was FORCED to use a Windows machine (A1 died, big thread elsewhere)!
Every day I use it is plagued by bad user experience. Nothing seems to work as you want it to, you're always restricted in what you can do.
Yes, the programs work. I love playing FootballManager and browsing the web without having to hand pick sites that work. But the fun stops there. For everything else, it's absolutely crap. It's unbelievable, given how many crap they put into it, that the damn OS even starts up.
I really can't see myself using it for the rest of my life. It's poor to the extreme.

So, if you want, I'm more than willing to swap with you! ;)))))

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 11:47:43
#92 ]
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Joined: 4-May-2004
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From: Uddevalla, Sweden


So if people can show off their Apple hardware to me, I'm not going to claim it is rubbish because their is no Flash support ...

I don't see kas1e saying anything was rubbish, just that there are things missing that the X1000 will not solve in itself.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 11:52:35
#93 ]
Elite Member
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From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....

I'm still going to reinstall everything.

I cant bring myself to it right now, cause its still a rather timeconsuming job, and I've to go hunting for those dependencies again.......

Preferences, tweaks, icons, tooltypes, and all that shhit... all have to be done again. I canjust copy most of them, but at the risc of copying some issues with them........

Also its finally nice weather outside.

Theres a time to live and a time to die
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Theres a time to live but isnt it strange
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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 11:53:55
#94 ]
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From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....


Nah, i've got my own Windows machine overhere....

Theres a time to live and a time to die
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Theres a time to live but isnt it strange
That as soon as you're born you're dying

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 11:55:57
#95 ]
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Its not rubbish to say that any amiga like OS not have : flash, java, modern word processors and normal browser (till maybe now, and still, our port to os4 of muiowb not as it should be, no mediaplayer, no plugins). The truth can't be rubbish, its just truth.

Apple also not have normal flash support of course, and as any opensource OS, where is no official support from Adobe, but flash was as example of some main-stream technologies, which can suck (flash suck pretty much of course and should die), but still, widely used.. I not saying about printing, MP, resource tracking and all the other problems which our oses have , and os4 will have it even on x1000 of course (and that was main point about).

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 12:17:35
#96 ]
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Metalheart wrote:
I'm still going to reinstall everything.

I cant bring myself to it right now, cause its still a rather timeconsuming job, and I've to go hunting for those dependencies again.......

Preferences, tweaks, icons, tooltypes, and all that shhit... all have to be done again. I canjust copy most of them, but at the risc of copying some issues with them........

Also its finally nice weather outside.

maybe this can help you after you do the reinstall. just ask ChrisH directly.


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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 12:35:58
#97 ]
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OldFart wrote:
[quote] Now you can Lock your OS-partion(s) and NEVER, EVER allow any modification ((((unless you know what you are doing and what is going on)))). This surely helps in keeping your sanity (or what is left of it).


Now that is great advise.

Of course I will not heed it.

Sanity is over-rated.

Last edited by Mechanic on 03-Sep-2011 at 12:36 PM.

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 12:42:23
#98 ]
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You have said exactly what I was thinking with regards ferrels posts more elequantly than I woud have put.

(Mine would have contained more swears!!).

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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 12:42:55
#99 ]
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From: Somewhere in the Dutch mountains....



Have you also seen this ?

It seems as this thread of mine might be more usefull then I meant it to be (just wanted to vent my frustration)

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When its time to meet the maker
Theres a time to live but isnt it strange
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Re: Sick of it..... Realy !
Posted on 3-Sep-2011 13:19:49
#100 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Off-topic. Looking at possible website issue here. Perhaps you can clear this up:

I'm seeing from you duplicate posts of #76 and #86.
Also #77 and #85.
Also #78 and #84.
Also #79 and #83.
Also #80 and #82.

Something you did or not?


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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