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announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 15:03:41
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jan-2008
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From: Unknown

there are sources on amiga-news:
reporting there is beyond 500 interested at the moment. no mention about what this assumption is based on though.

troll away:P

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 15:13:54
#2 ]
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Joined: 19-Jun-2004
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From: Sweden


You count all the interested emails and you probably come to this number. However that doesnt mean everyone will buy it.

About the trolls... its always in the os4 threads so nothing more then normal these days

Last edited by Kicko on 11-Jun-2012 at 03:14 PM.

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 15:20:46
#3 ]
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales


I'd like the X1000 to be a success as much as anybody, but even I think that 500 may be a slightly optimistic number. :)

Didn't they run a webpage which had a "register your interest here" button but didn't say the price? That's quite normal (say the price after people say they're interested) but that may be where the amount comes from.

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 17:12:52
#4 ]
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From: UK


Not interested in sending an email to register interest. Either A-Eon takes a punt and builds enough boards to satisfy demand in order to keep them in stock at Amigakit for more than 2 days or we call this what it is; an elitist rich boys club!! This hardware spec is already 2 years after announcement and about 6 months after the 'first contact' soft-launch! When is the final proper release date, or is this party never going to get started? Does this new batch support on-board ethernet/sound chips/graphics? Are we any closer to OS4.2 and dual-core support?

Last edited by BigD on 11-Jun-2012 at 05:13 PM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 19:16:31
#5 ]
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so you're gonna stand outside the queue complaining about the existence of the queue until the queue clears so you can go straight to the counter.

Recipe for missing out if I ever saw one. Either you want one or you don't. Complaining about the delivery system isn't very productive.

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 20:25:43
#6 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada


+ 1, like my old high school cafeteria server used to say everyday at lunch "if you don't wait in line you won't get served"

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 20:54:51
#7 ]
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reporting there is beyond 500 interested at the moment. no mention about what this assumption is based on though.

as much as i want to be negative about that number and saying its way too much but i really can't as i belive that number is reachable demand wise.

If it manages to sell to all who registered , thats a diffrent matter but it would be great if it manages to sell more than all the old AmigaOne's.

That said... the netbook will probably blow the x1k out of the water if it ever gets released....

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 22:14:17
#8 ]
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.



wawa wrote:

there are sources on amiga-news:
reporting there is beyond 500 interested at the moment. no mention about what this assumption is based on though.

troll away:P

"Presumably unintended, the way of sending the e-mail also disclosed that in addition to purchasers of the first batch, there seem to be at least 540 users currently interested in also buying an AmigaOne X1000. "

The quote above from that statement at looks like a mention of what the assumption is based on, don't you think? I don't know if it is accurate, but I would not be surprised if there are over 500 people that registered interest with AmigaKit via an email.

They are not obligated to purchase an X1000 and may change their minds, but I believe it is possible that over 500 showed interest. I just wished that A-Eon and AmigaKit could get the X1000's produced faster and delivered to the buyers who want them more quickly.

I can understand that if the drivers are not yet finished for the sound and Ethernet ports, they would be hesitant, or possibly having difficulties obtaining enough of the sound and Ethernet PCI cards for their X1000 sales, but that is just pure speculation on my part, and perhaps they don't have any trouble getting either of those cards.

Edit: Remember, the first production run of X1000's for sale to the public sold out in about 36 hours, so the demand and interest for these computers is very high from the small number of Amiga enthusiasts that remain from the previous tens of thousands of former Amiga users from the 1980's and 1990's.

Last edited by amigadave on 11-Jun-2012 at 10:31 PM.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 22:28:59
#9 ]
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Joined: 3-Mar-2010
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


where are they getting this number? the email that was sent to me only had (accidentally) around 150 email addresses, not 540.

i would much prefer a straight-forward ordering process; you know, one where the seller lists the prices publicly, and details what is (and is not) supported, and when delivery can be expected, and so forth. this "sign up and we'll let you know arbitrarily in the future if you'll be allowed to place an order and only then see the price list" thing -- coupled with a deposit no less -- for a machine with no specific ship date is rather much. i really want one of these things, and everyone involved are top-notch folks with a passion for the amiga, but the ordering experience is the worst i have experienced for any consumer good, well, ever, really.

meh, i'll be happy when i can get my greedy mitts on one of these boxes. at that point, ordering process, shmordering process.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 22:38:35
#10 ]
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Joined: 11-Aug-2005
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From: UK


I just wished that A-Eon and AmigaKit could get the X1000's produced faster and delivered to the buyers who want them more quickly.

Yes, a sensible comment! Would I like a X1000? Ans: Yes. Is it the be all and end all if I don't get one? Ans: No.

Do I think that this strategy of restricted supply to build up demand is in anyway indicative of a sustainable market in which OS4.x can grow and thrive as an independent OS? Ans: Hell no!

This is the safest way for A-EON to continue but it in no way will build the Amiga platform to a self sustaining position. We'll be waiting for the next Trevor Dickinson to usher in the next 'Next-Gen' hardware if we ever survive that long. The aim should be to get at least 5,000 machines made and sold in this generation and 10,000 in the next iteration (different CPU, upgraded graphics board, USB3.0 etc). I see no such striving and the vague hint that a netbook is on the horizon somewhere is not really concrete enough.

I'd feel a lot safer about making an investment of £1800+ if AmigaKit were being kept well stocked and that units were flying off the shelves as quick as they were restocking. This queue system gives the illusion that there is more demand than there actually is while keeping the machine out of the hands of most users!

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 22:45:24
#11 ]
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Joined: 18-Jul-2005
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.



eliyahu wrote:

where are they getting this number? the email that was sent to me only had (accidentally) around 150 email addresses, not 540.

i would much prefer a straight-forward ordering process; you know, one where the seller lists the prices publicly, and details what is (and is not) supported, and when delivery can be expected, and so forth. this "sign up and we'll let you know arbitrarily in the future if you'll be allowed to place an order and only then see the price list" thing -- coupled with a deposit no less -- for a machine with no specific ship date is rather much. i really want one of these things, and everyone involved are top-notch folks with a passion for the amiga, but the ordering experience is the worst i have experienced for any consumer good, well, ever, really.

meh, i'll be happy when i can get my greedy mitts on one of these boxes. at that point, ordering process, shmordering process.

-- eliyahu

I completely understand your feelings of disappointment towards the ordering process and lack of transparency on pricing. I was lucky to get my order in the first round and now have my X1000, which is a great, no, make that THE BEST OS4.x computer you can own at this point in time. Yes, it has some things that still need to be supported, but I have no doubts about that happening in the near future and I trust and respect everyone involved with the X1000 at this time, so I have no fears about its hardware and driver support.

I don't fully understand all of the reasons behind some of the decisions on how it is being marketed (or should I say non-marketed). Of course, you and I do not have all the facts about the circumstances surrounding A-Eon and AmigaKit, so I will not judge them harshly, but I do wish things were different.

Good luck in getting your own X1000 to everyone who wants one. It is a great OS4.x computer and will only get better with each new update to the firmware and with each new release of OS4.x.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 22:47:37
#12 ]
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Remember, the first production run of X1000's for sale to the public sold out in about 36 hours, so the demand and interest for these computers is very high from the small number of Amiga enthusiasts that remain from the previous tens of thousands of former Amiga users from the 1980's and 1990's.

Either that, or really small production runs. My guess is, it's a mixture of both.

Also, it's quite natural to create small batches at first - if there's some bug not really fixable in software (as was in Articia S), that means there will be less boards to fix.

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 23:01:38
#13 ]
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.


The approx. 100 beta testers of the X1000 fulfilled the long beta testing period and resulted in a very minor hardware change before the final boards went into production, so I no longer think that the size of the production runs is limited due to any fear that further hardware bugs will be found, which would cause a hardware fix to be needed on all boards previously produced.

I have no idea how many full computers have been produced and sold in the first public production run, or how many will be in the next production run for the public, but if I had to guess, I would say the number is probably 100 boards and complete systems from each new production run. I wish the powers behind this effort would release such information, as I don't think it could hurt them in any way and by releasing information to the Amiga community, they earn more trust every time the level of openess is increased. Conversly, they create distrust and suspicion, along with tons of speculation every time they withhold information. I just don't understand the lack of open communication, except for the fact that in this community, there are several trolls who try to make the lives of the people who are really trying to make things happen miserable, but that is unavoidable in all endeavors, it is just more noticable in small niche communities where the voices of a few lunatics gets noticed more because the number of people expressing themselves is not large enough to drown out the negative few.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 23:11:04
#14 ]
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my personal guess is that the sales are simply too small to be announced (or at least they seem to think so). I do not understand that because we all know how small the camps are so being honest would not do any harm.

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 23:34:16
#15 ]
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While Im interested in OS4 the price of buying in is just too much for me to stomach, especially given the availability of other very similar products for substantially less money. This isnt a dig, just laying my cards on the table before I offer my opinion that the "secrecy" behind the X1000 is doing the people involved no favors. The few times I gave buying 1 any sort of serious thought ended up with me deciding it was too much money for me to invest in something that seems to be intentionally (for whatever reason) keeping people in the dark. I cant believe it has anything to do with trolls in the community (seriously, if products were tackled this way based on what someone who's not a customer *might* say then there'd be no products anywhere of any description), so what exactly is the issue?

More or less rhetorical, but it does seem mighty curious.

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 23:38:38
#16 ]
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where are they getting this number? the email that was sent to me only had (accidentally) around 150 email addresses, not 540.

this has been confirmed in a comment over at

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 23:43:54
#17 ]
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No AmigaOS 4.2 yet.

So only marketed as First Contact to hardcore Amigans at the moment.


fishy_fis wrote:

so what exactly is the issue?

More or less rhetorical, but it does seem mighty curious.

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 11-Jun-2012 23:44:32
#18 ]
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my personal guess is that the sales are simply too small to be announced (or at least they seem to think so). I do not understand that because we all know how small the camps are so being honest would not do any harm.

if revealed actual numbers wouldnt match the previous statements it might do some harm. in that case it would be better to hold them back.

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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 12-Jun-2012 0:20:28
#19 ]
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From: Satellite Beach, FL USA


It would be great to see another 500 X1000s sold!


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Re: announcement of the new batch of x1k on amigakit
Posted on 12-Jun-2012 0:47:14
#20 ]
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Joined: 14-May-2003
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From: Lake Charles, USA

Well I got the email. I have no idea where I am on the list, but I'm standing by with the cash.

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